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@title[Title Slide]


Mining information about Crypto-Currencies from the Web.

by Holger Büch & Kevin Hendel

Module "Web & Social Media Analytics"
by Prof. Dr. Stephan Wilczek, Prof. Dr. Jan Kirenz
Master Data Sciene & Business Analytics
University of Media Stuttgart, Germany

---?image=assets/bg-idea.png @title[Introduction]


Idea & Planning

+++ @title[Goal]


  • Topic: Ongoing Hype on Crypto-Currencies in 2017 and 2018
  • Idea A: Correlate development of Tweets and Stock-Values over time.
  • Idea B: Provide additional information, that helps to interpret those developments.
  • Idea C: Automatically buy/sell stocks based on prediction. (not done)
  • Try and use new technologies
  • Gain experience as a reward for the overhead in DevOps

+++ @title[Data Sources]

Data Sources

  • Twitter Stream
  • Crypto-Stock-Market Stream
  • Crypto-Prices API
  • News (planned)

+++ @title[KPIs]


  • Correlation coefficent between Stock-Values and (Sentiment of) Tweets
  • Delay between events in Stock-Values and on Twitter

+++ @title[Setup]

Project Setup

Github for collaboration

  • Feature Branches & Pull requests
  • Ticketing / Bugs Tracking
  • Slides (gitpitch)

+++ @title[Setup2]

AWS for Hosting

  • t2.medium running Ubuntu
  • Access via SSH

+++ @title[Setup3]


  • Docker based virtualized Microservices

---?image=assets/bg-docker2.png @title[Architecture]


Docker based Microservices

+++ @title[Docker]


  • virtualized Containers for each part of the software
  • independent from host system
  • deployable locally and in the cloud
  • brings all dependencies



FROM continuumio/miniconda3

RUN conda install -y pymongo pyyaml
RUN conda install -c conda-forge -y tweepy
RUN conda install -c gomss-nowcast schedule

RUN git clone

WORKDIR /home/CryptoCrawler/crypto-price-crawler

CMD while true; do python; done

@[1](Get defined base image online) @[3,4,5](Install additional packages) @[8](Clone project into the container) @[12](Run python script in a loop in case it exits with an error)

+++ @title[Microservices]


  • one Microservice each for single (or small set of) functions
  • every Microservice is independent and stateless
  • restarting of single services or the system without breaking it
  • internal and external networking

+++ @title[Docker Compose]

Docker Compose

Configuration file (docker-compos.yaml)

version: '3'

    internal: true
    internal: false

    image: mongo:jessie
      - /data/mongodb:/data/db:rw
      - backend
      - --storageEngine
      - mmapv1

      - /data/notebooks:/home/jovyan/work
      - backend
      - frontend
      - 8888:8888
      context: ./jupyter
      - crypto-mongo
      - --NotebookApp.password='sha1:f6a0093ff7ca:be25a6064ba30e37265b0f800cbb925c636cc4fe'

@[1](docker-compose version)

@[3,4,5,6,7](Define virtual networks for the containers) @[4,5](Internal backend network for the Database. Not accessible from outside the containers) @[6,7](Hybrid network. Accessible by the containers and from outside via mapped ports)

@[9](Definition of two example microservices)

@10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 @[11](Base Image) @[12,13](Connect external volumes) @[14,15](Define network connection) @[16,17,18,19](Start script inside the container and additional parameters)

@[21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35](Jupyter Notebook) @[22,23](Connect external volumes) @[24,25,26](Define network connections) @[27,28](Map internal to external ports) @[31,32](Dependencies to specify build and start order) @[33,34,35](Start script inside the container and additional parameters)

+++ @title[In Action]

