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RFC 8: Cross-chain Tokenized Threshold BTC

1. Goal

The goal of this proposal is to enable efficient cross-chain tBTC liquidity.

In the Ethereum ecosystem, that means bringing Bitcoin to L2s and sidechains like Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Avalanche, and Binance Smart Chain. In the Cosmos ecosystem, that means Bitcoin on IBC-enabled zones (chains) like Osmosis and Penumbra. And in newer ecosystems, that means chains like Solana, Aptos, and Sui.

Efficiency requires minimizing liquidity fragmentation by avoiding the need for tBTC wrapper tokens by each chain and bridge. This situation quickly leads to an n*m problem, where liquidity on n chains is divided between m bridges. Each of these token variants soaks up valuable liquidity that could be better utilized elsewhere.

Because tBTC is minted "centrally" on Ethereum L1, we can do better. By deploying a canonical token on each chain, we can ensure the supply of tBTC remains sacrosanct, while enabling quick, interoperable cross-chain bridges and localizing ecosystem risk.

2. Overview

To achieve this goal, I propose we deploy a canonical tBTC contract on each chain we support. This contract should be flexible enough to:

  • Delegate restricted minting authority to a native bridge on the chain, if present.

  • Delegate restricted minting authority to a short list of ecosystem bridges

  • Be paused by any one of n guardians, allowing avoidance of contagion in case of a chain- or bridge-specific incident.

  • Be governed by the Threshold Council until we can land on a longer-term cross-chain governance mechanism.

3. Initial implementation

The goal of the initial implementation is to bring Bitcoin to the following L2s and sidechains:

  • Arbitrum,

  • Polygon,

  • Optimism.

The cross-bridge architecture and patterns we are going to choose should allow us to scale to other L2s, sidechains, and chains quickly.

3.1. Minting on L1

Rather than change our L1 implementation to be aware of L2s and sidechains, we’ll start as simply as possible. Every tBTC mint will continue to require transactions on Ethereum from the user — first a deposit reveal, then a lock to bridge to another network.

3.2. Canonical token

The canonical token we are going to deploy will be different from the L1 token deployed at 0x18084fbA666a33d37592fA2633fD49a74DD93a88. The L2/sidechain token will be upgradeable, owned by Threshold Council, will delegate the minting authority to multiple parties, and have a pause functionality for mints and burns.

Given those requirements, the address of the canonical tBTC token on L2s and sidechains will be different from the one deployed on L1.

A generic implementation of the token will be provided in the solidity smart contracts directory.

3.3. Supporting native bridges

A number of relevant chains include "native" bridges — canonical bridges for the chain that require interoperability. These bridges are both the most important and the trickiest to support.

Each native bridge has its own way mechanism to manage an Ethereum-to-chain token contract mapping, sometimes called a token registry.

Examples of chains with native bridges include:

  • Arbitrum,

  • Polygon,

  • Optimism.

3.3.1. Arbitrum native bridge

Since our tBTC L2 token is upgradeable and will allow multiple minting authorities, the Arbitrum Standard ERC20 Gateway is not sufficient.

Given our tBTC L1 token does not conform to ICustomToken interface, we can not use Arbitrum Generic Custom Gateway.

The only option is to implement our custom gateway that will have a minting authority for Arbitrum L2 tBTC token.

One working example of a custom gateway is the DAI gateway:

Another working example of a custom gateway is the Livepeer gateway:

This is out of the scope of the initial implementation.

See Arbitrum documentation for token bridging for more information.

3.3.2. Polygon native bridge

For similar reasons as for Arbitrum, we have to implement our custom FxTunnel implementation. The child tunnel implementation on the Polygon sidechain will have a minting authority for the Polygon tBTC token.

This is out of the scope of the initial implementation.

See Polygon FxPortal documentation for more information.

3.3.3. Optimism native bridge

The Optimism Standard Bridge creates L2 token with a call to OptimismMintableERC20Factory. The created token does not have the capabilities we expect from tBTC canonical tokens on L2. For this reason, using the Optimism Standard Bridge is not an option and we must implement our own L2 minter contract with an authority to mint Optimism tBTC. Note that going back from L2 to L1 will take at least one week given the one-week Optimism challenge period.

