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File metadata and controls

256 lines (229 loc) · 14.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • SchemaName:private and CollectionName::private are two new constructors that allow defining names without specifying an authority. Developers creatingreusable collections and/or schemas should not use these methods as namespacing is meant to help prevent name collisions.



  • bonsaidb::local::admin now exposes collections that are used to manage BonsaiDb.
  • Ability to add users, set a user's password, and log in as a user.
  • Each bonsaidb::local::Storage now has a unique ID. It will be randomly generated upon launch. If for some reason a random value isn't desired, it can be overridden in the Configuration.
  • Centralized secrets vault: Enables limited at-rest encryption. See bonsaidb::core::vault for more information.
  • For serializable types, Collection now defines easier methods for dealing with documents. NamedCollection allows collections that expose a unique name view to have easy ways to convert between IDs and names.
  • Server Backend trait now defines connection lifecycle functions that can be overridden to customize behavior when clients connect, disconnect, or authenticate.
  • Client now has a build() method to allow for customizing connections.
  • CustomApi responses can now be sent by the server via ConnectedClient::send(). The client can now register a callback to receive out-of-band responses.
  • Backend has a new associated type, CustomApiDispatcher which replaces Server::set_custom_api_dispatcher. This change allows custom api dispatchers to receive the server or client during initialization if needed. For example, if a custom API needs to know the caller's identity, you can store the client in your dispatcher and access it in your handlers.
  • Backend has a new associated type: ClientData. This associated type can be used to associate data on a per-ConnectedClient basis.
  • ServerConfiguration has a new setting: client_simultaneous_request_limit. It controls the amount of query pipelining a single connection can achieve. Submitting more queries on a single connection will block reading additional requests from the network connection until responses have been sent.
  • ServerConfiguration now supports authenticated_permissions, allowing a set of permissions to be defined that are applied to any user that has successfully authenticated.
  • CollectionView is a new trait that can be implemented instead of View. The map() function takes a CollectionDocument parameter that is already deserialized for you.
  • bonsaidb_core now has two new macros to ease some tedium of writing simple views: define_basic_mapped_view and define_basic_unique_mapped_view.
  • BonsaiDb now uses log internally to report errors that are being ignored or happened in a background task.
  • Multiple crates now offer an "instrument" feature which enables instrumentation using the tracing ecosystem.
  • Moved all database() functions to StorageConnection. This allows fully generic code to be written against a "server".
  • Added listen_for_shutdown() which listens for SIGINT and SIGQUIT and attemps to shut the server down gracefully.
  • Automatic TLS certificate acquisition can be performed using ACME on TCP port 443. This is automatically performed if the feature flag is enabled.
  • BonsaiDb server can now listen for generic TCP connections with and without TLS. This is primarily designed to allow extending the HTTP port to support additional HTTP endpoints than just websockets. However, because the TLS certificate aquired on port 443 can be used in other protocols such as SMTP, it can be useful to allow BonsaiDb to control the networking connections. listen_for_tcp_on and listen_for_secure_tcp_on accept a parameter that implements the TcpService trait. See the Axum example for how this integration can be used in conjunction with websockets.
  • Added convenience methods to Transaction and Operation to make it easier to build multi-operation transactions.
  • The Key trait is now automatically implemented for tuples of up to 8 entries in length.
  • CollectionDocument::modify() enables updating a document using a flow that will automatically fetch the document if a conflict is detected, re-invoking the callback to redo the modifications. This is useful for situations where you may have cached a document locally and wish to update it in the future, but don't want to refresh it before saving. It also will help, in general, with saving documents that might have some contention.
  • CustomServer::authenticate_client_as() allows setting a ConnectedClient's authenticated user, skipping BonsaiDb's authentication. This allows developers to still utilize the users and permissions within BonsaiDb while authenticating via some other mechanism.
  • SerializedCollection::list() and SerializedCollection::get_multiple() have been added to make it easier to retrieve CollectionDocument<T>s.


  • Configuration has been refactored to use a builder-style pattern. bonsaidb::local::config::Configuration has been renamed StorageConfiguration, and bonsaidb::server::ServerConfiguration has been renamed ServerConfiguration.

  • Database::open_local and Storage::open_local have been renamed to open.

  • Database::open, Storage::open, and Server::open no longer take a path argument. The path is provided from the configuration.

  • Listing all schemas and databases will now include the built-in admin database.

  • The underlying dependency on sled has been changed for an in-house storage implementation nebari.

  • The command-line interface has received an overhaul.

    • A new trait, CommandLine can be implemented on a type that implements Backend to utilize the built-in, extensible command line interface. An example of this is located at ./examples/basic-server/examples/
    • The parameter types to execute() functions have changed.
    • This interface will receive further refinement as part of switching to clap 3.0 once it is fully released.
  • View::map now returns a Mappings instead of an Option, allowing for emitting of multiple keys.

  • View mapping now stores the source document header, not just the ID.

  • ServerConfiguration::default_permissions has been changed into a DefaultPermissions enum.

  • Changed the default serialization format from CBOR to an in-house format, Pot.

  • Key now has a new associated constant: LENGTH. If a value is provided, the result of converting the value should always produce the length specified. This new information is used to automatically implement the Key trait for tuples.

  • The Key implementation for EnumKey has been updated to use ordered-varint to minimize the size of the indexes. Previously, each entry in the view was always 8 bytes.

