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6624 lines (5747 loc) · 459 KB


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6624 lines (5747 loc) · 459 KB

( //To run this synth program, click anywhere within the parenthesis above and press "ctrl - enter" or "cmd - return". //A guide to using this instrument is available by clicking on the "i" button in the bottom right corner of the GUI. //Several lines down, where it says "//VARIABLES YOU MAY WISH TO CHANGE", are variables that you can change for various things, //including default synth settings and key codes for keyboard functions.

//You can reboot the interpreter by pressing "Language" in the toolbar above and clicking on "Reboot Interpreter", //or by hightlighting (thisProcess.platform.recompile); and pressing "ctrl - enter" or "cmd - return". Doing this is //beneficial as a restarting or "clean up" method.

//You can compose a piece by using the composing script function in the "//Timewave synth composing script:" section at //the almost very bottom of this file. You can find instructions there.

//You can also change the amount of synths playing at once a few lines below, or in the GUI. The limit at the present is 12.

//This file, and any file that came or is used with it (besides the SuperCollider program, which is under the GPL //as of the time of this writing), is in the public domain. Anyone is able to use or edit them in any way, for any purpose.

//A useful tool for editing this file is found by pressing "Edit" in the above toolbar and clicking "Replace".

/////////This program has been tested to run on SuperCollider version 3.9.1. Feel free to test it and fix any bugs.


s.options.memSize = 2097152/2; MIDIIn.connectAll;

~timewavesynthapp = {

var point, w, view, view2,
vol = 0.02,mute1,mute2,mute3,mute4,mute5,mute6,mute7,mute8,mute9,mute10,mute11,mute12,muteall,unmuteall,


//default number of synths

~number_of_synths_default = 7; //default is 7. limit currently is 12.

if(~number_of_synths == nil, {~number_of_synths = ~number_of_synths_default;});
~number_of_synths_limit = 12; if(~number_of_synths > ~number_of_synths_limit, {~number_of_synths = ~number_of_synths_limit});

//note A tuning frequency in hz

~tuning_frequency = 432; //default 432 hz

~freqmap = (i = ~tuning_frequency / (2 ** (69 / 12)); a = (-1); b = (-1); Array.fill(128, {i * (2 ** (((a=a+1) / 12).trunc)) * ( (2 ** (12.reciprocal)) ** ((b=b+1)  % 12));}));/*~freqmap = (i = 8.0271480262684/*-0.0000000000024*/; ~stepratio = 1.0594630943593; Array.fill(128, { i = i*~stepratio;}));*/

//number of KW(King Wen) sequences in a timewave half-cycle (or amplitude x2)

~synthdefnum = 11; //default 11

//timewave starting base (lowest) frequency

x = 432; y = 432; ~basefreqmap = Array.fill(32, {x=x/1.0835058821738}).reverse++[432]++Array.fill(25, {y=y*1.0835058821738}); //create basefreqmap array

~base_frequency =; //default 8 (63.027950580203). replace "" for custom value.

//starting synthdef setting

if((~kws_setting == nil) or: (~ratio_setting == nil), {

	~kws_setting = 1; //default type of King Wen sequence interpretation

	~ratio_setting = "psine1"; //default ratio setting for synthdef

//volume (amplitude)

~vol_default = 0.0099; //default is 0.0099. For sensitivity reasons, changing this using smaller increments, like 0.001, is recommended. The "if" statement one line below returns any value >= 0.02 to 0.0099.
if(~vol_default >= 0.02, {~vol_default = 0.0099;});
if(~vol == nil, {~vol = ~vol_default}); = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)});

//low-pass filter settings

~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit1 = 1364.0007331375; //default is 1364.0007331375
~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit2 = 4841.89; //default is 4841.89

~default_lpfilter_rq_1 = 1.9277862498129; //default is 1.9277862498129
~default_lpfilter_rq_2 = 14.9714; //default is 14.9714

if(~lpfl == nil, {~lpfl = ~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit1});
if(~lpf_rq == nil, {~lpf_rq = ~default_lpfilter_rq_1});
if(~low_pass_filter_on == nil, {~low_pass_filter_on = 1}); //set starting low-pass filter on/off. 1 means on - switch to 0 for off.
if(~low_pass_filter_freq_limit1 == nil, {~low_pass_filter_freq_limit1 = ~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit1;});
if(~low_pass_filter_freq_limit2 == nil, {~low_pass_filter_freq_limit2 = ~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit2;});
if(~lpfilter_rq_1 == nil, {~lpfilter_rq_1 = ~default_lpfilter_rq_1;});
if(~lpfilter_rq_2 == nil, {~lpfilter_rq_2 = ~default_lpfilter_rq_2;});
~lpfilter_rq_divider1 = 1364.0007331375/1.9277862498129;
~lpfilter_rq_divider2 = 4841.89/14.9714;
if(~low_pass_filter_set_value == nil, {~low_pass_filter_freq_limit = ~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit1;
if(~low_pass_filter_setting == nil, {~low_pass_filter_setting = 0;});
if(~rq_set_value == nil, {~rq_set_value = ~default_lpfilter_rq_1});

//default synth "automation" toggle

if(~sendreplysynthdef_on == nil, {~sendreplysynthdef_on = 0; //switch for mid-timewave sequence events. 0 is off, 1 is on. default is 0
if(~sendreplyfunc_choose == nil, {~sendreplyfunc_choose = 0; //switch for specific mid-timewave sequence events function. default is 0
if(~sendreplyfuncswitch == nil, {~sendreplyfuncswitch = 1; //1 is random western scale note change per timewave half-cycle, 2 is eastern scale. default is 1
if(~sendreply_period == nil, {~sendreply_period = 1; //default is 1. this determines when sendreply triggers for the "automate" function. 1 is in 1 full timewave cycle, 0.5 is in 1/2 timewave cycle, 1.5 is 1 1/2 cycles, 2 is in 2 cycles, etc.

//Key codes for keyboard functions - either unicode or keycode. To find key codes, see below:

~rightarrow_keycode = 65363; //next note change increase
~leftarrow_keycode = 65361; //next note change decrease
~uparrow_keycode = 65362; //change synth up
~downarrow_keycode = 65364; //change synth down

~rightarrow_keycode1 = 114; //next note change increase (old version - may not work)
~leftarrow_keycode1 = 113; //next note change decrease (old version - may not work)
~uparrow_keycode1 = 111; //change synth up (old version - may not work)
~downarrow_keycode1 = 116; //change synth down (old version - may not work)

~enter_unicode = 13; //
~s_unicode = 115; //start synth
~m_unicode = 109; //mute/unmute all synths
~r_unicode = 114; //routine/loop function
~u_unicode = 117; //
~t_unicode = 116; //timer function
~c_unicode = 99; //copy function
~i_unicode = 105; //change synth up
~k_unicode = 107; //change synth down
~j_unicode = 106; //next note change decrease
~l_unicode = 108; //next note change increase
~spacebar_unicode = 32; //pause all synths
~one_unicode = 49; //choose synth 1
~two_unicode = 50; //choose synth 2
~three_unicode = 51; //choose synth 3
~four_unicode = 52; //choose synth 4
~five_unicode = 53; //choose synth 5
~six_unicode = 54; //choose synth 6
~seven_unicode = 55; //choose synth 7
~eight_unicode = 56; //choose synth 8
~nine_unicode = 57; //choose synth 9
~ten_unicode = 48; //choose synth 10
~eleven_unicode = 45; //choose synth 11
~twelve_unicode = 61; //choose synth 12
~escape_unicode = 27; //escape function

//To find key codes in post window... Hightlight the function and its parenthesis (without the /* and */) in red below,
//and press "ctrl - enter" or "cmd - return" - then a small window called "test" will pop up in the taskbar...
//Press the "type" button inside of the window, then press anywhere on the keyboard to find
//the key codes in the right-hand side post window. Layout: [unicode, keycode, modifiers]. It is either a unicode
//or a keycode. Do not permanently delete the /* and */ characters, or else the
//program will not run.


var win = Window(\test, Rect(10, 100, 100, 50)),
btn = Button(win, Rect(5, 5, 90, 40)).states_([["type"]]);
btn.keyDownAction =
{ arg view, char, modifiers, unicode, keycode;
["unicode:"+unicode, "keycode:"+keycode, "modifiers:"+modifiers].postln;


//gui set frequency ranges - currently set at the lowest and highest notes on a 128 key range using 432 hz A tuning
//you can change the tuning near top
//to insert custom ranges, replace "" with a hz frequency

~outmin1 =;       // 8.0271480262684 hz                       //base frequency of upper set
~outmax1 =;     // 12315.783879572 hz                       //high frequency of upper set
~outmin2 =*8;     // (8.0271480262684)*8 hz                   //base frequency of lower set
~outmax2 =;   // (12315.783879572)/8 hz;                  //high frequency of lower set

~outmina = ~outmin2;
~outmaxa = ~outmax2;
~outminb = ~outmin1;
~outmaxb = ~outmax1;

//increase or decrease magnitude of second and third harmonics for synthdefs and synth functions (not recommend changing if uncertain of effects)


~first_harmonic = 1;  //1
~second_harmonic = 2; //2
~third_harmonic = 6;  //6

//synth functions

~icd3 = 3; //3
~icd6 = 6; //6

//ratio values

~fth = 1.4142135623729; //default kws binary interval
~bi = ~fth; //~bi = "binary interval" - intverval of key change to a hexagram line's opposite in King Wen sequence

~stepratio = 1.0594630943593;
~nval = 1.0355417528;
~n9s = 1.86;
~n9 = 1.080059789899;
~n18 = 1.0392592260319;
~n27 = 1.0260044847071;
~n36 = 1.0194406437022;
~n45 = 1.0155225125043;
~n54 = 1.012918794725;
~n63 = 1.0110630844869;
~n72 = 1.0096735332285;

~gm = 1.6180339887499; //phi (golden mean), scaled on 1 key change per King Wen sequence
~gm2 = ~gm**(1/2);
~gm6 = ~gm**(1/6);

~ngm1 = ~gm**(1/9);    //phi (golden mean), scaled on 9 key changes per King Wen sequence
~ngm2 = ~ngm1**(1/2);
~ngm6 = ~ngm1**(1/6);

~nngm1 = ~gm**(1/64);  //phi (golden mean), scaled on 64 key changes per King Wen sequence
~nngm2 = ~nngm1**(1/2);
~nngm6 = ~nngm1**(1/6);

~h1 = 360/19.47;       //based on 19.47:360, scaled on 1 key change per King Wen sequence
~h2 = ~h1**(1/2);
~h6 = ~h1**(1/6);

~nh1 = ~h1**(1/9);     //based on 19.47:360, scaled on 9 key changes per King Wen sequence
~nh2 = ~nh1**(1/2);
~nh6 = ~nh1**(1/6);

~nnh1 = ~h1**(1/64);   //based on 19.47:360, scaled on 64 key changes per King Wen sequence
~nnh2 = ~nnh1**(1/2);
~nnh6 = ~nnh1**(1/6);

//edit SAVED s1-s8 frequencies/chords. Replace any empty braket "[ ]" with desired arrays of frequencies.
//Example: [ 525.7244292648, 646.87931910571, 882.91913643716, 1181.3955692862, 706.55967076687, 711.25161146077, 977.22674582697, 662.50413564615 ]
//You can find frequencies in the "copy" section of GUI under "saved open/flow 1-8 frequencies:" or "saved slide 1-8 frequencies:".
//Remove both the "/*" and "*/" around the code to make evaluable. Put them back to make it unevaluable.
//The amount of freqs in the array should be >= "~number_of_synths" upon evaluation. To find "~number_of_synths" value, highlight it, then press "ctrl/cmd-enter".

/* = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))});


//edit STARTING frequencies/chord (not saved s1-s8 frequencies/chords). Replace the empty braket "[ ]" with an array of starting frequencies.
//Example: [ 525.7244292648, 646.87931910571, 882.91913643716, 1181.3955692862, 706.55967076687, 711.25161146077, 977.22674582697, 662.50413564615 ]
//You can find frequencies in the "copy" section of GUI under "current chord/frequencies".
//Remove both the "/*" and "*/" around the code to make evaluable. Put them back to make it unevaluable again.
//The amount of freqs in the array should be >= "~number_of_synths" upon evaluation. To find "~number_of_synths" value, highlight it, then press "ctrl/cmd-enter"; or refer to the top of page.

/* = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ ].at(x-1))});


//^Imoprtant note: "edit STARTING frequencies/chord" must be placed after "edit SAVED frequencies/chords" in code in order for it to work correctly


//default starting notes

if(([f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10,f11,f12] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil]), {
	#f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10,f11,f12 = [

if(([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil]), { = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10,f11,f12].at(x-1))});});

if([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))});});
if([~fp1b,~fp2b,~fp3b,~fp4b,~fp5b,~fp6b,~fp7b,~fp8b,~fp9b,~fp10b,~fp11b,~fp12b] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))});});
if([~fp1c,~fp2c,~fp3c,~fp4c,~fp5c,~fp6c,~fp7c,~fp8c,~fp9c,~fp10c,~fp11c,~fp12c] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))});});
if([~fp1d,~fp2d,~fp3d,~fp4d,~fp5d,~fp6d,~fp7d,~fp8d,~fp9d,~fp10d,~fp11d,~fp12d] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))});});
if([~fp1e,~fp2e,~fp3e,~fp4e,~fp5e,~fp6e,~fp7e,~fp8e,~fp9e,~fp10e,~fp11e,~fp12e] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))});});
if([~fp1f,~fp2f,~fp3f,~fp4f,~fp5f,~fp6f,~fp7f,~fp8f,~fp9f,~fp10f,~fp11f,~fp12f] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))});});
if([~fp1g,~fp2g,~fp3g,~fp4g,~fp5g,~fp6g,~fp7g,~fp8g,~fp9g,~fp10g,~fp11g,~fp12g] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))});});
if([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h] == [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))});}); = 0; {("u"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("u"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1b,~fp2b,~fp3b,~fp4b,~fp5b,~fp6b,~fp7b,~fp8b,~fp9b,~fp10b,~fp11b,~fp12b].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("u"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1c,~fp2c,~fp3c,~fp4c,~fp5c,~fp6c,~fp7c,~fp8c,~fp9c,~fp10c,~fp11c,~fp12c].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("u"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1d,~fp2d,~fp3d,~fp4d,~fp5d,~fp6d,~fp7d,~fp8d,~fp9d,~fp10d,~fp11d,~fp12d].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("u"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1e,~fp2e,~fp3e,~fp4e,~fp5e,~fp6e,~fp7e,~fp8e,~fp9e,~fp10e,~fp11e,~fp12e].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("u"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1f,~fp2f,~fp3f,~fp4f,~fp5f,~fp6f,~fp7f,~fp8f,~fp9f,~fp10f,~fp11f,~fp12f].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("u"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1g,~fp2g,~fp3g,~fp4g,~fp5g,~fp6g,~fp7g,~fp8g,~fp9g,~fp10g,~fp11g,~fp12g].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("u"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});

/*if( = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirGet; if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});}).collect.every({arg item; item == nil;}), { = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(y=y+1)); if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});});});
if( = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"b"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirGet; if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});}).collect.every({arg item; item == nil;}), { = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(y=y+1)); if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});});});
if( = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"c"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirGet; if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});}).collect.every({arg item; item == nil;}), { = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(y=y+1)); if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});});});
if( = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"d"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirGet; if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});}).collect.every({arg item; item == nil;}), { = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(y=y+1)); if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});});});
if( = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"e"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirGet; if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});}).collect.every({arg item; item == nil;}), { = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(y=y+1)); if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});});});
if( = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"f"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirGet; if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});}).collect.every({arg item; item == nil;}), { = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(y=y+1)); if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});});});
if( = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"g"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirGet; if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});}).collect.every({arg item; item == nil;}), { = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(y=y+1)); if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});});});
if( = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"h"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirGet; if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});}).collect.every({arg item; item == nil;}), { = 1; y = (-1); z = 0; {("sg"++(x)++"a"++(z=z+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12].at(y=y+1)); if(z>=12, {x= x+1; y = 0; z = 0;});});});

//King Wen sequence interpretation settings 1-3 for synthdefs

~kws_setting_1_a = {[/*1*/	#a,b,c,d,e,f=[ ~a,~b,~c,~d,~e,~f  ],/*2*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*3*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi  ],/*4*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f/~bi  ],/*5*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*6*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi  ],/*7*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*8*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*9*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f*~bi ],/*10*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*11*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*12*/	[ a = a*~bi, b = b*~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*13*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*14*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f],/*15*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi ],/*16*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*17*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi],/*18*/	[ a = a*~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e*~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*19*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*20*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi ],/*21*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*22*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*23*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*24*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*25*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*26*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*27*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*28*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b*~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e*~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*29*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*30*/	[ a = a*~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f*~bi ],/*31*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*32*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*33*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*34*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f*~bi ],/*35*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi ],/*36*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*37*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*38*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*39*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b*~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*40*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*41*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*42*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*43*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*44*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*45*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*46*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*47*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*48*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*49*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f*~bi ],/*50*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f/~bi ],/*51*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f*~bi ],/*52*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*53*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*54*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e*~bi, f = f*~bi ],/*55*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*56*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*57*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*58*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*59*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*60*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*61*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*62*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*63*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*64*/	[ a = a*~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e*~bi, f = f/~bi ]]};
~kws_setting_1_b = {[/*1*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi ],/*2*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*3*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi  ],/*4*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f/~bi  ],/*5*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*6*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi  ],/*7*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*8*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*9*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f*~bi ],/*10*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*11*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*12*/	[ a = a*~bi, b = b*~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*13*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*14*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f],/*15*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi ],/*16*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*17*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi],/*18*/	[ a = a*~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e*~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*19*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*20*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi ],/*21*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*22*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*23*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*24*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*25*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*26*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*27*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*28*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b*~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e*~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*29*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*30*/	[ a = a*~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f*~bi ],/*31*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*32*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*33*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*34*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f*~bi ],/*35*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi ],/*36*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*37*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*38*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*39*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b*~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*40*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*41*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*42*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*43*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*44*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*45*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*46*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*47*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*48*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f ],/*49*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f*~bi ],/*50*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f/~bi ],/*51*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f*~bi ],/*52*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*53*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*54*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e*~bi, f = f*~bi ],/*55*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f ],/*56*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*57*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f ],/*58*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*59*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi ],/*60*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*61*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f ],/*62*/	[ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d*~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ],/*63*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi ],/*64*/	[ a = a*~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c*~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e*~bi, f = f/~bi ]]};

~kws_setting_2_a = {[/*1*/	#a,b,c,d,e,f=[ ~a,~b,~c,~d,~e,~f  ],/*2*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi, b = b*~n1/~bi, c = c*~n1/~bi, d = d*~n1/~bi, e = e*~n1/~bi, f = f*~n1/~bi ],/*3*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*4*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*5*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*6*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*7*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*8*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*9*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f*~bi    ],/*10*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*11*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*12*/	[ a = a*~n2*~bi, b = b*~n2*~bi, c = c*~n2*~bi, d = d*~n2/~bi, e = e*~n2/~bi, f = f*~n2/~bi ],/*13*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*14*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*15*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*16*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*17*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*18*/	[ a = a*~n3*~bi, b = b*~n3/~bi, c = c*~n3/~bi, d = d*~n3*~bi, e = e*~n3*~bi, f = f*~n3/~bi ],/*19*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*20*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*21*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*22*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*23*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*24*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*25*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*26*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*27*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*28*/	[ a = a*~n4/~bi, b = b*~n4*~bi, c = c*~n4*~bi, d = d*~n4*~bi, e = e*~n4*~bi, f = f*~n4/~bi ],/*29*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*30*/	[ a = a*~n5*~bi, b = b*~n5/~bi, c = c*~n5*~bi, d = d*~n5*~bi, e = e*~n5/~bi, f = f*~n5*~bi ],/*31*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*32*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*33*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*34*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f*~bi    ],/*35*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*36*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*37*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*38*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*39*/	[ a = a*~n6/~bi, b = b*~n6*~bi, c = c*~n6/~bi, d = d*~n6*~bi, e = e*~n6/~bi, f = f*~n6/~bi ],/*40*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*41*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*42*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*43*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*44*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*45*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*46*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*47*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*48*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*49*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f*~bi    ],/*50*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*51*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f*~bi    ],/*52*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*53*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*54*/	[ a = a*~n7/~bi, b = b*~n7/~bi, c = c*~n7*~bi, d = d*~n7/~bi, e = e*~n7*~bi, f = f*~n7*~bi ],/*55*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*56*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*57*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*58*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*59*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*60*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*61*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*62*/	[ a = a*~n8/~bi, b = b*~n8/~bi, c = c*~n8*~bi, d = d*~n8*~bi, e = e*~n8/~bi, f = f*~n8/~bi ],/*63*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*64*/	[ a = a*~n9*~bi, b = b*~n9/~bi, c = c*~n9*~bi, d = d*~n9/~bi, e = e*~n9*~bi, f = f*~n9/~bi ]]};
~kws_setting_2_b = {[/*1*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*2*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi, b = b*~n1/~bi, c = c*~n1/~bi, d = d*~n1/~bi, e = e*~n1/~bi, f = f*~n1/~bi ],/*3*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*4*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*5*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*6*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*7*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*8*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*9*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f*~bi    ],/*10*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*11*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*12*/	[ a = a*~n2*~bi, b = b*~n2*~bi, c = c*~n2*~bi, d = d*~n2/~bi, e = e*~n2/~bi, f = f*~n2/~bi ],/*13*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*14*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*15*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*16*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*17*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*18*/	[ a = a*~n3*~bi, b = b*~n3/~bi, c = c*~n3/~bi, d = d*~n3*~bi, e = e*~n3*~bi, f = f*~n3/~bi ],/*19*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*20*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*21*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*22*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*23*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*24*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*25*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*26*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*27*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*28*/	[ a = a*~n4/~bi, b = b*~n4*~bi, c = c*~n4*~bi, d = d*~n4*~bi, e = e*~n4*~bi, f = f*~n4/~bi ],/*29*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*30*/	[ a = a*~n5*~bi, b = b*~n5/~bi, c = c*~n5*~bi, d = d*~n5*~bi, e = e*~n5/~bi, f = f*~n5*~bi ],/*31*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*32*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*33*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*34*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f*~bi    ],/*35*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*36*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*37*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*38*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*39*/	[ a = a*~n6/~bi, b = b*~n6*~bi, c = c*~n6/~bi, d = d*~n6*~bi, e = e*~n6/~bi, f = f*~n6/~bi ],/*40*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*41*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*42*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*43*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*44*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*45*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*46*/	[ a = a,         b = b/~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*47*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*48*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f         ],/*49*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d,         e = e/~bi,    f = f*~bi    ],/*50*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b/~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f/~bi    ],/*51*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d/~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f*~bi    ],/*52*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d*~bi,    e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*53*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*54*/	[ a = a*~n7/~bi, b = b*~n7/~bi, c = c*~n7*~bi, d = d*~n7/~bi, e = e*~n7*~bi, f = f*~n7*~bi ],/*55*/	[ a = a,         b = b,         c = c,         d = d*~bi,    e = e/~bi,    f = f         ],/*56*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*57*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e*~bi,    f = f         ],/*58*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c*~bi,    d = d/~bi,    e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*59*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f/~bi    ],/*60*/	[ a = a/~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*61*/	[ a = a*~bi,    b = b,         c = c,         d = d,         e = e,         f = f         ],/*62*/	[ a = a*~n8/~bi, b = b*~n8/~bi, c = c*~n8*~bi, d = d*~n8*~bi, e = e*~n8/~bi, f = f*~n8/~bi ],/*63*/	[ a = a,         b = b*~bi,    c = c/~bi,    d = d,         e = e,         f = f*~bi    ],/*64*/	[ a = a*~n9*~bi, b = b*~n9/~bi, c = c*~n9*~bi, d = d*~n9/~bi, e = e*~n9*~bi, f = f*~n9/~bi ]]};

~kws_setting_3_a = {[/*1*/	#a,b,c,d,e,f=[ ~a,~b,~c,~d,~e,~f  ],/*2*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*3*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*4*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*5*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*6*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*7*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*8*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*9*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*10*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*11*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*12*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*13*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*14*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*15*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*16*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*17*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*18*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*19*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*20*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*21*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*22*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*23*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*24*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*25*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*26*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*27*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*28*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*29*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*30*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*31*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*32*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*33*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*34*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*35*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*36*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*37*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*38*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*39*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*40*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*41*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*42*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*43*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*44*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*45*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*46*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*47*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*48*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*49*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*50*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*51*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*52*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*53*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*54*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*55*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*56*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*57*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*58*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*59*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*60*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*61*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*62*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*63*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*64*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ]]};
~kws_setting_3_b = {[/*1*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*2*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*3*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*4*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*5*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*6*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*7*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*8*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*9*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*10*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*11*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*12*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*13*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*14*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*15*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*16*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*17*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*18*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*19*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*20*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*21*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*22*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*23*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*24*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*25*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*26*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*27*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*28*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*29*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*30*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*31*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*32*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*33*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*34*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*35*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*36*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*37*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*38*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*39*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*40*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*41*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*42*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*43*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*44*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*45*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*46*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*47*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*48*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*49*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*50*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*51*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*52*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*53*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*54*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*55*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*56*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*57*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1         ],/*58*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*59*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*60*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*61*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1,         c = c*~n1,         d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1         ],/*62*/	[ a = a*~n1/~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1*~bi,    e = e*~n1/~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ],/*63*/	[ a = a*~n1,         b = b*~n1*~bi,    c = c*~n1/~bi,    d = d*~n1,         e = e*~n1,         f = f*~n1*~bi    ],/*64*/	[ a = a*~n1*~bi,    b = b*~n1/~bi,    c = c*~n1*~bi,    d = d*~n1/~bi,    e = e*~n1*~bi,    f = f*~n1/~bi    ]]};

~hsine_ratio = (19.47/360);

~kws_setting_h_a = {[/*1*/	#a,b,c,d,e,f=[ ~a,~b,~c,~d,~e,~f  ],/*2*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*3*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi  ],/*4*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi  ],/*5*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*6*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi  ],/*7*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*8*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*9*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*10*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*11*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*12*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*13*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*14*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)],/*15*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*16*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*17*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi],/*18*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*19*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*20*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*21*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*22*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*23*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*24*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*25*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*26*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*27*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*28*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*29*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*30*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*31*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*32*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*33*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*34*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*35*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*36*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*37*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*38*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*39*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*40*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*41*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*42*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*43*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*44*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*45*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*46*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*47*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*48*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*49*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*50*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*51*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*52*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*53*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*54*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*55*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*56*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*57*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*58*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*59*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*60*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*61*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*62*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*63*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*64*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ]]};
~kws_setting_h_b = {[/*1*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*2*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*3*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi  ],/*4*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi  ],/*5*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*6*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi  ],/*7*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*8*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*9*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*10*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*11*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*12*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*13*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*14*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)],/*15*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*16*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*17*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi],/*18*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*19*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*20*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*21*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*22*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*23*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*24*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*25*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*26*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*27*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*28*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*29*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*30*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*31*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*32*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*33*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*34*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*35*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*36*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*37*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*38*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*39*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*40*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*41*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*42*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*43*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*44*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*45*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*46*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*47*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*48*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*49*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*50*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*51*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*52*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*53*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*54*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*55*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*56*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*57*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*58*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*59*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*60*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*61*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio),         c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio),         d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio) ],/*62*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ],/*63*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio),         b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)*~bi,    c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)/~bi,    d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio),         e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio),         f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)*~bi ],/*64*/	[ a = a+(a*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, b = b+(b*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, c = c+(c*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, d = d+(d*~hsine_ratio)/~bi, e = e+(e*~hsine_ratio)*~bi, f = f+(f*~hsine_ratio)/~bi ]]};

