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git-svn-id: 9fbdc01b-0d2c-0410-bfb7-fb27d70d8b52
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Claes Wikstrom committed Nov 24, 2003
1 parent ffe65aa commit 5037386
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Showing 3 changed files with 219 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions www/EXHEAD
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
<td> <A HREF="/query.yaws">Query part of url</a> </td>
<td> <A HREF="/form.yaws">Forms</a> </td>
<td> <A HREF="/redirect.yaws">Redirect</a> </td>
<td> <A HREF="/embed.yaws">Embedding Yaws</a> </td>

<tr border="2">
<td> <A HREF="/arg.yaws">Arg</a> </td>
Expand Down
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions www/embed.yaws
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
out(A) -> yaws_api:ssi(A#arg.docroot, ["/HEAD", "/EXHEAD"]).

<h1>Running yaws embedded in another larger application</h1>
Yaws is ideal to embed inside another larger erlang application.
Many typical erlang applications are control applications
in need of a webgui specific for the actual application.

<p>In order to run Yaws inside another application, we need to
perform the following steps.

<li> <p>Either integrate yaws into the build system of the
larger application or specifically provide the ebin path to
yaws for the larger application.

<li><p> Provide the application environment {embedded, true}
to Yaws.

<li><p> The large application typically has it's configuration
data fed from internal databases, anyway it's usually not feasible
to let Yaws read it's configuration data from /etc/yaws.conf.

<p>To solve this, when Yaws is started in embedded mode, it doesn't
read it's config from /etc, rather it expects the larger application
to feed it the Yaws configuration through the function call
yaws_api:set_conf(GC, Groups)

<p> The two arguments here are
<li><p>GC is a #gconf{} record. The definition of the
record is:
%% global conf
tty_trace = false,
ebin_dir = [],
runmods = [],
keepalive_timeout = 15000,
max_num_cached_files = 400,
max_num_cached_bytes = 1000000, %% 1 MEG
max_size_cached_file = 8000,
large_file_chunk_size = 10240,
cache_refresh_secs = 30, % seconds (auto zero when debug)
default_type = "text/html",
timeout = 30000,
include_dir = [],
yaws, %% server string
username, %% maybe run as a different user than root
uid %% unix uid of user that started yaws

<p>The easiest way to figure out what the individual record
fields mean is to have a look in the source file yaws_config.erl

<li><p>Groups, is a list of lists of #sconf records.
Yaws is capable of listening on several IP address and also
do Virtual Hosting on each IP address.

<p>Each #sconf{} record describes one web server, whereas a list of
#sconf{} records describe a web server Virt Hosting several different

The sconf record is defined as:

verify = 0,
depth = 1,

%% a list of lists of #sconfs
%% one list of #sconf's per listen ip

%% server conf
{port = 8000, %% which port is this server listening to
rhost, %% forced redirect host (+ optional port)
rmethod, %% forced redirect method
docroot, %% path to the docs
access_log = true, %% log acces
listen = {127,0,0,1}, %% bind to this IP, {0,0,0,0} is possible
servername = "localhost", %% servername is what Host: header is
add_port = true, %% add port after reading config
ets, %% local store for this server
authdirs = [],
partial_post_size = nolimit,
appmods = [], %% list of modules for this app
errormod_404 = yaws_404, %% the default 404 error module
errormod_crash = yaws_404, %% use the same module for crashes
arg_rewrite_mod = yaws,
tilde_expand = false, %% allow public_html user dirs
dir_listings = false, %% allow dir listings
opaque = [], %% useful in embedded mode
start_mod, %% user provided module to be started
allowed_scripts = [yaws]



<h2> A very small actual example </h2>
<p>We provide a minimal example which "embeds" yaws in
a normal Erlang shell.

<p>We start Erlang as:

# erl -pa /usr/local/lib/yaws/ebin -yaws embedded true -s ybed

<p>The ybed module is very small and is named
<a href="/code.yaws?file=/ybed.erl">ybed.erl</a>

<p>The above "erl" command line gives:

# erl -pa /usr/local/lib/yaws/ebin -yaws embedded true -s ybed
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.3.b1 [source] [hipe]

Eshell V5.3.b1 (abort with ^G)
=INFO REPORT==== 25-Nov-2003::00:27:18 ===
Yaws: Listening to for servers
- foobar under /tmp


<p>The actual web server then runs inside the larger application
and _all_ that remain is to design a decent web GUI. This is
harder than it might seem at a first glance. The configuration of the
web server was programmatically fed into Yaws from the surrounding application,
in this case, the Erlang shell + the module
<a href="/code.yaws?file=/ybed.erl">ybed.erl</a>

<h2>The opaque field in the sconf structure </h2>

<p>The sconf structure (which is constructed by the program that
starts and configures Yaws), contains a field, SC#sconf.opaque

<p> This field is passed on into the #arg{} record, so that any application
specific configuration data which is needed by the .yaws pages that
make up the web GUI application, is easily available there.

<p>In essence, if we construct the #sconf as
SC#sconf{opaque = {mystruct, foobar},

<p>A .yaws web page, can do:
out(Arg) ->
MyStruct = Arg#arg.opaque


<p>Thus passing data from the surrounding applications configuration routines
down to each .yaws web page.

out(A) -> yaws_api:ssi(A#arg.docroot, ["/END"]).
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions www/ybed.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
%%% File : ybed.erl
%%% Author : <>
%%% Description : Small embedded yaws example
%%% Created : 25 Nov 2003 by <>


start() ->
GC = yaws_config:make_default_gconf(false),
SC = #sconf{access_log = true,
port = 8888,
servername = "foobar",
listen = {0,0,0,0},
docroot = "/tmp"},
yaws_api:setconf(GC, [[SC]]).

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