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480 lines (375 loc) · 12.4 KB


How it works

Building charts from queries is easier than ever.

Clients have a #draw method with accepts a query, a DOM selector, and a configuration object as arguments. You can call this directly on the client, which will execute a request and visualize its response, like so:

client.draw(query, selector, config);

Charts can also be instantiated with the Keen.Visualization class. Just be sure to include the library (default is google) and chartType properties with the chart configuration., function(response){
  var newData = response;
  response.result = response.result / 100; = newData;

  // Pass in raw data, or reference to "this" (request instance)
  var myChart = new Keen.Visualization(this, document.getElementById("chart-wrapper"), {
    library: "google",
    chartType: "columnchart",
    title: "Custom chart title"

Example usage

var count = new Keen.Query("count", {
  eventCollection: "pageviews",
  groupBy: ""
  interval: "daily",
  timeframe: "this_21_days"
var chart = client.draw(count, document.getElementById("chart-wrapper"), {
  title: "Custom chart title",
  chartType: "columnchart"

// or

var chart;
var req =, function(){
  if (chart) chart.remove();
  // Pass in raw data, or reference to "this" (request instance)
  chart = new Keen.Visualization(this, document.getElementById("chart-wrapper"), {
    title: "Custom chart title",
    chartType: "columnchart"

DOM Selector

The first argument for the #draw method is a reference to the DOM element where your chart will appear. This should be a block level element, like a <div> tag, referenced by its ID attribute:



Configuration options and their defaults:

  colors: [ "#ff0000", "#222", "lightblue" ], //
  title: "",		// string or null
  height: 400,		// integer
  width: 600,		// integer or "auto"
  labelMapping: {},	// read below
  colorMapping: {},	// read below
  chartOptions: {
  	// pass directly through to underying vizz library

Customized Labels

labelMapping: object or array that replaces incoming labels with desired values.

Selective replacement:

labelMapping: {
  "": "Home",
  "": "Gallery"

Total replacement:

  labelMapping: [
    "Step 1",
    "Step 2 (75%)",
    "Step 3 (50%)",
    "Step 4 (12%)"

Customized Colors

colorMapping: object that corresponds labels (key) with desired colors (value).

colorMapping: {
  "Home": "#ff0000",
  "Gallery": "purple"

Customized Chart Instance

chartOptions: config object passed to the underlying visualization library (Google Charts).

chartOptions: {
  isStacked: true,
  legend: { position: "none" },
  bar: {
    groupWidth: "90%"

Selective Chart types

chartType: string identifying the type of chart to render:

Chart Type Examples

Area, bar, column and line charts all operate on the same underlying query/response type: numeric values on an interval. So, the demos for these chart types will all utilize the following query, but will specify their own respective chartType property.

var total_pageviews = new Keen.Query("count", {
  eventCollection: "pageviews",
  groupBy: "channel",
  timeframe: "this_3_days",
  interval: "daily"

Area Chart

Area chart

client.draw(total_pageviews, document.getElementById("total-daily-revenue-areachart"), {
  chartType: "areachart",
  title: "Daily revenue (7 days)",
  chartOptions: {
    isStacked: true
<div id="total-daily-revenue-areachart"></div>

Find additional configuration options for area charts here.

Bar Chart

Bar chart

client.draw(total_pageviews, document.getElementById("total-daily-revenue-barchart"), {
  chartType: "barchart",
  title: "Daily revenue (7 days)",
  chartOptions: {
    isStacked: true
<div id="total-daily-revenue-barchart"></div>

Find additional configuration options for bar charts here.

Column Chart

Column chart

client.draw(total_pageviews, document.getElementById("total-daily-revenue-columnchart"), {
  chartType: "columnchart",
  title: "Daily revenue (7 days)",
  chartOptions: {
    isStacked: true
<div id="total-daily-revenue-columnchart"></div>

Find additional configuration options for column charts here.

Line Chart

Line chart

client.draw(total_pageviews, document.getElementById("total-daily-revenue-linechart"), {
  chartType: "linechart",
  title: "Daily revenue (7 days)"
<div id="total-daily-revenue-linechart"></div>

Find additional configuration options for line charts here.



Visualize single numeric query responses, such as a count, sum, average, etc.

var count = new Keen.Query("count", {
  eventCollection: "pageviews"
client.draw(count, document.getElementById("count-pageviews-metric"), {
  chartType: "metric",
  title: "Page Views",
  colors: ["#49c5b1"]
<div id="count-pageviews-metric"></div>

Additional options

  • chartOptions.prefix: string to prepend to the beginning of the result value
  • chartOptions.suffix: string to append to the end of the result value

Pie Chart

Pie chart

Pie charts can render groupBy queries that do not include an interval.

var visitor_origins = new Keen.Query("count", {
  eventCollection: "pageviews",
  groupBy: "referrer"
client.draw(visitor_origins, document.getElementById("count-pageviews-piechart"), {
  chartType: "piechart",
  title: "Visitor Referrers"
<div id="count-pageviews-piechart"></div>


Tables can render any query response, including extractions.

var all = new Keen.Query("extraction", {
  eventCollection: "pageviews",
  timeframe: "this_7_days"
client.draw(all, document.getElementById("extract-pageviews-table"), {
  chartType: "table",
  title: "All page view data"
<div id="extract-pageviews-table"></div>

Find additional configuration options for tables here.