//set n1-n9 ratio values

{~ratio_setting == "psine1";}{~n_value1 = ~gm;    ~n_value2 = ~gm2;   ~n_value6 = ~gm6;}
{~ratio_setting == "psine2";}{~n_value1 = ~ngm1;  ~n_value2 = ~ngm2;  ~n_value6 = ~ngm6;}
{~ratio_setting == "psine3";}{~n_value1 = ~nngm1; ~n_value2 = ~nngm2; ~n_value6 = ~nngm6;}
{~ratio_setting == "hsine1";}{~n_value1 = ~gm;    ~n_value2 = ~gm2;   ~n_value6 = ~gm6;};


~gsine = {

	SynthDef(\gsineicfld1, {arg graindur = 0.04, dur = 2000, atk = 0.007, rel = 0.01, gate = 1, amp = 1, i = 1, vol = ~vol, rate = 20, tune = 0,dseqval,
		a, b, c, d, e, f, pan=0, fc = 1, lpfl = ~lpfl, lpf_rq = ~lpf_rq;
		var s1, out, env1, s2, dseq; = 0; {("n"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~n_value1)}); //for custom values, replace "~n_value1" with "[1.2, 2.1, etc...].at(x-1)" with the variable amount the same as the value - for all synthdefs
		dseq = Dseq(
			{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_a.value;} ++ Array.fill((~gsinenum*~first_harmonic -1), {
				{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_b.value;}}).flatten, inf);
		s1 =,, 1/(dur),, 0, dseq));
		if(~low_pass_filter_on == 1, {
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);}
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);};
		}, {s1 = s1});, s1.dup*vol);
	}, [\ir]).add;

	SynthDef(\gsineicrld1, {arg graindur = 0.04, dur = 2000, atk = 0.007, rel = 0.01, gate = 1, amp = 1, i = 1, vol = ~vol, rate = 20, tune = 0,dseqval,
		a, b, c, d, e, f, pan=0, fc = 1, id = -1, lpfl = ~lpfl, lpf_rq = ~lpf_rq;
		var s1, out, env1, s2, dseq; = 0; {("n"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~n_value1)});
		dseq = Dseq([
			{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_a.value;} ++ Array.fill((~gsinenum*~first_harmonic -1), {
				{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_b.value;}}).flatten].flatten.reverse, inf);
		s1 =,, 1/(dur),, 0, dseq));
		if(~low_pass_filter_on == 1, {
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);}
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);};
		}, {s1 = s1});, s1.dup*vol);
	}, [\ir]).add;

	SynthDef(\gsineicfld2, {arg graindur = 0.04, dur = 2000, atk = 0.007, rel = 0.01, gate = 1, amp = 1, i = 1, vol = ~vol, rate = 20, tune = 0,dseqval,
		a, b, c, d, e, f, pan=0, fc = 1, lpfl = ~lpfl, lpf_rq = ~lpf_rq;
		var s1, out, env1, s2, dseq; = 0; {("n"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~n_value2)});
		dseq = Dseq(
			{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_a.value;} ++ Array.fill((~gsinenum*~second_harmonic -1), {
				{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_b.value;}}).flatten, inf);
		s1 =,, 1/(dur),, 0, dseq));
		if(~low_pass_filter_on == 1, {
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);}
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);};
		}, {s1 = s1});, s1.dup*vol);
	}, [\ir]).add;

	SynthDef(\gsineicrld2, {arg graindur = 0.04, dur = 2000, atk = 0.007, rel = 0.01, gate = 1, amp = 1, i = 1, vol = ~vol, rate = 20, tune = 0,dseqval,
		a, b, c, d, e, f, pan=0, fc = 1, id = -1, lpfl = ~lpfl, lpf_rq = ~lpf_rq;
		var s1, out, env1, s2, dseq; = 0; {("n"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~n_value2)});
		dseq = Dseq([
			{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_a.value;} ++ Array.fill((~gsinenum*~second_harmonic -1), {
				{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_b.value;}}).flatten].flatten.reverse, inf);
		s1 =,, 1/(dur),, 0, dseq));
		if(~low_pass_filter_on == 1, {
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);}
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);};
		}, {s1 = s1});, s1.dup*vol);
	}, [\ir]).add;

	SynthDef(\gsineicfld6, {arg graindur = 0.04, dur = 2000, atk = 0.007, rel = 0.01, gate = 1, amp = 1, i = 1, vol = ~vol, rate = 20, tune = 0,dseqval,
		a, b, c, d, e, f, pan=0, fc = 1, lpfl = ~lpfl, lpf_rq = ~lpf_rq;
		var s1, out, env1, s2, dseq; = 0; {("n"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~n_value6)});
		dseq = Dseq(
			{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_a.value;} ++ Array.fill((~gsinenum*~third_harmonic -1), {
				{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_b.value;}}).flatten, inf);
		s1 =,, 1/(dur),, 0, dseq));
		if(~low_pass_filter_on == 1, {
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);}
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);};
		}, {s1 = s1});, s1.dup*vol);
	}, [\ir]).add;

	SynthDef(\gsineicrld6, {arg graindur = 0.04, dur = 2000, atk = 0.007, rel = 0.01, gate = 1, amp = 1, i = 1, vol = ~vol, rate = 20, tune = 0,dseqval,
		a, b, c, d, e, f, pan=0, fc = 1, lpfl = ~lpfl, lpf_rq = ~lpf_rq;
		var s1, out, env1, s2, dseq; = 0; {("n"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~n_value6)});
		dseq = Dseq([
			{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_a.value;}
			{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_a.value;} ++ Array.fill((~gsinenum*~third_harmonic -1), {
				{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_b.value;}
				{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_b.value;}}).flatten].flatten.reverse, inf);
		s1 =,, 1/(dur),, 0, dseq));
		if(~low_pass_filter_on == 1, {
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);}
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);};
		}, {s1 = s1});, s1.dup*vol);
	}, [\ir]).add;

	if(~sendreplysynthdef_on == 1, { = 0; {


			SynthDef(\gsineicfld1_f++(~sendreply_x), {arg graindur = 0.04, dur = 2000, atk = 0.007, rel = 0.01, gate = 1, amp = 1, i = 1, vol = ~vol, rate = 20, tune = 0,dseqval,
				a, b, c, d, e, f, pan=0, fc = 1, lpfl = ~lpfl, lpf_rq = ~lpf_rq;
				var s1, out, env1, s2, dseq; = 0; {("n"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~n_value1)});
				dseq = Dseq(
					{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_a.value;}
					{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_a.value;}
					{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_a.value;}
					{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_a.value;} ++ Array.fill((~gsinenum*~first_harmonic -1), {
						{~kws_setting == 1}{~kws_setting_1_b.value;}
						{~kws_setting == 2}{~kws_setting_2_b.value;}
						{~kws_setting == 3}{~kws_setting_3_b.value;}
						{~kws_setting == 4}{~kws_setting_h_b.value;}}).flatten, inf);
				s1 =,, 1/(dur),, 0, dseq));
				if(~low_pass_filter_on == 1, {
					{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);}
					{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{s1 =, lpfl, lpf_rq);};
				}, {s1 = s1});, s1.dup*vol);, (~kws_setting_1_a.value.size*(~gsinenum*~first_harmonic))*2*~sendreply_period),
					{~sendreplyfunc_choose == 0}{("synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f"++(~sendreply_x)).asSymbol.envirGet;}
					{~sendreplyfunc_choose == 1}{("synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f"++(~sendreply_x)).asSymbol.envirGet;};
			}, [\ir]).add;


//sendreply functions

~sendreplyfunc_choose = 0;

~send_reply_random_func_western = {, 91));};
~send_reply_random_func_eastern = {(rrand(,;))};

if(~sendreply_gm_fth_y_1 == nil, { = 0; {("sendreply_gm_fth_y_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((-1);)});});
~sendreply_gm_fth_func_1 = {if((x <= 1539.4729849465) and: (x >= 216), {
	x = x*[[a = 1.6842135623729, a = 0.5937489296732].choose, [a = 1.4142135623729, a = 0.70710678118665].choose].at(y=y+1); if(y>=1, {y=(-1)});

}, {
	if(x > 1539.4729849465, {
		{(a == 1.6842135623729) or: (a == 0.5937489296732)}{x = x/2; x = x*[a = 1.4142135623729, a = 0.70710678118665].choose; y=y+1; if(y>=1, {y=(-1)});}
		{(a == 1.4142135623729) or: (a == 0.70710678118665)}{x = x/2; x = x*[a = 1.6842135623729, a = 0.5937489296732].choose; y=y+1; if(y>=1, {y=(-1)});};
	}, {
		{(a == 1.6842135623729) or: (a == 0.5937489296732)}{x = x*2; x = x*[a = 1.4142135623729, a = 0.70710678118665].choose; y=y+1; if(y>=1, {y=(-1)});}
		{(a == 1.4142135623729) or: (a == 0.70710678118665)}{x = x*2; x = x*[a = 1.6842135623729, a = 0.5937489296732].choose; y=y+1; if(y>=1, {y=(-1)});};
~sendreply_gm_fth_func_2 = {if((x <= 1539.4729849465) and: (x >= 216), {
	x = x*[a = 1.6842135623729, a = 0.5937489296732].choose;}, {
	if(x > 1539.4729849465, {x = x/2; x = x*[1.6842135623729, 0.5937489296732].choose;}, {x = x*2; x = x*[1.6842135623729, 0.5937489296732].choose;});
if(~sendreply_gm_fth_func == nil, {~sendreply_gm_fth_func = ~sendreply_gm_fth_func_1});

{~sendreplyfuncswitch == 1;}{~send_reply_random_func = ~send_reply_random_func_western;}
{~sendreplyfuncswitch == 2;}{~send_reply_random_func = ~send_reply_random_func_eastern;};

~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f1 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f1';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f2 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f2';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f3 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f3';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f4 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f4';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f5 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f5';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f6 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f6';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f7 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f7';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f8 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f8';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f9 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f9';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f10 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f10';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f11 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f11';
~synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f12 = '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f12';

~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f1 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f1';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f2 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f2';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f3 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f3';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f4 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f4';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f5 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f5';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f6 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f6';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f7 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f7';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f8 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f8';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f9 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f9';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f10 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f10';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f11 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f11';
~synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f12 = '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f12';

~sendreply_oscfunc_array = {

	OSCFunc({~f1 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f1');
	OSCFunc({~f2 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f2');
	OSCFunc({~f3 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f3');
	OSCFunc({~f4 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f4');
	OSCFunc({~f5 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f5');
	OSCFunc({~f6 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f6');
	OSCFunc({~f7 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f7');
	OSCFunc({~f8 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f8');
	OSCFunc({~f9 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f9');
	OSCFunc({~f10 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f10');
	OSCFunc({~f11 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f11');
	OSCFunc({~f12 = ~send_reply_random_func.value; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;});}, '/synthflow_random_sendreply_answer_f12');

	OSCFunc({x = ~f1; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_1; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f1 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_1 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f1');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f2; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_2; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f2 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_2 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f2');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f3; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_3; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f3 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_3 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f3');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f4; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_4; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f4 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_4 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f4');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f5; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_5; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f5 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_5 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f5');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f6; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_6; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f6 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_6 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f6');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f7; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_7; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f7 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_7 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f7');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f8; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_8; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f8 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_8 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f8');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f9; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_9; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f9 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_9 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f9');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f10; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_10; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f10 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_10 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f10');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f11; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_11; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f11 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_11 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f11');
	OSCFunc({x = ~f12; y = ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_12; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func.value; ~f12 = x; AppClock.sched(0,{~synthflow.value;}); ~sendreply_gm_fth_y_12 = y;}, '/synthflow_gmf_sendreply_answer_f12');


//set base (lowest) frequencies, set starting values for synthdef, and load synthdef on server boot

if((~gsinenum == nil) or: (~synthdef != "gsineicld"), {
		if(~basefreq == nil, {~basefreq = ~base_frequency});
		~fmult = 16;
		(#a,b,c,d,e,f = [ ~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq  ];
			~a = a; ~b = b; ~c =c; ~d = d; ~e = e;~f=f;);

		~synthdef = "gsineicld"; ~gsinenum = ~synthdefnum;


//generate GUI window

w = Window("Timewave Synth", Rect(0,0,Window.screenBounds.width,Window.screenBounds.height), border:true);

view = UserView(w, Window.screenBounds);
view.clearOnRefresh = false;
view.background =;

//vertical grid (inactive)

/*~b1 = Window.screenBounds.width/(12*4) /*25.462962962963*/; ~btu = 31; ~btd = 375; ~bw = 0.5; ~bh = 120; ~bcolor = Color.grey;
View(w, Rect(~b1, ~btu, ~bw, ~bh)).background = ~bcolor;
View(w, Rect(~b1, ~btd, ~bw, ~bh)).background = ~bcolor;{View(w, Rect(~b1 = ~b1+(Window.screenBounds.width/(12*4)), ~btu, ~bw, ~bh)).background = ~bcolor;});
~b1 = Window.screenBounds.width/(12*4);{View(w, Rect(~b1 = ~b1+(Window.screenBounds.width/(12*4)), ~btd, ~bw, ~bh)).background = ~bcolor;});*/

//horizontal grid

~nh = 2;
~nw = ~nh*1.6180339887499;

~tgrid = 30;
~bgrid = Window.screenBounds.height-(Window.screenBounds.height/1.6180339887499)+30;

~dc1 = ~tgrid-5; ~dc2 = ~bgrid-5; ~dca = 10;

(~number_of_synths+1).do(x=~tgrid-10; {View(w, Rect(1, x=x+10, Window.screenBounds.width, 0.5)).background = Color.new255(51, 51, 51)});
(~number_of_synths+1).do(x=~bgrid-10; {View(w, Rect(1, x=x+10, Window.screenBounds.width, 0.5)).background = Color.new255(51, 51, 51)});

/*(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; y = 0; {("z"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((View(w, Rect((("f"++(y)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);)});
~zmid = (View(w, Rect(x, 280, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.clear;);
(~number_of_synths).do(x = 24; y = 0; {("z"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((View(w, Rect((("f"++(y)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);)});

if(~number_of_synths > 0, {~z1 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f1 == nil, {f1.value},{~f1.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 1, {~z2 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f2 == nil, {f2.value},{~f2.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 2, {~z3 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f3 == nil, {f3.value},{~f3.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 3, {~z4 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f4 == nil, {f4.value},{~f4.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 4, {~z5 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f5 == nil, {f5.value},{~f5.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 5, {~z6 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f6 == nil, {f6.value},{~f6.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 6, {~z7 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f7 == nil, {f7.value},{~f7.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 7, {~z8 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f8 == nil, {f8.value},{~f8.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 8, {~z9 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f9 == nil, {f9.value},{~f9.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 9, {~z10 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f10 == nil, {f10.value},{~f10.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 10, {~z11 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f11 == nil, {f11.value},{~f11.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 11, {~z12 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f12 == nil, {f12.value},{~f12.value}).explin(~outmin1,~outmax1,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1=~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
~zmid = (View(w, Rect(x, 280, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.clear;);
if(~number_of_synths > 0, {~z25 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f1 == nil, {f1.value},{~f1.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 1, {~z26 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f2 == nil, {f2.value},{~f2.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 2, {~z27 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f3 == nil, {f3.value},{~f3.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 3, {~z28 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f4 == nil, {f4.value},{~f4.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 4, {~z29 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f5 == nil, {f5.value},{~f5.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 5, {~z30 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f6 == nil, {f6.value},{~f6.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 6, {~z31 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f7 == nil, {f7.value},{~f7.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 7, {~z32 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f8 == nil, {f8.value},{~f8.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 8, {~z33 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f9 == nil, {f9.value},{~f9.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 9, {~z34 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f10 == nil, {f10.value},{~f10.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 10, {~z35 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f11 == nil, {f11.value},{~f11.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});
if(~number_of_synths > 11, {~z36 = (View(w, Rect((if(~f12 == nil, {f12.value},{~f12.value}).explin(~outmin2,~outmax2,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2=~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});

~dc1 = ~tgrid-5; ~dc2 = ~bgrid-5; ~dca = 10;

//synth functions (open, flow, slide, pause, free)

~synthopen = {
	{((~l1a.isRunning == false) and: (~l1a1.isRunning == false)) or: ~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
		if(~l1a1.isRunning == true, {
				s.makeBundle(0, {
					(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
						("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, 0));
						("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, 0));
						("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, 0));
						("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, 0));
						("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, 0));
						("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, 0));

		({ = 0; {("s"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([\gsineicfld6, \gsineicrld6, \gsineicfld2, \gsineicrld2, \gsineicfld1, \gsineicrld1].at(x-1))});
				{~sendreplysynthdef_on == 0}{ = 0; {("s5_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(\gsineicfld1)});}
				{~sendreplysynthdef_on == 1}{ = 0; {("s5_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(\gsineicfld1_f++(x))});};
				s.makeBundle(0, {
					(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
						("l"++(x=x+1)++"a").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s1,                        [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]).register;);
						("l"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s2,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
						("l"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s3,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
						("l"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s4,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
						("l"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(("s5_"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
						("l"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s6,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););

		if(~l1a1.isRunning == true, {
			AppClock.sched(0.161803398875, {
				(x = 0; ((Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[
				]}).flatten).do(; ~slideroutine.stop;
	{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			s.makeBundle(0, {
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, 0));

		({ = 0; {("s"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([\gsineicfld6, \gsineicrld6, \gsineicfld2, \gsineicrld2, \gsineicfld1, \gsineicrld1].at(x-1))});
				{~sendreplysynthdef_on == 0}{ = 0; {("s5_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(\gsineicfld1)});}
				{~sendreplysynthdef_on == 1}{ = 0; {("s5_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(\gsineicfld1_f++(x))});};
				s.makeBundle(0, {
					(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
						("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s1,                        [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]).register;);
						("l"++(x)++"b1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s2,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
						("l"++(x)++"c1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s3,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
						("l"++(x)++"d1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s4,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
						("l"++(x)++"e1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(("s5_"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
						("l"++(x)++"f1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s6,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
		AppClock.sched(0.161803398875, {
			(x = 0; ((Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[
			]}).flatten).do(; ~slideroutine.stop;

	(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; y = 24; z = 10; {
		if((("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet > ~outmaxa) or: (("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet < ~outmina), {
			("z"++(y=y+1)); ("z"++(x));
			("z"++(y)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {
			("z"++(x));("z"++(y)); ("z"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);

	b3.value = 1;

~synthflow = {
	{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			s.makeBundle(0, {
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
	{~l1a.isRunning == true} {
			s.makeBundle(0, {
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"b")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"c")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"d")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"e")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
					("l"++(x)++"f")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));

	(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; y = 24; z = 10; {
		if((("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet > ~outmaxa) or: (("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet < ~outmina), {
			("z"++(y=y+1)); ("z"++(x));
			("z"++(y)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {
			("z"++(x));("z"++(y)); ("z"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);

~synthslide = {
	{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{(
		~slideroutine = Routine({{{~slidecount=~slidecount-1;
				( = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet + ("sf"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)});
					s.makeBundle(0, {
						(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
							("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));


				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; y = 24; z = 10; {
					if((("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet > ~outmaxa) or: (("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet < ~outmina), {
						("z"++(y=y+1)).asSymbol.envirGet.close; ("z"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.close;
						("z"++(y)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {
						("z"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.close;("z"++(y)).asSymbol.envirGet.close; ("z"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);
	{~l1a.isRunning == true} {(
		~slideroutine = Routine({{{~slidecount=~slidecount-1;
				( = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet + ("sf"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)});
					s.makeBundle(0, {
						(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
							("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"b")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"c")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"d")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"e")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
							("l"++(x)++"f")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));



				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; y = 24; z = 10; {
					if((("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet > ~outmaxa) or: (("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet < ~outmina), {
						("z"++(y=y+1)); ("z"++(x));
						("z"++(y)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {
						("z"++(x));("z"++(y)); ("z"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);

~synthpause = {(
	{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			s.makeBundle(0, {
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, 0));
	{~l1a.isRunning == true} {
			s.makeBundle(0, {
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, 0));

~synthfree = {
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, 0));
			AppClock.sched(0.161803398875, {
				(x = 0; ((Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[
				]}).flatten).do(; ~slideroutine.stop;
		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, 0));
					("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, 0));
			AppClock.sched(0.161803398875, {
				(x = 0; ((Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[
				]}).flatten).do(; ~slideroutine.stop;

//timer values

{~slot1 == nil}{""}
{~slot2 == nil}{""}
{~slot3 == nil}{""}
{~slot4 == nil}{""}
{~slot5 == nil}{""}
{~slot6 == nil}{""}
{~slot7 == nil}{""}
{~slot8 == nil}{""};

~timevals = {(~tst = TextView(w, Rect(~tspl,~tspt, ~tspw, ~tsph)).background_(;
	(~tst.string =
		"o1:_"++~time1o.value.asString++"_f1:_"++~time1f.value.asString++"_s1:_"++~time1s.value.asString++"\n" ++
		"o2:_"++~time2o.value.asString++"_f2:_"++~time2f.value.asString++"_s2:_"++~time2s.value.asString++"\n" ++
		"o3:_"++~time3o.value.asString++"_f3:_"++~time3f.value.asString++"_s3:_"++~time3s.value.asString++"\n" ++
		"o4:_"++~time4o.value.asString++"_f4:_"++~time4f.value.asString++"_s4:_"++~time4s.value.asString++"\n" ++
		"o5:_"++~time5o.value.asString++"_f5:_"++~time5f.value.asString++"_s5:_"++~time5s.value.asString++"\n" ++
		"o6:_"++~time6o.value.asString++"_f6:_"++~time6f.value.asString++"_s6:_"++~time6s.value.asString++"\n" ++
		"o7:_"++~time7o.value.asString++"_f7:_"++~time7f.value.asString++"_s7:_"++~time7s.value.asString++"\n" ++
		"o8:_"++~time8o.value.asString++"_f8:_"++~time8f.value.asString++"_s8:_"++~time8s.value.asString++"\n" ++"\n" ++
		if(~slot8 != ~slot, {
			(~slot1 = ~slot2).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot2 = ~slot3).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot3 = ~slot4).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot4 = ~slot5).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot5 = ~slot6).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot6 = ~slot7).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot7 = ~slot8).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot8 = ~slot).asString;
			(~slot1).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot2).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot3).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot4).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot5).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot6).asString++"\n" ++
			(~slot7).asString++"\n" ++

	~tst.stringColor = Color.white;

//monitoring number of synths function

~numsynthsfunc = {
	if((~numsynths != nil) or: (~numsynths.isPlaying == true), {~numsynths.stop;});
	~numsynths = Routine({{if((s.numSynths > (~number_of_synths*6+1)) and: (3.wait; s.numSynths > (~number_of_synths*6+1)) and: (3.wait; s.numSynths > (~number_of_synths*6+1)) or: (s.avgCPU > 80), {

		AppClock.sched(0, {

			/*~numsynthcancelroutine = Routine({{if((s.numSynths > (~number_of_synths*6+1)) and: (3.wait; s.numSynths > (~number_of_synths*6+1)) and: (3.wait; s.numSynths > (~number_of_synths*6+1)) /*or: (s.avgCPU > 80)*/, {

			if(~numsynthmessage != nil, {~numsynthmessage.close;});
			~cpumonitorbutton.valueAction = 1;
			~numsynthmessage = View(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(340+46),Window.screenBounds.height-(340+46/1.6180339887499)-110,340+46,340+46/1.6180339887499)).background_(;
			~numsynthmessagestring = StaticText(~numsynthmessage, Rect(0,0,340+46,340+46/1.6180339887499)).background_(;
			~numsynthmessagestring.align = \topLeft;
			~numsynthmessagestring.string ="Warning:"++"\n"++"\n"++"More than the normal amount of synths are currently running. It is recommended to free the server (everything will be saved) by pressing "+"ctrl/cmd - period".quote+" or pressing the "+"free s".quote+" button. Otherwise, you can press the "+"cancel".quote+" button to allow the synths to keep running, or press "+"block".quote+" to do the same and not show this message again. If you press the "+"cancel".quote+" button this message will not show again unless "+"synth0".quote+" has been pressed.";
			~numsynthmessagestring.stringColor = Color.white;
			~numsynthmessagebutton1 =,Rect(120-46,360/1.6180339887499-30,46,46/1.6180339887499)).states_([["free s",Color.white,]]).action_({AppClock.sched(0, {~cpumonitorbutton.valueAction = 0; ~close.valueAction = 1; ~closemessagebutton1.valueAction = 1; ~timewavesynthapp.value;});});
			~numsynthmessagebutton2 =,Rect(320+46-185,360/1.6180339887499-30,46,46/1.6180339887499)).states_([["cancel",Color.white,]]).action_({AppClock.sched(0, {~numsynths.stop; ~numsynthmessage.close; ~cpumonitorbutton.valueAction = 0;});});
			~numsynthmessagebutton3 =,Rect(320+46-80,360/1.6180339887499-30,46,46/1.6180339887499)).states_([["block",Color.white,]]).action_({AppClock.sched(0, {~numsynths.stop; ~numsynthmessage.close; ~cpumonitorbutton.valueAction = 0; ~numsynthsfunc = nil;});});
	}); 1.wait;});}).play;


//mouse down action

~mouse_action_func = {

	view.mouseDownAction = {
		|v, x, y, mod, butNum|
		point = [x,y];
		if(butNum == 0, { v.refresh;

			//generate dots on mouse down action

			~tgrid = 30;
			~bgrid = Window.screenBounds.height-(Window.screenBounds.height/1.6180339887499)+30;

			{y<~tgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 0, {~z1.close;~z1 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 1, {~z2.close;~z2 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 2, {~z3.close;~z3 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 3, {~z4.close;~z4 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 4, {~z5.close;~z5 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 5, {~z6.close;~z6 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 6, {~z7.close;~z7 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 7, {~z8.close;~z8 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 8, {~z9.close;~z9 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 9, {~z10.close;~z10 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 10, {~z11.close;~z11 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 11, {~z12.close;~z12 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>~tgrid and: y<~bgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 0, {~z1.close;~z1 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 1, {~z2.close;~z2 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 2, {~z3.close;~z3 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 3, {~z4.close;~z4 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 4, {~z5.close;~z5 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 5, {~z6.close;~z6 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 6, {~z7.close;~z7 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 7, {~z8.close;~z8 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 8, {~z9.close;~z9 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 9, {~z10.close;~z10 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 10, {~z11.close;~z11 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 11, {~z12.close;~z12 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		}, {});

