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Slackbot for reminding team members to update their timesheets.


Prepare Slack application

You need to configure a slack application. Create a new slack app, then head to Features / Slash commands section and add commands: /subscribe ,/unsubscribe. These need to be paired with /subscribe and /unsubscribe API endpoints of this project.

Then, you need to acquire two tokens:

  1. Go to Install App settings - this is your token for SLACK_TOKEN env.
  2. Go to Basic information settings and find Verification Token. This is your SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN variable.

Run the app

Use make docker to build a docker image with the app. Then you can run the image and bind ports.

Local Development

Communication with Slack app

To develop app locally, I recommend creating your own Slack namespace to communicate with slash commands and to use Ngrok to expose locally run app. Run ngrok http <port> to port-forward the app, then use the generated URL to bind slash commands on api.slack,.com


Run make lint and make test to check code.


After app is connected to slack, call Corgi with /subscribe daily @ 17:15 to get daily notifications. You can also susbscribe for weekly notifications: /subscribe weekly @ SAT 9

Todo, ideas

  • Swap slash commands for mentions
  • Commands for admin-tier team members to notify members immediately
  • PostgreSQL instead of sqlite (or both)
  • Endpoint for lookup of what interval I entered
  • Support for monthly intervals (maybe such a big interval misses the point of reminding)
  • Add ability for admin-tier team members to create notifications for members (with side effect of notifying them)
  • Low priority: Keep history of changes of subscriptions
  • Move representation out of tempo package (also rename message generator then)
  • Cache existing (jira accountID, email) pairs


Slackbot for timesheets reminder






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