Funnels are a fancy analysis type that allow you to see what percentage of users (or devices) complete various steps.

Funnel as a bar chart

var watch_activation_funnel = new Keen.Query("funnel", {
  steps: [
       event_collection: "purchases",
       actor_property: "",
       filters: [
            "property_name" : "product",
            "operator" : "eq",
            "property_value" : "telekinetic watch"
       timeframe: "last_7_days"
      event_collection: "activations", // how many activated the device?
      actor_property: "",
      optional: true
      event_collection: "sessions", // how many had a session?
      actor_property: "",
      optional: true
      event_collection: "sessions",
      actor_property: "",
      filters: [
            "property_name" : "lifetime_session_count",
            "operator" : "gt",
            "property_value" : 1 // how many had more than 1 session
       optional: true
      event_collection: "send_invitations",
      actor_property: ""

client.draw(watch_activation_funnel, document.getElementById("chart-05"), {
  library: "google",
  chartType: "barchart", // or "columnchart"
  height: 340,
  title: null,
  colors: ["#79CDCD"],
  labelMapping: [ "Purchased Device", "Activated Device", "First Session", "Second Session", "Invited Friend" ],
  chartOptions: {
    chartArea: { height: "85%", left: "20%", top: "5%" },
    legend: { position: "none" }

Pass in your own data to charts

To display a modified query result or data from another source into a visualization, pass a result object and a div to Keen.Visualization. The Keen IO API docs describe what the results look like for all the different query types (counts, series, funnels, etc).

Here's an example that takes a hard-coded value "1896" and draws it as a number.

  window.chart = new Keen.Visualization({result: 1896}, document.getElementById('my-div'), {
    chartType: 'metric',
    title: "Wow!",
    width: 400,
    colors: ['#6ab975']

Combine results of two queries

Here's an example that runs two queries, divides them, and then outputs the results:

  var sessions_count = new Keen.Query("count_unique", {
    eventCollection: "screen_view", // Use this collection because there is at least 1 screenview per session
    targetProperty: "",
    timeframe: "last_7_days"

  var paid_sessions_count = new Keen.Query("count_unique", { // Find number of sessions with payments
    eventCollection: "payment",
    targetProperty: "",
    timeframe: "last_7_days"

  var mashup =[sessions_count, paid_sessions_count], function(res){  // Send query to Keen IO
    // divide paid sessions by sessions to get conversion rate
    var conversion_rate = ([1].result/[0].result).toFixed(2)*100

    window.chart = new Keen.Visualization({result: conversion_rate}, document.getElementById('paid-session-conversion'), {
      chartType: 'metric',
      title: "Conversion %",
      width: 400,
      colors: ['#6ab975']

Combine two line charts

Here's an example that takes the data from two different line charts and plots them both onto the same graph.

combined line chart

// use a variable to ensure timeframe & interval for both queries match
var interval = "daily"
var timeframe = "last_30_days"

var pageviews = new Keen.Query("count", { // first query
	eventCollection: "pageviews",
	interval: interval,
	timeframe: timeframe

var uniqueVisitors = new Keen.Query("count_unique", { // second query
	eventCollection: "pageviews",
	targetProperty: "uuid",
	interval: interval,
	timeframe: timeframe
});[pageviews, uniqueVisitors], function(response){ // run the queries

	var result1 = response[0].result  // data from first query
	var result2 = response[1].result  // data from second query
	var data = []  // place for combined results
	var i=0

	while (i < result1.length) {

		data[i]={ // format the data so it can be charted
			timeframe: result1[i]["timeframe"],
			value: [
				{ category: "Pageviews", result: result1[i]["value"] },
				{ category: "Visitors", result: result2[i]["value"] }
		if (i == result1.length-1) { // chart the data
			window.chart = new Keen.Visualization({result: data}, document.getElementById('pageviews'), {
				chartType: "linechart",
				title: " ",
				chartOptions: {
					hAxis: {
						format:'MMM d',
						gridlines:  {count: 12}

Automatic updates

Visualizations are bound to their underlying queries. Modify and re-run a query request, and the visualization will automagically update when the new data arrives.

count.set({ interval: "weekly", timeframe: "this_48_weeks" });