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Re:VIEW Format Guide

The document is a brief guide for Re:VIEW markup syntax.

Re:VIEW is based on EWB of ASCII, influenced RD and other Wiki system's syntax.


Paragraphs are separated by an empty line.


This is a paragraph, paragraph,
and paragraph.

Next paragraph here is ...

Two empty lines or more are same as one empty line.

Chapter, Section, Subsection (headings)

Chapters, sections, subsections, subsubsections use =, ==, ===, ====, =====.


= 1st level (chapter)

== 2nd level (section)

=== 3rd level (subsection)

==== 4th level

===== 5th level

Headings should not have any spaces before title; if line head has space, it is as paragraph.


[column] in heading are column's caption.


===[column] Compiler-compiler

= and [column] should be closed to. Any spaces are not permitted.

Columns are closed with next headings.

== head 01

===[column] a column

== head 02 and the end of  'a column'

If you want to close column without headings, you can use ===[/column]


===[column] Compiler-compiler

Compiler-compiler is ...


blah, blah, blah (this is paragraphs outside of the column)


Itemize (ul in HTML) use * (one space char and asterisk).

Nested itemize is like **, ***.


* 1st item
** nested 1st item
* 2nd item
** nested 2nd item
* 3rd item

In itemize, you must write one more space character at line head. When you use * without spaces in line head, it's just paragraph.

Ordered itemize

Ordered itemize (ol in HTML) use 1. ..., 2. ..., 3. .... They aren't nested.


1. 1st condition
2. 2nd condition
3. 3rd condition

The value of Number is ignored.

1. 1st condition
1. 2nd condition
1. 3rd condition

You must write one more space character at line head like itemize.

Definition List

Definition list (dl in HTML) use : and indented lines.


: Alpha
    RISC CPU made by DEC.
    RSIC CPU made by IBM and Motolora.
    POWER PC is delivered from this.
    RISC CPU made by SUN.

: in line head is not used as a text. The text after : is as the term (dt in HTML).

In definition list, : at line head allow space characters. After dt line, space-indented lines are descriptions(dd in HTML).

You can use inline markup in texts of lists.

Code list

Code list like source codes is //list. If you don't need numbers, you can use em prefix (as embedded). If you need line numbers, you can use num postfix. So you can use four types of lists.

  • //list[ID][caption][language]{ ... //}
    • normal list. language is optional.
  • //listnum[ID][caption][language]{ ... //}
    • normal list with line numbers. language is optional.
  • //emlist[caption][language]{ ... //}
    • list without caption counters. caption and language are optional.
  • //emlistnum[caption][language]{ ... //}
    • list with line numbers without caption counters. caption and language are optional.


//list[main][main()][c]{    ←ID is `main`, caption is `main()`
main(int argc, char **argv)
    return 0;


//listnum[hello][hello world][ruby]{
puts "hello world!"




puts "hello world!"

You can use inline markup in blocks.

When you refer a list like see list X, you can use an ID in //list such as @<list>{main}.

Quoting source code

//source is for quoting source code. filename is mandatory.


puts "hello world!"

//source and //emlist with caption is not so different. You can use them with different style with CSS (in HTML) and style file (in LaTeX).

//source can be referred same as the list.


When you ..., see @<list>{hello}.

Inline source code

You can use @<code>{...} in inline context.


@<code>{p = obj.ref_cnt}

Shell session

When you want to show command line operation, you can use //cmd{ ... //}.


$ ls /

You can use inline markup in //cmd blocks.


You can use //image{ ... //} for figures. You can write comments or Ascii art in the block as an alternative description. When publishing, it's simply ignored.


//image[unixhistory][a brief history of UNIX-like OS]{
          System V
            +----------- SVr4 --> Commercial UNIX(Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, ...)
V1 --> V6 --|
            +--------- 4.4BSD --> FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, ...

            --------------> Linux

When you want to refer images such as "see figure 1.", you can use inline reference markup like @<img>{unixhistory}.

When you want to use images in paragraph or other inline context, you can use @<icon>.

Finding image pathes

The order of finding image is as follows. The first matched one is used.

