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File metadata and controls

255 lines (207 loc) · 8.19 KB

JSON Transformer

This module also allows you to manipulate the intermediate JSON structure prior to converting it into Portable text or if you prefer to work with a tree structure, rather than portable text.


Output of nodeParse and browserParse methods is a simple tree structure, defined by the following interface.

interface ParseResult {
  children: DomNode[];

DomNode is a union of DomHtmlNode and DomTextNode, which together define the full HTML tree structure:

Resolved DOMTree

The structure can be modified using transformToJson method which accepts ParseResult as the first argument and an optional customResolvers object, which can contain two methods resolveDomTextNode and resolveDomHtmlNode. Each method is responsible for manipulating its respective node type, allowing you to transform the output as per your requirements.

Example use of the transformToJson method:

const transformJsonWithCustomResolvers = (result: ParseResult) => transformToJson(result, {
  resolveDomTextNode: customResolveDomTextNode,
  resolveDomHtmlNode: customResolveDomHtmlNode

const customResolveDomTextNode: ResolveDomTextNodeType = node => {
  return {
    text: node.content

const customResolveDomHtmlNode: ResolveDomHtmlNodeType = (node, traverse) => {
  let result = {
    tag: node.tagName

  switch (node.tagName) {
    case 'figure': {
      const figureObject = {
        'imageId': node.attributes['data-image-id']
      result = { ...result, ...figureObject }
    case "img": {
      const imgObject = {
        'src': node.attributes['src'],
        'alt': node.attributes['alt']
      result = { ...result, ...imgObject }
    case 'ol': {
      const tdObject = {
        'tag': 'ol'
      result = { ...result, ...tdObject }
    case 'ul': {
      const tdObject = {
        'tag': 'ul'
      result = { ...result, ...tdObject }
    case 'li': {
      let tdObject = {
        'tag': 'li',
        'text': node.children[0].type === 'text' ? node.children[0].content : ""
      if (node.children.length > 1) {
        tdObject = { ...tdObject, ...{ children: node.children.slice(1).map(node => traverse(node)) } }
      return { ...result, ...tdObject }
    case "object": {
      if (node.attributes['type'] === 'application/kenticocloud') {
        const linkedItemObject = {
          codeName: node.attributes['data-codename']
        result = { ...result, ...linkedItemObject }
    default: {

  return result;

const originalTree = browserParse(richTextValue);
const transformedTree = transformJsonWithCustomResolvers(originalTree);


If you prefer working with a tree structure, rather than Portable text, you can implement resolution around the ParseResult tree. See examples below.

HTML string (TypeScript)

const parsedTree = browserParse(richTextValue);

const resolve = (domNode: DomNode): string => {
  switch (node.type) {
    case "tag": {
      if (isLinkedItem(node)) {
        return resolveLinkedItem(node);
      } else if (isImage(node)) {
        return resolveImage(node);
      } else if (isItemLink(node)) {
        return resolveItemLink(node);
      } else {
        // Recursively calls `resolve` for node's children
        return resolveHtmlElement(node);

    case "text":
      return node.content;

      throw new Error("Invalid input.");

const resolvedHtml ="");
Helper resolution methods

Resolution method implementation varies based on the use cases. This is just a showcase to present how to get information for node specific data.

const resolveHtmlElement = (node: DomHtmlNode): string => {
  const attributes = Object.entries(node.attributes)
    .map(([key, value]) => `${key}="${value}"`)
    .join(" ");
  const openingTag = `<${node.tagName} ${attributes}>`;
  const closingTag = `</${node.tagName}>`;

  // Recursively calls `resolve` for node's children
  return `${openingTag}${"")}${closingTag}`;

Image attributes contain just the information parsed from HTML. Image context is being returned as a part of the Delivery API response - in the sample below being loaded by getImage method.

resolveImage = (node: DomHtmlNode): string => {
  const imageId = node.attributes["data-asset-id"];

  const image = getImage(imageId);
  return `<img src=${image.url}/>`;

Link attributes contain just the information parsed from HTML. Link context is being returned as a part of the Delivery API response - in the sample below being loaded by getLink method.

const resolveItemLink = (node: DomHtmlNode): string => {
  const linkId = node.attributes["data-item-id"];

  const link = getLink(linkId);

  return `<a href="${resolveLink(link)}">${}</a>`;

Linked item attributes contain just the information parsed from HTML. Linked item context is being returned as a part of the Delivery API response - in the sample below being loaded by getLinkedContentItem method.

const resolveLinkedItem = (node: DomHtmlNode): string => {
  const itemCodeName = node.attributes["data-codename"];

  const item = getLinkedContentItem(itemCodeName);
  switch (item.system.type) {
    case "quote":
      return `<quote>${item.elements.quote_text.value}</quote>`;
    //  ...
      return `<strong>UNSUPPORTED CONTENT ITEM</strong>`;

React with JS SDK

// assumes element prop comes from JS SDK

type Props = Readonly<{
    element: Elements.RichTextElement;
    className: string;

const RichText: React.FC<Props> = ({element, className}) => {
  const [richTextContent, setRichTextContent] = useState<JSX.Element[] | null>(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const parsedTree = browserParse(element.value);
    const resolve = (domNode: DomNode, index: number): JSX.Element => {
      switch (domNode.type) {
        case 'tag': {
          // traverse tree recursively
          const resolvedChildElements = => resolve(node, index));
          // omit children parameter for non-pair elements like <br>
          if (isUnpairedElement(domNode)) {
            return React.createElement(domNode.tagName, {...domNode.attributes});

          if (isLinkedItem(domNode)) {
            const linkedItem = element.linkedItems.find(item => item.system.codename === domNode.attributes['data-codename']);

            switch (linkedItem?.system.type) {
              case 'youtube_video': {
                  return <YoutubeVideo key={index} id={linkedItem.elements.videoId.value} />;
              // resolution for other types
              default: {
                  return <div key={index}>Failed resolving item {linkedItem.system.codename}. Resolver for type {linkedItem.system.type} not implemented.</div>;
            // if (isImage(domNode)) {...}
            // if (isLink(domNode)) {...}

          const attributes = { ...domNode.attributes, key: index };
          return React.createElement(domNode.tagName, attributes, resolvedChildElements);

        case: 'text': {
          return <React.Fragment key={index}>{domNode.content}</React.Fragment>

        default: throw new Error("Invalid input.")

    const result =, index) => resolve(node, index));
  }, [element]);

  return (
    <div className={className}>