		~tgrid = 30;
		~bgrid = Window.screenBounds.height-(Window.screenBounds.height/1.6180339887499)+30;

		//set synth values on mouse down action

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			{y<~tgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
					~l1a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l1b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f1=q.value; ~undof1=~f1;
					~l1c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l1d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l1e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l1f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
					~l2a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l2b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f2=q.value; ~undof2=~f2;
					~l2c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l2d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l2e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l2f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
					~l3a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l3b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f3=q.value; ~undof3=~f3;
					~l3c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l3d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l3e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l3f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
					~l4a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l4b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f4=q.value; ~undof4=~f4;
					~l4c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l4d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l4e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l4f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
					~l5a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l5b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f5=q.value; ~undof5=~f5;
					~l5c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l5d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l5e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l5f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
					~l6a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l6b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f6=q.value; ~undof6=~f6;
					~l6c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l6d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l6e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l6f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
					~l7a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l7b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f7=q.value; ~undof7=~f7;
					~l7c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l7d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l7e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l7f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
					~l8a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l8b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f8=q.value; ~undof8=~f8;
					~l8c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l8d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l8e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l8f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
					~l9a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l9b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f9=q.value; ~undof9=~f9;
					~l9c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l9d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l9e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l9f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
					~l10a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l10b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f10=q.value; ~undof10=~f10;
					~l10c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l10d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l10e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l10f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
					~l11a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l11b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f11=q.value; ~undof11=~f11;
					~l11c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l11d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l11e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l11f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
					~l12a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l12b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f12=q.value; ~undof12=~f12;
					~l12c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l12d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l12e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l12f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>~tgrid and: y<~bgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
					~l1a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l1b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f1=q.value; ~undof1=~f1;
					~l1c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l1d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l1e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l1f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
					~l2a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l2b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f2=q.value; ~undof2=~f2;
					~l2c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l2d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l2e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l2f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
					~l3a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l3b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f3=q.value; ~undof3=~f3;
					~l3c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l3d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l3e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l3f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
					~l4a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l4b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f4=q.value; ~undof4=~f4;
					~l4c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l4d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l4e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l4f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
					~l5a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l5b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f5=q.value; ~undof5=~f5;
					~l5c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l5d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l5e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l5f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
					~l6a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l6b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f6=q.value; ~undof6=~f6;
					~l6c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l6d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l6e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l6f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
					~l7a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l7b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f7=q.value; ~undof7=~f7;
					~l7c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l7d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l7e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l7f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
					~l8a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l8b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f8=q.value; ~undof8=~f8;
					~l8c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l8d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l8e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l8f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
					~l9a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l9b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f9=q.value; ~undof9=~f9;
					~l9c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l9d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l9e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l9f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
					~l10a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l10b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f10=q.value; ~undof10=~f10;
					~l10c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l10d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l10e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l10f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
					~l11a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l11b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f11=q.value; ~undof11=~f11;
					~l11c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l11d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l11e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l11f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
					~l12a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l12b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f12=q.value; ~undof12=~f12;
					~l12c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l12d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l12e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l12f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});};
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			{y<~tgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
					~l1a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l1b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f1=q.value; ~undof1=~f1;
					~l1c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l1d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l1e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l1f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
					~l2a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l2b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f2=q.value; ~undof2=~f2;
					~l2c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l2d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l2e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l2f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
					~l3a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l3b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f3=q.value; ~undof3=~f3;
					~l3c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l3d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l3e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l3f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
					~l4a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l4b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f4=q.value; ~undof4=~f4;
					~l4c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l4d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l4e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l4f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
					~l5a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l5b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f5=q.value; ~undof5=~f5;
					~l5c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l5d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l5e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l5f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
					~l6a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l6b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f6=q.value; ~undof6=~f6;
					~l6c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l6d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l6e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l6f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
					~l7a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l7b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f7=q.value; ~undof7=~f7;
					~l7c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l7d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l7e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l7f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
					~l8a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l8b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f8=q.value; ~undof8=~f8;
					~l8c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l8d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l8e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l8f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
					~l9a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l9b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f9=q.value; ~undof9=~f9;
					~l9c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l9d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l9e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l9f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
					~l10a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l10b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f10=q.value; ~undof10=~f10;
					~l10c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l10d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l10e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l10f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
					~l11a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l11b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f11=q.value; ~undof11=~f11;
					~l11c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l11d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l11e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l11f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
					~l12a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l12b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f12=q.value; ~undof12=~f12;
					~l12c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l12d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l12e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l12f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>~tgrid and: y<~bgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
					~l1a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l1b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f1=q.value; ~undof1=~f1;
					~l1c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l1d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l1e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l1f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
					~l2a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l2b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f2=q.value; ~undof2=~f2;
					~l2c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l2d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l2e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l2f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
					~l3a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l3b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f3=q.value; ~undof3=~f3;
					~l3c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l3d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l3e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l3f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
					~l4a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l4b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f4=q.value; ~undof4=~f4;
					~l4c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l4d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l4e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l4f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
					~l5a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l5b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f5=q.value; ~undof5=~f5;
					~l5c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l5d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l5e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l5f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
					~l6a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l6b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f6=q.value; ~undof6=~f6;
					~l6c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l6d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l6e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l6f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
					~l7a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l7b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f7=q.value; ~undof7=~f7;
					~l7c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l7d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l7e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l7f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
					~l8a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l8b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f8=q.value; ~undof8=~f8;
					~l8c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l8d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l8e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l8f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
					~l9a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l9b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f9=q.value; ~undof9=~f9;
					~l9c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l9d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l9e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l9f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
					~l10a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l10b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f10=q.value; ~undof10=~f10;
					~l10c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l10d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l10e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l10f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
					~l11a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l11b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f11=q.value; ~undof11=~f11;
					~l11c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l11d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l11e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l11f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
					~l12a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l12b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f12=q.value; ~undof12=~f12;
					~l12c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l12d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l12e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l12f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});};

	//mouse move action

	view.mouseMoveAction = {
		|v, x, y|

		~nh = 2;
		~nw = ~nh*1.6180339887499;

		//generate dots on mouse move action

		~tgrid = 30;
		~bgrid = Window.screenBounds.height-(Window.screenBounds.height/1.6180339887499)+30;

		{y<~tgrid} {nil}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 0, {~z1.close;~z25.close;~z1 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 1, {~z2.close;~z26.close;~z2 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 2, {~z3.close;~z27.close;~z3 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 3, {~z4.close;~z28.close;~z4 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 4, {~z5.close;~z29.close;~z5 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 5, {~z6.close;~z30.close;~z6 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 6, {~z7.close;~z31.close;~z7 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 7, {~z8.close;~z32.close;~z8 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 8, {~z9.close;~z33.close;~z9 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 9, {~z10.close;~z34.close;~z10 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 10, {~z11.close;~z35.close;~z11 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)}  {if(~number_of_synths > 11, {~z12.close;~z36.close;~z12 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>~tgrid and: y<~bgrid} {nil}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 0, {~z1.close;~z25.close;~z1 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 1, {~z2.close;~z26.close;~z2 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 2, {~z3.close;~z27.close;~z3 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 3, {~z4.close;~z28.close;~z4 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 4, {~z5.close;~z29.close;~z5 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 5, {~z6.close;~z30.close;~z6 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 6, {~z7.close;~z31.close;~z7 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 7, {~z8.close;~z32.close;~z8 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 8, {~z9.close;~z33.close;~z9 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 9, {~z10.close;~z34.close;~z10 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 10, {~z11.close;~z35.close;~z11 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});}
		{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {if(~number_of_synths > 11, {~z12.close;~z36.close;~z12 = (View(w, Rect(x, y, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;)});};

		~tgrid = 30;
		~bgrid = Window.screenBounds.height-(Window.screenBounds.height/1.6180339887499)+30;

		//set synth values on mouse move action

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			{y<~tgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
					~l1a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l1b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f1=q.value; ~undof1=~f1;
					~l1c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l1d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l1e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l1f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
					~l2a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l2b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f2=q.value; ~undof2=~f2;
					~l2c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l2d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l2e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l2f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
					~l3a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l3b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f3=q.value; ~undof3=~f3;
					~l3c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l3d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l3e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l3f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
					~l4a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l4b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f4=q.value; ~undof4=~f4;
					~l4c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l4d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l4e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l4f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
					~l5a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l5b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f5=q.value; ~undof5=~f5;
					~l5c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l5d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l5e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l5f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
					~l6a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l6b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f6=q.value; ~undof6=~f6;
					~l6c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l6d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l6e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l6f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
					~l7a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l7b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f7=q.value; ~undof7=~f7;
					~l7c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l7d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l7e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l7f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
					~l8a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l8b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f8=q.value; ~undof8=~f8;
					~l8c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l8d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l8e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l8f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
					~l9a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l9b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f9=q.value; ~undof9=~f9;
					~l9c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l9d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l9e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l9f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
					~l10a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l10b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f10=q.value; ~undof10=~f10;
					~l10c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l10d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l10e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l10f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
					~l11a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l11b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f11=q.value; ~undof11=~f11;
					~l11c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l11d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l11e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l11f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
					~l12a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l12b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f12=q.value; ~undof12=~f12;
					~l12c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l12d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l12e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l12f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>~tgrid and: y<~bgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
					~l1a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l1b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f1=q.value; ~undof1=~f1;
					~l1c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l1d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l1e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l1f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
					~l2a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l2b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f2=q.value; ~undof2=~f2;
					~l2c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l2d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l2e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l2f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
					~l3a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l3b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f3=q.value; ~undof3=~f3;
					~l3c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l3d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l3e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l3f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
					~l4a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l4b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f4=q.value; ~undof4=~f4;
					~l4c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l4d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l4e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l4f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
					~l5a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l5b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f5=q.value; ~undof5=~f5;
					~l5c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l5d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l5e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l5f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
					~l6a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l6b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f6=q.value; ~undof6=~f6;
					~l6c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l6d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l6e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l6f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
					~l7a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l7b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f7=q.value; ~undof7=~f7;
					~l7c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l7d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l7e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l7f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
					~l8a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l8b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f8=q.value; ~undof8=~f8;
					~l8c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l8d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l8e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l8f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
					~l9a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l9b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f9=q.value; ~undof9=~f9;
					~l9c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l9d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l9e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l9f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
					~l10a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l10b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f10=q.value; ~undof10=~f10;
					~l10c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l10d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l10e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l10f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
					~l11a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l11b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f11=q.value; ~undof11=~f11;
					~l11c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l11d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l11e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l11f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
					~l12a.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l12b.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f12=q.value; ~undof12=~f12;
					~l12c.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l12d.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l12e.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l12f.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});};
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			{y<~tgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
					~l1a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l1b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f1=q.value; ~undof1=~f1;
					~l1c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l1d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l1e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l1f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
					~l2a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l2b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f2=q.value; ~undof2=~f2;
					~l2c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l2d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l2e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l2f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
					~l3a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l3b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f3=q.value; ~undof3=~f3;
					~l3c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l3d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l3e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l3f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
					~l4a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l4b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f4=q.value; ~undof4=~f4;
					~l4c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l4d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l4e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l4f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
					~l5a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l5b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f5=q.value; ~undof5=~f5;
					~l5c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l5d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l5e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l5f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
					~l6a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l6b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f6=q.value; ~undof6=~f6;
					~l6c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l6d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l6e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l6f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
					~l7a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l7b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f7=q.value; ~undof7=~f7;
					~l7c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l7d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l7e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l7f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
					~l8a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l8b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f8=q.value; ~undof8=~f8;
					~l8c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l8d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l8e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l8f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
					~l9a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l9b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f9=q.value; ~undof9=~f9;
					~l9c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l9d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l9e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l9f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
					~l10a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l10b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f10=q.value; ~undof10=~f10;
					~l10c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l10d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l10e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l10f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
					~l11a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l11b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f11=q.value; ~undof11=~f11;
					~l11c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l11d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l11e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l11f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~tgrid) and: y<=(~tgrid=~tgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
					~l12a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)));
					~l12b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value); ~f12=q.value; ~undof12=~f12;
					~l12c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd3);
					~l12d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd3);
					~l12e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1))/~icd6);
					~l12f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin1,~outmax1)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>~tgrid and: y<~bgrid} {nil}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
					~l1a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l1b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f1=q.value; ~undof1=~f1;
					~l1c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l1d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l1e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l1f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
					~l2a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l2b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f2=q.value; ~undof2=~f2;
					~l2c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l2d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l2e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l2f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
					~l3a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l3b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f3=q.value; ~undof3=~f3;
					~l3c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l3d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l3e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l3f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
					~l4a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l4b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f4=q.value; ~undof4=~f4;
					~l4c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l4d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l4e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l4f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
					~l5a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l5b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f5=q.value; ~undof5=~f5;
					~l5c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l5d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l5e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l5f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
					~l6a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l6b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f6=q.value; ~undof6=~f6;
					~l6c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l6d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l6e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l6f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
					~l7a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l7b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f7=q.value; ~undof7=~f7;
					~l7c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l7d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l7e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l7f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
					~l8a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l8b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f8=q.value; ~undof8=~f8;
					~l8c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l8d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l8e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l8f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
					~l9a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l9b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f9=q.value; ~undof9=~f9;
					~l9c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l9d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l9e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l9f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
					~l10a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l10b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f10=q.value; ~undof10=~f10;
					~l10c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l10d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l10e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l10f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
					~l11a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l11b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f11=q.value; ~undof11=~f11;
					~l11c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l11d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l11e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l11f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});}
			{y>=(~bgrid) and: y<=(~bgrid=~bgrid+10)} {
				if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
					~l12a1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)));
					~l12b1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value); ~f12=q.value; ~undof12=~f12;
					~l12c1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd3);
					~l12d1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd3);
					~l12e1.set(\dur, ((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2))/~icd6);
					~l12f1.set(\dur, q=((x/(Window.screenBounds.width)).linexp(0,1,~outmin2,~outmax2)).value/~icd6);});};

	~tgrid = 30;
	~bgrid = Window.screenBounds.height-(Window.screenBounds.height/1.6180339887499)+30;
	~dc1 = ~tgrid-5; ~dc2 = ~bgrid-5; ~dca = 10;



~bpl = Window.screenBounds.width-340;
~bpt = Window.screenBounds.height-88;
~bph = 40;
~bpw = 40/1.6180339887499;

//copy button

b =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width*0+80,Window.screenBounds.height-52,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["copy",Color.white,],["copy",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
	if(button.value == 1, {

		~tsc = TextView(w, Rect(0,5, Window.screenBounds.width, 354)).background_(;
		(~tsc.string =

			"current chord/frequencies: "++"\n"++"\n"++

			{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet})}.value++"\n"++"\n"++

			"saved open/flow 1-8 frequencies (in script format): "++"\n"++"\n"++

			" = 0; {("++"f".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut("++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))}); ~synthopen.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			" = 0; {("++"f".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut("++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			" = 0; {("++"f".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut("++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			" = 0; {("++"f".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut("++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			" = 0; {("++"f".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut("++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			" = 0; {("++"f".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut("++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			" = 0; {("++"f".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut("++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			" = 0; {("++"f".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut("++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++"\n"++

			"saved slide 1-8 frequencies (in script format): "++"\n"++"\n"++

			"~slidedo = 432; = 0; {("++"sf".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("++"f".quote++"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - "++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))*(-1)/~slidedo)}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo; ~slidetime = 2; ~synthslide.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			"~slidedo = 432; = 0; {("++"sf".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("++"f".quote++"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - "++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))*(-1)/~slidedo)}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo; ~slidetime = 2; ~synthslide.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			"~slidedo = 432; = 0; {("++"sf".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("++"f".quote++"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - "++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))*(-1)/~slidedo)}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo; ~slidetime = 2; ~synthslide.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			"~slidedo = 432; = 0; {("++"sf".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("++"f".quote++"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - "++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))*(-1)/~slidedo)}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo; ~slidetime = 2; ~synthslide.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			"~slidedo = 432; = 0; {("++"sf".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("++"f".quote++"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - "++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))*(-1)/~slidedo)}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo; ~slidetime = 2; ~synthslide.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			"~slidedo = 432; = 0; {("++"sf".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("++"f".quote++"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - "++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))*(-1)/~slidedo)}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo; ~slidetime = 2; ~synthslide.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			"~slidedo = 432; = 0; {("++"sf".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("++"f".quote++"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - "++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))*(-1)/~slidedo)}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo; ~slidetime = 2; ~synthslide.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;"++"\n"++
			"~slidedo = 432; = 0; {("++"sf".quote++"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("++"f".quote++"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - "++{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirGet})++{x=0; Array.fill((~number_of_synths_limit-~number_of_synths), {0})}.value}.value++".at(x-1))*(-1)/~slidedo)}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo; ~slidetime = 2; ~synthslide.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;";
		~tsc.stringColor = Color.white;
		{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet})}.value.postln;},

/*//stop timer button

sts =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20-20-20-20,~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["st",Color.white,],["st",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
if(~timer.isPlaying == true, {
if(~tst.value == nil, {~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear;},{~tst.close;
~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear;});

//timer button

~ts =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width*0+20,Window.screenBounds.height-52,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["tsynth0",Color.white,],["tsynth1",Color.white,]]).action_({arg synthbutton; synthbutton.value.postln}).action_({arg synthbutton; if(synthbutton.value == 1, {

	~sts =,Rect(~bp01l-90,~bp01t,80,20)).states_([["stop timer",Color.white,],["stop timer",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		if(~timer.isPlaying == true, {
			if(~tst.value == nil, {~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear;},{~tst.close;
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear;});

	if(~tst != nil, {~tst.close});
	~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear;},{if(~tst.value == nil, {~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear;},{~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~tst.close; ~sts.close;})});


//start/stop synth button

if((~l1a == nil) or: (~l1a1 == nil), {
	~l1a = Synth(\gsineicfld, [\dur, 0]).register;~l1a1 = Synth(\gsineicfld, [\dur, 0]).register;[~l1a, ~l1a1].do(;~l1a = Synth(\gsineicfld, [\dur, 0]).register;~l1a1 = Synth(\gsineicfld, [\dur, 0]).register;[~l1a, ~l1a1].do(;

b3 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width*0+20,Window.screenBounds.height-88,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["synth0",Color.white,],["synth1",Color.white,]]).action_({arg synthbutton; synthbutton.value.postln}).action_({
	arg synthbutton; if(synthbutton.value == 1, {
		~numsynths.stop; ~numsynthsfunc.value;
		if(~midifunc != nil, {~midifunc.value});
	{~synthfree.value; b4.value = 0;})

//pause/unpause button

b4 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width*0+80,Window.screenBounds.height-88,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["pause0",Color.white,],["pause1",Color.white,]]).action_({arg synthbutton; synthbutton.value.postln}).action_({
	arg synthbutton; if(synthbutton.value == 1, {~synthpause.value; if(~ts.value == 1, {~timer.stop;});},
		{~synthflow.value; if(~ts.value != 1, {nil}, {;})})

//generate values for number of KW(King Wen) sequences in a timewave half-cycle (or amplitude x2) pop-up menu

if(~low_pass_filter_set_value == nil, {~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~low_pass_filter_freq_limit});
if(~low_pass_filter_set_value != ~low_pass_filter_freq_limit, {~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~low_pass_filter_freq_limit});

//settings function

~settingsbutton =,Rect(20+60*2+15+25,Window.screenBounds.height-88+(30/1.6180339887499*0),60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["settings",Color.white,],["settings",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 1, {

			arg  top = 0,width=160, revertwidth=75, height = 25,  heightbox = 25, lefttime = 0 , lefttimebox = width+5,  widthbox=165, leftdo = lefttimebox+widthbox+5, leftdobox = leftdo+57, inc=0, lw = 0,  uw = 0, numw = 40;
			var tall, stall, iall, siall, st1, st2, st3, st4, st5, st6, st7, st8, st9, st10, st11, st12, si1, si2, si3, si4, si5, si6, si7, si8, t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12;
			~settingsview = View(w, Rect(5,Window.screenBounds.height-390,375,480/1.6180339887499)).front;

			top = 0;

			t1 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top, width, height)).background_("KWS number").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t2 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("base(lowest) freq(hz)").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t3 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("synthdef type").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t4 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("lp filter limit(hz)").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t4 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("lp filter rq").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t5 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("lp filter type").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t6 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("automate").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t7 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("automate period").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t8 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("# of synths").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t9 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height+10)).background_("amplitude(use small increments like 0.001)").stringColor_(Color.white);

			//reset to default filter settings

			if(~lpfl_save == nil, {~lpfl_save = ~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit1});
			if(~lpf_rq_save == nil, {~lpf_rq_save = ~default_lpfilter_rq_1});

			~resetfilter = Button(~settingsview,Rect(0, top=top+height+15, 100, 40/~gm)).states_([["reset filter",Color.white,],["unreset filter",Color.white,]]).mouseDownAction_({

				if(~resetfilter.value == 0, {

					~lpfl_save = ~lpfl;

					~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit1;

					~low_pass_filter_textfield.string = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asString; ~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asFloat;

					~lpfl = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;

					{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit1 = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;}
					{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit2 = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;};

					~lpf_rq_save = ~lpf_rq;

					~rq_set_value = ~default_lpfilter_rq_1;

					~rq_textfield.string = ~rq_set_value.asString; ~rq_set_value = ~rq_set_value.asFloat;

					~lpf_rq = ~rq_set_value; ~synthflow.value;
				}, {

					~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~lpfl_save;

					~low_pass_filter_textfield.string = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asString; ~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asFloat;

					~lpfl = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;

					{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit1 = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;}
					{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit2 = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;};

					~rq_set_value = ~lpf_rq_save;

					~rq_textfield.string = ~rq_set_value.asString; ~rq_set_value = ~rq_set_value.asFloat;

					~lpf_rq = ~rq_set_value; ~synthflow.value;


			top = 0;

			//number of KW(King Wen) sequences in a timewave half-cycle (or amplitude x2) pop-up menu

			~menu2 = PopUpMenu(~settingsview,Rect(lefttimebox , top=top, widthbox, heightbox)).items_(x = 0; Array.fill(24, {(x=x+1).asString++" kws"});).background_({arg button;

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 200, 20)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "# of kws in halfcycle selected";

			~menu2.value = ~gsinenum-1;

			//pop-menu for timewave base(lowest) frequency

			~bfreq = PopUpMenu(~settingsview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).items_(~bfreqv = (-1); Array.fill(~basefreqmap.size, {})).background_({arg button;

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 200, 20)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "basefreq selected";

			if(~bfreqval != nil, {~bfreq.value = ~bfreqval}, {~bfreq.value = ~basefreqmap.indexOf(~base_frequency);});

			//synthdef pop-up menu

			~gsinemenu = PopUpMenu(~settingsview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).items_(["psine1","psine2","psine3","hsine1","psineuf1 (unfiltered - does not filter high frequncies)","psineuf2 (unfiltered - does not filter high frequncies)","psineuf3 (unfiltered - does not filter high frequncies)","hsineuf1 (unfiltered - does not filter high frequncies)"]).background_({arg button;

				if(~gsinemenu.value == 0,  {~kws_setting = 1; ~ratio_setting = "psine1"; ~low_pass_filter_on = 1; ~gs = 0;});
				if(~gsinemenu.value == 1,  {~kws_setting = 2; ~ratio_setting = "psine2"; ~low_pass_filter_on = 1; ~gs = 1;});
				if(~gsinemenu.value == 2,  {~kws_setting = 3; ~ratio_setting = "psine3"; ~low_pass_filter_on = 1; ~gs = 2;});
				if(~gsinemenu.value == 3,  {~kws_setting = 4; ~ratio_setting = "hsine1"; ~low_pass_filter_on = 1; ~gs = 3;});
				if(~gsinemenu.value == 4,  {~kws_setting = 1; ~ratio_setting = "psine1"; ~low_pass_filter_on = 0; ~gs = 4;});
				if(~gsinemenu.value == 5,  {~kws_setting = 2; ~ratio_setting = "psine2"; ~low_pass_filter_on = 0; ~gs = 5;});
				if(~gsinemenu.value == 6,  {~kws_setting = 3; ~ratio_setting = "psine3"; ~low_pass_filter_on = 0; ~gs = 6;});
				if(~gsinemenu.value == 7,  {~kws_setting = 4; ~ratio_setting = "hsine1"; ~low_pass_filter_on = 0; ~gs = 7;});

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 200, 20)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "synthdef setting selected";

			if(~gs == nil, {~gs = 0;});

			{~gs == 0}{~gsinemenu.value = 0;}
			{~gs == 1}{~gsinemenu.value = 1;}
			{~gs == 2}{~gsinemenu.value = 2;}
			{~gs == 3}{~gsinemenu.value = 3;}
			{~gs == 4}{~gsinemenu.value = 4;}
			{~gs == 5}{~gsinemenu.value = 5;}
			{~gs == 6}{~gsinemenu.value = 6;}
			{~gs == 7}{~gsinemenu.value = 7;};

			//set low-pass filter frequency limit

			~low_pass_filter_textfield = TextField(~settingsview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox));
			~low_pass_filter_textfield.string =
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit1;}
			{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit2;};
			~low_pass_filter_textfield.action = {arg value; ~freqsetvalue = value.value;

				~freqset_textfield_func.value; //this function is found after line 2900

				~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~freqsetvalue.value;

				~low_pass_filter_textfield.string = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asString; ~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asFloat;

				~lpfl = ~low_pass_filter_set_value; ~synthflow.value;

				{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit1 = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;}
				{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit2 = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;};

				if(~low_pass_filter_set_value != 0, {
					if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
					~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 240, 20)).background_(;
					~st.stringColor = Color.white;
					~st.string = "low-pass filter freq limit selected";
				}, {~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~low_pass_filter_freq_limit; ~lpfl = ~low_pass_filter_set_value; ~synthflow.value; ~low_pass_filter_textfield.string = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asString;});

			//set low-pass filter rq

			~rq_textfield = TextField(~settingsview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox));
			~rq_textfield.string = ~rq_set_value.asString;
			~rq_textfield.action = {arg value; ~freqsetvalue = value.value;

				~freqset_textfield_func.value; //this function is found after line 2900

				~rq_set_value = ~freqsetvalue.value;

				~rq_textfield.string = ~rq_set_value.asString; ~rq_set_value = ~rq_set_value.asFloat;

				~lpf_rq = ~rq_set_value; ~synthflow.value;

				{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{~lpfilter_rq_1 = ~rq_set_value;}
				{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{~lpfilter_rq_2 = ~rq_set_value;};

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 240, 20)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "low-pass filter rq selected";