1. <imgdir>/<builder>/<chapid>/<id>.<ext>
2. <imgdir>/<builder>/<chapid>-<id>.<ext>
3. <imgdir>/<builder>/<id>.<ext>
4. <imgdir>/<chapid>/<id>.<ext>
5. <imgdir>/<chapid>-<id>.<ext>
6. <imgdir>/<id>.<ext>
  • <imgdir> is images as default.
  • <builder> is a builder (target) name to use. When you use review-comile commmand with --target=html, <imagedir>/<builder> is images/html.
  • <chapid> is basename of *.re file. If the filename is, chapid is ch01.
  • <id> is the ID of the first argument of //image. You should use only printable ASCII characters as ID.
  • <ext> is file extensions of Re:VIEW. They are different by the builder you use.

Images without caption counter

//indepimage[filename][caption] makes images without caption counter. caption is optional.



Note that there are similar markup //numberlessimage, but it is deprecated.

Figures with graph tools

Re:VIEW generates image files using graph tool with command //graph[filename][commandname][caption]. The caption is optional.

Usage: using with Gnuplot

plot sin(x)

You can use graphviz, gnuplot, blockdiag, aafigure as the command name. Before using these tools, you should installed them.


The markup of table is //table[ID][caption]{ ... //} You can separate header and content with ------------.

The columns are splitted by TAB character. When the first character in the column is ., the character is removed. If you want to write . at the first, you should write ...

When you want to use an empty column, you write ..


//table[envvars][Important environment varialbes]{
Name            Comment
PATH            Directories where commands exist
TERM            Terminal. ex: linux, kterm, vt100
LANG            default local of users. ja_JP.eucJP and ja_JP.utf8 are popular in Japan
LOGNAME         login name of the user
TEMP            temporary directory. ex: /tmp
PAGER           text viewer on man command. ex: less, more
EDITOR          default editor. ex: vi, emacs
MANPATH         Directories where sources of man exist
DISPLAY         default display of X Window System

When you want to write "see table X", you can write @<table>{envvars}.

You can use inline markup in the tables.

Quoting text

You can use //quote{ 〜 //} as quotations.


Seeing is believing.

You can use inline markup in quotations.


You can use //footnote to write footnotes.


You can get the packages from support site for the book.@<fn>{site}
You should get and install it before reading the book.
//footnote[site][support site of the book: ]

@<fn>{site} in source are replaced by footnote marks, and the phrase "support site of .." is in footnotes.

Note that In LATEXBuilder, you should use footnotetext option to use @<fn>{...} in columns and tables.

--footnotetext option

When you want to use footnotetext option, you can add --footnotetext with params in config.yml. With this option, you can use footnote in tables and short notes.

Note that there are some constraints that (because of normal footnote )

And you cannot use footnote and footnotemark/footnotetext at the same time.

Note that with this option, Re:VIEW use footnotemark and footnotetext instead of normal footnote. There are some constraints to use this option. You cannot use footnote and footnotemark/footnotetext at the same time.


When you want to use a bibliography, you should write them in the file


The comment is optional.



//bibpaper[lins][Lins, 1991]{
Refael D. Lins. A shared memory architecture for parallel study of
algorithums for cyclic reference_counting. Technical Report 92,
Computing Laboratory, The University of Kent at Canterbury , August

When you want to refer some references, You should write as:


… is the well-known project.(@<bib>{lins})

Lead sentences

lead sentences are //lead{ ... //}. You can write as //read{ ... //}.


In the chapter, I introduce brief summary of the book,
and I show the way how to write a program in Linux.

TeX equations

You can use //texequation{ ... //} to insert mathematical equations of LaTeX.




//noindent is a tag for spacing.

  • //noindent : ingore indentation immediately following line. (in HTML, use noindent class)

//linebreak and //pagebreak will be obsoleted.


If you want to write some comments that do not output in the document, you can use comment notation #@#.


#@# Must one empty line

If you want to write some warnings, use #@warn(...).



When you want to write comments in the output document, use //comment and @<comment> with the option --draft of review-compile command.



Raw data block

When you want to write non-Re:VIEW line, use //raw.


//raw[|html|<div class="special">\nthis is a special line.\n</div>]

In above line, html is a builder name that handle raw data. You can use html, latex, idgxml and top as builder name. You can specify multiple builder names with separator ,. \n is translated into newline(U+000A).


(In HTML:)

<div class="special">
this is a special line.

(In other formats, it is just ignored.)

Note: //raw and @<raw> may break structured document easily.

Other syntax

In Re:VIEW, you can add your customized blocks. So you can define special block for some books.

