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Kevin Hou's Personal Website and Blog

built with Codeium streak

Site is live on: screenshot

Usage Documentation

# Start the CDN to mimic GitHub pages.
pnpm start:cdn

# Start the NextJS dev server.
pnpm dev


  1. Static assets will be on GitHub pages. I'm going to leverage the docs/ subdirectory as my CDN.
  2. The main site will be a NextJS app that I will deploy from Vercel


Color palette:

blue: #3286A8
red: #D5491F
orange: #DA8D0F
green: #80A454
gray: #9DB7C1

Image Cleaning

I created helper scrips to compress images and create thumbnails. I use these when uploading new photos:

# Compress images.
pnpm clean-images --max_kb 2100 --no-dry-run

# Update Typescript objects.
pnpm generate:assets

# Generate thumbnails.
pnpm generate:thumbnails --no-dry-run

# Regenerate Typescript objects with thumbnails.
pnpm generate:assets

Then you can go to the admin page and set the tags appropriately.