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#What is Cucumber The gradle cucumber-java plugin provides the ability to run cucumber acceptance tests directly from a gradle build. The plugin utilizes the cucumber cli provided by the cucumber-jvm project, while imposing a few constraints to encourage adopters to use cucumber in a gradle friendly manner. Some of constraints include:

#Selenium PageFactory model is what has been used for the cucumber test

The PageFactory Class in Selenium is an extension to the Page Object design pattern. It is used to initialize the elements of the Page Object or instantiate the Page Objects itself. ... It is used to initialize elements of a Page class without having to use 'FindElement' or 'FindElements'.

A Cucumber test suite should be contained in a single source set. Glue code should be compiled by gradle and use annotations to glue to the dk.danskespil.psp.pages.features. Features should be in the resources folder of the source set representing the test suite

#Running cucumber test

To successfully run a cucumber test, make sure you have your selenium server running;

##Note Make sure you update the or the standalone.bat file with the right selenium server standalone and chromedriver version you downloaded on you local pc. Eg. "selenium-server-standalone-3.7.0.jar" in my case.

Navigate to the server eg. /payment-service-proxy-acceptancetest/seleniumServer or where ever you have the or standalone.bat file configured and saved

Then issue if linux or standalone.bat if on windows

#Running the test in sequence

$ gradle clean build runInSequence

#Running the test in parallel

$ gradle clean build runInParallel


The idea behind the parallel testing is mainly because, when you have lots of features you want to run because they run concurrently using threads, it saves lots of time compared to running in sequence.

#Cucumber reports The parallel testing generates a good report using -

#To view the report: Add a file://+output in your browser eg. file:///Users/ccproject/payment-service-proxy-acceptancetest/build/reports/cucumber/cucumber-html-reports/overview-dk.danskespil.psp.pages.features.html Alternatively just navigate to the report file and open with a browser of your choice.

#Prerequisites for running test on browserstack

Before you can start running your Selenium tests with Java:

Download the Selenium Java bindings from the Selenium website ( Extract the ZIP file you downloaded from the URL above, and add the Selenium Java bindings (a JAR file) and all the dependent libraries (JAR files in the /libs folder) to your classpath.

#Download and run the BrowserStackLocal binary

Download the appropriate binary: OS X Linux 32-bit Linux 64-bit (Recommended for your system) Windows Please reference from the link below:

starting the browerstack server locally

Navigate to your downladed binary you downloaded as per above and run the command ./BrowserStackLocal RiuiwqAeV8qV64yVZD2x or BrowserStackLocal.exe --key RiuiwqAeV8qV64yVZD2x for windows

capabilities generator link

#running your test gradlew runBrowserStackTest currently runs browserstack test


You can view test results on BrowserStack Automate dashboard

Browserstack Local

This allows you to test locally and manually by directly adding the url on a device, browser etc. and testing from there. Follow this link:


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