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Type-safe middleware composition utility for the Kirrus framework

@kirrus/compose is a module part of the kirrus namespace, used for composing middleware in a typesafe and lazy manner

This package exposes a type(Middleware) and a class(MiddlewareComposer).

The type Middleware is used for defining what a middleware and it looks as follows:

interface IMiddleware<T, R extends T> {
    getMiddleware(): Middleware<T, R>

type FunctionMiddleware<T, R extends T> = (
    ctx: T,
    next: () => Promise<void>
) => Awaitable<DeepPartial<R> | void>

type Middleware<T, R extends T = T> =
    | IMiddleware<T, R>
    | FunctionMiddleware<T, R>

In most use cases, you'll find yourself writing middleware that fit FunctionMiddleware type, but just in case you want to do something fancy like a custom router, the IMiddleware type has been exposed too 🙂

For usage of MiddlewareComposer, see Using this module


To install the compose module, simply type:

npm i @kirrus/compose

Using this module

import { Middleware, MiddlewareComposer } from "@kirrus/compose"

// This is the type of the context
// we'll be using for type safety
type Context = { count: number }

// This is the initial context
// adding a basic count property
// and giving it an initial value of 0
const context: Context = { count: 0 }

// This is the first middleware
// that increases the count property
// of the context
const increaseCount: Middleware<Context> = async (ctx, next) => {

    await next()

// This is the second middleware
// that doubles the count property
// of the context
const doubleCount: Middleware<Context> = async (ctx, next) => {
    ctx.count *= 2

    await next()

// And finally this is our middleware composer instance
// that we provide with a chain of middleware
// in the order we want the middleware to be executed
// using the .use(middleware) method
// and finally get the resulting composed middleware
// using the .getMiddleware() method
const composedMiddleware = new MiddlewareComposer<Context>()

// The initial context
console.log(context) // { count: 0 }

// We apply the composed middleware
// on our context
// providing an empty next function
// Note: this assumes top-level await
await composedMiddleware(context, async () => {})

// The resulting context
console.log(context) // { count: 2 }


You can find the automatically generated changelog here

The documentation in markdown format can be found here


To contribute, check the contribution guide here


@kirrus/compose and all other repos under the kirrus organisation use the Unlicense.