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The fflr package is used to query the ESPN Fantasy Football API. Get data on fantasy football league members, teams, and individual athletes.

This package has been tested with a narrow subset of possible league settings. If a function doesn’t work as intended, please file an issue on GitHub.



As of 2024-05-17, fflr was removed from CRAN for failure to comply with the policy on internet resources. This issue arose when ESPN changed their API format and adjusted andpoints to account for the end of the 2023 NFL season. I hope to work with CRAN to get the package published again before the 2024 season, but it may not be possible.

The most recent development version can always be installed from GitHub:

# install.packages("remotes")


#> [1] '2.3.0'

Data is only available for public leagues. See this help page on how to make a private league public

Functions require a unique leagueId, which can be found in any ESPN page URL.

Use ffl_id() to set a default fflr.leagueId option. Your .Rprofile file can set this option on startup.

ffl_id(leagueId = "42654852")
#> Temporarily set `fflr.leagueId` option to 42654852
#> [1] "42654852"

The leagueId argument defaults to ffl_id() and can be omitted once set.

#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>         id seasonId name             isPublic  size finalScoringPeriod
#>      <int>    <int> <chr>            <lgl>    <int>              <int>
#> 1 42654852     2024 FFLR Test League TRUE         4                 17
#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#>   teamId abbrev name              logo                                            logoType memberId
#>    <int> <fct>  <chr>             <chr>                                           <chr>    <chr>   
#> 1      1 AUS    Austin Astronauts… VECTOR   {22DFE7…
#> 2      2 BOS    Boston Buzzards… VECTOR   {22DFE7…
#> 3      3 CHI    Chicago Crowns… VECTOR   {22DFE7…
#> 4      4 DEN    Denver Devils… VECTOR   {22DFE7…

The scoringPeriodId argument can be used to get data from past weeks.

all_rost <- team_roster(scoringPeriodId = 1)
all_rost$CHI[, 5:13][-7]

There are included objects for NFL teams and players.

#> # A tibble: 33 × 6
#>    proTeamId abbrev location   name       byeWeek conference
#>        <int> <fct>  <chr>      <chr>        <int> <chr>     
#>  1         0 FA     <NA>       Free Agent      NA <NA>      
#>  2         1 Atl    Atlanta    Falcons         14 NFC       
#>  3         2 Buf    Buffalo    Bills            7 AFC       
#>  4         3 Chi    Chicago    Bears           14 NFC       
#>  5         4 Cin    Cincinnati Bengals         10 AFC       
#>  6         5 Cle    Cleveland  Browns           9 AFC       
#>  7         6 Dal    Dallas     Cowboys          9 NFC       
#>  8         7 Den    Denver     Broncos          9 AFC       
#>  9         8 Det    Detroit    Lions            6 NFC       
#> 10         9 GB     Green Bay  Packers         14 NFC       
#> # ℹ 23 more rows


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