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Primitives and examples for integrating bevy_ecs with signals


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LazySignals for Bevy

An ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, kinda fast implementation of 1/3 of MIT-Scheme.

Primitives and examples for implementing a lazy kind of reactive signals for Bevy.

See also: Architecture


Design Questions

  • Can this work with futures_lite to create a futures-signals-like API?
  • During initialization, should computed and effect contexts actually evaluate?
  • How to best prevent infinite loops?
  • Can the use of get vs unwrap be more consistent?



  • Testing
  • Error handling and general resiliency
  • API documentation


  • I need someone to just review every line because I am a total n00b
  • More examples, including some integrating LazySignals with popular Bevy projects such as bevy-lunex, bevy_dioxus, bevy_proto, bevy_reactor, haalka, polako, etc.

Stuff I'm Actually Going To Do

  • Define bundles for the signals primitives
  • Support bevy_reflect types out of the box
  • Add async task management for effects
  • Long-running effects (prevent retrigger if still running from last time)
  • Process tasks to run their commands when they are complete
  • Add React-like factory to API (return getter/setter tuples for signals)
  • Prevent infinite loops
  • See how well this plays with aery, bevy_mod_picking, bevy_mod_scripting, and sickle
  • Do the Ten Challenges

General Usage

The LazySignalsPlugin will register a LazySignalsResource which is the main reactive context. Within a system, get the resource from world scope, then create signals, updating them later. For basic usage, an application specific resource may track the reactive primitive entities.

(see basic_test for working, tested code)

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_lazy_signals::{

#[derive(Resource, Default)]
struct ConfigResource {
    x_axis: Option<Entity>,
    y_axis: Option<Entity>,
    action_button: Option<Entity>,
    screen_x: Option<Entity>,
    screen_y: Option<Entity>,
    log_effect: Option<Entity>,

fn signals_setup_system(config: Res<ConfigResource>, mut commands: Commands) {
    // note these will not be ready for use until the commands actually run
    let x_axis = LazySignals.state::<f32>(0.0, commands);
    config.x_axis = Some(x_axis); // keep as a local to avoid unwrapping for computed and effect sources

    let y_axis = LazySignals.state::<f32>(0.0, commands);
    config.y_axis = Some(y_axis);

    // here we start with an empty Entity (more useful if we already spawned the entity elsewhere)
    config.action_button = commands.spawn_empty().id();

    // then we use the custom command form directly instead
    commands.create_state::<bool>(config.action_button, false);

    // let's define 2 computed values for screen_x and screen_y

    // our x and y axis are mapped to normalized -1.0 to 1.0 OpenGL units and we want 1080p...
    let width = 1920.0;
    let height = 1080.0;

    // the actual pure function to perform the calculations
    let screen_x_fn: Box<dyn Propagator<(f32), f32>> = Box::new(|args, _world| {
        Some(OK(args.0.map_or(0.0, |x| (x + 1.0) * width / 2.0)))

    // and the calculated memo to map the fns to sources and a place to store the result
    let screen_x = LazySignals.computed::<(f32), f32>(
        &mut commands
    config.screen_x = Some(screen_x);

    // or just declare the closure in the API call if it won't be reused
    let screen_y = LazySignals.computed::<(f32), f32>(
        Box<dyn Propagator<(f32), f32>> = Box::new(|args, _world| {
            Some(Ok(args.0.map_or(0.0, |y| (y + 1.0) * height / 2.0)))
        &mut commands
    config.screen_y = Some(screen_y);

    // at this point screen coordinates will update every time the x or y axis is sent a new signal
    // how do we run an effect?

    // similar in form to making a computed, but we get exclusive world access
    // first the closure
    let effect_fn: Box<dyn Effect<(f32, f32)>> = Box::new(|args, _world| {
        let x = args.0.map_or("???", |x| format!("{:.1}", x))
        let y = args.0.map_or("???", |y| format!("{:.1}", y))
        info!(format!("({}, {})"), x, y)

    // then the reactive primitive entity, which logs the screen position every time the HID moves
    config.log_effect = LazySignals.effect::<(f32, f32)>{
        vec![screen_x, screen_y], // sources (passed to the args tuple)
        Vec::<Entity>::new(), // triggers (will fire the effect but we don't care about the value)
        &mut commands

fn signals_update_system(
    config: Res<ConfigResource>,
    mut commands: Commands
) {
    // assume we have somehow read x and y values of the gamepad stick and assigned them to x and y
    LazySignal.send(config.x_axis, x, commands);
    LazySignal.send(config.y_axis, y, commands);

    // signals aren't processed right away, so the signals are still the original value
    let prev_x =<f32>(config.x_axis, world);
    let prev_y =<f32>(config.y_axis, world);

    // let's force the action button to true to simulate pressing the button but use custom command
    commands.send_signal::<bool>(config.action_button, true);

...configure Bevy per usual, pretty much just init ConfigResource and add the LazySignalsPlugin


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Primitives and examples for integrating bevy_ecs with signals



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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