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File metadata and controls

157 lines (142 loc) · 5.86 KB

SOFAR Inverter + LSW-3/LSE

Small utility to read data from SOFAR K-TLX inverters through the Solarman (LSW-3/LSE) datalogger. Two scripts to get inverter's statistics and hardware info. Tested with logger S/N 17xxxxxxx and 21xxxxxxx (protocol V5). Requires python3 to run.

REMARK: To make it work with other inverter brand/model connected via LSW-3/LSE you might need to alter the register's addresses in the .xml files accordingly and change register start/end numbers in config.cfg

Thanks to @jlopez77 for logger/MODBUS protocol code. Thanks to @markruys for command line tool/library to upload solar data from power inverter to the website..

Required python modules

To run, script requires following python modules:


Remove the requirement / functionality for the following Python modules (simplifying the code for support Openwrt):



Edit the config.cfg and enter the following data:

inverter_ip=X.X.X.X             # data logger IP
inverter_port=8899              # data logger port
inverter_sn=XXXXXXXXXX          # data logger S/N
register_start1=0x0000          # Inverter register's first MODBUS address for the first register's range.
register_end1=0x0027            # Inverter register's last MODBUS address for the first register's range
register_start2=0x0105          # Inverter register's first MODBUS address for a second register's range
register_end2=0x0114            # Inverter register's last MODBUS address for a second register's range
registerhw_start=0x2000         # Like above, but for
registerhw_end=0x200D           # Like above, but for
lang=                           # Output language (available: PL,EN)
verbose=0                       # Set to 1 for additional info to be presented (registers, binary packets etc.)

domoticz_support=0              # 0: disabled, 1: enabled

pvo_system_id=                  # The API Key
pvo_api_key=                    # The System Id of your device

Files SOFARMap.xml and SOFARHWMap.xml contain MODBUS inverter's registers mapping for Sofar Solar K-TLX product line
and Prometheus/InfluxDB metrics configuration.
Edit i.e. to get captions in a different language, change Prometheus/InfluxDB metrics names or
if Your inverter has different register's numbers.
Example SOFARMap.xml structure and fields definition (similar for SOFARHWMap.xml):
"directory": "solar",               # Id
    "items": [
        "titleEN": "PV1 Power",     # English JSON output name 
        "titlePL": "Moc PV1",       # Polish JSON output name
        "registers": ["0x000A"],    # Inverter's register address (must be in range configured in the config file)
        "DomoticzIdx": 0,           # Domoticz virtual device idx number (for Domoticz support)
        "optionRanges": [],         # For numeric value to text label mappings
        "ratio": 10,                # Value ratio (will be used to multiply response value)
        "unit": "W",                # Value unit
        "graph": 1,                 # Set to 1, to export value to Prometheus/InfluxDB
        "metric_type": "gauge",     # Prometheus metric type
        "metric_name": "SolarPower",# Prometheus/InfluxDB container name
        "label_name": "Power",      # Prometheus/InfluxDB label name
        "label_value": "PV1"        # Prometheus/InfluxDB value name


bash:/python3  (or ./
    "Inverter status": "Normal",
    "Fault 1": "No error",
    "Fault 2": "No error",
    "Fault 3": "No error",
    "Fault 4": "No error",
    "Fault 5": "No error",
    "PV1 Voltage (V)": 403.7,
    "PV1 Current (A)": 0.14,
    "PV2 Voltage (V)": 78.9,
    "PV2 Current (A)": 0.0,
    "PV1 Power (W)": 50,
    "PV2 Power (W)": 0,
    "Output active power (W)": 20,
    "Output reactive power (kVar)": -0.65,
    "Grid frequency (Hz)": 49.98,
    "L1 Voltage (V)": 241.8,
    "L1 Current (A)": 0.93,
    "L2 Voltage (V)": 240.4,
    "L2 Current (A)": 0.91,
    "L3 Voltage (V)": 240.4,
    "L3 Current (A)": 0.93,
    "Total production (kWh)": 297,
    "Total generation time (h)": 249,
    "Today production (kWh)": 14010.0,
    "Today generation time (min)": 679,
    "Inverter module temperature (ºC)": 29,
    "Inverter inner termperature (ºC)": 45,
    "Inverter bus voltage (V)": 655.8,
    "PV1 voltage sample by slave CPU (V)": 402.6,
    "PV1 current sample by slave CPU (A)": 79.1,
    "Countdown time (s)": 60,
    "Inverter alert message": 0,
    "Input mode": 1,
    "Communication Board inner message": 0,
    "Insulation of PV1+ to ground": 1379,
    "Insulation of PV2+ to ground": 2387,
    "Insulation of PV- to ground": 1917,
    "Country": "Poland",
    "String 1 voltage (V)": 9.3,
    "String 1 current (A)": 24.04,
    "String 2 voltage (V)": 9.1,
    "String 2 current (A)": 24.04,
    "String 3 voltage (V)": 9.3,
    "String 3 current (A)": 0.0,
    "String 4 voltage (V)": 29.7,
    "String 4 current (A)": 0.0,
    "String 5 voltage (V)": 24.9,
    "String 5 current (A)": 14.01,
    "String 6 voltage (V)": 67.9,
    "String 6 current (A)": 0.29,
    "String 7 voltage (V)": 4.5,
    "String 7 current (A)": 65.58,
    "String 8 voltage (V)": 402.6,
    "String 8 current (A)": 7.91
bash:/python3 / (or ./
    "Product code": "5kW",
    "Serial Number": "SXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "Software Version": "V270",
    "Hardware Version": "V100",
    "DSP Version": "V270"

Known Issues

You tell me :)


Feel free to suggest :) If You want to rewrite or/add change anything - please fork Your own project.

PVOutput support

Steps to run PVOutput support:
Furthermore, you need a (free) PVOutput account. Register a device and enable the API. From PVOutput you need:

The API Key
The System Id of your device