  • Connection and SerializedCollection have had their insert/insert_into functions modified to include an id parameter. New functions named push and push_into have been added that do not accept an id parameter. This is in an effort to keep naming consistent with common collection names in Rust.

  • Operation::insert and Command::Insert now take an optional u64 parameter which can be used to insert a document with a specific ID rather than having one chosen. If an document exists already, a conflict error will be returned.

  • bonsaidb::local::backup has been replaced with Storage::backup and Storage::restore. This backup format is incompatible with the old format, but is built with proper support for restoring at-rest encrypted collections. Backups are not encrypted, but the old implementation could not be updated to support restoring the documents into an encrypted state.

    This new functionality exposes BackupLocation, an async_trait that enables arbitrary backup locations.

  • KeyValue storage has internally changed its format. Because this was pre-alpha, this data loss was premitted. If this is an issue for anyone, the data is still there, the format of the key has been changed. By editing any database files directly using Nebari, you can change the format from "namespace.key" to "namespace\0key", where \0 is a single null byte.

  • ExecutedTransactions::changes is now a Changes enum, which can be a list of ChangedDocuments or ChangedKeys.

  • The Key-Value store is now semi-transactional and more optimized. The behavior of persistence can be customized using the key_value_persistence option when opening a BonsaiDb instance. This can enable higher performace at the risk of data loss in the event of an unexpected hardware or power failure.

  • A new trait, SerializedCollection, now controls serialization within CollectionDocument, CollectionView, and other helper methods that serialized document contents. This allows any serialization format that implements transmog::Format can be used within BonsaiDb by setting the Format associated type within your SerializedCollection implementation.

    For users who just want the default serialization, a convenience trait DefaultSerialization has been added. All types that implement this trait will automatically implement SerializedCollection using BonsaiDb's preferred settings.

  • A new trait, SerializedView, now controls serialization of view values. This uses a similar approach to SerializedCollection. For users who just want the default serialization, a convenience trait DefaultViewSerialization has been added. All types that implement this trait will automatically implement SerializedView using BonsaiDb's preferred settings.

    The view-histogram example has been updated to define a custom transmog::Format implementation rather creating a Serde-based wrapper.

  • View has been split into two traits to allow separating client and server logic entirely if desired. The ViewSchema trait is where map(), reduce(), version(), and unique() have moved. If you're using a CollectionView, the implementation should now be a combination of View and CollectionViewSchema.

  • CollectionName, SchemaName, and Name all no longer generate errors if using invalid characters. When BonsaiDb needs to use these names in a context that must be able to be parsed, the names are encoded automatically into a safe format. This change also means that View::view_name(), Collection::collection_name(), and Schema::schema_name() have been updated to not return error types.

  • The Document type has been renamed to OwnedDocument. A trait named Document has been introduced that contains most of the functionality of Document, but is now implemented by OwnedDocument in addition to a new type: BorrowedDocument. Most APIs have been updated to return OwnedDocuments. The View mapping process receives a BorrowedDocument within the map() function.

    This refactor changes the signatures of ViewSchema::map(), ViewSchema::reduce(), CollectionViewSchema::map(), and CollectionViewSchema::reduce().

    The benefit of this breaking change is that the view mapping process now can happen with fewer copies of data.

  • A new function, query_with_collection_docs() is provided that is functionally identical to query_with_docs() except the return type contains already deserialized CollectionDocument<T>s.

  • Moved CollectionDocument from bonsaidb_core::schema to bonsaidb_core::document.

  • Due to issues with unmaintained crates, X25519 has been swapped for P256 in the vault implementation. This is an intra-alpha breaking change. Use the backup functionality with the existing version of BonsaiDb to export a decrypted version of your data that you can restore into the new version of BonsaiDb.

    If you have encryption enabled but aren't actually storing any encrypted data yet, you can remove these files from inside your database:

    • mydb.bonsaidb/master-keys
    • mydb.bonsaidb/vault-keys/ (or remove the keys from your S3 bucket)
  • query_with_docs() and query_with_collection_docs() now return a MappedDocuments structure, which contains a list of mappings and a BTreeMap containing the associated documents. Documents are allowed to emit more than one mapping, and due to that design, a single document can be returned multiple times.


  • Adding two collections with the same name now throw an error.



  • View::unique() has been added, allowing for a View to restrict saving documents when multiple documents would end up with the same key emitted for this view. For example, if you have a User collection and want to ensure each User has a unique email_address, you could create a View with the key of email_address and return true from unique(), and BonsaiDb will enforce that constraint.

  • Permissions support has been added across the platform with granular access. The bonsaidb::core::permissions module contains the data types involved. More documentation and examples are to-come -- users and roles haven't been added yet.

  • The initial underpinnings of customizing the BonsaiDb server have been added. First, there's the Backend trait. Right now, its only purpose is to allow defining a CustomApi. This allows applications built with BonsaiDb to extend the network protocol with Request and Response types that just need to support Serde. For a full example, check out this in-development Gooey example.

  • An initial version of a WebAssembly client is now supported. It only supports WebSockets. While there has been news of QUIC support in the browser, it's a limited implementation that only exposes an HTTP protocol. As such, it is incompatible with the BonsaiDb protocol. Eventually, we hope to support WebRTC as an alternative to TCP in WebAssembly. The example linked in the previous bullet point can be built and loaded in a browser.