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.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:

10X Genomics Data Files

Example Using a 10X Genomics Dataset

Output from the 10X Genomics Cell Ranger pipeline includes multiple files. The two necessary files for importing the results into tcrdist2 are:

  1. The Filtered contig annotations (CSV)
  2. The Clonotype consensus annotations (CSV)

The required fields for these file are shown at the bottom of this page. below. All data downloaded from 10X Genomics Example Datasets .


We use the following files in the coding example:

  1. vdj_v1_hs_pbmc_t_filtered_contig_annotations.csv
  2. vdj_v1_hs_pbmc_t_consensus_annotations.csv

Pre-Processing the 10X Data Files

Some pre-processing of the data is required to create a tcrdist2 compatible clone file from the 10X Cell Ranger files. This is done using :py:meth:`tcrdist.preprocess_10X.get_10X_clones`.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing

import tcrdist as td
from tcrdist import preprocess_10X
from tcrdist.repertoire import TCRrep
from tcrdist.vis_tools import bostock_cat_colors, cluster_viz

# filtered_contig_annotations_csvfile
fca = 'vdj_v1_hs_pbmc_t_filtered_contig_annotations.csv'
ca =  'vdj_v1_hs_pbmc_t_consensus_annotations.csv'
clones_df = preprocess_10X.get_10X_clones(organism = 'human',
                                       filtered_contig_annotations_csvfile = fca,
                                       consensus_annotations_csvfile = ca)


Multiple productive alpha or beta chains associate with a single 10X unique cell identifier are possible. tcrdist2 picks the productive variant of the chain associated with the highest number of unique molecular identifies.

Initialize TCRrep to Calculate tcrdistances

tr = TCRrep(cell_df = clones_df, organism = "human", chains = ["alpha","beta"])
tr.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'alpha', imgt_aligned=True)
tr.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'beta', imgt_aligned=True)
tr.index_cols = ['clone_id', 'subject',
               'v_a_gene',  'j_a_gene', 'v_b_gene', 'j_b_gene',
               'cdr3_a_aa', 'cdr3_b_aa',
               'cdr1_a_aa', 'cdr2_a_aa', 'pmhc_a_aa',
               'cdr1_b_aa', 'cdr2_b_aa', 'pmhc_b_aa',
               'cdr3_b_nucseq', 'cdr3_a_nucseq']#,
               #'va_countreps', 'ja_countreps',#
               #'vb_countreps', 'jb_countreps',
               #'va_gene', 'vb_gene',
               #'ja_gene', 'jb_gene']
cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
tr._tcrdist_legacy_method_alpha_beta(processes = cpus)
tr.clone_df['epitope'] = "Unk" # Assign an unknown epitope to all clones
            "Clutered with Paired tcrdistances (Legacy Metric)")

            "Clutered with tcrdistance Beta Chain (Legacy Metric)")

Bulk Data Processed with MiXCR

If you have bulk sequencing data, MiXCR is an excellent option for rapidly annotating the CDRs and identifying gene V and J gene usage. Documentation for MiXCR can be found at

mixcr align test_R1.fastq test_R2.fastq test2.vdjca --species hsa
mixcr assemble test2.vdjca output.clns
mixcr exportClones output.clns output.clns.txt
mixcr exportAlignments test2.vdjca test2.vdjca.txt
more test2.vdjca.txt | cut -d'\t' -f3,5,21,30 > ${res}.v_j_cdr3_n_cdr3_aa.txt

Adaptive Data File

Describe preprocessing of Adaptive Files

VDJDB Data Files

Describe Preprocessing VDJDB files

Clones File

Describe how to use a clones file from previous TCRdist run.


The typical workflow for getting data into tcrdist2 is to load a data file with Pandas and then apply a mapper to select and rename columns to match those required by tcrdist2. see :ref:`Mappers`

We have begun writing wrappers for various data sources. Mappers are just python dictionaries and can be easily emulated if your data headers are unique.

import pandas as pd
from tcrdist import mappers
mapping = mappers.tcrdist_clone_df_to_tcrdist2_mapping
tcrdist1_df = mappers.generic_pandas_mapper(df = tcrdist_clone_df_PA,
                                            mapping = mapping)

Input Files

10X Genomics Data Fields

Required Fields in the 10X Genomics contig_annotations_csvfile
is_cell TRUE
contig_id AAAGATGGTCTTCTCG-1_contig_1
high_confidence TRUE
length 695
chain TRB
v_gene TRBV5-1*01
d_gene TRBD2*02
j_gene TRBJ2-3*01
c_gene TRBC2*01
full_length TRUE
productive TRUE
reads 9427
umis 9
raw_clonotype_id clonotype14
raw_consensus_id clonotype14_consensus_1
Required Fields in in the 10X Genomics consensus_annotations_csvfile
clonotype_id clonotype100
consensus_id clonotype100_consensus_1
length 550
chain TRB
v_gene TRBV24-1*01
d_gene TRBD1*01
j_gene TRBJ2-7*01
c_gene TRBC2*01
full_length TRUE
productive TRUE
reads 8957
umis 9

Adaptive Biotech Files

See the 3.4.13 SAMPLE EXPORT section of immunoSEQ Analyzer Manual

The standard output is expected to have column headers as shown in the table below.