			//2D slider for low-pass filter parameters

			~sliderbutton = Button(~settingsview,Rect(lefttimebox*2+5, top, 36, heightbox*2)).states_([["slider",Color.white,],["slider",Color.white,]]).mouseDownAction_({arg button;

				if(~filterslider_x == nil, {~filterslider_x = 0.33911368015414});
				if(~filterslider_y == nil, {~filterslider_y = 0.091259640102828});
				if(button.value == 0, {
				a = ControlSpec(700, 5000, \exp);
				b = ControlSpec(0.1, 20.0, \lin);
				~filterslider = Slider2D(w, Rect(380,0,Window.screenBounds.width-380,Window.screenBounds.height-100))
					            [\sliderX, x =, \sliderY, y =]; ~filterslider_x = sl.x; ~filterslider_y = sl.y;

					~low_pass_filter_set_value = x;

					~low_pass_filter_textfield.string = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asString; ~low_pass_filter_set_value = ~low_pass_filter_set_value.asFloat;

					~lpfl = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;

					{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit1 = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;}
					{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit2 = ~low_pass_filter_set_value;};

					~rq_set_value = y;

					~rq_textfield.string = ~rq_set_value.asString; ~rq_set_value = ~rq_set_value.asFloat;

					~lpf_rq = ~rq_set_value; ~synthflow.value;

				}, {~filterslider.close;});

			~sliderbutton.font = Font(size: 10);

			//set low-pass filter type

			~lpfiltermenu = PopUpMenu(~settingsview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).items_(["12db/oct rolloff - 2nd order resonant Low Pass Filter", "24db/oct rolloff - 4th order resonant Low Pass Filter (bit more cpu)"]).background_({arg button;

				if(~lpfiltermenu.value == 0,  {~low_pass_filter_setting = 0; ~lpfiltermenuval = 0;});
				if(~lpfiltermenu.value == 1,  {~low_pass_filter_setting = 1; ~lpfiltermenuval = 1;});

				~low_pass_filter_textfield.string =
				{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit1;}
				{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{~low_pass_filter_freq_limit2;};

				~rq_textfield.string =
				{~low_pass_filter_setting == 0}{~lpfilter_rq_1;}
				{~low_pass_filter_setting == 1}{~lpfilter_rq_2;};

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 200, 20)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "lp-filter setting selected";

			if(~lpfiltermenuval == nil, {~lpfiltermenuval = 0;});

			{~lpfiltermenuval == 0}{~lpfiltermenu.value = 0;}
			{~lpfiltermenuval == 1}{~lpfiltermenu.value = 1;};

			//switch to sendreply functions

			~sendreplymenu = PopUpMenu(~settingsview,Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).items_(["off","phi/fth trans","phi trans","western scale","eastern scale"]).background_({arg button;

				{button.value == 0;}{~sendreplymenu_value = 0;}
				{button.value == 1;}{~sendreplymenu_value = 1;}
				{button.value == 2;}{~sendreplymenu_value = 2;}
				{button.value == 3;}{~sendreplymenu_value = 3;}
				{button.value == 4;}{~sendreplymenu_value = 4;};

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 200, 20)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "automate setting selected";

			if(~sendreplymenu_value == nil, {~sendreplymenu_value = 0;});

			{~sendreplymenu_value == 0}{~sendreplymenu.value = 0;}
			{~sendreplymenu_value == 1}{~sendreplymenu.value = 1;}
			{~sendreplymenu_value == 2}{~sendreplymenu.value = 2;}
			{~sendreplymenu_value == 3}{~sendreplymenu.value = 3;}
			{~sendreplymenu_value == 4}{~sendreplymenu.value = 4;};

			//set automate note-change period for sendreply

			~sendreplyperiodtextfield = TextField(~settingsview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox));
			~sendreplyperiodtextfield.string = ~sendreply_period.asString;
			~sendreplyperiodtextfield.action = {arg value; ~freqsetvalue = value.value;

				~freqset_textfield_func.value; //this function is found after line 2900

				~sendreply_period = ~freqsetvalue.value;

				~sendreplyperiodtextfield.string = ~sendreply_period.asString; ~sendreply_period = ~sendreply_period.asFloat;

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 240, 35)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "automate note-change period selected";

			x = 0;
			~synthnumbermenu = PopUpMenu(~settingsview,Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).items_(Array.fill(12, {(x=x+1).asString++" synths"})).background_({arg button;

				{button.value == 0;}{~number_of_synths = 1; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 0;}
				{button.value == 1;}{~number_of_synths = 2; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 1;}
				{button.value == 2;}{~number_of_synths = 3; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 2;}
				{button.value == 3;}{~number_of_synths = 4; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 3;}
				{button.value == 4;}{~number_of_synths = 5; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 4;}
				{button.value == 5;}{~number_of_synths = 6; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 5;}
				{button.value == 6;}{~number_of_synths = 7; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 6;}
				{button.value == 7;}{~number_of_synths = 8; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 7;}
				{button.value == 8;}{~number_of_synths = 9; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 8;}
				{button.value == 9;}{~number_of_synths = 10; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 9;}
				{button.value == 10;}{~number_of_synths = 11; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 10;}
				{button.value == 11;}{~number_of_synths = 12; ~synth_funcs_func.value; ~synthnumbermenuval = 11;};

				~close.valueAction = 1; ~closemessagebutton1.valueAction = 1; ~timewavesynthapp.value; ~settingsbutton.valueAction = 1;

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 200, 20)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "synth number selected";

			if(~synthnumbermenuval == nil, {~synthnumbermenuval = ~number_of_synths-1;});

			{~synthnumbermenuval == 0}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 0;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 1}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 1;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 2}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 2;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 3}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 3;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 4}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 4;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 5}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 5;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 6}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 6;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 7}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 7;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 8}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 8;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 9}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 9;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 10}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 10;}
			{~synthnumbermenuval == 11}{~synthnumbermenu.value = 11;};

			//set volume

			~volumetextfield = TextField(~settingsview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox));
			~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;
			~vol_revert = ~vol;
			~volumetextfield.action = {arg value; ~freqsetvalue = value.value;

				~volumetextfield.value; //this function is found after line 2900

				~vol = ~freqsetvalue.value;

				~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString; ~vol = ~vol.asFloat;

				if(~vol >= 0.02, {~vol = ~vol_revert; ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}); = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~synthflow.value;

				if(~st != nil, {~st.close});
				~st = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 240, 35)).background_(;
				~st.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st.string = "volume selected";

			//set button for all settings

			~set1=Button(~settingsview,Rect(lefttimebox+widthbox-60, top=top+height+10, 60, 60/~gm)).states_([["set",Color.white,]]).mouseDownAction_({

				~st1 = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 200, 20)).background_(;
				~st1.stringColor = Color.white;
				~st1.string = "loading...";

				~basefreq =;); ~bfreqval = ~bfreq.value;

				(#a,b,c,d,e,f =	[ ~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq  ]; ~a = a; ~b = b; ~c =c; ~d = d; ~e = e;~f=f;);

				//set n1-n9 values

				{~ratio_setting == "psine1";}{~n_value1 = ~gm;    ~n_value2 = ~gm2;   ~n_value6 = ~gm6;}
				{~ratio_setting == "psine2";}{~n_value1 = ~ngm1;  ~n_value2 = ~ngm2;  ~n_value6 = ~ngm6;}
				{~ratio_setting == "psine3";}{~n_value1 = ~nngm1; ~n_value2 = ~nngm2; ~n_value6 = ~nngm6;}
				{~ratio_setting == "hsine1";}{~n_value1 = ~gm;    ~n_value2 = ~gm2;   ~n_value6 = ~gm6;};

				//sendyreply values

				{~sendreplymenu.value ==  0}{~sendreplysynthdef_on = 0;}
				{~sendreplymenu.value ==  1}{~sendreplysynthdef_on = 1; ~sendreplyfunc_choose = 0; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func = ~sendreply_gm_fth_func_1}
				{~sendreplymenu.value ==  2}{~sendreplysynthdef_on = 1; ~sendreplyfunc_choose = 0; ~sendreply_gm_fth_func = ~sendreply_gm_fth_func_2}
				{~sendreplymenu.value ==  3}{~sendreplysynthdef_on = 1; ~sendreplyfunc_choose = 1; ~send_reply_random_func = ~send_reply_random_func_western; ~sendreplyfuncswitch = 1;}
				{~sendreplymenu.value ==  4}{~sendreplysynthdef_on = 1; ~sendreplyfunc_choose = 1; ~send_reply_random_func = ~send_reply_random_func_eastern; ~sendreplyfuncswitch = 2;};

				//evaluate synthdefs(gsine)

					{~menu2.value == 0}{~gsinenum = 1; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.005; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 1}{~gsinenum = 2; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.005; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 2}{~gsinenum = 3; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.005; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 3}{~gsinenum = 4; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.005; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 4}{~gsinenum = 5; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.005; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 5}{~gsinenum = 6; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.005; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 6}{~gsinenum = 7; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.006; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 7}{~gsinenum = 8; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.006; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 8}{~gsinenum = 9; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.008; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 9}{~gsinenum = 10; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.009; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 10}{~gsinenum = 11; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 11}{~gsinenum = 12; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 12}{~gsinenum = 13; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 13}{~gsinenum = 14; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 14}{~gsinenum = 15; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 15}{~gsinenum = 16; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 16}{~gsinenum = 17; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 17}{~gsinenum = 18; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 18}{~gsinenum = 19; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 19}{~gsinenum = 20; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 20}{~gsinenum = 21; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 21}{~gsinenum = 22; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 22}{~gsinenum = 23; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;}
					{~menu2.value == 23}{~gsinenum = 24; ~gsine.value; ~vol = 0.0099; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)}); ~volumetextfield.string = ~vol.asString;};

					~st_load = StaticText(~settingsview, Rect(lefttime, top, 200, 20)).background_(;
					~st_load.stringColor =;
					~st_load.string = "loaded.";
					AppClock.sched(~gm,{~st_load.close; if(~st != nil, {~st.close});});



			/*~closessettingsbutton =,Rect(lefttimebox+widthbox-40, top, 40, 40/~gm)).states_([["close",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

			~settingsview.close; ~settingsbutton.value = 0;


	}, {~settingsview.close; if(~filterslider.isClosed == false, {~filterslider.close;});});

//open/flow/slide buttons coordinate values

~buttons_func = {

	~bph = 26;
	~bpw = 26/1.6180339887499;
	~bpl = Window.screenBounds.width-(~bph*8)-20;
	~bpt = Window.screenBounds.height-88;

	~bp01l = ~bpl;
	~bp02l = ~bpl+(~bph*1);
	~bp03l = ~bpl+(~bph*2);
	~bp04l = ~bpl+(~bph*3);
	~bp05l = ~bpl+(~bph*4);
	~bp06l = ~bpl+(~bph*5);
	~bp07l = ~bpl+(~bph*6);
	~bp08l = ~bpl+(~bph*7);
	~bpf1l = ~bpl;
	~bpf2l = ~bpl+(~bph*1);
	~bpf3l = ~bpl+(~bph*2);
	~bpf4l = ~bpl+(~bph*3);
	~bpf5l = ~bpl+(~bph*4);
	~bpf6l = ~bpl+(~bph*5);
	~bpf7l = ~bpl+(~bph*6);
	~bpf8l = ~bpl+(~bph*7);

	~bp01t = ~bpt;
	~bp02t = ~bpt;
	~bp03t = ~bpt;
	~bp04t = ~bpt;
	~bp05t = ~bpt;
	~bp06t = ~bpt;
	~bp07t = ~bpt;
	~bp08t = ~bpt;
	~bpf1t = ~bpt+~bpw;
	~bpf2t = ~bpt+~bpw;
	~bpf3t = ~bpt+~bpw;
	~bpf4t = ~bpt+~bpw;
	~bpf5t = ~bpt+~bpw;
	~bpf6t = ~bpt+~bpw;
	~bpf7t = ~bpt+~bpw;
	~bpf8t = ~bpt+~bpw;

	~bp01h = ~bph;
	~bp02h = ~bph;
	~bp03h = ~bph;
	~bp04h = ~bph;
	~bp05h = ~bph;
	~bp06h = ~bph;
	~bp07h = ~bph;
	~bp08h = ~bph;
	~bpf1h = ~bph;
	~bpf2h = ~bph;
	~bpf3h = ~bph;
	~bpf4h = ~bph;
	~bpf5h = ~bph;
	~bpf6h = ~bph;
	~bpf7h = ~bph;
	~bpf8h = ~bph;

	~bp01w = ~bpw;
	~bp02w = ~bpw;
	~bp03w = ~bpw;
	~bp04w = ~bpw;
	~bp05w = ~bpw;
	~bp06w = ~bpw;
	~bp07w = ~bpw;
	~bp08w = ~bpw;
	~bpf1w = ~bpw;
	~bpf2w = ~bpw;
	~bpf3w = ~bpw;
	~bpf4w = ~bpw;
	~bpf5w = ~bpw;
	~bpf6w = ~bpw;
	~bpf7w = ~bpw;
	~bpf8w = ~bpw;


	//synthopen 1-8 buttons

	~bplaceo1 =,Rect(~bp01l,~bp01t,~bp01h,~bp01w)).states_([["o1",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "o1"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time1o = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time1o =
					~time1o+0.01; ~slot = "o1_"+~time1o.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplaceo2 =,Rect(~bp02l,~bp02t,~bp02h,~bp02w)).states_([["o2",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "o2"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time2o = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time2o =
					~time2o+0.01; ~slot = "o2_"+~time2o.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},
	~bplaceo3 =,Rect(~bp03l,~bp03t,~bp03h,~bp03w)).states_([["o3",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "o3"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time3o = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time3o =
					~time3o+0.01; ~slot = "o3_"+~time3o.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},
	~bplaceo4 =,Rect(~bp04l,~bp04t,~bp04h,~bp04w)).states_([["o4",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "o4"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time4o = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time4o =
					~time4o+0.01; ~slot = "o4_"+~time4o.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},


	~bplaceo5 =,Rect(~bp05l,~bp05t,~bp05h,~bp05w)).states_([["o5",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "o5"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time5o = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time5o =
					~time5o+0.01; ~slot = "o5_"+~time5o.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplaceo6 =,Rect(~bp06l,~bp06t,~bp06h,~bp06w)).states_([["o6",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "o6"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time6o = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time6o =
					~time6o+0.01; ~slot = "o6_"+~time6o.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},
	~bplaceo7 =,Rect(~bp07l,~bp07t,~bp07h,~bp07w)).states_([["o7",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"g").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "o7"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time7o = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time7o =
					~time7o+0.01; ~slot = "o7_"+~time7o.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},
	~bplaceo8 =,Rect(~bp08l,~bp08t,~bp08h,~bp08w)).states_([["o8",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"h").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "o8"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time8o = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time8o =
					~time8o+0.01; ~slot = "o8_"+~time8o.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	//synthflow 1-8 buttons

	~bplacef1 =,Rect(~bpf1l,~bpf1t,~bpf1h,~bpf1w)).states_([["f1",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "f1"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time1f = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time1f =
					~time1f+0.01; ~slot = "f1_"+~time1f.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},
	~bplacef2 =,Rect(~bpf2l,~bpf2t,~bpf2h,~bpf2w)).states_([["f2",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "f2"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time2f = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time2f =
					~time2f+0.01; ~slot = "f2_"+~time2f.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplacef3 =,Rect(~bpf3l,~bpf3t,~bpf3h,~bpf3w)).states_([["f3",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "f3"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time3f = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time3f =
					~time3f+0.01; ~slot = "f3_"+~time3f.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},
	~bplacef4 =,Rect(~bpf4l,~bpf4t,~bpf4h,~bpf4w)).states_([["f4",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "f4"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time4f = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time4f =
					~time4f+0.01; ~slot = "f4_"+~time4f.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplacef5 =,Rect(~bpf5l,~bpf5t,~bpf5h,~bpf5w)).states_([["f5",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "f5"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time5f = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time5f =
					~time5f+0.01; ~slot = "f5_"+~time5f.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplacef6 =,Rect(~bpf6l,~bpf6t,~bpf6h,~bpf6w)).states_([["f6",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "f6"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time6f = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time6f =
					~time6f+0.01; ~slot = "f6_"+~time6f.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplacef7 =,Rect(~bpf7l,~bpf7t,~bpf7h,~bpf7w)).states_([["f7",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"g").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "f7"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time7f = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time7f =
					~time7f+0.01; ~slot = "f7_"+~time7f.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},
	~bplacef8 =,Rect(~bpf8l,~bpf8t,~bpf8h,~bpf8w)).states_([["f8",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("fp"++(x)++"h").asSymbol.envirGet)});

		~currentsynth = "f8"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time8f = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time8f =
					~time8f+0.01; ~slot = "f8_"+~time8f.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	//synthslide 1-8 buttons

	~bplaces1 =,Rect(~bpf1l,~bpf1t+~bpf1w,~bpf1h,~bpf1w)).states_([["s1",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		if(~slidetime1 == nil, {~slidetime1 = 4}); if(~slidedo1 == nil, {~slidedo1 = 2000;}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo1; = 0; {
			("sf"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - ("fp"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)*(-1)/~slidedo1)

		~slidetime =~slidetime1; ~slidedo = ~slidedo1;


		~currentsynth = "s1"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time1s = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time1s =
					~time1s+0.01; ~slot = "s1_"+~time1s.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplaces2 =,Rect(~bpf2l,~bpf2t+~bpf2w,~bpf2h,~bpf2w)).states_([["s2",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		if(~slidetime2 == nil, {~slidetime2 = 4}); if(~slidedo2 == nil, {~slidedo2 = 2000;}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo2; = 0; {
			("sf"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - ("fp"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet)*(-1)/~slidedo2)

		~slidetime = ~slidetime2; ~slidedo = ~slidedo2;


		~currentsynth = "s2"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time2s = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time2s =
					~time2s+0.01; ~slot = "s2_"+~time2s.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplaces3 =,Rect(~bpf3l,~bpf3t+~bpf3w,~bpf3h,~bpf3w)).states_([["s3",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		if(~slidetime3 == nil, {~slidetime3 = 4}); if(~slidedo3 == nil, {~slidedo3 = 2000;}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo3; = 0; {
			("sf"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - ("fp"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet)*(-1)/~slidedo3)

		~slidetime = ~slidetime3; ~slidedo = ~slidedo3;


		~currentsynth = "s3"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time3s = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time3s =
					~time3s+0.01; ~slot = "s3_"+~time3s.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplaces4 =,Rect(~bpf4l,~bpf4t+~bpf4w,~bpf4h,~bpf4w)).states_([["s4",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		if(~slidetime4 == nil, {~slidetime4 = 4}); if(~slidedo4 == nil, {~slidedo4 = 2000;}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo4; = 0; {
			("sf"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - ("fp"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet)*(-1)/~slidedo4)

		~slidetime = ~slidetime4; ~slidedo = ~slidedo4;


		~currentsynth = "s4"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time4s = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time4s =
					~time4s+0.01; ~slot = "s4_"+~time4s.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},
	~bplaces5 =,Rect(~bpf5l,~bpf5t+~bpf5w,~bpf5h,~bpf5w)).states_([["s5",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		if(~slidetime5 == nil, {~slidetime5 = 4}); if(~slidedo5 == nil, {~slidedo5 = 2000;}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo5; = 0; {
			("sf"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - ("fp"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet)*(-1)/~slidedo5)

		~slidetime = ~slidetime5; ~slidedo = ~slidedo5;


		~currentsynth = "s5"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time5s = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time5s =
					~time5s+0.01; ~slot = "s5_"+~time5s.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplaces6 =,Rect(~bpf6l,~bpf6t+~bpf6w,~bpf6h,~bpf6w)).states_([["s6",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		if(~slidetime6 == nil, {~slidetime6 = 4}); if(~slidedo6 == nil, {~slidedo6 = 2000;}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo6; = 0; {
			("sf"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - ("fp"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet)*(-1)/~slidedo6)

		~slidetime = ~slidetime6; ~slidedo = ~slidedo6;

		~currentsynth = "s6"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time6s = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time6s =
					~time6s+0.01; ~slot = "s6_"+~time6s.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplaces7 =,Rect(~bpf7l,~bpf7t+~bpf7w,~bpf7h,~bpf7w)).states_([["s7",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		if(~slidetime7 == nil, {~slidetime7 = 4}); if(~slidedo7 == nil, {~slidedo7 = 2000;}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo7; = 0; {
			("sf"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - ("fp"++(x)++"g").asSymbol.envirGet)*(-1)/~slidedo7)

		~slidetime = ~slidetime7; ~slidedo = ~slidedo7;

		~currentsynth = "s7"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time7s = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time7s =
					~time7s+0.01; ~slot = "s7_"+~time7s.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

	~bplaces8 =,Rect(~bpf8l,~bpf8t+~bpf8w,~bpf8h,~bpf8w)).states_([["s8",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

		if(~slidetime8 == nil, {~slidetime8 = 4}); if(~slidedo8 == nil, {~slidedo8 = 2000;}); ~slidecount = ~slidedo8; = 0; {
			("sf"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet - ("fp"++(x)++"h").asSymbol.envirGet)*(-1)/~slidedo8)

		~slidetime = ~slidetime8; ~slidedo = ~slidedo8;


		~currentsynth = "s8"; ~synthmonitorfunc.value;

		if(~ts.value == 1,
			{if(~tst == nil, {nil}, {~tst.close;});
				~timer.stop; ~systemclock.stop; ~systemclock.clear; ~time8s = 0;
				~timer = Routine({{
					~time8s =
					~time8s+0.01; ~slot = "s8_"+~time8s.asString; 0.01.wait;});}); ~systemclock =;},

//if slidetime/slidedo is nil

if(~slidetimeall == nil, {~slidetimeall = 1});
if(~slidetime1 == nil, {~slidetime1 = 1});
if(~slidetime2 == nil, {~slidetime2 = 1});
if(~slidetime3 == nil, {~slidetime3 = 1});
if(~slidetime4 == nil, {~slidetime4 = 1});
if(~slidetime5 == nil, {~slidetime5 = 1});
if(~slidetime6 == nil, {~slidetime6 = 1});
if(~slidetime7 == nil, {~slidetime7 = 1});
if(~slidetime8 == nil, {~slidetime8 = 1});

if(~slidedoall == nil, {~slidedoall = 432});
if(~slidedo1 == nil, {~slidedo1 = 432});
if(~slidedo2 == nil, {~slidedo2 = 432});
if(~slidedo3 == nil, {~slidedo3 = 432});
if(~slidedo4 == nil, {~slidedo4 = 432});
if(~slidedo5 == nil, {~slidedo5 = 432});
if(~slidedo6 == nil, {~slidedo6 = 432});
if(~slidedo7 == nil, {~slidedo7 = 432});
if(~slidedo8 == nil, {~slidedo8 = 432});

//frequency set function

~freqset_textfield_func = {
	~freqsetvalue = ~freqsetvalue.asString;
	~freqsetvalue = ~freqsetvalue.separate;
	~freqsetvalue = ~freqsetvalue.reject{arg item;
		(item != "1") and:
		(item != "2") and:
		(item != "3") and:
		(item != "4") and:
		(item != "5") and:
		(item != "6") and:
		(item != "7") and:
		(item != "8") and:
		(item != "9") and:
		(item != "0") and:
		(item != ".") and:
		(item != "+") and:
		(item != "-") and:
		(item != "*") and:
		(item != "/") and:
		(item != "**") and:
		(item != "%")
	~freqsetvalue = ~freqsetvalue.join.asString.interpret; ~freqsetvalue = ~freqsetvalue.asFloat;

//extra options button

~extraoptions =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20-20-20,~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["eo",Color.white,],["eo",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 1, {

		~extraoptionsview = View(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(540),Window.screenBounds.height-(340+46/1.6180339887499)-150,340+46,380+46/1.6180339887499)).front;

		//set slide values button

		~slidevals =,Rect(0,25,120,20)).states_([["slide values",Color.white,],["slide values",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

			if(button.value == 1, {
					arg lefttime = 0 , lefttimebox = 52, leftdo = lefttimebox+widthbox+6, leftdobox = leftdo+57, top = 0,width=52, height = 16,  widthbox=52, heightbox = 16, inc=0, lw = 0,  uw = 0, numw = 40;
					var tall, stall, iall, siall, st1, st2, st3, st4, st5, st6, st7, st8, si1, si2, si3, si4, si5, si6, si7, si8, t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8;
					~slideview = View(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(340+46),Window.screenBounds.height-(340+46/1.6180339887499)-150,340+46,380+46/1.6180339887499)).front;

					tall = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top, width, height)).background_("all time").stringColor_(Color.white);
					t1 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s1 time").stringColor_(Color.white);
					t2 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s2 time").stringColor_(Color.white);
					t3 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s3 time").stringColor_(Color.white);
					t4 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s4 time").stringColor_(Color.white);
					t5 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s5 time").stringColor_(Color.white);
					t6 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s6 time").stringColor_(Color.white);
					t7 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s7 time").stringColor_(Color.white);
					t8 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s8 time").stringColor_(Color.white);

					top = 0;

					stall=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetimeall);
					st1=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetime1);
					st2=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetime2);
					st3=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetime3);
					st4=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetime4);
					st5=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetime5);
					st6=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetime6);
					st7=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetime7);
					st8=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidetime8);

					top = 0;

					iall = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top, width, height)).background_("all incr").stringColor_(Color.white);
					i1 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s1 incr").stringColor_(Color.white);
					i2 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s2 incr").stringColor_(Color.white);
					i3 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s3 incr").stringColor_(Color.white);
					i4 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s4 incr").stringColor_(Color.white);
					i5 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s5 incr").stringColor_(Color.white);
					i6 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s6 incr").stringColor_(Color.white);
					i7 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s7 incr").stringColor_(Color.white);
					i8 = StaticText(~slideview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("s8 incr").stringColor_(Color.white);

					top = 0;

					siall=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedoall);
					si1=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedo1);
					si2=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedo2);
					si3=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedo3);
					si4=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedo4);
					si5=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedo5);
					si6=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedo6);
					si7=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedo7);
					si8=NumberBox(~slideview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~slidedo8);

					stall.action_({arg val;
						~slidetimeall = val.value;
						~slidetime1 = val.value;
						~slidetime2 = val.value;
						~slidetime3 = val.value;
						~slidetime4 = val.value;
						~slidetime5 = val.value;
						~slidetime6 = val.value;
						~slidetime7 = val.value;
						~slidetime8 = val.value;
						~slideview.close; ~slidevals.valueAction_(1);
					st1.action_({arg val; ~slidetime1 = val.value;});
					st2.action_({arg val; ~slidetime2 = val.value;});
					st3.action_({arg val; ~slidetime3 = val.value;});
					st4.action_({arg val; ~slidetime4 = val.value;});
					st5.action_({arg val; ~slidetime5 = val.value;});
					st6.action_({arg val; ~slidetime6 = val.value;});
					st7.action_({arg val; ~slidetime7 = val.value;});
					st8.action_({arg val; ~slidetime8 = val.value;});

					siall.action_({arg val;
						~slidedoall = val.value;
						~slidedo1 = val.value;
						~slidedo2 = val.value;
						~slidedo3 = val.value;
						~slidedo4 = val.value;
						~slidedo5 = val.value;
						~slidedo6 = val.value;
						~slidedo7 = val.value;
						~slidedo8 = val.value;
						~slideview.close; ~slidevals.valueAction_(1);
					si1.action_({arg val; ~slidedo1 = val.value;});
					si2.action_({arg val; ~slidedo2 = val.value;});
					si3.action_({arg val; ~slidedo3 = val.value;});
					si4.action_({arg val; ~slidedo4 = val.value;});
					si5.action_({arg val; ~slidedo5 = val.value;});
					si6.action_({arg val; ~slidedo6 = val.value;});
					si7.action_({arg val; ~slidedo7 = val.value;});
					si8.action_({arg val; ~slidedo8 = val.value;});