This is out of the scope of the initial implementation.

3.4. Supporting cross-ecosystem bridges

Selected cross-ecosystem bridges will be given minting authority for tBTC token on L2 and sidechains.

Usually, the process of bridging from L1 to L2 (or sidechain) looks as follows on a high level:

  • There is a tBTC holder on L1. The holder goes to the Bridge dApp and selects the chain they want to bridge to.

  • The holder submits one transaction to L1 locking their tBTC tokens in the bridge’s smart contract. After the transaction is mined, they wait about 15 minutes for the Ethereum block finality.

  • The holder submits one transaction to L2 that is minting tokens. After that transaction is mined, they have their tBTC on L2.

Usually, the process of bridging from L2 (or sidechain) to L1 looks as follows on a high level:

  • There is a tBTC holder on L2. That holder goes to the Bridge dApp and selects one of the L2 chains they want to bridge from.

  • The holder submits one transaction to L2 that is burning the token. After the transaction is mined, they wait about 15 minutes for the L2 block finality.

  • The holder submits one transaction to L1 unlocking their tBTC tokens from the bridge’s smart contract. After that transaction is mined, they have their tBTC on L1.

What is not immediately obvious is that the token received on L2 may not be the canonical token on that L2.

To fully use the capabilities of cross-ecosystem bridges and make the user experience seamless, we will implement a gateway contract having the authority to wrap bridge-specific tokens into tBTC tokens in a 1:1 ratio. This contract will have a minting authority for tBTC on L2. This way, no liquid market has to exist on any target chain for users to be able to cross the Wormhole bridge into the canonical tBTC.

The requirement for a seamless user experience is that the development team of the given cross-ecosystem bridge has to integrate the step of wrapping the token using the gateway contract into the bridging flow, in the same transaction as the L2 confirmation.

3.4.1. Example

For example, when I crossed the bridge with ETH using Wormhole, I received WETH token at address 0xd8369c2eda18dd6518eabb1f85bd60606deb39ec. This is not the canonical WETH on Arbitrum. The canonical WETH on Arbitrum is 0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1. When I crossed the bridge with USDC I received USDC token at 0xc96f2715e2a242d50d1b0bc923dbe1740b8ecf18 which is not the canonical USDC on Arbitrum. The canonical USDC on Arbitrum is 0xff970a61a04b1ca14834a43f5de4533ebddb5cc8.

Wormhole cannot magically mint all tokens on Arbitrum or other L2s. Wormhole mints its own token representing the bridged asset that may be swapped to the canonical representation on the given L2 assuming there is a market for such a swap. The overview of liquid markets on each target chain is available in the Wormhole documentation. Not every chain and token pair has a market.

3.5. Multisig governance

The Governance in the initial implementation should be based on Gnosis Safe 6-of-9 Threshold Council Multisig. Since the Gnosis Safe for Threshold Council was deployed using Safe Proxy factory v1.3.0, it should be possible to replay the same transaction creating Gnosis Safe with the same address on the supported L2s and sidechains.

The Governance will be able to add and remove minters to L2/sidechain tBTC canonical contract.

3.6. Code organization

The code that exists in the solidity directory should contain components specific to L1 and generic L2 components that will be reused between EVM L2 and sidechain implementations. The code specific to individual chains should be placed in a chain-specific directory, in a separate NPM project: cross-chain/{$chainName}.

For example:

  • cross-chain/arbitrum,

  • cross-chain/polygon,

  • cross-chain/optimism.

Each cross-chain project should contain L1 and L2 contracts specific to that individual subchain. This separation will allow us to abstract out the complexity of deployment and avoid redeploying all L1 testnet contracts in case a single change in one of L2 contracts is needed.

This organization of the code will also allow us to not add subchain-specific dependencies to the L1 project and to deploy NPM packages separately:

  • @keep-network/tbtc-v2-arbitrum,

  • @keep-network/tbtc-v2-polygon,

  • @keep-network/tbtc-v2-optimism.

Every chain requires its own network and compiler configuration. The @keep-network/tbtc-v2 package is quite heavy and there is no straightforward way to distinguish on which chain the given contract was deployed if we do not separate NPM packages.