Reference Manual Definition Example1 Example2
nucleotide Full length nucleotide sequence GAGTCGCCCAGA ATCCAGCCCTCAGA
count The count of sequence reads for the given nucleotide sequence 13 2
frequencyCount The percentage of a particular nucleotide sequence in the total sample Total length of the CDR3 region 0.003421953 5.26E-04
cdr3Length The highest degree of specificity obtained when identifying the V gene Name of the V family (if identified) 45 42
vMaxResolved Name of the V gene if identified, otherwise ‘unresolved’ TCRBV27-01*01 TCRBV12
vFamilyName Number of the V gene allele if identified, otherwise ‘1’ TCRBV27 TCRBV12
vGeneName Name of the potential V families for a sequence if V family identity is unresolved TCRBV27-01  
vGeneAllele Name of the potential V genes for a sequence if V gene identity is unresolved 1  
vFamilyTies Name of the potential V gene alleles for a sequence if V allele identity is unresolved    
vGeneNameTies The highest degree of specificity obtained when identifying the D gene Name of the D family (if identified)   TCRBV12-03,TCRBV12-04
vGeneAlleleTies Name of the D gene if identified, otherwise ‘unresolved’    
dMaxResolved Number of the D gene allele if identified, otherwise ‘1’ or ‘unresolved’ if D gene is unresolved   TCRBD01-01*01
dFamilyName Name of the potential D families for a sequence if D family identity is unresolved   TCRBD01
dGeneName Name of the potential D genes for a sequence if D gene identity is unresolved   TCRBD01-01
dGeneAllele Name of the potential D gene alleles for a sequence if D allele identity is unresolved   1
dFamilyTies The highest degree of specificity obtained when identifying the J gene Name of the J family (if identified) TCRBD01,TCRBD02  
dGeneNameTies Name of the J gene if identified, otherwise ‘unresolved’ TCRBD01-01,TCRBD02-01  
dGeneAlleleTies Number of the J gene allele if identified, otherwise ‘1’    
jMaxResolved Name of the potential J families for a sequence if J family identity is unresolved TCRBJ02-02*01 TCRBJ01-01*01
jFamilyName Name of the potential J genes for a sequence if J gene identity is unresolved TCRBJ02 TCRBJ01
jGeneName Name of the J gene if identified, otherwise ‘unresolved’ TCRBJ02-02 TCRBJ01-01
jGeneAllele Number of the J gene allele if identified, otherwise ‘1’ 1 1
jFamilyTies Name of the potential J families for a sequence if J family identity is unresolved    
jGeneNameTies Name of the potential J genes for a sequence if J gene identity is unresolved    
jGeneAlleleTies Name of the potential J gene alleles for a sequence if J allele identity is unresolved    
vDeletion The number of deletions from the 3’ end of the V segment 0 6
n1Insertion The number of insertions in the N1 region 2 4
d5Deletion The number of deletions from the 5’ end of the D segment 0 1
d3Deletion The number of deletions from the 3’ end of the D segment 10 5
n2Insertion The number of insertions in the N2 region 3 2
jDeletion The number of deletions from the 5’ end of the J segment 2 1
vIndex Distance from the start of the sequence (designated 0) to the conserved cysteine residue in the V motif 36 39
n1Index Distance from 0 to the start of the N1 53 50
dIndex Distance from 0 to the start of the D region 55 54
n2Index Distance from 0 to the start of the N2 region 57 60
jIndex Distance from 0 to the start of the J region 60 62
estimatedNumberGenomes Estimated number of T/B cell genomes present in the sample 13 2
sequenceStatus Whether the nucleotide sequence generates a functional amino acid sequence In In
cloneResolved The gene segments used to construct the CDR3 (VDJ, VJ, DJ) VDJ VDJ
vOrphon Not implemented at this time    
dOrphon Not implemented at this time    
jOrphon Not implemented at this time    
vFunction Not implemented at this time    
dFunction Not implemented at this time    
jFunction Not implemented at this time