In Action

  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up

Combined log output

twitter-listener_1       | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:36: 374000 Tweets received. Still listening...
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:36: Prices are {'BTC': {'USD': 10407.7, 'EUR': 8416.89}, 'ETH': {'USD': 1115.7, 'EUR': 907.42}, 'IOT': {'USD': 2.39, 'EUR': 1.95}}
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:36: Trying to save the prices for timestamp 1517326356797 to mongo
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:36: Saved prices. Waiting until next call
crypto-dash_1            | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:38: - - [30/Jan/2018 15:32:38] "POST /_dash-update-component HTTP/1.1" 200 -
crypto-dash_1            | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:43: - - [30/Jan/2018 15:32:43] "POST /_dash-update-component HTTP/1.1" 200 -
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:46: Running job Every 10 seconds do startListening({'mongodb': {'host': 'crypto-mongo', 'port': 27017, 'db': 'cryptocrawl'}, 'cryptocompare': {'coinlist': '', 'price': ''}, 'collections': {'generalcrypto': {'keywords': ['blockchain', 'crypto', 'altcoins', 'altcoin']}, 'bitcoin': {'keywords': ['bitcoin', 'bitcoins'], 'currencycode': 'BTC'}, 'ethereum': {'keywords': ['ethereum'], 'currencycode': 'ETH'}, 'iota': {'keywords': ['iota', 'iotas'], 'currencycode': 'IOT'}, 'trump': {'keywords': ['trump']}, 'car2go': {'keywords': ['car2go']}}, 'dash': {'live': {'default': ['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'iota'], 'interval': 5}}}, Database(MongoClient(host=['crypto-mongo:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True), 'cryptocrawl')) (last run: 2018-01-30 15:32:36, next run: 2018-01-30 15:32:46)
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:46: Starting Currency Listener
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:47: Valid coins are ['BTC', 'ETH', 'IOT']
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:47: The coin string is BTC,ETH,IOT
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:48: Prices are {'BTC': {'USD': 10403.83, 'EUR': 8412.23}, 'ETH': {'USD': 1115.97, 'EUR': 903.88}, 'IOT': {'USD': 2.39, 'EUR': 1.94}}
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:48: Trying to save the prices for timestamp 1517326368073 to mongo
crypto-price-listener_1  | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:48: Saved prices. Waiting until next call
crypto-dash_1            | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:48: - - [30/Jan/2018 15:32:48] "POST /_dash-update-component HTTP/1.1" 200 -
crypto-dash_1            | INFO - 01/30/2018 15:32:53: - - [30/Jan/2018 15:32:53] "POST /_dash-update-component HTTP/1.1" 200 -

+++ @title[Centralized Configuration]

Centralized Configuration

  • one configuration file for changes in a single place
    host: crypto-mongo
    port: 27017
    db:   cryptocrawl


            - blockchain
            - crypto
            - altcoins
            - altcoin
            - bitcoin
            - bitcoins
        currencycode: BTC
            - ethereum
        currencycode: ETH
            - iota
            - iotas
        currencycode: IOT
            - trump
            - car2go

            - bitcoin
            - ethereum
            - iota
        interval: 5

@[1,2,3,4](MongoDB connection information @[6,7,8,9](URLs to the CryptoCompare API) @[11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37](URLs to the CryptoCompare API) @[39,40,41,42,43,44,45](URLs to the CryptoCompare API)

---?image=assets/bg-mongodb.png @title[Microservice - MongoDB]

Microservice 1

Mongo DB

+++ @title[MongoDB]


  • Document based Database
  • A Document contains a JSON object
  • Multiple Documents grouped to Collections
  • Documents can be queried using JSON-based Syntax

+++ @title[Store Documents]

Storing Documents with Python

from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient('crypto-mongo', 27017)
db = client['cryptocrawl']

json_obj = {
    'timestamp_ms': 1517343098,
    'text': 'Something...'


@[1](Import Module (has to be installed)) @[3](Initialize Client-Connection to MongoDB) @[4](Select Database) @[6-9](MongoDB ♥ JSON Documents) @[11](Write JSON as Document in a Collection)

+++ @title[Query Documents]

Query Documents with Python

import pandas
from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient('crypto-mongo', 27017)
db = client['cryptocrawl']

query = {'timestamp_ms': {'$gt': 1517343098}}
projection = {'text': 1, 'timestamp_ms': 1}

cursor = db['bitcoin'].find(query, projection).limit(100)

df = pandas.DataFrame(list(cursor))

@[1-5](Import Module, Initialize Client-Connection to MongoDB) @[7](Define Filter (similar to WHERE in SQL)) @[8](Define Fields to return (similar to SELECT in SQL)) @[10](find() returns a cursor object (here also limited to 100 results)) @[12](Cursor can be converted into list and transformed into Pandas Dataframe)

