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Image Gen

This was created from a half-formed idea I had. As such, it doesn't have a clear use as-is, but should be extendable should I or you get around to that.

Essentially, you can fill in some options and generate an image. The image will then be added to the Media Library. After generating images you can attach them to posts with the attach WP-CLI command.

This image was actually generated:

actual generated image

This one too:

actual generated image

The currently-ugly options screen:

options, yes they're ugly

Generating images with WP-CLI

The WP-CLI integration works really well with [](Post Gen).


  wp image-gen create <title> [--width=<width>] [--height=<height>]
[--lowgrey=<lowgrey>] [--highgrey=<highgrey>] [--alpha=<alpha>]
[--blurintensity=<blurintensity>] [--filename=<filename>] [--text=<text>]
[--linespacing=<linespacing>] [--textsize=<textsize>] [--font=<font>]


    The title for the image, as will appear in the Media Library

    Width for the image in pixels, default 150

    Height for the image in pixels, default 150

    Lower grey value (0-255), default 120

    Higher grey value (0-255), default 150

    Alpha transparancy (0-127), default 0

    How often to apply the blur effect, default 2

    old value

    Text to place on the image, default empty

    Linespacing in pixels, default 10

    Text size in pixels, default 40

    Path to font true type file, default

    Font color. Either RGB as an array or a hexcode string, default array(0,
    80, 80),


    wp image-gen create "CLI Image" --text="Fancy That" --width=400 --fontcolor=c0ffee

    # To generate multiple images
    for ((i=1; i<=10; ++i)); do wp image-gen create "image-landscape"$i --text=image-$i --width=1024 --height=768 --textsize=120; done

Attaching images with WP-CLI

Use the attach subcomand to attach images to posts. By default the images are set as a post thumbnail and will only use unattached images. By using the --insert option the images are inserted between empty lines (\n\n) in the post content. Inserting images is done with a regular expression and can break your post content if you have empty lines inside HTML tags.


  wp image-gen attach <count> [--post-type=<post-type>] [--order=<order>]
[--size=<size>] [--include-attached] [--insert] [--linkto=<linkto>]


    Number of posts to attach an image to. Default 100

    Post type to attach images to. Default 'post'

    Order used to get the posts to attach images to
    Options - DESC, ASC, RAND. Default random order

    Image size, either thumbnail, medium, large, full, random or size set with add_image_size()
    Default none (uses the post thumbnail size set by theme)

    Include already attached images to attach to posts.

    Insert image in the post content instead of adding as a post thumbnail

    Link to file or attachment page (if --insert is used).
    Options - 'file', 'post' or 'none'. Default file

    Aligment of image (if --insert is used)
    Options - 'center', 'left', 'right', 'random'. Default none


    wp image-gen attach 10 --insert --align=random  --size=random