					~closeslidebutton =,Rect(leftdobox+widthbox-40, top+40, 40, 40/~gm)).states_([["close",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

						~slideview.close; ~slidevals.value = 0;


			}, {~slideview.close;});

		//set individual or all synth frequencies button

		~beforefreqsetfreqs = [ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ];

		~synthfreqset =,Rect(0,0,120,20)).states_([["set frequencies",Color.white,],["set frequencies",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

			if(button.value == 1, {
					arg  top = 0,width=88, revertwidth=75, height = 16,  heightbox = 16, lefttime = 0 , lefttimebox = width+5,  widthbox=140, leftdo = lefttimebox+widthbox+5, leftdobox = leftdo+57, inc=0, lw = 0,  uw = 0, numw = 40;
					var tall, stall, iall, siall, st1, st2, st3, st4, st5, st6, st7, st8, st9, st10, st11, st12, si1, si2, si3, si4, si5, si6, si7, si8, t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12;
					~synthfreqsetview = View(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(340+46),Window.screenBounds.height-(340+46/1.6180339887499)-150,340+46,380+46/1.6180339887499)).front;

					if(~number_of_synths > 0, {t1 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top, width, height)).background_("freq 1 (f1)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 1, {t2 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 2 (f2)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 2, {t3 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 3 (f3)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 3, {t4 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 4 (f4)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 4, {t5 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 5 (f5)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 5, {t6 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 6 (f6)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 6, {t7 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 7 (f7)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 7, {t8 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 8 (f8)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 8, {t9 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 9 (f9)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 9, {t10 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 10 (f10)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 10, {t11 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 11 (f11)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					if(~number_of_synths > 11, {t12 = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("freq 12 (f12)").stringColor_(Color.white)});
					tall = StaticText(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height+10, width, height)).background_("all freqs").stringColor_(Color.white);

					top = 0;

					if(~number_of_synths > 0, {st1=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 1, {st2=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 2, {st3=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 3, {st4=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 4, {st5=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 5, {st6=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 6, {st7=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 7, {st8=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 8, {st9=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 9, {st10=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 10, {st11=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					if(~number_of_synths > 11, {st12=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(});
					stall=TextField(~synthfreqsetview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox+10, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;

					top = 0;

					if(~number_of_synths > 0, {i1 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f1 revert",Color.white,],["f1 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f1_revert != nil, {if(~f1 != ~f1_revert, {~f1_un_revert = ~f1; ~f1 = ~f1_revert;}, {if(~f1_un_revert != nil, {~f1 = ~f1_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st1.string = ~f1.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 1, {i2 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f2 revert",Color.white,],["f2 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f2_revert != nil, {if(~f2 != ~f2_revert, {~f2_un_revert = ~f2; ~f2 = ~f2_revert;}, {if(~f2_un_revert != nil, {~f2 = ~f2_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st2.string = ~f2.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 2, {i3 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f3 revert",Color.white,],["f3 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f3_revert != nil, {if(~f3 != ~f3_revert, {~f3_un_revert = ~f3; ~f3 = ~f3_revert;}, {if(~f3_un_revert != nil, {~f3 = ~f3_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st3.string = ~f3.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 3, {i4 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f4 revert",Color.white,],["f4 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f4_revert != nil, {if(~f4 != ~f4_revert, {~f4_un_revert = ~f4; ~f4 = ~f4_revert;}, {if(~f4_un_revert != nil, {~f4 = ~f4_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st4.string = ~f4.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 4, {i5 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f5 revert",Color.white,],["f5 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f5_revert != nil, {if(~f5 != ~f5_revert, {~f5_un_revert = ~f5; ~f5 = ~f5_revert;}, {if(~f5_un_revert != nil, {~f5 = ~f5_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st5.string = ~f5.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 5, {i6 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f6 revert",Color.white,],["f6 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f6_revert != nil, {if(~f6 != ~f6_revert, {~f6_un_revert = ~f6; ~f6 = ~f6_revert;}, {if(~f6_un_revert != nil, {~f6 = ~f6_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st6.string = ~f6.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 6, {i7 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f7 revert",Color.white,],["f7 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f7_revert != nil, {if(~f7 != ~f7_revert, {~f7_un_revert = ~f7; ~f7 = ~f7_revert;}, {if(~f7_un_revert != nil, {~f7 = ~f7_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st7.string = ~f7.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 7, {i8 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f8 revert",Color.white,],["f8 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f8_revert != nil, {if(~f8 != ~f8_revert, {~f8_un_revert = ~f8; ~f8 = ~f8_revert;}, {if(~f8_un_revert != nil, {~f8 = ~f8_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st8.string = ~f8.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 8, {i9 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f9 revert",Color.white,],["f9 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f9_revert != nil, {if(~f9 != ~f9_revert, {~f9_un_revert = ~f9; ~f9 = ~f9_revert;}, {if(~f9_un_revert != nil, {~f9 = ~f9_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st9.string = ~f9.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 9, {i10 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f10 revert",Color.white,],["f10 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f10_revert != nil, {if(~f10 != ~f10_revert, {~f10_un_revert = ~f10; ~f10 = ~f10_revert;}, {if(~f10_un_revert != nil, {~f10 = ~f10_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st10.string = ~f10.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 10, {i11 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f11 revert",Color.white,],["f11 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f11_revert != nil, {if(~f11 != ~f11_revert, {~f11_un_revert = ~f11; ~f11 = ~f11_revert;}, {if(~f11_un_revert != nil, {~f11 = ~f11_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st11.string = ~f11.asString;});})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 11, {i12 =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, revertwidth, height)).states_([["f12 revert",Color.white,],["f12 revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f12_revert != nil, {if(~f12 != ~f12_revert, {~f12_un_revert = ~f12; ~f12 = ~f12_revert;}, {if(~f12_un_revert != nil, {~f12 = ~f12_un_revert;});}); ~synthflow.value; st12.string = ~f12.asString;});})});
					iall =, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height+10, revertwidth, height)).states_([["all revert",Color.white,],["all revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; if(~f_all_revert != nil, {if([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ] != ~f_all_revert.flatten, {~f_all_un_revert = [ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].flatten; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(;)});}, {if(~f_all_un_revert != nil, { = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(;)});});}); ~synthflow.value; stall.string = ~f1.asString;});});

					stall.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f_all_revert = [ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ]; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~freqsetvalue;)}); ~synthflow.value; stall.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;});
					if(~number_of_synths > 0, {st1.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f1_revert = ~f1; ~f1 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st1.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 1, {st2.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f2_revert = ~f2; ~f2 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st2.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 2, {st3.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f3_revert = ~f3; ~f3 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st3.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 3, {st4.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f4_revert = ~f4; ~f4 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st4.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 4, {st5.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f5_revert = ~f5; ~f5 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st5.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 5, {st6.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f6_revert = ~f6; ~f6 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st6.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 6, {st7.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f7_revert = ~f7; ~f7 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st7.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 7, {st8.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f8_revert = ~f8; ~f8 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st8.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 8, {st9.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f9_revert = ~f9; ~f9 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st9.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 9, {st10.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f10_revert = ~f10; ~f10 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st10.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 10, {st11.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f11_revert = ~f11; ~f11 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st11.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});
					if(~number_of_synths > 11, {st12.action_({arg val; ~freqsetvalue = val.value; ~freqset_textfield_func.value; ~f12_revert = ~f12; ~f12 = ~freqsetvalue; ~synthflow.value; st12.string = ~freqsetvalue.asString;})});


					~closesfreqsetbutton =,Rect(leftdo+revertwidth-40, top=top+height+20, 40, 40/~gm)).states_([["close",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;


					~beforefreqsetrevert =,Rect(lefttime, top+(40/~gm)-height, revertwidth+150, height)).states_([["restore freqs before opening eo",Color.white,],["revert",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

						if([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ] != ~beforefreqsetfreqs.flatten, {~beforefreqsetfreqs_unrestore = [ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ]; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(;)});}, {if(~beforefreqsetfreqs_unrestore != nil, { = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(;)});});}); ~synthflow.value;


			}, {~synthfreqsetview.close});
		});,Rect(0,80,120,20)).states_([["close eo",Color.white,],["close eo",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

			~extraoptionsview.close; if(~slideview != nil, {~slideview.close;}); if(~synthfreqsetview != nil, {~synthfreqsetview.close;}); ~extraoptions.value = 0;


	}, {~extraoptionsview.close; if(~slideview != nil, {~slideview.close;}); if(~synthfreqsetview != nil, {~synthfreqsetview.close;});});

/*//mute/unmute buttons

(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; y = 0; z = (16/1.6180339887499); {

("mute"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(,Rect(~bpl+(16*y),~bpt+69+5-z,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([[x.asString,Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
if(button.value == 0, {
("l"++(x)++"a1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"b1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"c1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"d1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"e1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"f1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);

}, {({
("l"++(x)++"a1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"b1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"c1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"d1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"e1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"f1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);

{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
if(button.value == 0, {
("l"++(x)++"a").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);

}, {({
("l"++(x)++"a").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);

if(y >= 8, {y=(-1); z = 0;}); y=y+1;

//mute/unmute all button

muteall =,Rect(~bpl+(16*3),~bpt+69+5,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["m",Color.white,],["u",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

if(button.value == 0, {
(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
("mute"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet.value = 0;
(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
("mute"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet.value = 1;

//mute/unmute buttons

/*(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; y = 0; z = (16/1.6180339887499); {

("mute"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(,Rect(~bpl+(16*y),~bpt+69+5-z,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([[x.asString,Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
if(button.value == 0, {
("l"++(x)++"a1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"b1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"c1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"d1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"e1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"f1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);

}, {({
("l"++(x)++"a1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"b1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"c1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"d1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"e1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"f1").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);

{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
if(button.value == 0, {
("l"++(x)++"a").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);
("l"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet);

}, {({
("l"++(x)++"a").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);
("l"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirGet.set(\vol, 0);

if(y >= 8, {y=(-1); z = 0;}); y=y+1;

//mute/unmute all button

muteall =,Rect(~bpl+(16*3),~bpt+69+5,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["m",Color.white,],["u",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

if(button.value == 0, {
(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
("mute"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet = 0;
(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
("mute"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet = 1;

x = 0;
if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
	mute1 =,Rect(~bpl+(x),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["1",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol1 = ~vol;{
						~l1a1.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1b1.set(\vol, ~vol1);
						~l1c1.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1d1.set(\vol, ~vol1);
						~l1e1.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1f1.set(\vol, ~vol1);

			}, {(~vol1 = 0;{
					~l1a1.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1b1.set(\vol, ~vol1);
					~l1c1.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1d1.set(\vol, ~vol1);
					~l1e1.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1f1.set(\vol, ~vol1);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol1 = ~vol;{
						~l1a.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1b.set(\vol, ~vol1);
						~l1c.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1d.set(\vol, ~vol1);
						~l1e.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1f.set(\vol, ~vol1);

			}, {(~vol1 = 0;{
					~l1a.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1b.set(\vol, ~vol1);
					~l1c.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1d.set(\vol, ~vol1);
					~l1e.set(\vol, ~vol1);  ~l1f.set(\vol, ~vol1);


if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
	mute2 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["2",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol2 = ~vol;{
						~l2a1.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2b1.set(\vol, ~vol2);
						~l2c1.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2d1.set(\vol, ~vol2);
						~l2e1.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2f1.set(\vol, ~vol2);

			}, {(~vol2 = 0;{
					~l2a1.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2b1.set(\vol, ~vol2);
					~l2c1.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2d1.set(\vol, ~vol2);
					~l2e1.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2f1.set(\vol, ~vol2);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol2 = ~vol;{
						~l2a.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2b.set(\vol, ~vol2);
						~l2c.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2d.set(\vol, ~vol2);
						~l2e.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2f.set(\vol, ~vol2);

			}, {(~vol2 = 0;{
					~l2a.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2b.set(\vol, ~vol2);
					~l2c.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2d.set(\vol, ~vol2);
					~l2e.set(\vol, ~vol2);  ~l2f.set(\vol, ~vol2);

if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
	mute3 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["3",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol3 = ~vol;{
						~l3a1.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3b1.set(\vol, ~vol3);
						~l3c1.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3d1.set(\vol, ~vol3);
						~l3e1.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3f1.set(\vol, ~vol3);

			}, {(~vol3 = 0;{
					~l3a1.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3b1.set(\vol, ~vol3);
					~l3c1.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3d1.set(\vol, ~vol3);
					~l3e1.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3f1.set(\vol, ~vol3);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol3 = ~vol;{
						~l3a.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3b.set(\vol, ~vol3);
						~l3c.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3d.set(\vol, ~vol3);
						~l3e.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3f.set(\vol, ~vol3);

			}, {(~vol3 = 0;{
					~l3a.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3b.set(\vol, ~vol3);
					~l3c.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3d.set(\vol, ~vol3);
					~l3e.set(\vol, ~vol3);  ~l3f.set(\vol, ~vol3);

if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
	mute4 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["4",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol4 = ~vol;{
						~l4a1.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4b1.set(\vol, ~vol4);
						~l4c1.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4d1.set(\vol, ~vol4);
						~l4e1.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4f1.set(\vol, ~vol4);

			}, {(~vol4 = 0;{
					~l4a1.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4b1.set(\vol, ~vol4);
					~l4c1.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4d1.set(\vol, ~vol4);
					~l4e1.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4f1.set(\vol, ~vol4);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol4 = ~vol;{
						~l4a.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4b.set(\vol, ~vol4);
						~l4c.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4d.set(\vol, ~vol4);
						~l4e.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4f.set(\vol, ~vol4);

			}, {(~vol4 = 0;{
					~l4a.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4b.set(\vol, ~vol4);
					~l4c.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4d.set(\vol, ~vol4);
					~l4e.set(\vol, ~vol4);  ~l4f.set(\vol, ~vol4);

if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
	mute5 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["5",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol5 = ~vol;{
						~l5a1.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5b1.set(\vol, ~vol5);
						~l5c1.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5d1.set(\vol, ~vol5);
						~l5e1.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5f1.set(\vol, ~vol5);

			}, {(~vol5 = 0;{
					~l5a1.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5b1.set(\vol, ~vol5);
					~l5c1.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5d1.set(\vol, ~vol5);
					~l5e1.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5f1.set(\vol, ~vol5);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol5 = ~vol;{
						~l5a.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5b.set(\vol, ~vol5);
						~l5c.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5d.set(\vol, ~vol5);
						~l5e.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5f.set(\vol, ~vol5);

			}, {(~vol5 = 0;{
					~l5a.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5b.set(\vol, ~vol5);
					~l5c.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5d.set(\vol, ~vol5);
					~l5e.set(\vol, ~vol5);  ~l5f.set(\vol, ~vol5);

if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
	mute6 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["6",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol6 = ~vol;{
						~l6a1.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6b1.set(\vol, ~vol6);
						~l6c1.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6d1.set(\vol, ~vol6);
						~l6e1.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6f1.set(\vol, ~vol6);

			}, {(~vol6 = 0;{
					~l6a1.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6b1.set(\vol, ~vol6);
					~l6c1.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6d1.set(\vol, ~vol6);
					~l6e1.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6f1.set(\vol, ~vol6);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol6 = ~vol;{
						~l6a.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6b.set(\vol, ~vol6);
						~l6c.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6d.set(\vol, ~vol6);
						~l6e.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6f.set(\vol, ~vol6);

			}, {(~vol6 = 0;{
					~l6a.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6b.set(\vol, ~vol6);
					~l6c.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6d.set(\vol, ~vol6);
					~l6e.set(\vol, ~vol6);  ~l6f.set(\vol, ~vol6);


if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
	mute7 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["7",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol7 = ~vol;{
						~l7a1.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7b1.set(\vol, ~vol7);
						~l7c1.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7d1.set(\vol, ~vol7);
						~l7e1.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7f1.set(\vol, ~vol7);

			}, {(~vol7 = 0;{
					~l7a1.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7b1.set(\vol, ~vol7);
					~l7c1.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7d1.set(\vol, ~vol7);
					~l7e1.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7f1.set(\vol, ~vol7);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol7 = ~vol;{
						~l7a.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7b.set(\vol, ~vol7);
						~l7c.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7d.set(\vol, ~vol7);
						~l7e.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7f.set(\vol, ~vol7);

			}, {(~vol7 = 0;{
					~l7a.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7b.set(\vol, ~vol7);
					~l7c.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7d.set(\vol, ~vol7);
					~l7e.set(\vol, ~vol7);  ~l7f.set(\vol, ~vol7);

if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
	mute8 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["8",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol8 = ~vol;{
						~l8a1.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8b1.set(\vol, ~vol8);
						~l8c1.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8d1.set(\vol, ~vol8);
						~l8e1.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8f1.set(\vol, ~vol8);

			}, {(~vol8 = 0;{
					~l8a1.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8b1.set(\vol, ~vol8);
					~l8c1.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8d1.set(\vol, ~vol8);
					~l8e1.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8f1.set(\vol, ~vol8);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol8 = ~vol;{
						~l8a.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8b.set(\vol, ~vol8);
						~l8c.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8d.set(\vol, ~vol8);
						~l8e.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8f.set(\vol, ~vol8);

			}, {(~vol8 = 0;{
					~l8a.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8b.set(\vol, ~vol8);
					~l8c.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8d.set(\vol, ~vol8);
					~l8e.set(\vol, ~vol8);  ~l8f.set(\vol, ~vol8);

if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
	mute9 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5-(16/1.6180339887499),16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["9",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol9 = ~vol;{
						~l9a1.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9b1.set(\vol, ~vol9);
						~l9c1.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9d1.set(\vol, ~vol9);
						~l9e1.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9f1.set(\vol, ~vol9);

			}, {(~vol9 = 0;{
					~l9a1.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9b1.set(\vol, ~vol9);
					~l9c1.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9d1.set(\vol, ~vol9);
					~l9e1.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9f1.set(\vol, ~vol9);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol9 = ~vol;{
						~l9a.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9b.set(\vol, ~vol9);
						~l9c.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9d.set(\vol, ~vol9);
						~l9e.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9f.set(\vol, ~vol9);

			}, {(~vol9 = 0;{
					~l9a.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9b.set(\vol, ~vol9);
					~l9c.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9d.set(\vol, ~vol9);
					~l9e.set(\vol, ~vol9);  ~l9f.set(\vol, ~vol9);

if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
	mute10 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["10",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol10 = ~vol;{
						~l10a1.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10b1.set(\vol, ~vol10);
						~l10c1.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10d1.set(\vol, ~vol10);
						~l10e1.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10f1.set(\vol, ~vol10);

			}, {(~vol10 = 0;{
					~l10a1.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10b1.set(\vol, ~vol10);
					~l10c1.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10d1.set(\vol, ~vol10);
					~l10e1.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10f1.set(\vol, ~vol10);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol10 = ~vol;{
						~l10a.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10b.set(\vol, ~vol10);
						~l10c.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10d.set(\vol, ~vol10);
						~l10e.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10f.set(\vol, ~vol10);

			}, {(~vol10 = 0;{
					~l10a.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10b.set(\vol, ~vol10);
					~l10c.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10d.set(\vol, ~vol10);
					~l10e.set(\vol, ~vol10);  ~l10f.set(\vol, ~vol10);

if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
	mute11 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["11",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol11 = ~vol;{
						~l11a1.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11b1.set(\vol, ~vol11);
						~l11c1.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11d1.set(\vol, ~vol11);
						~l11e1.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11f1.set(\vol, ~vol11);

			}, {(~vol11 = 0;{
					~l11a1.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l8b1.set(\vol, ~vol11);
					~l11c1.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l8d1.set(\vol, ~vol11);
					~l11e1.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l8f1.set(\vol, ~vol11);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol11 = ~vol;{
						~l11a.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11b.set(\vol, ~vol11);
						~l11c.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11d.set(\vol, ~vol11);
						~l11e.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11f.set(\vol, ~vol11);

			}, {(~vol11 = 0;{
					~l11a.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11b.set(\vol, ~vol11);
					~l11c.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11d.set(\vol, ~vol11);
					~l11e.set(\vol, ~vol11);  ~l11f.set(\vol, ~vol11);

if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
	mute12 =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["12",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;
		{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol12 = ~vol;{
						~l12a1.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12b1.set(\vol, ~vol12);
						~l12c1.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12d1.set(\vol, ~vol12);
						~l12e1.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12f1.set(\vol, ~vol12);

			}, {(~vol12 = 0;{
					~l12a1.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12b1.set(\vol, ~vol12);
					~l12c1.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12d1.set(\vol, ~vol12);
					~l12e1.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12f1.set(\vol, ~vol12);

		{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
			if(button.value == 0, {
				(~vol12 = ~vol;{
						~l12a.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12b.set(\vol, ~vol12);
						~l12c.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12d.set(\vol, ~vol12);
						~l12e.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12f.set(\vol, ~vol12);

			}, {(~vol12 = 0;{
					~l12a.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12b.set(\vol, ~vol12);
					~l12c.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12d.set(\vol, ~vol12);
					~l12e.set(\vol, ~vol12);  ~l12f.set(\vol, ~vol12);


//mute/unmute all button

muteall =,Rect(~bpl+(16*(x=x+1)),~bpt+69+5,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_([["m",Color.white,],["u",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 0, {
		if(~number_of_synths > 0, {mute1.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 1, {mute2.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 2, {mute3.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 3, {mute4.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 4, {mute5.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 5, {mute6.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 6, {mute7.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 7, {mute8.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 8, {mute9.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 9, {mute10.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 10, {mute11.value = 0;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 11, {mute12.value = 0;});

		~vol1 = ~vol;
		~vol2 = ~vol;
		~vol3 = ~vol;
		~vol4 = ~vol;
		~vol5 = ~vol;
		~vol6 = ~vol;
		~vol7 = ~vol;
		~vol8 = ~vol;
		~vol9 = ~vol;
		~vol10 = ~vol;
		~vol11 = ~vol;
		~vol12 = ~vol;
		if(~number_of_synths > 0, {mute1.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 1, {mute2.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 2, {mute3.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 3, {mute4.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 4, {mute5.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 5, {mute6.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 6, {mute7.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 7, {mute8.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 8, {mute9.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 9, {mute10.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 10, {mute11.value = 1;});
		if(~number_of_synths > 11, {mute12.value = 1;});

		~vol1 = 0;
		~vol2 = 0;
		~vol3 = 0;
		~vol4 = 0;
		~vol5 = 0;
		~vol6 = 0;
		~vol7 = 0;
		~vol8 = 0;
		~vol9 = 0;
		~vol10 = 0;
		~vol11 = 0;
		~vol12 = 0;

//keyboard number buttons to choose synth

keycodeb =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20-16,~bpt+160,16,16/1.6180339887499)).states_(
	{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[(x=x+1).asString,Color.white,]}).value}.value;
).action_({arg button; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == button.value, {
		("z"++(y=y+1));}, {


//misc. keyboard buttons

w.view.keyDownAction = { arg view, char, modifiers, unicode, keycode;
	[char, modifiers, unicode, keycode];

	if(unicode == ~c_unicode, {
		{b.value == 0}{b.valueAction = 1}
		{b.value == 1}{b.valueAction = 0};

	//start/stop synth
	if(unicode == ~s_unicode, {
		{b3.value == 0}{b3.valueAction = 1}
		{b3.value == 1}{b3.valueAction = 0};

	//pause/unpause synth
	if(unicode == ~spacebar_unicode, {
		{b4.value == 0}{b4.valueAction = 1}
		{b4.value == 1}{b4.valueAction = 0};

	//timer function
	if(unicode == ~t_unicode, {
		{~ts.value == 0}{~ts.valueAction = 1}
		{~ts.value == 1}{~ts.valueAction = 0};

	//routine function
	if(unicode == ~r_unicode, {
		{~rviewbutton.value == 0}{~rviewbutton.valueAction = 1}
		{~rviewbutton.value == 1}{~rviewbutton.valueAction = 0};

	//mute/unmute all synths
	if(unicode == ~m_unicode, {
		{muteall.value == 0}{muteall.valueAction = 1}
		{muteall.value == 1}{muteall.valueAction = 0};

	//minimize GUI window
	if(unicode == ~escape_unicode, {w.minimize;

		~fullscreen_correct = {w.fullScreen};
		~fscview = UserView(w, Rect(0,0, Window.screenBounds.width-100, Window.screenBounds.height;));
		~fullscreen_button =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width/2-35,Window.screenBounds.height/2+120,150,20)).states_([["re-adjust to fullscreen",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; w.fullScreen; ~fullscreen_button.close; ~fullscreen_button = nil;});
		~fscview.mouseEnterAction_{|v, x, y| ~fullscreen_correct.value; ~fullscreen_correct = nil; ~fscview.close; ~fscview = nil; ~fullscreen_button.close; ~fullscreen_button = nil;};

	/*if((unicode == ~escape_unicode) and: (info.isClosed == false), {info.close;});
	if((unicode == ~escape_unicode) and: (b.isClosed == false), {b.close;});

	//minimize GUI window
	if((unicode == ~escape_unicode) and: (((b.isClosed == true) and: (info.isClosed == true)) or: ((b.isClosed == true)) or: (info.isClosed == true)), {w.minimize;});
	/*if(unicode == ~escape_unicode , {
	if((b.isClosed == true) and: (info.isClosed == true), {~min.value});
	if(info.isClosed == false, {info.valueAction  = 0;});
	if(b.isClosed == false, {b.valueAction = 0;});

	//keyboard number actions

	{unicode == ~one_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(0)}
	{unicode == ~two_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(1)}
	{unicode == ~three_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(2)}
	{unicode == ~four_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(3)}
	{unicode == ~five_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(4)}
	{unicode == ~six_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(5)}
	{unicode == ~seven_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(6)}
	{unicode == ~eight_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(7)}
	{unicode == ~nine_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(8)}
	{unicode == ~ten_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(9)}
	{unicode == ~eleven_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(10)}
	{unicode == ~twelve_unicode}{keycodeb.valueAction_(11)}

	//keyboard up/down arrow actions

	{(keycode == ~uparrow_keycode) or: (unicode == ~i_unicode)}{keycodeb.valueAction_(keycodeb.value-1)}
	{(keycode == ~downarrow_keycode) or: (unicode == ~k_unicode)}{keycodeb.valueAction_(keycodeb.value+1)};