*Show in Robo RT*

+++ @title[Problems]


+++ @title[Problem with Speed - 1]

Slow Queries over Timestamp

  • We often query for a specified Range in the Timestamp, e.g:
query = {'timestamp_ms': {'$gt': 1517243098, '$lt': 1517343098}}
  • Performance was weak
  • CPU-Usage on VM peaked

+++ @title[Problem with Speed - 2]

Create Index on Timestamp attribute

$ mongo
Mongo > use cryptocrawl
Mongo > show collections
> bitcoin
> ethereum
> generalcrypto
> iota
Mongo > db.bitcoin.createIndex({"timestamp_ms": 1}, {background:true})
Mongo > db.collection.totalIndexSize()

@[1](Start MongoDB CLI client) @[2](Open Database with Name "cryptocrawler") @[3-7](List all Collections of this DB) @[8](Create Index on Attribute 'timestamp_ms'. Repeat for all Collections.) @[9](Show Size of Indexes. Should fit in RAM.) @0-9

+++ @title[Problem with Aggregation - 1]

Aggregate by Timestamp in Milliseconds

  • We need to aggregate on Time-Intervals, e.g. for Tweets per Hour
  • MongoDB can aggregate DateTime-Object on Intervals
  • But we get Timestamps in Milliseconds from Twitter
  • How to aggregate Integer with Milliseconds on hourly Interval?

+++ @title[Problem with Aggregation - 2]

Aggregate using Math

  • To aggregate Milliseconds by Hours, get Milliseconds per Hour: |
1 Hour is 1000ms * 60sec * 60min = 3.600.000 ms
  • Then divide Timestamp by this Value and round to floor: |
floor (timestamp / 3.600.000)
  • All Timestamps from the same Hour will result in the same Value |
  • Then Aggregation can be done on this Value |
  • Sadly, MongoDB has no floor-Function |
  • Luckily, it has a modulo- Function: |
timestamp/3.600.000 – ( (timestamp/3.600.000) mod 1)

+++ @title[Problem with Aggregation - 3]

Alternative Solutions

  • Cast to DateTime during Query
  • Convert & store Milliseconds as DateTime-Value

Would those be faster?

---?image=assets/bg-twitterlistener.png @title[Twitter Stream Listener]

Microservice 2

Twitter Stream Listener

+++ @title[Tweepy]

Using Tweepy to listen to Twitter Streaming API

import tweepy

class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
    def on_status(self, status):
        print(status.text)  # Then store the tweets...
    def on_error(self, status_code):
        if status_code == 420:
            time.sleep(300) # Then reconnect ...

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(api_key, api_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

stream_listener = MyStreamListener(conf=conf)
stream = tweepy.Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=stream_listener)
stream.filter(track=list(['bitcoin','iota','...']), async=True)

@[1](Import Module) @[3](Inherit StreamListener class) @[4-5](Define what to do if tweet arrives) @[6-8](Handle API Error, especially 420 to avoid penalty) @[10-13](Set credentials and create API object) @[15-18](Instanciate class, start listening to Tweets with keywords) @0-18

+++ @title[Problems]


+++ @title[Information overload - 1]

Too much information

  • Over 500 MB Data during first two Hours.
  • Over 900 Tweets per Minute

Tweets after two hours Tweets per 15min, only crypto topics

+++ @title[Information overload - 2]

Filter Tweets

  • Exclude non-English Tweets
  • Exclude Retweets

Store subset of Attributes

  • TweetID
  • AuthorID
  • Text
  • Timestamps
  • Geo-Information

+++ @title[Tweepy Bug - 1]

Bug in Tweepy Module

Tweepy kept raising Exceptions after some Days of running:

File "", line 109, in myStream.userstream("with=following")
File "/tweepy/", line 394, in userstream
File "/tweepy/", line 361, in _start
File "/tweepy/", line 294, in _run
raise exception
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

tweepy/tweepy#869 (open since March 2017)

+++ @title[Tweepy Bug - 2]

Implement Workaround

Handle Exceptions and reconnect Tweepy:

def startListening():
    """Start listening to twitter streams."""
        stream_listener = MyStreamListener(conf=conf)
        # [...]
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Exception raised!', e)

