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Day 03 LINQ Deep Dive

Kobi Hari edited this page Sep 17, 2020 · 1 revision

Day 03 - Deep Dive into LINQ


Fun With LINQ Deep Dive into the features of LINQ

LINQ To Data Entities

  • We have seen how to load CSV data files into an enumerable of data entities using LINQ
  • We have used the basic operators Select, Where, OrderBy and Take to create some basic queries
  • We saw how to use the query syntax with keywords such as from, select, orderby, where and how they map to the fluent api extension methods

Aggragation Operators

  • We have seen how to use the Aggregate operator as a general way to produce a scalar value out of an enumerable
  • We have seen how to use the most basic variation of Aggregate to sum or find the max in a collection of items
  • We have seen how to use a seed and an accumulator to carry value between items of a collection
  • We have seen how to use the most explicit version of Aggregate to finally convert the accumulator to the output result

Second Order Operators

  • We have defined the term Second order enumerable as an enumerable of enumerables.
  • We have seen various ways to convert a first order enumerable to a second order enumerable: GroupBy, GroupJoin, ToLookup
  • We talked about the IGrouping interface
    • Extends the IEnumerable interface
    • Adds a Key property
    • Is a result of grouping methods
  • We talked about how to convert second order enumerables back to flat enumerables by using the SelectMany operator

Data Structure Operators

  • We talked about the data structure generators in LINQ ToArray, ToList, ToHashSet
  • We have seen how to create a Mapping using ToDictionary
  • We have sen how to create a One-To-Many mapping using ToLookup and how to use the result

LINQ to Entity Framework

  • We have seen a brief introduction to working with entity framework to access rational database data
  • We have seen the most basic way to configure an EF database locally on Sql Server Express
  • We saw that each table in the database is exposed using the IQueryable interface.
  • We noticed that this interface has its own set of LINQ operators
  • We saw how to log the database activity to see the SQL generated from our LINQ queries
  • We understood the the IQueryable Operators work with Expression Trees instead of delegates and compile them to SQL.

Expression trees

  • We have done a bried investigation of expression trees
  • We have seen the hierarchical nature of expression trees where each expression is composed of other expressions.
  • We saw that the compiler knows how to initialize expression trees when assigned to a variable or to method parameter
  • We saw how to compile an expression tree into a delegate and invoke it

Integration to the Language Query

  • We saw a demonstration that the language query is actually compiled to a set of calls to extension methods
    • The select keyword is translated to a call to Select extension method
    • The where keyword is translated to a call to Where extension method
    • the orderby keyword is translated to calls to OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending depends on how you use it
    • multiple from is translated to calls to SelectMany
  • We saw that if we create our own generic interface and implement the correct set of extension methods, we can run them using the query syntax.