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212 lines (159 loc) · 5.92 KB

File metadata and controls

212 lines (159 loc) · 5.92 KB


Notice: The documentation was designed to be read from top to bottom. Some > tasks are shared with other topics. For example, the $locator instance > in the Single Loader topic is needed in the Multiple Loader topic, but the process of creating it is not covered again.

There are two ways of using Wise.


The easiest way to start using Wise is by calling the create() method:

use Herrera\Wise\Wise;

$wise = Wise::create('/path/to/config');

Using this approach requires that you install all of Wise's suggested Composer dependencies, but grants you the ability to load INI, JSON, PHP, XML, and YAML configuration files.

The create() method will accept a single directory path, or an array of directory paths. You may also specify a cache directory path, and the debug mode, if necessary:

$wise = Wise::create(
    array(                // multiple directory paths
    '/path/to/cache/dir', // cache directory path
    true                  // enables debugging

Cherry Pick

Your project may not make use of one or more configuration file types, so registering all of the available loaders may be wasteful. Instead of using the create() method, you will want to create a new instance of Wise:

$wise = new Wise();

Single Loader

If you are using only one file type for your project, setting up a loader is fairly straightforward. First, you will need to create a FileLocator instance, which is used by all loaders to find configuration files:

use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;

$locator = new FileLocator('/path/to/config');

If your configuration files are located in multiple directories, you may provide an array of directory paths.

You might be scratching your head and wondering why you are creating an instance of a class from a different library. The Wise library is built on top of Symfony's Config library, which shares many of the same classes with Wise.

Once you have created your locator, you can now instantiate your desired loader with the new FileLocator object, which will then be registered with $wise:

use Herrera\Wise\Loader\PhpFileLoader;

$loader = new PhpFileLoader($locator);


This example demonstrates how to support only PHP scripts as configuration files. You may also use any of the loaders that have been bundled with the library:

  • Herrera\Wise\Loader\IniFileLoader
  • Herrera\Wise\Loader\JsonFileLoader — Requires herrera-io/json.
  • Herrera\Wise\Loader\PhpFileLoader
  • Herrera\Wise\Loader\XmlFileLoader — Requires the dom extension.
  • Herrera\Wise\Loader\YamlFileLoader — Requires symfony/yaml.

You may also create your own loader and use that instead.

Multiple Loaders

To use multiple loaders, you do not need to create multiple instances of Wise. Instead, what you will need is a delegating loader. This delegating loader is used in place of an actual loader. To use a delegating loader, you must first create its resolver:

use Herrera\Wise\Loader\LoaderResolver;
use Herrera\Wise\Loader\IniFileLoader;
use Herrera\Wise\Loader\PhpFileLoader;

$resolver = new LoaderResolver(
        new IniFileLoader($locator),
        new PhpFileLoader($locator),

In this example, the INI and PHP file loaders have been registered with the resolver. This will allow the delegating loader to use the INI and PHP loaders when an attempt is made to load either file type. Before that can be done, you must create the delegating loader using your resolver, and then registering the loader with Wise:

use Herrera\Wise\Loader\DelegatingLoader;

$delegator = new DelegatingLoader($resolver);



Now that you have registered your loader(s), you may want to cache the result to improve performance. To do so, you must register a resource collector, and then set the cache directory path:

use Herrera\Wise\Resource\ResourceCollector;

$wise->setCollector(new ResourceCollector());

The purpose of the ResourceCollector instance is so that imports can be properly tracked when they are loaded. Without the resource collector, any changes made to imported files will not be considered when the cache needs to be refreshed, resulting in stale cache data.


Regardless of whether you chose the Single Loader or Multiple Loaders approach, you may want to normalize and/or validate the configuration data that you are loading. In Wise, this is called processing. For this part, you must known how to create your own definitions, which is covered by Symfony's own documentation. You must have a solid understanding of that documentation before you will be able to proceed.

intermission, Jeopardy theme song

You should now continue on to How to Create a Processor.

Loading Data

After you have set up Wise, you may now load your configuration files:

$config = $wise->load('config.ini');

If you want a flattened version of your configuration data, delimited by ".", you may instead use the loadFlat() method:

$flatConfig = $wise->loadFlat('config.ini');

This will turn this data:

    'one' => array(
        'two' => array(
            'three' => 123
    'two' => 2


    'one.two.three' => 123,
    'two' => 2