Auto-restart Microservice on exit (just in case...):

while true; do python; done

---?image=assets/bg-pricecrawler.png @title[Microservice - Price Crawler]

Microservice 3

Crypto Price Crawler


Crypto Price Crawler

  • receive prices in a defined interval
  • call api to get all currencies and their current values
  • save the values to the database each in a separate collection


Scheduled listener

def init():
    with open('../config.yaml', 'r') as stream:
        conf = yaml.load(stream)
    # Open a connection to mongo:
    client = MongoClient(conf['mongodb']['host'], conf['mongodb']['port'])
    db = client[conf['mongodb']['db']]
    schedule.every(10), conf, db)

@[2,3](Load config file) @[5,6](Connect to the database) @[7](Schedule listener to run every 10 seconds)



def getPricesOnce(currencies, conf):
    """Gets the current price for the currencies defined in the config.yaml"""
    payload = { 'fsyms': currencies, 'tsyms': 'USD,EUR' }
    response = requests.get(conf['cryptocompare']['price'], params=payload)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        prices = json.loads(response.content)'Prices are {}'.format(prices))
        return prices
        logger.warn('Could not get prices. Error code {}'.format(response.status_code))
        return False

@[1](Crypto currencies as a comma-separated string and conf (config) as parameters) @[3](Build payload for the REST-Call) @[4](Send request and save response) @[5,6,7,8](Handle successful request and parse content) @[9,10,11](Handle error case)

---?image=assets/bg-cryptowrapper.png @title[Microservice - API Wrapper]

Microservice 4

Crypto API Wrapper


Crypto API Wrapper

  • serve an API as an interface between the dashboard and the database or external APIs

  • benefits

    • prevent direct database access
    • filter data and fit format for later needs
    • less logic in the frontend
  • using Flask framework to build the actual API


Random tweets endpoint

  • return random tweets about certain topics in a defined timeframe

Example: /tweets?topics=bitcoin,ethereum,iota&amount=5&from=1516110498&to=1516290284

def getTweetsForTopics(topicstring, amount, fromTs, toTs):
    topicList = parseTopics(topicstring)
    randomTweets = []
    for topic in topicList:
        cursor = db[topic].aggregate([
                { '$match': { 'timestamp_ms': {'$gt': fromTs , '$lt': toTs }}},
                { '$sample': { 'size': amount } },
                { '$project' : { '_id': 0 } }
        tweetListForTopic = list(cursor)
        identifiedTweetListForTopic = []
        for singleTweet in tweetListForTopic:
            identifiedTweet = { 'topic': topic, 'tweet': singleTweet }
        randomTweets = randomTweets + identifiedTweetListForTopic
    if len(randomTweets) >= amount:
        randomListFinal = random.sample(randomTweets, amount)
        randomListFinal = randomTweets
    resultDict = {'tweets': randomListFinal }
    return resultDict

@[1](Get URL parameters as input) @[2](Get list of topics from the comma separated topicstring) @[4](Do one request for each topic because every topic is in a separate mongo collection) @[5,6,7,8,9](Build mongo aggregation) @[6](Match all entries between the start and the end timestamps) @[7](Get a random sample with the specified size from the matched entries @[8](Remove the _id information from the results) @[12,13,14](Add the topic to each tweet) @[17](From all sample tweets from the collections we take a sample as big as the specified amount)


Add endpoint in Flask

class RandomTweets(Resource):
    def get(self):
        now = int(time.time())

        fromTs = handleTs(request.args.get('from'), now) * 1000
        toTs = handleTs(request.args.get('to'), now) * 1000

        topicstring = request.args.get('topics')
        amount = parseAmount(request.args.get('amount'))

        result = getTweetsForTopics(topicstring, amount, fromTs, toTs)
        return jsonify(result)

api.add_resource(RandomTweets, '/tweets')

@[3](Get current timestamp for timeframe calculations) @[5](Handle the begin of the timeframe. Check that it is not in the future. Calculate milliseconds from seconds) @[6](Handle the end of the timeframe. Check that it is not in the future. Calculate milliseconds from seconds. Set now as default if not set.) @[8](Get the passed topicstring) @[9](Handle the amount) @[11](Do the actual request with all parameters) @[12](Return the result as a json) @[14](Add the endpoint to Flask at the route /tweets)


