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40 lines (25 loc) · 1.59 KB


File metadata and controls

40 lines (25 loc) · 1.59 KB


Before releasing, check:

Address any failures before releasing.

  1. Edit doc/whatsnew.rst. Comment the heading "Next release", then insert another heading below it, at the same level, with the version number and date. Make a commit with a message like "Mark vX.Y.Z in doc/whatsnew".
  2. Tag the release candidate version, i.e. with a rcN suffix, and push:

    $ git tag v1.2.3rc1
    $ git push --tags
  3. Check:

    Address any warnings or errors that appear. If needed, make a new commit and go back to step (2), incrementing the rc number.

  4. (optional) Tag the release itself and push:

    $ git tag v1.2.3
    $ git push --tags

    This step (but not step (2)) can also be performed directly on GitHub; see (5), next.

  5. Visit and mark the new release: either using the pushed tag from (4), or by creating the tag and release simultaneously.
  6. Check at and that the distributions are published.