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Setup Kontena Environment on Digital Ocean

NOTE: We are assuming in here you are setting up Kontena on Digital Ocean. Therefore, you'll need to obtain Digital Ocean API token. If you are participating Kontena Hackathon event, you'll get temporary SSH key and DO API token from the event organizers. If you are doing this Hackathon on your own, you'll need to use your own personal SSH key and DO API token.

Step 1. Install Kontena CLI (command-line interface)

You can install the Kontena CLI with Rubygems package manager (included in Ruby).

$ gem install kontena-cli

Also install droplet_kit gem used for DigitalOcean provisioning

$ gem install droplet_kit

Step 2. Register Personal User Account

$ kontena register

Step 3. Install Kontena Master

$ export DO_TOKEN=your_digital_ocean_token
$ export SSH_KEY=path_to_ssh_key
$ kontena master digitalocean create \
  --token $DO_TOKEN \
  --ssh-key $SSH_KEY \
  --size 512mb

Step 4. Login and Create a Grid

$ export SSL_IGNORE_ERRORS=true
$ kontena login --name=your_master_name https://your.master.address

Enter the login info:

Password: *********
 _               _
| | _ ___  _ __ | |_ ___ _ __   __ _
| |/ / _ \| '_ \| __/ _ \ '_ \ / _` |
|   < (_) | | | | ||  __/ | | | (_| |
|_|\_\___/|_| |_|\__\___|_| |_|\__,_|
Copyright (c)2016 Kontena, Inc.

Logged in as
Welcome! See 'kontena --help' to get started.
$ kontena grid create hackathon

Step 5. Install Kontena Nodes

kontena node digitalocean create \
  --token $DO_TOKEN \
  --ssh-key $SSH_KEY

Repeat this step to provision additional Kontena Nodes to your Grid.

Step 6. Verify Installation

$ kontena node list

Congratulations! Now you can proceed to deploy an application.