	//set synth frequency using left/right arrow keys or j/l keys

	/*x = 0;

	if((("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet >=, {},
	{if((keycodeb.value == (x-1)) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
	{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
	("l"++(x)++"a")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut("freqmapval"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(("freqmapval"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet+1)))));
	("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
	("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3));
	("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3));
	("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6));
	("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6));
	{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
	("l"++(x)++"a1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut("freqmapval"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(("freqmapval"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet+1)))));
	("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
	("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3));
	("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3));
	("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6));
	("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6));
	}; = 24; w = 0; {if(w == keycodeb.value, {
	("z"++(w=w+1));}, {
	if((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet <=, {},
	{if((keycodeb.value == (x-1)) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
	{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
	("l"++(x)++"a")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut("freqmapval"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(("freqmapval"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet-1)))));
	("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
	("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3));
	("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3));
	("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6));
	("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6));
	{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
	("l"++(x)++"a1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut("freqmapval"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(("freqmapval"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet-1)))));
	("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
	("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3));
	("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3));
	("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6));
	("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6));
	}; = 24; w = 0; {if(w == keycodeb.value, {
	("z"++(w=w+1));}, {

	(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; y = 24; z = 10; {
	if((("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet > ~outmaxa) or: (("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet < ~outmina), {
	("z"++(y=y+1)); ("z"++(x));
	("z"++(y)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {
	("z"++(x));("z"++(y)); ("z"++(x)).asSymbol.envirPut(View(w, Rect((("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+z, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);

	if(~number_of_synths > 0, {
		if((~f1 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 0) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval1 = ~f1.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l1a.set(\dur, ~f1 = = ~freqmapval1.value+1));
					~l1b.set(\dur, ~f1);
					~l1c.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd3);
					~l1d.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd3);
					~l1e.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd6);
					~l1f.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l1a1.set(\dur, ~f1 = = ~freqmapval1.value+1));
					~l1b1.set(\dur, ~f1);
					~l1c1.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd3);
					~l1d1.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd3);
					~l1e1.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd6);
					~l1f1.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd6);
				if((~f1 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f1 < ~outmina), {~z25.close;~z1.close;~z25 = (View(w, Rect((~f1.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z1.close;~z25.close;~z1 = (View(w, Rect((~f1.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 0; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f1 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 0) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval1 = ~f1.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l1a.set(\dur, ~f1 = = ~freqmapval1.value-1));
					~l1b.set(\dur, ~f1);
					~l1c.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd3);
					~l1d.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd3);
					~l1e.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd6);
					~l1f.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l1a1.set(\dur, ~f1 = = ~freqmapval1.value-1));
					~l1b1.set(\dur, ~f1);
					~l1c1.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd3);
					~l1d1.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd3);
					~l1e1.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd6);
					~l1f1.set(\dur, ~f1/~icd6);
				if((~f1 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f1 < ~outmina), {~z25.close;~z1.close;~z25 = (View(w, Rect((~f1.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z1.close;~z25.close;~z1 = (View(w, Rect((~f1.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+10, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 0; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 1, {
		if((~f2 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 1) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval2 = ~f2.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l2a.set(\dur, ~f2 = = ~freqmapval2.value+1));
					~l2b.set(\dur, ~f2);
					~l2c.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd3);
					~l2d.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd3);
					~l2e.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd6);
					~l2f.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l2a1.set(\dur, ~f2 = = ~freqmapval2.value+1));
					~l2b1.set(\dur, ~f2);
					~l2c1.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd3);
					~l2d1.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd3);
					~l2e1.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd6);
					~l2f1.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd6);
				if((~f2 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f2 < ~outmina), {~z26.close;~z2.close;~z26 = (View(w, Rect((~f2.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+20, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z2.close;~z26.close;~z2 = (View(w, Rect((~f2.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+20, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 1; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f2 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 1) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval2 = ~f2.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l2a.set(\dur, ~f2 = = ~freqmapval2.value-1));
					~l2b.set(\dur, ~f2);
					~l2c.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd3);
					~l2d.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd3);
					~l2e.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd6);
					~l2f.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l2a1.set(\dur, ~f2 = = ~freqmapval2.value-1));
					~l2b1.set(\dur, ~f2);
					~l2c1.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd3);
					~l2d1.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd3);
					~l2e1.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd6);
					~l2f1.set(\dur, ~f2/~icd6);
				if((~f2 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f2 < ~outmina), {~z26.close;~z2.close;~z26 = (View(w, Rect((~f2.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+20, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z2.close;~z26.close;~z2 = (View(w, Rect((~f2.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+20, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 1; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 2, {
		if((~f3 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 2) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval3 = ~f3.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l3a.set(\dur, ~f3 = = ~freqmapval3.value+1));
					~l3b.set(\dur, ~f3);
					~l3c.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd3);
					~l3d.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd3);
					~l3e.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd6);
					~l3f.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l3a1.set(\dur, ~f3 = = ~freqmapval3.value+1));
					~l3b1.set(\dur, ~f3);
					~l3c1.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd3);
					~l3d1.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd3);
					~l3e1.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd6);
					~l3f1.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd6);
				if((~f3 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f3 < ~outmina), {~z27.close;~z3.close;~z27 = (View(w, Rect((~f3.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+30, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z3.close;~z27.close;~z3 = (View(w, Rect((~f3.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+30, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 2; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f3 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 2) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval3 = ~f3.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l3a.set(\dur, ~f3 = = ~freqmapval3.value-1));
					~l3b.set(\dur, ~f3);
					~l3c.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd3);
					~l3d.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd3);
					~l3e.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd6);
					~l3f.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l3a1.set(\dur, ~f3 = = ~freqmapval3.value-1));
					~l3b1.set(\dur, ~f3);
					~l3c1.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd3);
					~l3d1.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd3);
					~l3e1.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd6);
					~l3f1.set(\dur, ~f3/~icd6);
				if((~f3 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f3 < ~outmina), {~z27.close;~z3.close;~z27 = (View(w, Rect((~f3.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+30, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z3.close;~z27.close;~z3 = (View(w, Rect((~f3.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+30, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 2; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 3, {
		if((~f4 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 3) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval4 = ~f4.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l4a.set(\dur, ~f4 = = ~freqmapval4.value+1));
					~l4b.set(\dur, ~f4);
					~l4c.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd3);
					~l4d.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd3);
					~l4e.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd6);
					~l4f.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l4a1.set(\dur, ~f4 = = ~freqmapval4.value+1));
					~l4b1.set(\dur, ~f4);
					~l4c1.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd3);
					~l4d1.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd3);
					~l4e1.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd6);
					~l4f1.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd6);
				if((~f4 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f4 < ~outmina), {~z28.close;~z4.close;~z28 = (View(w, Rect((~f4.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+40, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z4.close;~z28.close;~z4 = (View(w, Rect((~f4.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+40, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 3; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f4 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 3) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval4 = ~f4.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l4a.set(\dur, ~f4 = = ~freqmapval4.value-1));
					~l4b.set(\dur, ~f4);
					~l4c.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd3);
					~l4d.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd3);
					~l4e.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd6);
					~l4f.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l4a1.set(\dur, ~f4 = = ~freqmapval4.value-1));
					~l4b1.set(\dur, ~f4);
					~l4c1.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd3);
					~l4d1.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd3);
					~l4e1.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd6);
					~l4f1.set(\dur, ~f4/~icd6);
				if((~f4 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f4 < ~outmina), {~z28.close;~z4.close;~z28 = (View(w, Rect((~f4.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+40, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z4.close;~z28.close;~z4 = (View(w, Rect((~f4.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+40, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 3; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 4, {
		if((~f5 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 4) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval5 = ~f5.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l5a.set(\dur, ~f5 = = ~freqmapval5.value+1));
					~l5b.set(\dur, ~f5);
					~l5c.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd3);
					~l5d.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd3);
					~l5e.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd6);
					~l5f.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l5a1.set(\dur, ~f5 = = ~freqmapval5.value+1));
					~l5b1.set(\dur, ~f5);
					~l5c1.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd3);
					~l5d1.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd3);
					~l5e1.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd6);
					~l5f1.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd6);
				if((~f5 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f5 < ~outmina), {~z29.close;~z5.close;~z29 = (View(w, Rect((~f5.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+50, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z5.close;~z29.close;~z5 = (View(w, Rect((~f5.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+50, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 4; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f5 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 4) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval5 = ~f5.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l5a.set(\dur, ~f5 = = ~freqmapval5.value-1));
					~l5b.set(\dur, ~f5);
					~l5c.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd3);
					~l5d.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd3);
					~l5e.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd6);
					~l5f.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l5a1.set(\dur, ~f5 = = ~freqmapval5.value-1));
					~l5b1.set(\dur, ~f5);
					~l5c1.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd3);
					~l5d1.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd3);
					~l5e1.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd6);
					~l5f1.set(\dur, ~f5/~icd6);
				if((~f5 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f5 < ~outmina), {~z29.close;~z5.close;~z29 = (View(w, Rect((~f5.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+50, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z5.close;~z29.close;~z5 = (View(w, Rect((~f5.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+50, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 4; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 5, {
		if((~f6 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 5) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval6 = ~f6.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l6a.set(\dur, ~f6 = = ~freqmapval6.value+1));
					~l6b.set(\dur, ~f6);
					~l6c.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd3);
					~l6d.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd3);
					~l6e.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd6);
					~l6f.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l6a1.set(\dur, ~f6 = = ~freqmapval6.value+1));
					~l6b1.set(\dur, ~f6);
					~l6c1.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd3);
					~l6d1.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd3);
					~l6e1.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd6);
					~l6f1.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd6);
				if((~f6 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f6 < ~outmina), {~z30.close;~z6.close;~z30 = (View(w, Rect((~f6.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+60, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z6.close;~z30.close;~z6 = (View(w, Rect((~f6.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+60, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 5; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f6 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 5) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval6 = ~f6.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l6a.set(\dur, ~f6 = = ~freqmapval6.value-1));
					~l6b.set(\dur, ~f6);
					~l6c.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd3);
					~l6d.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd3);
					~l6e.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd6);
					~l6f.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l6a1.set(\dur, ~f6 = = ~freqmapval6.value-1));
					~l6b1.set(\dur, ~f6);
					~l6c1.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd3);
					~l6d1.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd3);
					~l6e1.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd6);
					~l6f1.set(\dur, ~f6/~icd6);
				if((~f6 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f6 < ~outmina), {~z30.close;~z6.close;~z30 = (View(w, Rect((~f6.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+60, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z6.close;~z30.close;~z6 = (View(w, Rect((~f6.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+60, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 5; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 6, {
		if((~f7 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 6) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval7 = ~f7.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l7a.set(\dur, ~f7 = = ~freqmapval7.value+1));
					~l7b.set(\dur, ~f7);
					~l7c.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd3);
					~l7d.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd3);
					~l7e.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd6);
					~l7f.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l7a1.set(\dur, ~f7 = = ~freqmapval7.value+1));
					~l7b1.set(\dur, ~f7);
					~l7c1.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd3);
					~l7d1.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd3);
					~l7e1.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd6);
					~l7f1.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd6);
				if((~f7 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f7 < ~outmina), {~z31.close;~z7.close;~z31 = (View(w, Rect((~f7.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+70, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z7.close;~z31.close;~z7 = (View(w, Rect((~f7.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+70, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 6; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f7 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 6) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval7 = ~f7.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l7a.set(\dur, ~f7 = = ~freqmapval7.value-1));
					~l7b.set(\dur, ~f7);
					~l7c.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd3);
					~l7d.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd3);
					~l7e.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd6);
					~l7f.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l7a1.set(\dur, ~f7 = = ~freqmapval7.value-1));
					~l7b1.set(\dur, ~f7);
					~l7c1.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd3);
					~l7d1.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd3);
					~l7e1.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd6);
					~l7f1.set(\dur, ~f7/~icd6);
				if((~f7 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f7 < ~outmina), {~z31.close;~z7.close;~z31 = (View(w, Rect((~f7.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+70, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z7.close;~z31.close;~z7 = (View(w, Rect((~f7.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+70, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 6; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 7, {
		if((~f8 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 7) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval8 = ~f8.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l8a.set(\dur, ~f8 = = ~freqmapval8.value+1));
					~l8b.set(\dur, ~f8);
					~l8c.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd3);
					~l8d.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd3);
					~l8e.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd6);
					~l8f.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l8a1.set(\dur, ~f8 = = ~freqmapval8.value+1));
					~l8b1.set(\dur, ~f8);
					~l8c1.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd3);
					~l8d1.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd3);
					~l8e1.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd6);
					~l8f1.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd6);
				if((~f8 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f8 < ~outmina), {~z32.close;~z8.close;~z32 = (View(w, Rect((~f8.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+80, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z8.close;~z32.close;~z8 = (View(w, Rect((~f8.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+80, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 7; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f8 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 7) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval8 = ~f8.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l8a.set(\dur, ~f8 = = ~freqmapval8.value-1));
					~l8b.set(\dur, ~f8);
					~l8c.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd3);
					~l8d.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd3);
					~l8e.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd6);
					~l8f.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l8a1.set(\dur, ~f8 = = ~freqmapval8.value-1));
					~l8b1.set(\dur, ~f8);
					~l8c1.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd3);
					~l8d1.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd3);
					~l8e1.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd6);
					~l8f1.set(\dur, ~f8/~icd6);
				if((~f8 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f8 < ~outmina), {~z32.close;~z8.close;~z32 = (View(w, Rect((~f8.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+80, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z8.close;~z32.close;~z8 = (View(w, Rect((~f8.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+80, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 7; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 8, {
		if((~f9 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 8) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval9 = ~f9.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l9a.set(\dur, ~f9 = = ~freqmapval9.value+1));
					~l9b.set(\dur, ~f9);
					~l9c.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd3);
					~l9d.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd3);
					~l9e.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd6);
					~l9f.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l9a1.set(\dur, ~f9 = = ~freqmapval9.value+1));
					~l9b1.set(\dur, ~f9);
					~l9c1.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd3);
					~l9d1.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd3);
					~l9e1.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd6);
					~l9f1.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd6);
				if((~f9 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f9 < ~outmina), {~z33.close;~z9.close;~z33 = (View(w, Rect((~f9.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+90, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z9.close;~z33.close;~z9 = (View(w, Rect((~f9.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+90, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 8; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f9 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 8) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval9 = ~f9.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l9a.set(\dur, ~f9 = = ~freqmapval9.value-1));
					~l9b.set(\dur, ~f9);
					~l9c.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd3);
					~l9d.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd3);
					~l9e.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd6);
					~l9f.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l9a1.set(\dur, ~f9 = = ~freqmapval9.value-1));
					~l9b1.set(\dur, ~f9);
					~l9c1.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd3);
					~l9d1.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd3);
					~l9e1.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd6);
					~l9f1.set(\dur, ~f9/~icd6);
				if((~f9 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f9 < ~outmina), {~z33.close;~z9.close;~z33 = (View(w, Rect((~f9.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+90, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z9.close;~z33.close;~z9 = (View(w, Rect((~f9.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+90, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 8; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 9, {
		if((~f10 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 9) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval10 = ~f10.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l10a.set(\dur, ~f10 = = ~freqmapval10.value+1));
					~l10b.set(\dur, ~f10);
					~l10c.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd3);
					~l10d.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd3);
					~l10e.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd6);
					~l10f.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l10a1.set(\dur, ~f10 = = ~freqmapval10.value+1));
					~l10b1.set(\dur, ~f10);
					~l10c1.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd3);
					~l10d1.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd3);
					~l10e1.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd6);
					~l10f1.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd6);
				if((~f10 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f10 < ~outmina), {~z34.close;~z10.close;~z34 = (View(w, Rect((~f10.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+100, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z10.close;~z34.close;~z10 = (View(w, Rect((~f10.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+100, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 9; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f10 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 9) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval10 = ~f10.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l10a.set(\dur, ~f10 = = ~freqmapval10.value-1));
					~l10b.set(\dur, ~f10);
					~l10c.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd3);
					~l10d.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd3);
					~l10e.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd6);
					~l10f.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l10a1.set(\dur, ~f10 = = ~freqmapval10.value-1));
					~l10b1.set(\dur, ~f10);
					~l10c1.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd3);
					~l10d1.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd3);
					~l10e1.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd6);
					~l10f1.set(\dur, ~f10/~icd6);
				if((~f10 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f10 < ~outmina), {~z34.close;~z10.close;~z34 = (View(w, Rect((~f10.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+100, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z10.close;~z34.close;~z10 = (View(w, Rect((~f10.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+100, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 9; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 10, {
		if((~f11 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 10) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval11 = ~f11.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l11a.set(\dur, ~f11 = = ~freqmapval11.value+1));
					~l11b.set(\dur, ~f11);
					~l11c.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd3);
					~l11d.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd3);
					~l11e.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd6);
					~l11f.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l11a1.set(\dur, ~f11 = = ~freqmapval11.value+1));
					~l11b1.set(\dur, ~f11);
					~l11c1.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd3);
					~l11d1.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd3);
					~l11e1.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd6);
					~l11f1.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd6);
				if((~f11 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f11 < ~outmina), {~z35.close;~z11.close;~z35 = (View(w, Rect((~f11.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+110, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z11.close;~z35.close;~z11 = (View(w, Rect((~f11.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+110, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 10; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f11 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 10) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval11 = ~f11.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l11a.set(\dur, ~f11 = = ~freqmapval11.value-1));
					~l11b.set(\dur, ~f11);
					~l11c.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd3);
					~l11d.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd3);
					~l11e.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd6);
					~l11f.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l11a1.set(\dur, ~f11 = = ~freqmapval11.value-1));
					~l11b1.set(\dur, ~f11);
					~l11c1.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd3);
					~l11d1.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd3);
					~l11e1.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd6);
					~l11f1.set(\dur, ~f11/~icd6);
				if((~f11 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f11 < ~outmina), {~z35.close;~z11.close;~z35 = (View(w, Rect((~f11.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+110, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z11.close;~z35.close;~z11 = (View(w, Rect((~f11.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+110, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 10; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
	if(~number_of_synths > 11, {
		if((~f12 >=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 11) and: (((keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~rightarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~l_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval12 = ~f12.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l12a.set(\dur, ~f12 = = ~freqmapval12.value+1));
					~l12b.set(\dur, ~f12);
					~l12c.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd3);
					~l12d.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd3);
					~l12e.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd6);
					~l12f.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l12a1.set(\dur, ~f12 = = ~freqmapval12.value+1));
					~l12b1.set(\dur, ~f12);
					~l12c1.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd3);
					~l12d1.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd3);
					~l12e1.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd6);
					~l12f1.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd6);
				if((~f12 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f12 < ~outmina), {~z36.close;~z12.close;~z36 = (View(w, Rect((~f12.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+120, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z12.close;~z36.close;~z12 = (View(w, Rect((~f12.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+120, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});
				u = 11; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {
		if((~f12 <=, {},
			{if((keycodeb.value == 11) and: (((keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode) or: (keycode == ~leftarrow_keycode1)) or: (unicode == ~j_unicode)), {
				~freqmapval12 = ~f12.cpsmidi.round;
				{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
					~l12a.set(\dur, ~f12 = = ~freqmapval12.value-1));
					~l12b.set(\dur, ~f12);
					~l12c.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd3);
					~l12d.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd3);
					~l12e.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd6);
					~l12f.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd6);
				{~l1a1.isRunning == true}{
					~l12a1.set(\dur, ~f12 = = ~freqmapval12.value-1));
					~l12b1.set(\dur, ~f12);
					~l12c1.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd3);
					~l12d1.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd3);
					~l12e1.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd6);
					~l12f1.set(\dur, ~f12/~icd6);
				if((~f12 > ~outmaxa) or: (~f12 < ~outmina), {~z36.close;~z12.close;~z36 = (View(w, Rect((~f12.explin(~outminb,~outmaxb,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc1+120, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);}, {~z12.close;~z36.close;~z12 = (View(w, Rect((~f12.explin(~outmina,~outmaxa,0,Window.screenBounds.width)), ~dc2+120, ~nw, 2)).background = Color.white;);});

				u = 11; = 24; y = 0; {if(y == u, {
					("z"++(y=y+1));}, {


//if routine function values are nil

if(~rslot1a == nil, {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo1;}); if(~rslot1b == nil, {~rslot1b = ~bplacef1;});
if(~rslot2 == nil, {~rslot2 = ~bplacef2;});
if(~rslot3 == nil, {~rslot3 = ~bplacef3;});
if(~rslot4 == nil, {~rslot4 = ~bplacef4;});
if(~rslot5 == nil, {~rslot5 = ~bplacef5;});
if(~rslot6 == nil, {~rslot6 = ~bplacef6;});
if(~rslot7 == nil, {~rslot7 = ~bplacef7;});
if(~rslot8 == nil, {~rslot8 = ~bplacef8;});
if(~rtimeall == nil, {~rtimeall = 4;});
if(~rtime1 == nil, {~rtime1 = 4;});
if(~rtime2 == nil, {~rtime2 = 4;});
if(~rtime3 == nil, {~rtime3 = 4;});
if(~rtime4 == nil, {~rtime4 = 4;});
if(~rtime5 == nil, {~rtime5 = 4;});
if(~rtime6 == nil, {~rtime6 = 4;});
if(~rtime7 == nil, {~rtime7 = 4;});
if(~rtime8 == nil, {~rtime8 = 4;});
if(~rdoall == nil, {~rdoall = 1;});
if(~rdo1a == nil, {~rdo1a = "o1";}); if(~rdo1b == nil, {~rdo1b = "f1";});
if(~rdo2 == nil, {~rdo2 = "f2";});
if(~rdo3 == nil, {~rdo3 = "f3";});
if(~rdo4 == nil, {~rdo4 = "f4";});
if(~rdo5 == nil, {~rdo5 = "f5";});
if(~rdo6 == nil, {~rdo6 = "f6";});
if(~rdo7 == nil, {~rdo7 = "f7";});
if(~rdo8 == nil, {~rdo8 = "f8";});

//misc. routine button functions (see below)

