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Add a release guide
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Signed-off-by: Håkon Wiik Ånes <>
  • Loading branch information
hakonanes committed May 12, 2020
1 parent 5914196 commit f08ca92
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 0 deletions.
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions RELEASE.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
How to make a new release of ``kikuchipy``

This guide should be updated after every new release!

- Create a release branch v<major>.<minor>.x. If a new minor release is to be
made, branch off of master via the GitHub repo, and pull this branch locally.
If a new patch release is to be made, pull the existing minor branch locally
and branch off of it.

- Review and clean up doc/changelog.rst as per Keep a Changelog. Make sure all
contributors and reviewers are acknowledged. Increment the version number in
``. Make a PR to the release branch.

- Create a PR from the release branch to master. Discuss the changelog with
others, and make the changes directly to the release branch. After all checks
are green and the PR is merged, cherry-pick any resulting changes to the
release branch.

- Make sure that the documentation, with the changelog updates, can be
successfully built from the release branch by making Read the Docs build the
release branch:

- On the master branch, increment the version number in `` to the next

- Create a release draft (tag) via the GitHub repo from the release branch with
the correct tag version name, e.g. v0.42.x and release title (see previous
releases). Add the new release notes from the changelog. Publish the release.

- Monitor Travis CI to ensure the release is successfully published to PyPI.


A kikuchipy build recipe is available at conda-forge documentation is
available at

- Fork the feedstock.

- Create a new release branch named v<major>.<minor>.x off of master.

- Increment the version number in `recipe/meta.yml`. Get the SHA256 for the
package distribution (`.tar.gz`) from PyPI

- Make a PR to master from the release branch. Follow the relevant instructions
from the conda-forge documentation on updating packages. Merge the PR after
all checks are green.

- Monitor the Azure pipeline CI to ensure the release is successfully published
to conda-forge.

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