Each project should have its own CI process that may incorporate jobs specific to that chain if needed.

The CI processes of cross-chain projects should include Goerli deployment jobs. Note that the separation of the code does not mean the deployment is fully separated between chains. Both L1 and L2 contracts need to be deployed from the given cross-chain module. L1 contracts may require addresses of contracts from L2 and L2 contract addresses may require addresses of contracts from L1.

├── solidity
│   ├── (...)
│   └── l2
│       └── L2TBTC.sol
└── cross-chain
    ├── arbitrum
    │   ├── package.json
    │   └── solidity
    │      ├── L1ArbitrumGateway.sol
    │      ├── L2ArbitrumGateway.sol
    │      └── ArbitrumTBTC.sol
    ├── optimism
    │   ├── package.json
    │   └── solidity
    │      ├── L1OptimismGateway.sol
    │      ├── L2OptimismGateway.sol
    │      └── OptimismTBTC.sol
    └── polygon
        ├── package.json
        └── solidity
           ├── L1PolygonGateway.sol
           ├── L2PolygonGateway.sol
           └── PolygonTBTC.sol

L2TBTC.sol is an abstract contract doing all the heavy lifting: upgradeability, authorization of minters, and minting pause. This generic contract is inherited by L2-specific tokens: ArbitrumTBTC, OptimismTBTC, and PolygonTBTC.

Each cross-chain module has its own package.json so it’s an independent project with a separate NPM package deployment job and CI jobs.

Both L1 and L2 contracts specific to the given chain are placed next to each other. For example, ArbitrumL1Gateway deployed on L1 Ethereum, and ArbitrumL2Gateway deployed on L2 Arbitrum. It means the deployment job of the given cross-chain module must be able to work both with L1 and L2 and to wire up contracts together.

3.7. Smart contracts

3.7.1. Initial implementation

The initial implementation uses the Wormhole bridge to bring tBTC to Arbitrum, Optimism, and Polygon.

                                         |                                Arbitrum                             |
                                         |                                                                     |
                                         |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------+  |
                                   +-----|--| Wormhole TokenBridge |--| L2WormholeGateway |--| ArbitrumTBTC |  |
                                   |     |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------+  |
                                   |     |                                                                     |
                                   |     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+----------------------------+     |     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|          Ethereum          |     |     |                                Polygon                              |
|                            |     |     |                                                                     |
|  +----------------------+  |     |     |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+  +-------------+   |
|  | Wormhole TokenBridge |--|-----|-----|--| Wormhole TokenBridge |--| L2WormholeGateway |--| PolygonTBTC |   |
|  +----------------------+  |     |     |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+  +-------------+   |
|                            |     |     |                                                                     |
+----------------------------+     |     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
                                   |     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
                                   |     |                                Optimism                             |
                                   |     |                                                                     |
                                   |     |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------+  |
                                   +-----|--| Wormhole TokenBridge |--| L2WormholeGateway |--| OptimismTBTC |  |
                                         |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------+  |
                                         |                                                                     |

Smart contracts involved:

  • Wormhole TokenBridge on Ethereum is the contract deployed at 0x3ee18b2214aff97000d974cf647e7c347e8fa585.

  • Wormhole TokenBridge on Arbitrum is the contract deployed at 0x0b2402144Bb366A632D14B83F244D2e0e21bD39c.

  • Wormhole TokenBridge on Polygon is the contract deployed at 0x5a58505a96D1dbf8dF91cB21B54419FC36e93fdE.

  • Wormhole TokenBridge on Optimism is the contract deployed at 0x1d68124e65fafc907325e3edbf8c4d84499daa8b.

  • L2WormholeGateway on each chain is a smart contract wrapping and unwrapping Wormhole-specific tBTC representation into the canonical tBTC token on the given chain. This contract needs to be implemented and deployed behind an upgradeable proxy.

  • ArbitrumTBTC, PolygonTBTC, and OptimismTBTC are token contracts with a minting authority delegated to L2WormholeGateway. This is the canonical tBTC token on the given chain. This contract needs to be implemented.

