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Cobweb Tags & Account Page

Emilie Ma edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 3 revisions

About Cobweb Tags

Cobweb tags are a unique way of identifying Cobweb addresses. They are in the following format: COBWEB:[address]&[address signature], where [address signature] is the signed message consisting of the address, signed by your Metamask wallet. You can generate these on your own if you wish, but it's also accessible on the Account Page (see below).

This is used to ensure that Cobweb tags are owned by the address they claim to be owning - if I wanted to impersonate my friend Alice, I wouldn't be able to generate their Cobweb tag because I wouldn't be able to sign the message consisting of her address.

We include the address in the Cobweb tag to limit abuse by checking that the address being streamed to for every stream being opened is to a member of the Cobweb community. Otherwise, malicious attackers would be able to force Cobweb streams to open at any time by spamming Cobweb tags.

Cobweb tags are also used to mark monetizable content. Simply paste your Cobweb tag in the body of any social media post, blog article, or website, and any Cobweb user that goes on that page will start a stream (if they have enabled streaming and have not blocked your tag.)

Account Page

This is the account page:


On the first visit, a Metamask popup will appear asking you to sign a message. Please click 'confirm' - this does not grant access to any of your tokens, and is just a way for Cobweb to uniquely identify your account.

There are two main parts to this page: your Cobweb tag and your Cobweb custodial wallet details.

To copy your Cobweb tag, click the 'copy' button.

To access your Cobweb wallet details, including the wallet address and private key, click the 'Show Cobweb Wallet' button. Ensure this information remains private to you, as anyone with this information can spend tokens on your behalf up to the limit you set, just like Cobweb does.

It is accessible by clicking any of the profile pictures on any page within Cobweb. (N.B. - these are generated from your wallet address with Jazzicons!)

You can also re-request verification here if you skipped it in onboarding.