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Breadbops Project Design

Sahil Samar edited this page Sep 28, 2022 · 5 revisions

Breadbops Project Design

Brain Write:

We are making a website about cars.

Student need - Many students are new drivers and need to select a car. This website will be a helpful utility for this.

We will be making use of large datasets as we will try to present information about as many cars as possible. This means using car APIs to get statistics and models of different cars from different brands.

We will use algorithms through different calculators for cars. We will also try to build the website so that it aids you in selecting a car; this will be complex, as it will have to weight how much you value certain characteristics in a car to give you the best one. We will also have to manage user data through the personal car lists we are planning.

UML Diagram:

Breadbops architecture

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