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Connect your GraphQL server to an existing GraphQL API using DataSources.

Note: This is designed to work with Apollo Server 2.0 and Data Sources

GraphQL Data Source


npm i apollo-graphql-datasource --save


Define a data source by creating new the GraphQLDataSource instance. The below example will create a GraphQL datasource to the Apollo Federation Demo gateway. In the real world project, your schema may conflict with the destination schema. Therefore, a prefix should be added to the destination schema types, in this example: Demo0

const GraphQLDataSource = require('appolo-graphql-datasource');
const { gql } = require('apollo-server');

const typeDefs = `
  type Demo0Product {
    upc: String!
    name: String
    price: Int
    weight: Int
    reviews: [Demo0Review]
    inStock: Boolean
    shippingEstimate: Int

    calulatedField(inputArgs: SomeInput): Int
    calulatedField2(inputArgs: SomeInput!): CalulatedField2Response

  type Demo0Review {
    id: ID!
    body: String
    author: Demo0User
    product: Demo0Product

  type Demo0User {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    username: String
    reviews: [Demo0Review]

  enum ProductEnum {

  input SomeInput {
    args1: Int
    args2: String!

  type CalulatedField2Response {
    value1: Int
    value2: Int
    value3: String

  type Query {
    Demo0me: Demo0User
    Demo0topProducts(first: Int = 5, status: ProductEnum): [Demo0Product]

  type Mutation {
    Demo0doSth(first: Int = 5): [Demo0Product]

const dataSource = new GraphQLDataSource(

module.exports = () => ({
  demoFederationAPI: dataSource,

GraphQL Operations

  • The query and mutation methods on the GraphQLDataSource make a request to the GraphQL server. The datasource will foward the client's query to the destination server.
  • The query and mutation methods accepts a second parameter, options, which can be used to pass the additional headers.
  • The datasource also handles:
    • mutiple queries or mutations in one request
    • fragment
    • enum
    • fields with arguments
function genericQuery(parent, args, context, info) {
  const { demoFederationAPI } = context.dataSources;
  const { secretToken } = context;
  const headers = {
    serviceSecret: secretToken,

  return demoFederationAPI.query(info, { headers });

module.exports = {
  Query: {
    Demo0topProducts: (...params) => genericQuery(...params),
    // ...others queries

Transform Types to Scalar

If you want to transform some types to scalar, provide them in constructor

const dataSource = new GraphQLDataSource(
  ['calulatedField2'], // provide Types to transform