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A proxy based wrapper around the IndexedDB API to facilitate simple async and await style coding practices.

NOTE: This is a very limited package for basic usage. If you want more control, I suggest use idb.

import { idb } from "proxidb";

// Create a "todos" store
function myUpgradeFunction(event) {
  const db =;
  if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains("todos"))
    db.createObjectStore("todos", { keyPath: "id" });

async function doStuff() {
  // open a connection
  const db = await idb("name", 1, myUpgradeFunction);
  // do one or more transactions
  await db.todos.add({ id: "1", title: "test" });
  const result = await db.todos.get("1");
  // Close the connection


  • Default mode for transactions is readwrite. There is currently no way to change this.
  • Requires closing of the connection. Otherwise a vast number of connections will remain open.