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A B2C IEF Custom Policy which integrates with Google Captcha

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This set of policies demonstrates how to integrate Google Captcha into the Sign In page.

  • JavaScript is used to embed the Captcha control. The Captcha response is inserted into a hidden field which the SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email technical profile exposes to the sign in page.
  • The SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email technical profile retrieves the Captcha response from the hidden field and validates the blob against the Google servers using the login-Recaptcha validation technical profile. This technical profile is a REST API call to the Captcha API.
  • If the response from the Google server is successful, B2C continues to validate the credentials against the directory using login-noninteractive.
  • Otherwise, the API responds back to AAD B2C indicating the Captcha was invalid and must try again. The error can be changed in the API source.
  • Each time the user submits the page, the Captcha is reset using JavaScript.

A live version of this policy is available to test.


This sample policy is based on SocialAndLocalAccounts starter pack. All changes are marked with Sample: comment inside the policy XML files. Make the necessary changes in the Sample action required sections.