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Ring middleware to facilitate audit requirements.

Makes use of clout to match routes and execute an fn of your choice!

Have it write to a db, place a message on a queue, send an email...


[ring-audit-middleware "0.1.0"]

Compojure example

  (:use compojure.core
  (:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
            [compojure.route :as route]))

(defroutes foo-app
  (GET "/foo/bar/:id" ...)
  (POST "/admin/:id/edit" ...)
  (POST "/users" ...))

(defn audit-fn [req params] ... )

(def app
  (-> (handler/site foo-app)
      (wrap-audit-middleware audit-fn)))

The audit fn

Must accept two arguments

  1. ring request map
  2. request parameters from clout (see clout documentation)
Note - the audit fn is for side-effects only. If the request map is modified, it will not be persisted through the remaining middleware stack
(defn audit-fn [req params] ... )

Options for wrap-audit-middleware

Audit all routes
(def app
  (-> (handler/site foo-app)
      (wrap-audit-middleware audit-fn)))

Provide a collection of routes (see clout documentation) to determine if the request should be audited
(def app
  (-> (handler/site foo-app) ;; audit all admin member routes and all user routes
      (wrap-audit-middleware audit-fn :routes ["/admin/:id/*" "/users/*"])))

Instruct the middleware to audit routes in a future (useful for long running audits)
(def app
  (-> (handler/site foo-app)
      (wrap-audit-middleware audit-fn :future? true)))

Why not both?
(def app
  (-> (handler/site foo-app)
      (wrap-audit-middleware audit-fn :routes ["/admin/:id/*"] :future? true)))

Easily create as many audit middleware pieces as you need
(def app
  (-> (handler/site foo-app)
      (wrap-audit-middleware some-fn-for-admin-routes :routes ["/admin/:id/*"])
      (wrap-audit-middleware some-fn-for-user-routes :routes ["/user/*"] :future? true)))


Right now, all audit fn's are executed for their side-effects and they can not modify the request map

  1. allow for request map modification as well as side-effects (middleware could handle authentication)


Copyright (C) 2013 Kyle Gann

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.