The full list of Wormhole deployed contracts is available here.

3.7.2. Extended implementation

The extended implementation adds support for native L2/sidechain bridges and other cross-ecosystem bridges. Each L1 and L2 gateway needs to be implemented separately given the specific requirements of cross-chain communication of the given L2/sidechain. Multiple contracts have a minting authority for each L2/sidechain tBTC canonical token: cross-ecosystem gateways and the native bridge gateway.

+----------------------------+             +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|          Ethereum          |             |                                Arbitrum                             |
|                            |             |                                                                     |
|  +-------------------+     |             |  +-------------------+                                              |
|  | L1ArbitrumGateway |-----|-------------|--| L2ArbitrumGateway |-----------------------------------+          |
|  +-------------------+     |             |  +-------------------+                                   |          |
|                            |             |                                                          |          |
|                            |             |  +---------------------+  +------------------+  +--------------+    |
|                            |         +---|--| Another TokenBridge |--| L2AnotherGateway |--| ArbitrumTBTC |    |
|                            |         |   |  +---------------------+  +------------------+  +--------------+    |
|                            |         |   |                                                          |          |
|                            |         |   |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+         |          |
|                            |     +-------|--| Wormhole TokenBridge |--| L2WormholeGateway |---------+          |
|                            |     |   |   |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+                    |
|                            |     |   |   |                                                                     |
|                            |     |   |   +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                            |     |   |
|                            |     |   |   +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                            |     |   |   |                                Polygon                              |
|  +------------------+      |     |   |   |  +------------------+                                               |
|  | L1PolygonGateway |------|-------------|--| L2PolygonGateway |------------------------------------+          |
|  +------------------+      |     |   |   |  +------------------+                                    |          |
|                            |     |   |   |                                                          |          |
|  +---------------------+   |     |   |   |  +---------------------+   +------------------+  +-------------+    |
|  | Another TokenBridge |---|---------+---|--| Another TokenBridge |---| L2AnotherGateway |--| PolygonTBTC |    |
|  +---------------------+   |     |   |   |  +---------------------+   +------------------+  +-------------+    |
|  +----------------------+  |     |   |   |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+         |          |
|  | Wormhole TokenBridge |--|-----+-------|--| Wormhole TokenBridge |--| L2WormholeGateway |---------+          |
|  +----------------------+  |     |   |   |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+                    |
|                            |     |   |   |                                                                     |
|                            |     |   |   +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                            |     |   |
|                            |     |   |  +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                            |     |   |  |                                Optimism                             |
|                            |     |   |  |                                                                     |
|                            |     |   |  |  +---------------------+   +------------------+                     |
|                            |     |   +--|--| Another TokenBridge |---| L2AnotherGateway |-----------+         |
|                            |     |      |  +---------------------+   +------------------+           |         |
|                            |     |      |                                                           |         |
|                            |     |      |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------+  |
|                            |     +------|--| Wormhole TokenBridge |--| L2WormholeGateway |--| OptimismTBTC |  |
|                            |            |  +----------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------+  |
|                            |            |                                                           |         |
|  +-------------------+     |            |  +-------------------+                                    |         |
|  | L1OptimismGateway |-----|------------|--| L2OptimismGateway |------------------------------------+         |
|  +-------------------+     |            |  +-------------------+                                              |
|                            |            |                                                                     |
+----------------------------+            +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

4. Future work

4.1. Minting on L2

Canonical tBTC token implementation on each L2/sidechain will allow delegating the minting authority to new contracts. Such a contract could be an L1 vault implementation other than the TBTCVault. In this model, tBTC for the given Bitcoin deposit is minted on L2 directly, without minting it on L1. The L1 Bank balance is locked under the given vault implementation.

The main challenge of the native L2 minting is extending TBTC L1 minting authority to bridges allowing to go from L2 to L1 with tBTC tokens minted on L2.

4.2. Replacing multi-sig governance

It is possible to implement a communication gateway for each L2/sidechain allowing the DAO from L1 to vote on changes that would be reflected on L2/sidechain. This is a potential mechanism to replace Threshold Council ownership of L2/sidechain canonical tBTC token with the Threshold DAO ownership.