  • //prototype : function prototype. It's used in the book Futu no Linux programming.
  • //type : type definition. It's used in the book Futu no Haskell programming.

You can define customized block in the file review-ext.rb.


# review-ext.rb
ReVIEW::Compiler.defblock :foo, 0..1
class ReVIEW::HTMLBuilder
  def foo(lines, caption = nil)
    puts lines.join(",")

You can add the syntax as below:

# Result

Syntax in paragraph (Inline Markups)

@<list>{program}:: `List 1.5`
@<img>{unixhistory}:: `Figure 1.3`
@<table>{ascii}:: `Table 1.2`
@<fn>{site}:: footnote number
@<kw>{Credential, credential}:: keyword.
@<chap>{advanced}:: chapter number like `Chapter 17`
@<title>{advanced}:: title of the chapter
@<chapref>{advanced}:: a chapter number and chapter title like `Chapter 17. advanced topic`
@<bou>{appropriate}:: bou-ten.
@<ruby>{Matsumoto, Matz}:: ruby
@<ami>{point}:: ami-kake (shaded text)
@<b>{Please}:: bold
@<i>{Please}:: italic
@<strong>{Please}:: strong(emphasis)
@<em>{Please}:: another emphasis
@<tt>{foo($bar)}:: teletype (monospaced font)
@<tti>{FooClass}:: teletype (monospaced font) and italic
@<ttb>{BarClass}:: teletype (monospaced font) and bold
@<u>{AB}:: underline
@<br>{}::  linebreak in paragraph
@<m>{a + \alpha}:: TeX inline equation
@<icon>{samplephoto}:: inline image
@<uchar>{2460}:: Unicode code point
@<href>{, google}:: hyper link(URL)
@<raw>{|html|<span>ABC</span>}:: inline raw data inline. `\}` is `}` and `\\` is `\`.

Tags for Authors (pre-processor commands)

These tags are used in the output document. In contrast, tags as below are not used in the output document, used by the author.

#@#:: Comments. All texts in this line are ignored.
#@warn(...):: Warning messages. The messages are showed when pre-process.
#@require, #@provide:: Define dependency with keywords.
#@mapfile(filename) ... #@end:: Insert all content of files.
#@maprange(filename, range name) ... #@end:: Insert some area in content of files.
#@mapoutput(command) ... #@end:: Execute command and insert their output.

HTML/LaTeX layout

layouts/layout.html.erb and layouts/layout.tex.erb are used as layout file. You can use ERb tags in the layout files.

Sample layout file(layout.html.erb):

    <title><%= title %></title>
    <%= body %>

Part title (in TOC)

In version 1.2 or before, you can define the parts in PART file. PART file correspond with chapters in CHAPS file.


  (empty line)
  start section
  last section

In version 1.3 or after, you can use catalog.yml file. For more information of catalog.yml, see Re:VIEW catalog file guide(

Referring headings

@<hd> generate referred section title and section number. You can use deeper section with separator |.


@<hd>{intro|first section}

If section title is unique, | is not needed.

@<hd>{first section}

If you want to refer another chapter (file), you should add the ID of chapter.


@<hd>{preface|Introduction|first section}

When section has the label, you can use the label.

=={intro} Introduction
=== first section
@<hd>{intro|first section}

Heading of columns

You can refer the heading of a column with @<column>.


@<column>{The usage of Re:VIEW}

You can refer labels.

==[column]{review-application} The application of Re:VIEW


You can add a hyperlink with @<href> and //label. Notation of the markup is @<href>{URL, anchor}. If you can use URL itself as anchor, use @<href>{URL}. If you want to use , in URL, use \,.


@<href>{, GitHub}
@<href>{#point1, point1 in document}
@<href>{chap1.html#point1, point1 in document}

Internationalization (i18n)

Re:VIEW support I18N of some text like Chapter, Figure, and Table. Current default language is Japanese.

You add the file locale.yml in the project directory.

Sample local.yml file:

locale: en

If you want to customize texts, overwrite items. Default locale configuration file is in lib/review/i18n.yml.

Sample local.yml file:

locale: en
image: Fig.
table: Tbl.

Re:VIEW custom format

In locale.yml, you can use these Re:VIEW custom format.

  • %pA: Alphabet (A, B, C, ...)
  • %pa: alphabet (a, b, c, ...)
  • %pR: Roman Number (I, II, III, ...)
  • %pr: roman number (i, ii, iii, ...)