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A wrapper for KaTeX renderToString for inline and displayed math

mathlifier npm version mathlifier.min.js size

Why Mathlifier?

Using KaTeX with dynamic/reactive mathematical content, or with server side rendering, typically mean calling katex.renderToString() many times.

Mathlifier repackages these function calls as math() and display(), along with 3 opinions:

Opinion 1: throwOnError: false

While KaTeX sets throwOnError to true by default, we have opted to set it to false.

Opinion 2: No line break in inline math

By default, we wrap all inputs with braces to prevent line-breaking.

Opinion 3: Displayed math with overflow-x: auto

By default, we place displayed math inside a container styled with overflow-x: auto. We believe this modification makes the output more mobile-friendly.

Installing Mathlifier

npm i mathlifier

Using Mathlified

// import functions
import {math, display} from 'mathlifier'
// example of using these functions
const inlineMath = math('ax^2+bx+c=0');
const displayedMath = display('x=\\frac{-b\\pm\\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}');

Subsequently, attach the HTML string(s) generated to the DOM.

KaTeX Stylesheet

Just like in KaTeX, we will need to add a stylesheet. Refer to the KaTeX Documentation for more details, or add the following into the head element.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-MlJdn/WNKDGXveldHDdyRP1R4CTHr3FeuDNfhsLPYrq2t0UBkUdK2jyTnXPEK1NQ" crossorigin="anonymous">

Custom Mathlified options

We can disable the default behavior (opinions 2 and 3 above) of Mathlified vs regular KaTeX

// example of Mathlified options
const allowBreak =  math('e^{i\\pi} = -1', {wrap: true});
const noContainer = display('\\sum_{r=1}^n = \\frac{n(n+1)}{2}', {overflowAuto: false});

KaTeX options

All KaTeX options are passed along.

// example of KaTeX options
const leftEqn = display('\\begin{equation} A = \\pi r^2', {leqno:true, fleqn: true});