~si1aset = {
	if(~si1a.value == "o1", {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "f1", {~rslot1a = ~bplacef1; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "s1", {~rslot1a = ~bplaces1; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "o2", {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "f2", {~rslot1a = ~bplacef2; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "s2", {~rslot1a = ~bplaces2; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "o3", {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "f3", {~rslot1a = ~bplacef3; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "s3", {~rslot1a = ~bplaces3; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "o4", {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "f4", {~rslot1a = ~bplacef4; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "s4", {~rslot1a = ~bplaces4; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "o5", {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "f5", {~rslot1a = ~bplacef5; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "s5", {~rslot1a = ~bplaces5; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "o6", {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "f6", {~rslot1a = ~bplacef6; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "s6", {~rslot1a = ~bplaces6; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "o7", {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "f7", {~rslot1a = ~bplacef7; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "s7", {~rslot1a = ~bplaces7; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "o8", {~rslot1a = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "f8", {~rslot1a = ~bplacef8; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
	if(~si1a.value == "s8", {~rslot1a = ~bplaces8; ~rdo1a = ~si1a.value;});
~si1bset = {
	if(~si1b.value == "o1", {~rslot1b = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "f1", {~rslot1b = ~bplacef1; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "s1", {~rslot1b = ~bplaces1; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "o2", {~rslot1b = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "f2", {~rslot1b = ~bplacef2; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "s2", {~rslot1b = ~bplaces2; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "o3", {~rslot1b = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "f3", {~rslot1b = ~bplacef3; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "s3", {~rslot1b = ~bplaces3; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "o4", {~rslot1b = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "f4", {~rslot1b = ~bplacef4; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "s4", {~rslot1b = ~bplaces4; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "o5", {~rslot1b = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "f5", {~rslot1b = ~bplacef5; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "s5", {~rslot1b = ~bplaces5; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "o6", {~rslot1b = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "f6", {~rslot1b = ~bplacef6; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "s6", {~rslot1b = ~bplaces6; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "o7", {~rslot1b = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "f7", {~rslot1b = ~bplacef7; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "s7", {~rslot1b = ~bplaces7; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "o8", {~rslot1b = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "f8", {~rslot1b = ~bplacef8; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
	if(~si1b.value == "s8", {~rslot1b = ~bplaces8; ~rdo1b = ~si1b.value;});
~si2set = {
	if(~si2.value == "o1", {~rslot2 = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "f1", {~rslot2 = ~bplacef1; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "s1", {~rslot2 = ~bplaces1; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "o2", {~rslot2 = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "f2", {~rslot2 = ~bplacef2; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "s2", {~rslot2 = ~bplaces2; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "o3", {~rslot2 = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "f3", {~rslot2 = ~bplacef3; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "s3", {~rslot2 = ~bplaces3; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "o4", {~rslot2 = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "f4", {~rslot2 = ~bplacef4; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "s4", {~rslot2 = ~bplaces4; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "o5", {~rslot2 = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "f5", {~rslot2 = ~bplacef5; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "s5", {~rslot2 = ~bplaces5; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "o6", {~rslot2 = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "f6", {~rslot2 = ~bplacef6; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "s6", {~rslot2 = ~bplaces6; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "o7", {~rslot2 = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "f7", {~rslot2 = ~bplacef7; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "s7", {~rslot2 = ~bplaces7; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "o8", {~rslot2 = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "f8", {~rslot2 = ~bplacef8; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
	if(~si2.value == "s8", {~rslot2 = ~bplaces8; ~rdo2 = ~si2.value;});
~si3set = {
	if(~si3.value == "o1", {~rslot3 = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "f1", {~rslot3 = ~bplacef1; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "s1", {~rslot3 = ~bplaces1; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "o2", {~rslot3 = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "f2", {~rslot3 = ~bplacef2; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "s2", {~rslot3 = ~bplaces2; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "o3", {~rslot3 = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "f3", {~rslot3 = ~bplacef3; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "s3", {~rslot3 = ~bplaces3; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "o4", {~rslot3 = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "f4", {~rslot3 = ~bplacef4; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "s4", {~rslot3 = ~bplaces4; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "o5", {~rslot3 = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "f5", {~rslot3 = ~bplacef5; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "s5", {~rslot3 = ~bplaces5; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "o6", {~rslot3 = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "f6", {~rslot3 = ~bplacef6; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "s6", {~rslot3 = ~bplaces6; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "o7", {~rslot3 = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "f7", {~rslot3 = ~bplacef7; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "s7", {~rslot3 = ~bplaces7; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "o8", {~rslot3 = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "f8", {~rslot3 = ~bplacef8; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
	if(~si3.value == "s8", {~rslot3 = ~bplaces8; ~rdo3 = ~si3.value;});
~si4set = {
	if(~si4.value == "o1", {~rslot4 = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "f1", {~rslot4 = ~bplacef1; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "s1", {~rslot4 = ~bplaces1; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "o2", {~rslot4 = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "f2", {~rslot4 = ~bplacef2; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "s2", {~rslot4 = ~bplaces2; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "o3", {~rslot4 = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "f3", {~rslot4 = ~bplacef3; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "s3", {~rslot4 = ~bplaces3; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "o4", {~rslot4 = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "f4", {~rslot4 = ~bplacef4; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "s4", {~rslot4 = ~bplaces4; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "o5", {~rslot4 = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "f5", {~rslot4 = ~bplacef5; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "s5", {~rslot4 = ~bplaces5; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "o6", {~rslot4 = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "f6", {~rslot4 = ~bplacef6; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "s6", {~rslot4 = ~bplaces6; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "o7", {~rslot4 = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "f7", {~rslot4 = ~bplacef7; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "s7", {~rslot4 = ~bplaces7; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "o8", {~rslot4 = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "f8", {~rslot4 = ~bplacef8; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
	if(~si4.value == "s8", {~rslot4 = ~bplaces8; ~rdo4 = ~si4.value;});
~si5set = {
	if(~si5.value == "o1", {~rslot5 = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "f1", {~rslot5 = ~bplacef1; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "s1", {~rslot5 = ~bplaces1; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "o2", {~rslot5 = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "f2", {~rslot5 = ~bplacef2; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "s2", {~rslot5 = ~bplaces2; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "o3", {~rslot5 = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "f3", {~rslot5 = ~bplacef3; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "s3", {~rslot5 = ~bplaces3; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "o4", {~rslot5 = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "f4", {~rslot5 = ~bplacef4; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "s4", {~rslot5 = ~bplaces4; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "o5", {~rslot5 = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "f5", {~rslot5 = ~bplacef5; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "s5", {~rslot5 = ~bplaces5; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "o6", {~rslot5 = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "f6", {~rslot5 = ~bplacef6; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "s6", {~rslot5 = ~bplaces6; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "o7", {~rslot5 = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "f7", {~rslot5 = ~bplacef7; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "s7", {~rslot5 = ~bplaces7; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "o8", {~rslot5 = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "f8", {~rslot5 = ~bplacef8; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
	if(~si5.value == "s8", {~rslot5 = ~bplaces8; ~rdo5 = ~si5.value;});
~si6set = {
	if(~si6.value == "o1", {~rslot6 = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "f1", {~rslot6 = ~bplacef1; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "s1", {~rslot6 = ~bplaces1; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "o2", {~rslot6 = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "f2", {~rslot6 = ~bplacef2; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "s2", {~rslot6 = ~bplaces2; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "o3", {~rslot6 = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "f3", {~rslot6 = ~bplacef3; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "s3", {~rslot6 = ~bplaces3; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "o4", {~rslot6 = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "f4", {~rslot6 = ~bplacef4; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "s4", {~rslot6 = ~bplaces4; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "o5", {~rslot6 = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "f5", {~rslot6 = ~bplacef5; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "s5", {~rslot6 = ~bplaces5; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "o6", {~rslot6 = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "f6", {~rslot6 = ~bplacef6; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "s6", {~rslot6 = ~bplaces6; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "o7", {~rslot6 = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "f7", {~rslot6 = ~bplacef7; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "s7", {~rslot6 = ~bplaces7; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "o8", {~rslot6 = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "f8", {~rslot6 = ~bplacef8; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
	if(~si6.value == "s8", {~rslot6 = ~bplaces8; ~rdo6 = ~si6.value;});
~si7set = {
	if(~si7.value == "o1", {~rslot7 = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "f1", {~rslot7 = ~bplacef1; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "s1", {~rslot7 = ~bplaces1; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "o2", {~rslot7 = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "f2", {~rslot7 = ~bplacef2; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "s2", {~rslot7 = ~bplaces2; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "o3", {~rslot7 = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "f3", {~rslot7 = ~bplacef3; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "s3", {~rslot7 = ~bplaces3; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "o4", {~rslot7 = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "f4", {~rslot7 = ~bplacef4; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "s4", {~rslot7 = ~bplaces4; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "o5", {~rslot7 = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "f5", {~rslot7 = ~bplacef5; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "s5", {~rslot7 = ~bplaces5; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "o6", {~rslot7 = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "f6", {~rslot7 = ~bplacef6; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "s6", {~rslot7 = ~bplaces6; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "o7", {~rslot7 = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "f7", {~rslot7 = ~bplacef7; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "s7", {~rslot7 = ~bplaces7; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "o8", {~rslot7 = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "f8", {~rslot7 = ~bplacef8; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
	if(~si7.value == "s8", {~rslot7 = ~bplaces8; ~rdo7 = ~si7.value;});
~si8set = {
	if(~si8.value == "o1", {~rslot8 = ~bplaceo1; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "f1", {~rslot8 = ~bplacef1; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "s1", {~rslot8 = ~bplaces1; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "o2", {~rslot8 = ~bplaceo2; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "f2", {~rslot8 = ~bplacef2; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "s2", {~rslot8 = ~bplaces2; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "o3", {~rslot8 = ~bplaceo3; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "f3", {~rslot8 = ~bplacef3; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "s3", {~rslot8 = ~bplaces3; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "o4", {~rslot8 = ~bplaceo4; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "f4", {~rslot8 = ~bplacef4; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "s4", {~rslot8 = ~bplaces4; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "o5", {~rslot8 = ~bplaceo5; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "f5", {~rslot8 = ~bplacef5; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "s5", {~rslot8 = ~bplaces5; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "o6", {~rslot8 = ~bplaceo6; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "f6", {~rslot8 = ~bplacef6; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "s6", {~rslot8 = ~bplaces6; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "o7", {~rslot8 = ~bplaceo7; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "f7", {~rslot8 = ~bplacef7; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "s7", {~rslot8 = ~bplaces7; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "o8", {~rslot8 = ~bplaceo8; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "f8", {~rslot8 = ~bplacef8; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});
	if(~si8.value == "s8", {~rslot8 = ~bplaces8; ~rdo8 = ~si8.value;});

//routine function button

~rviewbutton =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20-20,~bpt+69+5-(20/~gm),20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["r",Color.white,],["r",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 1, {
			arg leftdo = 0 , leftdobox = 52, lefttime = leftdobox+widthbox+6, lefttimebox = lefttime+57, top = 0,width=52, height = 16,  widthbox=52, heightbox = 16, inc=0, lw = 0,  uw = 0, numw = 40;
			var tall, stall, iall, siall, st1, st2, st3, st4, st5, st6, st7, st8,  t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8;
			~rview = View(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(340+46),Window.screenBounds.height-(340+46/1.6180339887499)-110,340+46,340+46/1.6180339887499)).front;

			top = 0;

			i1 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(leftdo , top=top, width, height)).background_("rslot1").stringColor_(Color.white);
			i2 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rslot2").stringColor_(Color.white);
			i3 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rslot3").stringColor_(Color.white);
			i4 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rslot4").stringColor_(Color.white);
			i5 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rslot5").stringColor_(Color.white);
			i6 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rslot6").stringColor_(Color.white);
			i7 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rslot7").stringColor_(Color.white);
			i8 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(leftdo , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rslot8").stringColor_(Color.white);

			top = 0;

			~si1a=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top, widthbox/2, heightbox)).background_(;
			~si1b=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox+(widthbox/2) , top=top, widthbox/2, heightbox)).background_(;
			~si2=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;
			~si3=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;
			~si4=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;
			~si5=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;
			~si6=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;
			~si7=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;
			~si8=TextField(~rview, Rect(leftdobox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;

			top = 0;

			t1 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top, width, height)).background_("rtime1").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t2 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rtime2").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t3 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rtime3").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t4 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rtime4").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t5 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rtime5").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t6 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rtime6").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t7 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rtime7").stringColor_(Color.white);
			t8 = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("rtime8").stringColor_(Color.white);
			tall = StaticText(~rview, Rect(lefttime , top=top+height, width, height)).background_("all time").stringColor_(Color.white);

			top = 0;

			st1=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtime1);
			st2=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtime2);
			st3=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtime3);
			st4=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtime4);
			st5=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtime5);
			st6=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtime6);
			st7=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtime7);
			st8=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtime8);
			stall=NumberBox(~rview, Rect(lefttimebox , top=top+heightbox, widthbox, heightbox)).background_(;).value_(~rtimeall);


			stall.action_({arg val;
				~rtimeall = val.value;
				~rtime1 = val.value;
				~rtime2 = val.value;
				~rtime3 = val.value;
				~rtime4 = val.value;
				~rtime5 = val.value;
				~rtime6 = val.value;
				~rtime7 = val.value;
				~rtime8 = val.value;
				~rview.close; ~rviewbutton.valueAction_(1);
			st1.action_({arg val; ~rtime1 = val.value;});
			st2.action_({arg val; ~rtime2 = val.value;});
			st3.action_({arg val; ~rtime3 = val.value;});
			st4.action_({arg val; ~rtime4 = val.value;});
			st5.action_({arg val; ~rtime5 = val.value;});
			st6.action_({arg val; ~rtime6 = val.value;});
			st7.action_({arg val; ~rtime7 = val.value;});
			st8.action_({arg val; ~rtime8 = val.value;});


			~metronomeincr = 1;

			~routinebutton =,Rect(0, top+40, 40, 40/~gm)).states_([["loop",Color.white,],["stop",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

				if(button.value == 1, {

					~metronome = Task({{
							AppClock.sched(0, {~metronomebutton.value = 1;});
							AppClock.sched(0, {~metronomebutton.value = 0;});

					~loop = Task({{
				}); SystemClock(~metronome.start); SystemClock(~loop.start); ~numsynths.stop;}, {

					SystemClock(~metronome.stop); SystemClock(~loop.stop); SystemClock(~loop.reset); ~synthfree.value; ~pauseroutinebutton.value = 0; ~numsynths.stop; ~numsynthsfunc.value;});

			~pauseroutinebutton =,Rect(50, top+40, 40, 40/~gm)).states_([["pause",Color.white,],["loop",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

				if(button.value == 1, {SystemClock(~loop.pause); ~synthpause.value;}, {SystemClock(~loop.resume); ~synthflow.value;});

			~closeroutinebutton =,Rect(220, top+40, 40, 40/~gm)).states_([["close",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

				~rview.close; ~rviewbutton.value = 0;

			~metronomebutton =,Rect(120, top+40, 40, 40/~gm)).states_([["",Color.white,],["",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;});


		if(~loop.isPlaying == true, {~routinebutton.value = 1;});
	}, {~rview.close});

//synth identifier function

~synthmonitor = StaticText(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-14,~bpt+49,18,18/1.6180339887499)).background_(;
~synthmonitor.string = if(~currentsynth == nil, {"nil".asString});

~synthmonitorfunc = {
	~synthmonitor = StaticText(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-14,~bpt+49,18,18/1.6180339887499)).background_(;
	~synthmonitor.string = ~currentsynth.asString;
	~synthmonitor.font = Font(size: 10);


//cpu, # of ugens, # of synths, and current frequencies display

~cpumonitor = StaticText(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-500,~bpt-200,500,90/1.6180339887499)).background_(;

~cpumonitorfunc = {
	~cpumonitor = StaticText(w, Rect(20,~bpt-100,800,124/1.6180339887499)).background_(;
	if(~settingsbutton.value == 1, {~cpumonitorbutton.valueAction = 0;});
	~cpumonitor.string =
	"cpu: "+s.avgCPU.asString+"%"++"\n" ++
	"ugens: "+s.numUGens.asString++"\n" ++
	"synths: "+s.numSynths.asString++"\n" ++
	/*"f1 = "++~f1.round(0.01)++", f2 = "++~f2.round(0.01)++", f3 = "++~f3.round(0.01)++", f4 = "++~f4.round(0.01)++", f5 = "++~f5.round(0.01)++", f6 = "++~f6.round(0.01)++","++
	"f7 = "++~f7.round(0.01)++", f8 = "++~f8.round(0.01)++", f9 = "++~f9.round(0.01)++", f10 = "++~f10.round(0.01)++", f11 = "++~f11.round(0.01)++", f12 = "++~f12.round(0.01);
	*/	{x=0; Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirGet.round(0.01)});}.value;
	/*~f1.round(0.01)++", "++~f2.round(0.01)++", "++~f3.round(0.01)++", "++~f4.round(0.01)++", "++~f5.round(0.01)++", "++~f6.round(0.01)++", "++~f7.round(0.01)++", "++~f8.round(0.01)++", "++~f9.round(0.01)++", "++~f10.round(0.01)++", "++~f11.round(0.01)++", "++~f12.round(0.01);*/
	/*[ ~f1.round(0.01), ~f2.round(0.01), ~f3.round(0.01),~f4.round(0.01),~f5.round(0.01),~f6.round(0.01),~f7.round(0.01),~f8.round(0.01),~f9.round(0.01),~f10.round(0.01),~f11.round(0.01),~f12.round(0.01) ].asString;
	*/	~cpumonitor.font = Font(size: 14);

~cpumonitorroutine = Routine({{
		AppClock.sched(0, {
			x = 0;

~cpumonitorbutton =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20-20-20-20,~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["cm",Color.white,],["cm",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 1, {
		if(~settingsbutton.value == 1, {~settingsbutton.valueAction = 0;});
	}, {~cpumonitorroutine.stop; ~cpumonitor.close;});


//information button

info =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20-20,~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["i",Color.white,],["i",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 1, {
		~hb = TextView(w, Rect(0,0, Window.screenBounds.width, Window.screenBounds.height-200)).background_(;
		(~hb.string =
			"(scroll down to see more)"++"\n"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"ctrl/cmd-period: stop synth/free server"++"\n"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"GUI Buttons"++"\n"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"synth0/synth1: start/stop synth set"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"pause0/pause1: pause/unpause synth set"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"tsynth0/tsynth1: tsynth0 to allow timed synth set, then click on any o, f, or s button to time a progression. click on the stop timer button in the bottom right to stop the timer."++"\n"++"tsynth1 to dis-allow timed synth set"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"copy: copy frequency/note info"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"settings button:"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     KWS number: change number of kw(King Wen) sequences in a timewave half-cycle (or amplitude x2). press set to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     base(lowest) freq(hz): set the base(lowest) frequency of timewave cycle. default is "++~base_frequency.asString++". press set to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     synthdef type: psine1-psine3 (based on phi, with low-pass filter), hsine1 (based on 19.47:360, with low-pass filter), psineuf1-psineuf3 (based on phi, without low-pass filter),"++"\n"++"     hsineuf1 (based on 19.47:360, without low-pass filter) - set synthdef type. press set to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     lp filter limit(hz): change the low-pass filter frequency limit. default for '12db/oct rolloff' is "++~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit1.asString++", and for '24db/oct rolloff' is "++~default_low_pass_filter_freq_limit2.asString++". press enter to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     lp filter rq: set rq (reciprocal of q) for low-pass filters. default for '12db/oct rolloff' is "++~default_lpfilter_rq_1.asString++", and for '24db/oct rolloff' is "++~default_lpfilter_rq_2.asString++". press enter to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     lp filter type: set low-pass filter type. press set to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     automate: setting for automated mid-timewave sequence events. press set to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     automate period: setting for determining when sendreply triggers for the automate function. 1 is in 1 full timewave cycle, 0.5 is in 1/2 timewave cycle, 1.5 is 1 1/2 cycles,"++"\n"++"     2 is in 2 cycles, etc. press set to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"     # of synths: change the number of synths playing. the program will stop to restart - but everything can be resumed. default is "++~number_of_synths_default.asString++". press set to load.""\n"++"\n"++
			"     amplitude: change amplitude (volume). default is "++~vol_default.asString++". press enter to load.""\n"++"\n"++
			"s1-s8: set/save note positions"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"g1-g8: groups of saved note positions"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"uc-u8: undo changes to set note positions. press set to load."++"\n"++"\n"++
			"rc, /rc: start recording/stop recording"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"prc: pause recording"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"o1-o8: play set/saved note positions by opening a new synth set"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"f1-f8: flow transition to set/saved note positions"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"s1-s8: slide transition to set/saved note positions"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"m/u: mute/unmute all"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"1-"++~number_of_synths++": mute or unmute individual synth"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"cm: cpu percentage/number of ugens/number of synths display"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"rw: random western scale"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"re: random eastern scale"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"r: routine/loop function - rslot for synth set, rtime for time between transitions"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"eo: extra options - set frequencies, set slide time/increment"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"i: help"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"m: minimize window"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"c: close window"++"\n"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"Keyboard Functions (functionality will vary with device)"++"\n"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"s: start/stop synth set"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"space bar: pause/unpause synth set"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"ctrl-period/cmd-period: stop synth/free server"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"left/right arrow(or J and L): move down/up note"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"up/down arrow(or I and K): change synth for left/right arrow note function"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"#1-= on keyboard: choose synth for left/right arrow note function"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"r: routine/loop function - rslot for synth set, rtime for time between transitions"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"m: mute/unmute all"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"c: copy function"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"t: timed synth function"++"\n"++"\n"++
			"esc: minimize window"
		~hb.stringColor = Color.white;

//random notes button 1

~randombutton1 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20-20-20-20,~bpt+69+5-(20/~gm),20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["rw",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

	if((~l1a.isRunning == true) or: (~l1a1.isRunning == true), { = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(, 91));)});

//random notes button 2

~randombutton2 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20-20-20,~bpt+69+5-(20/~gm),20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["re",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

	if((~l1a.isRunning == true) or: (~l1a1.isRunning == true), { = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut((;)});

//setgroup buttons, sg1-sg8

~setgroup1 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)-(20*4),~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["g1",Color.white,],["s1",,]]).action_({arg button;

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~setgroup2 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)-(20*3),~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["g2",Color.white,],["s2",,]]).action_({arg button;

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~setgroup3 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)-(20*2),~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["g3",Color.white,],["s3",,]]).action_({arg button;

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~setgroup4 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)-(20*1),~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["g4",Color.white,],["s4",,]]).action_({arg button;

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~setgroup5 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)+(0*1),~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["g5",Color.white,],["s5",,]]).action_({arg button;

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~setgroup6 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)+(20*1),~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["g6",Color.white,],["s6",,]]).action_({arg button;

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		~setgroup3.value = 0;
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~setgroup7 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)+(20*2),~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["g7",Color.white,],["s7",,]]).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 1, { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~sg7a1,~sg7a2,~sg7a3,~sg7a4,~sg7a5,~sg7a6,~sg7a7,~sg7a8,~sg7a9,~sg7a10,~sg7a11,~sg7a12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg7b1,~sg7b2,~sg7b3,~sg7b4,~sg7b5,~sg7b6,~sg7b7,~sg7b8,~sg7b9,~sg7b10,~sg7b11,~sg7b12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg7c1,~sg7c2,~sg7c3,~sg7c4,~sg7c5,~sg7c6,~sg7c7,~sg7c8,~sg7c9,~sg7c10,~sg7c11,~sg7c12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg7d1,~sg7d2,~sg7d3,~sg7d4,~sg7d5,~sg7d6,~sg7d7,~sg7d8,~sg7d9,~sg7d10,~sg7d11,~sg7d12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg7e1,~sg7e2,~sg7e3,~sg7e4,~sg7e5,~sg7e6,~sg7e7,~sg7e8,~sg7e9,~sg7e10,~sg7e11,~sg7e12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg7f1,~sg7f2,~sg7f3,~sg7f4,~sg7f5,~sg7f6,~sg7f7,~sg7f8,~sg7f9,~sg7f10,~sg7f11,~sg7f12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg7g1,~sg7g2,~sg7g3,~sg7g4,~sg7g5,~sg7g6,~sg7g7,~sg7g8,~sg7g9,~sg7g10,~sg7g11,~sg7g12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg7h1,~sg7h2,~sg7h3,~sg7h4,~sg7h5,~sg7h6,~sg7h7,~sg7h8,~sg7h9,~sg7h10,~sg7h11,~sg7h12].at(x-1))});

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		~setgroup3.value = 0;
		~setgroup4.value = 0;
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~setgroup8 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)+(20*3),~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["g8",Color.white,],["s8",,]]).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 1, { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~sg8a1,~sg8a2,~sg8a3,~sg8a4,~sg8a5,~sg8a6,~sg8a7,~sg8a8,~sg8a9,~sg8a10,~sg8a11,~sg8a12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg8b1,~sg8b2,~sg8b3,~sg8b4,~sg8b5,~sg8b6,~sg8b7,~sg8b8,~sg8b9,~sg8b10,~sg8b11,~sg8b12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg8c1,~sg8c2,~sg8c3,~sg8c4,~sg8c5,~sg8c6,~sg8c7,~sg8c8,~sg8c9,~sg8c10,~sg8c11,~sg8c12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg8d1,~sg8d2,~sg8d3,~sg8d4,~sg8d5,~sg8d6,~sg8d7,~sg8d8,~sg8d9,~sg8d10,~sg8d11,~sg8d12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg8e1,~sg8e2,~sg8e3,~sg8e4,~sg8e5,~sg8e6,~sg8e7,~sg8e8,~sg8e9,~sg8e10,~sg8e11,~sg8e12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg8f1,~sg8f2,~sg8f3,~sg8f4,~sg8f5,~sg8f6,~sg8f7,~sg8f8,~sg8f9,~sg8f10,~sg8f11,~sg8f12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg8g1,~sg8g2,~sg8g3,~sg8g4,~sg8g5,~sg8g6,~sg8g7,~sg8g8,~sg8g9,~sg8g10,~sg8g11,~sg8g12].at(x-1))}); = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirPut([~sg8h1,~sg8h2,~sg8h3,~sg8h4,~sg8h5,~sg8h6,~sg8h7,~sg8h8,~sg8h9,~sg8h10,~sg8h11,~sg8h12].at(x-1))});

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		~setgroup3.value = 0;
		~setgroup4.value = 0;
		~setgroup5.value = 0;
		~setgroup6.value = 0;
		~setgroup7.value = 0;

		~setgroupval = 8;

//if setgroup values are nil

if(~setgroupval == nil, {~setgroup1.value = 1;});
if(~setgroupval == 1, {~setgroup1.value = 1;});
if(~setgroupval == 2, {~setgroup2.value = 1;});
if(~setgroupval == 3, {~setgroup3.value = 1;});
if(~setgroupval == 4, {~setgroup4.value = 1;});
if(~setgroupval == 5, {~setgroup5.value = 1;});
if(~setgroupval == 6, {~setgroup6.value = 1;});
if(~setgroupval == 7, {~setgroup7.value = 1;});
if(~setgroupval == 8, {~setgroup8.value = 1;});

//save chord notes buttons, s1-s8

n1 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)-(60*2),Window.screenBounds.height-88,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["s1",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button; if(((button.value == 0) or: (button.value == 1)), {~r1=~fp1;~r2=~fp2;~r3=~fp3;~r4=~fp4;~r5=~fp5;~r6=~fp6;~r7=~fp7;~r8=~fp8;~r9=~fp9;~r10=~fp10;~r11=~fp11;~r12=~fp12; = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))}); "s"++"\n"++[ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].asString.postString; ~u1=~f1;~u2=~f2;~u3=~f3;~u4=~f4;~u5=~f5;~u6=~f6;~u7=~f7;~u8=~f8;~u9=~f9;~u10=~f10;~u11=~f11;~u12=~f12; ~si1aset.value;~si1bset.value;

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n2 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)-(60*1),Window.screenBounds.height-88,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["s2",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button; if(((button.value == 0) or: (button.value == 1)), {~r1b=~fp1b;~r2b=~fp2b;~r3b=~fp3b;~r4b=~fp4b;~r5b=~fp5b;~r6b=~fp6b;~r7b=~fp7b;~r8b=~fp8b;~r9b=~fp9b;~r10b=~fp10b;~r11b=~fp11b;~r12b=~fp12b; = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))}); "s"++"\n"++[ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].asString.postString; ~u1b=~f1;~u2b=~f2;~u3b=~f3;~u4b=~f4;~u5b=~f5;~u6b=~f6;~u7b=~f7;~u8b=~f8;~u9b=~f9;~u10b=~f10;~u11b=~f11;~u12b=~f12; ~si2set.value;

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n3 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)+(0),   Window.screenBounds.height-88,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["s3",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button; if(((button.value == 0) or: (button.value == 1)), {~r1c=~fp1c;~r2c=~fp2c;~r3c=~fp3c;~r4c=~fp4c;~r5c=~fp5c;~r6c=~fp6c;~r7c=~fp7c;~r8c=~fp8c;~r9c=~fp9c;~r10c=~fp10c;~r11c=~fp11c;~r12c=~fp12c; = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))}); "s"++"\n"++[ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].asString.postString; ~u1c=~f1;~u2c=~f2;~u3c=~f3;~u4c=~f4;~u5c=~f5;~u6c=~f6;~u7c=~f7;~u8c=~f8;~u9c=~f9;~u10c=~f10;~u11c=~f11;~u12c=~f12; ~si3set.value;

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n4 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)+(60*1),Window.screenBounds.height-88,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["s4",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button; if(((button.value == 0) or: (button.value == 1)), {~r1d=~fp1d;~r2d=~fp2d;~r3d=~fp3d;~r4d=~fp4d;~r5d=~fp5d;~r6d=~fp6d;~r7d=~fp7d;~r8d=~fp8d;~r9d=~fp9d;~r10d=~fp10d;~r11d=~fp11d;~r12d=~fp12d; = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))}); "s"++"\n"++[ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].asString.postString; ~u1d=~f1;~u2d=~f2;~u3d=~f3;~u4d=~f4;~u5d=~f5;~u6d=~f6;~u7d=~f7;~u8d=~f8;~u9d=~f9;~u10d=~f10;~u11d=~f11;~u12d=~f12; ~si4set.value;

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n5 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)-(60*2),Window.screenBounds.height-52,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["s5",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button; if(((button.value == 0) or: (button.value == 1)), {~r1e=~fp1e;~r2e=~fp2e;~r3e=~fp3e;~r4e=~fp4e;~r5e=~fp5e;~r6e=~fp6e;~r7e=~fp7e;~r8e=~fp8e;~r9e=~fp9e;~r10e=~fp10e;~r11e=~fp11e;~r12e=~fp12e; = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))}); "s"++"\n"++[ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].asString.postString; ~u1e=~f1;~u2e=~f2;~u3e=~f3;~u4e=~f4;~u5e=~f5;~u6e=~f6;~u7e=~f7;~u8e=~f8;~u9e=~f9;~u10e=~f10;~u11e=~f11;~u12e=~f12; ~si5set.value;

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n6 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)-(60*1),Window.screenBounds.height-52,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["s6",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button; if(((button.value == 0) or: (button.value == 1)), {~r1f=~fp1f;~r2f=~fp2f;~r3f=~fp3f;~r4f=~fp4f;~r5f=~fp5f;~r6f=~fp6f;~r7f=~fp7f;~r8f=~fp8f;~r9f=~fp9f;~r10f=~fp10f;~r11f=~fp11f;~r12f=~fp12f; = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))}); "s"++"\n"++[ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].asString.postString; ~u1f=~f1;~u2f=~f2;~u3f=~f3;~u4f=~f4;~u5f=~f5;~u6f=~f6;~u7f=~f7;~u8f=~f8;~u9f=~f9;~u10f=~f10;~u11e=~f11;~u12f=~f12; ~si6set.value;