Additional historical price endpoint

  • endpoint to retrieve historical prices from the CryptoCompare API
  • implemented to take a timeframe and parse the parameters to fit the CryptoCompare API definitions
  • returns the daily, hourly or minutely prices for a crypto currency
  • planned to replace or support the price listener or replace missing values from system outages
  • not yet integrated into the dashboard

---?image=assets/bg-anomaly.png @title[Microservice - Anomaly Detection]

Microservice 5

Anomaly Detection

+++ @title[Idea]

Detect 'unusual' Events in:

  • Amount of Tweets received
  • Sentiment
  • Prices of Crypto-Currencies

Use this information for:

  • Visualization in Dashboard
  • Easing the Interpretation of the Data
  • Searching for News in those Time-Ranges (not done)

+++ @title[Method]


  • Research on Algorithms |
  • Tested ARIMA Model first (in Jupyter Notebook) |
  • Data doesn't cover a Time-Span long enough |
  • Twitter itself published an Algorithm |
  • Implemented only in R (Python-Versions are creepy) |
  • Solution: Implement very simplified Version |

Twitter's Algorithm explained

+++ @title[Step 1]

Step 1: Seasonal Decomposition

Seasonal Decomposition

+++ @title[Step 2]

Step 2: Extreme Studentized Deviate test (ESD)

Detect Outliers in univariant Data that is approx. normal distributed (had to be tested before!).

  • Set Parameter for Maximal Outliers |
  • Set Parameter for Significance p |
  • ESD test detects 1 largest Outlier |
  • Calculates Coefficient |
  • ESD test detects 2 largest Outliers |
  • Calculates Coefficient |
  • ... |
  • Optimal Number of Outliers selected by Coefficient |

+++ @title[Results]

Test for normal distribution

Normal Distribution

(Tested already during ARIMA Modelling approach)

+++ @title[Results]

Results of ESD Test

Number of outliers:  7
Indices of outliers:  [73, 63, 111, 119, 87, 117, 118]
        R      Lambda                   R      Lambda
 1   3.92406   2.85719          6   2.82568   2.84412
 2   3.36138   2.85462          7   2.92393   2.84144
 3   2.95692   2.85203          8   2.76510   2.83873
 4   2.96757   2.84941          9   2.51757   2.83600
 5   2.80918   2.84678          10  2.54265   2.83325


+++ @title[Implementation in Python]

Implementation in Python

import statsmodels.api as sm
from PyAstronomy import pyasl

# Seasonal Decomposition
model = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(ary, freq=freq)
resid = model.resid

# [...] clean/transform resid values

anomalies = pyasl.generalizedESD(resid, max_anoms, p_value)

@[1-2](Load Modules) @[4-5](Seasonal Decompositon) @[6](We only need resid Values) @[8](Some Transformation for next Step (e.g. remove NaN)) @[10-11](Apply ESD) @0-11

Whole thing wrapped as Flask API (Show in Postman)

---?image=assets/bg-topic.png @title[Microservice - Topic Modelling]

Microservice 6

Topic Modelling

+++ @title[Idea]

Identify Topics in Tweet-Texts

  • Aggregated view on what the Tweets are about
  • Add Information to Dashboard
  • Search for those Topics in a News API (not done)

+++ @title[Method]

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

  • A "Document" contains some Topics with different Weights |
  • A "Topic" is Probability Distribution about all Words in Corpus |
  • A "Word" can be assigned to more than one Topics |

Does this work for such short Documents like Tweets? Lets try!

