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CI PHPUnit Test for CodeIgniter 3.0

version: master | v0.5.0 | v0.4.0 | v0.3.0 | v0.2.0

Function/Class Reference

function reset_instance()

Reset CodeIgniter instance. You must create new controller instance after calling this function.

$controller = new Welcome();
$this->CI =& get_instance();

Normally, you don't have to use this function. Use TestCase::resetInstance() method instead.

function set_is_cli($return)

param type description
$return bool return value to set

Set return value of is_cli() function.


function load_class_instance($classname, $instance)

param type description
$classname string class name
$instance object object instance

Inject an instance directly into load_class() function.

$email = $this->getMockBuilder('CI_Email')
load_class_instance('email', $email);

class TestCase


Reset CodeIgniter instance and assign new CodeIgniter instance as $this->CI.

public function setUp()
	$this->obj = $this->CI->Category_model;

Upgrade Note for v0.6.0

Before v0.6.0, we write setUp() method like this:

public function setUp()
	$this->CI =& get_instance();
	$this->obj = $this->CI->Category_model;

When you use the way, you use the same CodeIgniter instance and the same Category_model instance in every test method.

In contrast, if you use $this->resetInstance(), it resets CodeIgniter instance and Category_model. So you use new CodeIgniter instance and new Category_model instance in every test method.

TestCase::request($method, $argv, $params = [], $callable = null)

param type description
$method string HTTP method
$argv array/string controller, method [, arg1, ...] / URI string
$params array POST parameters / Query string
$callable callable [Deprecated] function to run after controller instantiation

returns (string) output strings (view)

Run a controller method or make a request to URI string after reset_instance().

$output = $this->request('GET', ['Form', 'index']);
$output = $this->request('GET', 'products/shoes/show/123');

Set function to run after controller instantiation.

4th param $callable of $this->request() method is deprecated. Use $this->request->setCallable() method instead.


$load_agent = function ($CI) {
$output = $this->request('GET', ['Bbs', 'index'], [], $load_agent);


	function ($CI) {
$output = $this->request('GET', ['Bbs', 'index']);

Set function to run before controller instantiation.

	function () {
		// Get mock object
		$auth = $this->getDouble(
			'Ion_auth', ['logged_in' => TRUE]
		// Inject mock object
		load_class_instance('ion_auth', $auth);

If you want to enable hooks, call $this->request->enableHooks() method. It enables only pre_controller, post_controller_constructor, post_controller hooks.

$output = $this->request('GET', 'products/shoes/show/123');

TestCase::ajaxRequest($method, $argv, $params = [], $callable = null)

param type description
$method string HTTP method
$argv array/string controller, method [, arg1, ...] / URI string
$params array POST parameters / Query string
$callable callable [Deprecated] function to run after controller instantiation

returns (string) output strings

The same as TestCase::request(), but this makes a Ajax request. This adds only $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'].


param type description
$code int HTTP status code

Check for a specific response code on your controller tests.

TestCase::assertRedirect($uri, $code = null)

param type description
$uri string URI to redirect
$code int HTTP status code

Check if redirect() is called on your controller tests.

TestCase::getDouble($classname, $params)

param type description
$classname string class name
$params array [method_name => return_value]

returns (object) PHPUnit mock object

Get PHPUnit mock object.

$email = $this->getMockBuilder('CI_Email')

You could write code above like below:

$email = $this->getDouble('CI_Email', ['send' => TRUE]);

TestCase::verifyInvoked($mock, $method, $params)

param type description
$mock object PHPUnit mock object
$method string method name
$params array arguments

Verifies a method was invoked at least once.

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE]

You could write code above like below:

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE]

TestCase::verifyInvokedOnce($mock, $method, $params)

param type description
$mock object PHPUnit mock object
$method string method name
$params array arguments

Verifies that method was invoked only once.

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE]

You could write code above like below:

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE]

TestCase::verifyInvokedMultipleTimes($mock, $method, $times, $params)

param type description
$mock object PHPUnit mock object
$method string method name
$times int times
$params array arguments

Verifies that method was called exactly $times times.

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE],
		['shop_tmpl_checkout', $this->anything()]

You could write code above like below:

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE],
		['shop_tmpl_checkout', $this->anything()]

TestCase::verifyNeverInvoked($mock, $method, $params)

param type description
$mock object PHPUnit mock object
$method string method name
$params array arguments

Verifies that method was not called.

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE]

You could write code above like below:

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE]


Turn off WARNING in error reporting.


Restore error reporting.

class MonkeyPatch

To use this class, you have to enable monkey patching. See How to Write Tests.

MonkeyPatch::patchFunction($function, $return_value)

param type description
$function string function name to patch
$return_value mixed return value / callback

Replace function on the fly.

This can't replace functions which has parameters passed by reference.

And it can't and doesn't replace some functions. See FunctionPatcher::$blacklist for details.


Reset all patched functions.

This method is called on TestCase::tearDown() by default. So you don't have to call it normally.

MonkeyPatch::patchMethod($classname, $params)

param type description
$classname string class name to patch
$params array [method_name => return_value]

Replace method in user-defined class on the fly.


Reset all patched class methods.

This method is called on TestCase::tearDown() by default. So you don't have to call it normally.

MonkeyPatch::verifyInvoked($class_method, $params)

param type description
$class_method string class::method / function
$params array arguments

Verifies a patched class method or a patched function was invoked at least once.

	'Ion_auth_model::login', ['foo', 'bar']

MonkeyPatch::verifyInvokedOnce($class_method, $params)

param type description
$class_method string class::method / function
$params array arguments

Verifies that patched class method or a patched function was invoked only once.

	'CI_Input::post', ['id']

MonkeyPatch::verifyInvokedMultipleTimes($class_method, $times, $params)

param type description
$class_method string class::method / function
$times int times
$params array arguments

Verifies that patched method or a patched function was called exactly $times times.

	'CI_Input::post', 2

MonkeyPatch::verifyNeverInvoked($class_method, $params)

param type description
$class_method string class::method / function
$params array arguments

Verifies that patched method or a patched function was not called.

	'Ion_auth_model::login', ['username', 'PHS/DL1m6OMYg']