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n7 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)+(0),   Window.screenBounds.height-52,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["s7",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button; if(((button.value == 0) or: (button.value == 1)), {~r1g=~fp1g;~r2g=~fp2g;~r3g=~fp3g;~r4g=~fp4g;~r5g=~fp5g;~r6g=~fp6g;~r7g=~fp7g;~r8g=~fp8g;~r9g=~fp9g;~r10g=~fp10g;~r11g=~fp11g;~r12g=~fp12g; = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))}); "s"++"\n"++[ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].asString.postString; ~u1g=~f1;~u2g=~f2;~u3g=~f3;~u4g=~f4;~u5g=~f5;~u6g=~f6;~u7g=~f7;~u8g=~f8;~u9g=~f9;~u10g=~f10;~u11f=~f11;~u12g=~f12; ~si7set.value;

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	if(~setgroup4.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg4g"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1g,~fp2g,~fp3g,~fp4g,~fp5g,~fp6g,~fp7g,~fp8g,~fp9g,~fp10g,~fp11g,~fp12g].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup5.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg5g"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1g,~fp2g,~fp3g,~fp4g,~fp5g,~fp6g,~fp7g,~fp8g,~fp9g,~fp10g,~fp11g,~fp12g].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup6.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg6g"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1g,~fp2g,~fp3g,~fp4g,~fp5g,~fp6g,~fp7g,~fp8g,~fp9g,~fp10g,~fp11g,~fp12g].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup7.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg7g"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1g,~fp2g,~fp3g,~fp4g,~fp5g,~fp6g,~fp7g,~fp8g,~fp9g,~fp10g,~fp11g,~fp12g].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup8.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg8g"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1g,~fp2g,~fp3g,~fp4g,~fp5g,~fp6g,~fp7g,~fp8g,~fp9g,~fp10g,~fp11g,~fp12g].at(x-1))});});

n8 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/2)+(60*1),Window.screenBounds.height-52,60,60/1.6180339887499)).states_([["s8",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; button.value.postln}).action_({arg button; if(((button.value == 0) or: (button.value == 1)), {~r1h=~fp1h;~r2h=~fp2h;~r3h=~fp3h;~r4h=~fp4h;~r5h=~fp5h;~r6h=~fp6h;~r7h=~fp7h;~r8h=~fp8h;~r9h=~fp9h;~r10h=~fp10h;~r11h=~fp11h;~r12h=~fp12h; = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirPut([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].at(x-1))}); "s"++"\n"++[ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ].asString.postString; ~u1h=~f1;~u2h=~f2;~u3h=~f3;~u4h=~f4;~u5h=~f5;~u6h=~f6;~u7h=~f7;~u8h=~f8;~u9h=~f9;~u10h=~f10;~u11g=~f11;~u12h=~f12; ~si8set.value;

	if(~setgroup1.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg1h"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup2.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg2h"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup3.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg3h"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup4.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg4h"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup5.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg5h"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup6.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg6h"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup7.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg7h"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});});
	if(~setgroup8.value == 1, { = 0; {("sg8h"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h].at(x-1))});});


//undo saved chord pop-up menu

~undo = PopUpMenu(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/3)+39,Window.screenBounds.height-52+19.777087639995-(40/1.6180339887499)-8,40,40/1.6180339887499)).items_(["uc","u1","u2","u3","u4","u5","u6","u7","u8"]).background_({arg button;});

//set button for undo pop-up menu

set2 =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/3)+40+39,Window.screenBounds.height-52+19.777087639995-(40/1.6180339887499)-8,40,40/1.6180339887499)).states_([["set",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;
	{~undo.value == 0}{if(([ ~f1,~f2,~f3,~f4,~f5,~f6,~f7,~f8,~f9,~f10,~f11,~f12 ] != [~undof1,~undof2,~undof3,~undof4,~undof5,~undof6,~undof7,~undof8,~undof9,~undof10,~undof11,~undof12]).postln, { = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~undof1,~undof2,~undof3,~undof4,~undof5,~undof6,~undof7,~undof8,~undof9,~undof10,~undof11,~undof12].at(x-1))});}/*,{ = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~redof1,~redof2,~redof3,~redof4,~redof5,~redof6,~redof7,~redof8,~redof9,~redof10,~redof11,~redof12].at(x-1))});}*/);~undo.value = 0;}
	{~undo.value == 1}{if(([~fp1,~fp2,~fp3,~fp4,~fp5,~fp6,~fp7,~fp8,~fp9,~fp10,~fp11,~fp12] == [~r1,~r2,~r3,~r4,~r5,~r6,~r7,~r8,~r9,~r10,~r11,~r12]).postln, { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~u1,~u2,~u3,~u4,~u5,~u6,~u7,~u8,~u9,~u10,~u11,~u12].at(x-1))});},{ = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([~r1,~r2,~r3,~r4,~r5,~r6,~r7,~r8,~r9,~r10,~r11,~r12].at(x-1))});});~undo.value = 0;}
	{~undo.value == 2}{if([~fp1b,~fp2b,~fp3b,~fp4b,~fp5b,~fp6b,~fp7b,~fp8b,~fp9b,~fp10b,~fp11b,~fp12b] == [~r1b,~r2b,~r3b,~r4b,~r5b,~r6b,~r7b,~r8b,~r9b,~r10b,~r11b,~r12b], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut([~u1b,~u2b,~u3b,~u4b,~u5b,~u6b,~u7b,~u8b,~u9b,~u10b,~u11b,~u12b].at(x-1))});},{ = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut([~r1b,~r2b,~r3b,~r4b,~r5b,~r6b,~r7b,~r8b,~r9b,~r10b,~r11b,~r12b].at(x-1))});});~undo.value = 0;}
	{~undo.value == 3}{if([~fp1c,~fp2c,~fp3c,~fp4c,~fp5c,~fp6c,~fp7c,~fp8c,~fp9c,~fp10c,~fp11c,~fp12c] == [~r1c,~r2c,~r3c,~r4c,~r5c,~r6c,~r7c,~r8c,~r9c,~r10c,~r11c,~r12c], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut([~u1c,~u2c,~u3c,~u4c,~u5c,~u6c,~u7c,~u8c,~u9c,~u10c,~u11c,~u12c].at(x-1))});},{ = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut([~r1c,~r2c,~r3c,~r4c,~r5c,~r6c,~r7c,~r8c,~r9c,~r10c,~r11c,~r12c].at(x-1))});});~undo.value = 0;}
	{~undo.value == 4}{if([~fp1d,~fp2d,~fp3d,~fp4d,~fp5d,~fp6d,~fp7d,~fp8d,~fp9d,~fp10d,~fp11d,~fp12d] == [~r1d,~r2d,~r3d,~r4d,~r5d,~r6d,~r7d,~r8d,~r9d,~r10d,~r11d,~r12d], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut([~u1d,~u2d,~u3d,~u4d,~u5d,~u6d,~u7d,~u8d,~u9d,~u10d,~u11d,~u12d].at(x-1))});},{ = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut([~r1d,~r2d,~r3d,~r4d,~r5d,~r6d,~r7d,~r8d,~r9d,~r10d,~r11d,~r12d].at(x-1))});});~undo.value = 0;}
	{~undo.value == 5}{if([~fp1e,~fp2e,~fp3e,~fp4e,~fp5e,~fp6e,~fp7e,~fp8e,~fp9e,~fp10e,~fp11e,~fp12e] == [~r1e,~r2e,~r3e,~r4e,~r5e,~r6e,~r7e,~r8e,~r9e,~r10e,~r11e,~r12e], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut([~u1e,~u2e,~u3e,~u4e,~u5e,~u6e,~u7e,~u8e,~u9e,~u10e,~u11e,~u12e].at(x-1))});},{ = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut([~r1e,~r2e,~r3e,~r4e,~r5e,~r6e,~r7e,~r8e,~r9e,~r10e,~r11e,~r12e].at(x-1))});});~undo.value = 0;}
	{~undo.value == 6}{if([~fp1f,~fp2f,~fp3f,~fp4f,~fp5f,~fp6f,~fp7f,~fp8f,~fp9f,~fp10f,~fp11f,~fp12f] == [~r1f,~r2f,~r3f,~r4f,~r5f,~r6f,~r7f,~r8f,~r9f,~r10f,~r11f,~r12f], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut([~u1f,~u2f,~u3f,~u4f,~u5f,~u6f,~u7f,~u8f,~u9f,~u10f,~u11f,~u12f].at(x-1))});},{ = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut([~r1f,~r2f,~r3f,~r4f,~r5f,~r6f,~r7f,~r8f,~r9f,~r10f,~r11f,~r12f].at(x-1))});});~undo.value = 0;}
	{~undo.value == 7}{if([~fp1g,~fp2g,~fp3g,~fp4g,~fp5g,~fp6g,~fp7g,~fp8g,~fp9g,~fp10g,~fp11g,~fp12g] == [~r1g,~r2g,~r3g,~r4g,~r5g,~r6g,~r7g,~r8g,~r9g,~r10g,~r11g,~r12g], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([~u1g,~u2g,~u3g,~u4g,~u5g,~u6g,~u7g,~u8g,~u9g,~u10g,~u11g,~u12g].at(x-1))});},{ = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([~r1g,~r2g,~r3g,~r4g,~r5g,~r6g,~r7g,~r8g,~r9g,~r10g,~r11g,~r12g].at(x-1))});});~undo.value = 0;}
	{~undo.value == 8}{if([~fp1h,~fp2h,~fp3h,~fp4h,~fp5h,~fp6h,~fp7h,~fp8h,~fp9h,~fp10h,~fp11h,~fp12h] == [~r1h,~r2h,~r3h,~r4h,~r5h,~r6h,~r7h,~r8h,~r9h,~r10h,~r11h,~r12h], { = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"h").asSymbol.envirPut([~u1h,~u2h,~u3h,~u4h,~u5h,~u6h,~u7h,~u8h,~u9h,~u10h,~u11h,~u12h].at(x-1))});},{ = 0; {("fp"++(x=x+1)++"g").asSymbol.envirPut([~r1h,~r2h,~r3h,~r4h,~r5h,~r6h,~r7h,~r8h,~r9h,~r10h,~r11h,~r12h].at(x-1))});});~undo.value = 0;};

//record/stop record button

~startrecord =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/3)+39,Window.screenBounds.height-52+19.777087639995,28,28/1.6180339887499)).states_([["rc",Color.white,],["/rc",,]]).action_({arg button;

	if(button.value == 1, {~numsynths.stop; s.record; if(button.value == 0, {button.value = 1});},
		{s.stopRecording; ~startrecord.value = 0; ~pauserecord.value = 0; ~numsynths.stop;;});

//pause record button

~pauserecord =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(Window.screenBounds.width/3)+28+39,Window.screenBounds.height-52+19.777087639995,28,28/1.6180339887499)).states_([["prc",Color.white,],["/prc",,]]).action_({arg button; if(button == 1, {s.pauseRecording;}, {s.record});});

//minimize GUI window button

~min =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20,~bpt+69+5-(20/1.6180339887499),20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["m",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; w.minimize;

	~fullscreen_correct = {w.fullScreen};
	~fscview = UserView(w, Rect(0,0, Window.screenBounds.width-100, Window.screenBounds.height;));
	~fullscreen_button =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width/2-35,Window.screenBounds.height/2+120,150,20)).states_([["re-adjust to fullscreen",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button; w.fullScreen; ~fullscreen_button.close; ~fullscreen_button = nil;});
	~fscview.mouseEnterAction_{|v, x, y| ~fullscreen_correct.value; ~fullscreen_correct = nil; ~fscview.close; ~fscview = nil; ~fullscreen_button.close; ~fullscreen_button = nil;};

//close GUI window button

~close =,Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-20,~bpt+69+5,20,20/1.6180339887499)).states_([["c",Color.white,]]).action_({arg button;

	if(~closemessage != nil, {~closemessage.close}, {nil});
	~closemessage = View(w, Rect(Window.screenBounds.width-(340+46),Window.screenBounds.height-(340+46/1.6180339887499)-110,340+46,340+46/1.6180339887499)).background_(;
	~closemessagestring = StaticText(~closemessage, Rect(0,0,340+46,340+46/1.6180339887499)).background_(;
	~closemessagestring.align = \center;
	~closemessagestring.string ="Close Timewave Synth?";
	~closemessagestring.stringColor = Color.white;
	~closemessagebutton1 =,Rect(120-46+40,340/1.6180339887499-30,46,46/1.6180339887499)).states_([["Yes",Color.white,]]).action_({AppClock.sched(0, {~cpumonitorroutine.stop; ~metronome.stop; ~loop.stop; ~loop.reset; ~numsynths.stop; w.close; Task({{if(~l1a.isRunning == true or: ~l1a1.isRunning == true, {~synthfree.value;}, {nil}); 1.wait; Server.freeAll;});}).play;});});
	~closemessagebutton2 =,Rect(320+46-130,340/1.6180339887499-30,46,46/1.6180339887499)).states_([["No",Color.white,]]).action_({AppClock.sched(0, {~closemessage.close;});});


w.front; w.fullScreen;

/* e-mail: */

}; s.boot; s.waitForBoot({~timewavesynthapp.value;}); );


//Timewave synth composing script:

//Important Note: You must load the Timewave synthesizer program and run the synth by pressing the //"synth0" button at least once before this script can run.

/*Order of execution to run script and record:

  1. Press "Ctrl/Cmd - Enter" anywhere inside the "LOAD SYNTH FUNCTIONS" parenthesis about 50 lines down,
  2. Click on the same line as "START RECORDING" just above "LOAD SYNTH FUNCTIONS" and press "Ctrl/Cmd - Enter",
  3. Press "Ctrl/Cmd - Enter" anywhere inside the "Routine" parenthesis about 10 lines down... The recording file location will be found in the post window upon evaluating "s.record;"... Leave out #2 to run the script without recording... You can press "Ctrl/Cmd - Period" to stop synth/free the sever.

You can compose a piece, and find guides for doing so, inside the "//3 - Routine" function. */

((//3 - Routine r = Routine({/trace/ ~st = 0; ~trace = {("event-"++(~st = ~st + 1).asString).postln;}; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(/volume/ ~vol)});{

		//duration of each chord
		a = 8;

		//Copy and paste "saved" chords from the "copy" button inside the Timewave synthesizer GUI here:
		//Choose to change each duration individually by changing the "a" variable in the code below this line, as well as "synthopen/synthflow/synthslide".
		//Also, the amount of frequency values in the arrays must be >= "~number_of_synths". Although, this is done
		//automatically when using the generated code and values from the "copy" button in the GUI. "0"'s can be used to fill in empty spots. = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 525.7244292648, 646.87931910571, 882.91913643716, 1181.3955692862, 706.55967076687, 711.25161146077, 977.22674582697, 662.50413564615, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthopen.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 1316.2675385788, 1316.2675385788, 658.1337692894, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 1051.0271787501, 1051.0271787501, 525.51358937505, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 937.1102649523, 937.1102649523, 937.1102649523, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 824.55305817848, 824.55305817848, 822.73593638317, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 824.55305817848, 1037.2062139187, 1037.2062139187, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 554.31101031015, 554.31101031015, 554.31101031015, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 521.10543213641, 521.10543213641, 521.10543213641, 521.10543213641, 521.10543213641, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 525.7244292648, 646.87931910571, 882.91913643716, 1181.3955692862, 706.55967076687, 711.25161146077, 977.22674582697, 662.50413564615, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthopen.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 1316.2675385788, 1316.2675385788, 658.1337692894, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 1051.0271787501, 1051.0271787501, 525.51358937505, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 937.1102649523, 937.1102649523, 937.1102649523, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 824.55305817848, 824.55305817848, 822.73593638317, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 824.55305817848, 1037.2062139187, 1037.2062139187, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 1100.8670554563, 1316.2675385788, 554.31101031015, 554.31101031015, 554.31101031015, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait; = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([ 654.05453931384, 879.03193048766, 941.25430167146, 521.10543213641, 521.10543213641, 521.10543213641, 521.10543213641, 521.10543213641, 0, 0, 0, 0 ].at(x-1))}); ~synthflow.value; ~trace.value; (a).wait;

		//fade out function{ = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("vol"++x).asSymbol.envirGet - (~vol/100))}); ~synthflow.value; 0.1.wait;});

		//stop everything
		~synthfree.value; 2.wait; s.stopRecording; = 0; {("vol"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(~vol)});

});}););; );

s.record; //2 - START RECORDING s.stopRecording; // STOP RECORDING

(//1 - LOAD SYNTH FUNCTIONS ~synthopen = { case {((~l1a.isRunning == false) and: (~l1a1.isRunning == false)) or: ~l1a1.isRunning == true}{ if(~l1a1.isRunning == true, { ({ s.makeBundle(0, { (~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; { ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, 0)); }); }); });); });

	({ = 0; {("s"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([\gsineicfld6, \gsineicrld6, \gsineicfld2, \gsineicrld2, \gsineicfld1, \gsineicrld1].at(x-1))});
			{~sendreplysynthdef_on == 0}{ = 0; {("s5_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(\gsineicfld1)});}
			{~sendreplysynthdef_on == 1}{ = 0; {("s5_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(\gsineicfld1_f++(x))});};
			s.makeBundle(0, {
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s1,                        [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]).register;);
					("l"++(x)++"b").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s2,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
					("l"++(x)++"c").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s3,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
					("l"++(x)++"d").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s4,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
					("l"++(x)++"e").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(("s5_"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
					("l"++(x)++"f").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s6,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););

	if(~l1a1.isRunning == true, {
		AppClock.sched(0.161803398875, {
			(x = 0; ((Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[
			]}).flatten).do(; ~slideroutine.stop;
{~l1a.isRunning == true}{
		s.makeBundle(0, {
			(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
				("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, 0));
				("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, 0));
				("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, 0));
				("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, 0));
				("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, 0));
				("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, 0));

	({ = 0; {("s"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut([\gsineicfld6, \gsineicrld6, \gsineicfld2, \gsineicrld2, \gsineicfld1, \gsineicrld1].at(x-1))});
			{~sendreplysynthdef_on == 0}{ = 0; {("s5_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(\gsineicfld1)});}
			{~sendreplysynthdef_on == 1}{ = 0; {("s5_"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(\gsineicfld1_f++(x))});};
			s.makeBundle(0, {
				(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
					("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s1,                        [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]).register;);
					("l"++(x)++"b1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s2,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
					("l"++(x)++"c1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s3,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
					("l"++(x)++"d1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s4,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
					("l"++(x)++"e1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(("s5_"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
					("l"++(x)++"f1").asSymbol.envirPut(Synth(~s6,                            [\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet]););
	AppClock.sched(0.161803398875, {
		(x = 0; ((Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[
		]}).flatten).do(; ~slideroutine.stop;


~synthflow = { case {~l1a1.isRunning == true}{ ({ s.makeBundle(0, { (~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; { ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); }); }); });); } {~l1a.isRunning == true} { ({ s.makeBundle(0, { (~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; { ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); }); }); });); }; };

~synthslide = { case {~l1a1.isRunning == true}{( ~slideroutine = Routine({{{~slidecount=~slidecount-1; ( = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet + ("sf"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)}); s.makeBundle(0, { (~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; { ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); ("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)); }); }); );

{~l1a.isRunning == true} {(
	~slideroutine = Routine({{{~slidecount=~slidecount-1;
			( = 0; {("f"++(x=x+1)).asSymbol.envirPut(("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet + ("sf"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet)});
				s.makeBundle(0, {
					(~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; {
						("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
						("l"++(x)++"b")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet,       \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
						("l"++(x)++"c")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
						("l"++(x)++"d")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd3, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
						("l"++(x)++"e")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));
						("l"++(x)++"f")\dur,     ("f"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet/~icd6, \lpfl, ~lpfl, \lpf_rq, ~lpf_rq, \vol, ("vol"++(x)).asSymbol.envirGet));




~synthpause = {( case {~l1a1.isRunning == true}{ ({ s.makeBundle(0, { (~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; { ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, 0)); }); }); });); } {~l1a.isRunning == true} { ({ s.makeBundle(0, { (~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; { ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, 0)); }); }); });); }; ); };

~synthfree = { ( case {~l1a1.isRunning == true}{ ({ (~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; { ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"b1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"c1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"d1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"e1")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"f1")\dur, 0)); }); });); AppClock.sched(0.161803398875, { (x = 0; ((Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[ ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a1"); ("l"++(x)++"b1"); ("l"++(x)++"c1"); ("l"++(x)++"d1"); ("l"++(x)++"e1"); ("l"++(x)++"f1"); ]}).flatten).do(.free))); ~slideroutine.stop; }); } {~l1a.isRunning == true}{ ({ (~number_of_synths).do(x = 0; { ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"b")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"c")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"d")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"e")\dur, 0)); ("l"++(x)++"f")\dur, 0)); }); });); AppClock.sched(0.161803398875, { (x = 0; ((Array.fill(~number_of_synths, {[ ("l"++(x=x+1)++"a"); ("l"++(x)++"b"); ("l"++(x)++"c"); ("l"++(x)++"d"); ("l"++(x)++"e"); ("l"++(x)++"f"); ]}).flatten).do(.free))); ~slideroutine.stop; }); }; ); }; );


//Interpreted King Wen Sequences


(#a,b,c,d,e,f = /[ 128.43436842029,128.43436842029,128.43436842029,128.43436842029,128.43436842029,128.43436842029 ]/ [ ~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq,~basefreq ]; ~a = a; ~b = b; ~c =c; ~d = d; ~e = e;~f=f;);

~fth = 1.4142135623729; ~bi = ~fth; (~bi = "binary interval" - intverval of key change to a hexagram line's opposite in King Wen sequence)

(First Setting)

/1/ #a,b,c,d,e,f=[ ~a,~b,~c,~d,~e,~f ], /2/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /3/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /4/ [ a = a~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f/~bi ], /5/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /6/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /7/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /8/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /9/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f~bi ], /10/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f ], /11/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f ], /12/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /13/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /14/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f ], /15/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /16/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f ], /17/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /18/ [ a = a~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f/~bi ], /19/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /20/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /21/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /22/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f ], /23/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /24/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /25/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /26/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /27/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /28/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b~bi, c = c~bi, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f/~bi ], /29/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f ], /30/ [ a = a~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f~bi ], /31/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /32/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f ], /33/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /34/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f~bi ], /35/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /36/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /37/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /38/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /39/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /40/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /41/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /42/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /43/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /44/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /45/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /46/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /47/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f ], /48/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f ], /49/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f~bi ], /50/ [ a = a~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f/~bi ], /51/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f~bi ], /52/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /53/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /54/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e~bi, f = f~bi ], /55/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /56/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /57/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f ], /58/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /59/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /60/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /61/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /62/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /63/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /64/ [ a = a~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e~bi, f = f/~bi ]

/1/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1*~bi ],...

(Second Setting)

/1/ #a,b,c,d,e,f=[ ~a,~b,~c,~d,~e,~f ], /2/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /3/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /4/ [ a = a~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f/~bi ], /5/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /6/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /7/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /8/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /9/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f~bi ], /10/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f ], /11/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f ], /12/ [ a = a~n2~bi, b = b~n2~bi, c = c~n2~bi, d = d~n2/~bi, e = e~n2/~bi, f = f~n2/~bi ], /13/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /14/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f ], /15/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /16/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f ], /17/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /18/ [ a = a~n3~bi, b = b~n3/~bi, c = c~n3/~bi, d = d~n3~bi, e = e~n3~bi, f = f~n3/~bi ], /19/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /20/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /21/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /22/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f ], /23/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /24/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /25/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /26/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /27/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /28/ [ a = a~n4/~bi, b = b~n4~bi, c = c~n4~bi, d = d~n4~bi, e = e~n4~bi, f = f~n4/~bi ], /29/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f ], /30/ [ a = a~n5~bi, b = b~n5/~bi, c = c~n5~bi, d = d~n5~bi, e = e~n5/~bi, f = f~n5~bi ], /31/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /32/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f ], /33/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /34/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f~bi ], /35/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f/~bi ], /36/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /37/ [ a = a~bi, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /38/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /39/ [ a = a~n6/~bi, b = b~n6~bi, c = c~n6/~bi, d = d~n6~bi, e = e~n6/~bi, f = f~n6/~bi ], /40/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /41/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /42/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /43/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /44/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /45/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /46/ [ a = a, b = b/~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e~bi, f = f ], /47/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f ], /48/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f ], /49/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d, e = e/~bi, f = f~bi ], /50/ [ a = a~bi, b = b/~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f/~bi ], /51/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d/~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f~bi ], /52/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /53/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /54/ [ a = a~n7/~bi, b = b~n7/~bi, c = c~n7~bi, d = d~n7/~bi, e = e~n7~bi, f = f~n7~bi ], /55/ [ a = a, b = b, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e/~bi, f = f ], /56/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /57/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e~bi, f = f ], /58/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c~bi, d = d/~bi, e = e, f = f~bi ], /59/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f/~bi ], /60/ [ a = a/~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /61/ [ a = a~bi, b = b, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f ], /62/ [ a = a~n8/~bi, b = b~n8/~bi, c = c~n8~bi, d = d~n8~bi, e = e~n8/~bi, f = f~n8/~bi ], /63/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c/~bi, d = d, e = e, f = f~bi ], /64/ [ a = a~n9~bi, b = b~n9/~bi, c = c~n9~bi, d = d~n9/~bi, e = e~n9~bi, f = f~n9/~bi ]

/1/ [ a = a, b = b~bi, c = c, d = d~bi, e = e, f = f*~bi ],...

(Third Setting)

/1/ #a,b,c,d,e,f=[ ~a,~b,~c,~d,~e,~f ], /2/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /3/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /4/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /5/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /6/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1/~bi ], /7/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /8/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1 ], /9/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1~bi ], /10/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /11/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /12/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /13/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /14/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1 ], /15/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /16/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /17/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /18/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /19/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /20/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /21/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /22/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /23/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1/~bi ], /24/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /25/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /26/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1 ], /27/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1 ], /28/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /29/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /30/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1~bi ], /31/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1/~bi ], /32/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1 ], /33/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1 ], /34/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1~bi ], /35/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /36/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /37/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /38/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1 ], /39/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /40/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1 ], /41/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /42/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1 ], /43/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1 ], /44/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1/~bi ], /45/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1 ], /46/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1 ], /47/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /48/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /49/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1~bi ], /50/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /51/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1~bi ], /52/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1/~bi ], /53/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /54/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1~bi ], /55/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1 ], /56/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1/~bi ], /57/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1 ], /58/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /59/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1/~bi ], /60/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /61/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1, c = c~n1, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1 ], /62/ [ a = a~n1/~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1/~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ], /63/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1/~bi, d = d~n1, e = e~n1, f = f~n1~bi ], /64/ [ a = a~n1~bi, b = b~n1/~bi, c = c~n1~bi, d = d~n1/~bi, e = e~n1~bi, f = f~n1/~bi ]

/1/ [ a = a~n1, b = b~n1~bi, c = c~n1, d = d~n1~bi, e = e~n1, f = f~n1*~bi ],...
