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Releases: kingsquare/communibase-connector-php


10 Nov 13:54
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2.1.0 release

This release allows the newly introduced Http Client to be injected.


10 Nov 10:16
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This is a new major. The connector has been upgraded to support PHP5.5+ and reworked into utilizing the GuzzleHttp library for all external requests.


21 Jul 08:35
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fixed filtering and unique getByIds() call

Added query logging possibility (a la doctrine/dbal)

22 Jun 18:49
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Main change:

  • Added a query logger possibility

Other changes:

  • protected vs private; mockable/testable/etc... ;-)
  • moved methods/etc; flow is more kinder to the eye ;-)

wercker + updated dependencies

24 Mar 09:37
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Minor update for the new location of the array_column package (<PHP 5.5)

Added Invoice finalize feature

19 Feb 16:28
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Communibase invoices now may be finalised using the Connector.

Curl improvements

17 Nov 10:26
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This new release should improve ease of use by allowing the following:

  • change the cURL options
  • easier changing of the service URL's
  • updated docs

Also the getById and getByIds now check for sane id formatting before excuting a call to prevent superfluous network traffic,


27 Feb 15:33
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minor update to fix the getTemplate method to include the first field in the definition

Full on communibase!

27 Feb 14:55
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This is the first 1.0 release of the communibase connector. We've been using it internally and as such have added a simple helper method getTemplate for quickly getting an empty entity from Communibase.

There is still more work ahead since we plan to move to Guzzle to allow async calls to be made easily aswell as giving it a bit more OO polish (i.e. typecasting the results to their respective PHP equivilants i.e. DateTime objects if it's a Date-property in Communibase)

Have fun and feel free to post any issues you may find!

First public release

26 Feb 11:54
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This is the first public release for the Communibase API as a PHP connector.