+++ @title[Preprocessing]


exclude_custom = '“”…‘’x'
exclude = set(string.punctuation + exclude_custom)

stop_custom = ['rt', 'bitcoin', 'bitcoins', 'iota', 'ethereum', 'btc',
               'eth', 'iot', 'ltc', 'litecoin', 'litecoins', 'iotas',
               'ltc', 'cryptocurrency', 'crypto', 'cryptocurrencies',
stop = set(stopwords.words('english') + stop_custom)

# Remove punctuation
doc = ''.join(ch for ch in doc
                      if ch not in exclude)

# Remove URLS
doc = ' '.join([i for i in doc.lower().split()
                      if not i.startswith('http')])

# Remove anything containing numbers
doc = ' '.join([i for i in doc.lower().split()
                      if not any(char.isdigit() for char in i)])

# Remove short words
doc = ' '.join([i for i in doc.lower().split()
                      if len(i) >= 4])

# Lemmatize
# clean_doc = ' '.join(lemma.lemmatize(word)
#     for word in clean_doc.split())

# Remove Stopwords
doc = ' '.join([i for i in doc.lower().split()
                      if i not in stop])

@[1-2](Define Chars to remove) @[4-8](Define Stopwords) @[10-12](Remove Punctuation and special Chars) @[14-16](Remove URLs) @[18-20](Remove Words containing Numbers) @[22-24](Remove Words below 4 Chars) @26-28 @[30-32](Remove Stopwords) @[0-32]

+++ @title[LDA in Python]

LDA in Python

import gensim
from gensim import corpora

dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(docs)

doc_term_matrix = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in docs]

Lda = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel
ldamodel = Lda(doc_term_matrix, num_topics=num_topics,
               id2word=dictionary, passes=20)

# [...] Converts LDA model into nice list

@[1-2](Import Gensim Modul for Vector Space Modelling) @[4](Load Documents into Corpora Dictionary) @[6](Prepare Document Term Matrix) @[8-10](Do Modelling with Parameter for Number of Topics and Passes used) @[12](Convert Results into consumable List) @0-12

Whole thing wrapped as Flask API (Show in Postman)

---?image=assets/bg-senti.png @title[Microservice - Sentiment Analysis]

Microservice 7

Sentiment Analysis

+++ @title[Method]

Simple Wordlist-based approach

  • Research about Sentiment Analysis in financial Sector
  • Found Wordlist by Loughran & McDonald (2011)
  • Decided to use a simple Wordlist based approach

+++ @title[Implementation]


  • As a scheduled Service
  • Runs every 5 minutes
  • Searches for Tweets without Sentiment in MongoDB
  • Counts positive & negative Words contained in the Tweet
  • Sentiment Score = Positive - Negative

---?image=assets/bg-jupyter.png @title[Microservice - Jupyter Notebook]

Microservice 8

Jupyter Notebook


Integrate an instance of Jupyter notebook

  • Jupyter notebook inside of an own container
  • connection to the database and all other services
  • test environment for database and API calls
  • fast response without redeploying of any of the components

---?image=assets/bg-dash.png @title[Microservice - Dash]

Microservice 9



Show random tweets from the selected timeframe

            html.Span('€', className='icon'),
             'Avg. Stock Prices per Hour'])
    ], className='title'),
            style={'width': '878px', 'height': '250px'},
    ], className='content')
], className='box'),

@[1,12](Surrounding div element) @[2-11](Array of inner elements) @2-6 @[7-11](Stock graph)

@title[Wrap up]

Wrap up

+++ @title[What we have learned]

What we have learned

  • Plotly Dash is nice, but Data Management & Cross-Selection is quite difficult.
  • Take more care about Exception Handling, especially for critical Services (e.g. Stream Listener)
  • Docker(-Compose) is really cool for Development & Deployment!
  • Putting the right Data into Models is crucial (e.g. Missing Data in Anomaly-Detection)
  • Choosing the right Model for the Data is not easy (e.g. LDA for Tweets)

+++ @title[What we would improve]

What we would improve (1)

Architecture & Code

  • Connect Frontend through only one single API
  • Refactor Dashboard-Code

Topic Modelling

  • Search for a better Model for short Texts
  • Research, if LDA can be speed up somehow

Anomaly Detection

  • More complete Twitter Algorithm Implementation
  • Or build R Microservice

+++ @title[What we would improve]

What we would improve (2)

Dashboard UX / UI

  • Non blocking Interactions
  • Add loading Indicators
  • Improve Cross-Selection
  • Improve Performance, e.g. on Data-Loading

Additional Features

  • Leverage News APIs
  • Calculate and display Correlation Coefficent
  • Show Tweets on Map

@title[Thank you!]

Thank you for your Attention!