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Releases: korsbo/Latexify.jl


30 Sep 21:17
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v0.11.0 (2019-09-30)

Diff since v0.10.0

Merged pull requests:


11 Sep 14:27
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v0.10.0 (2019-09-11)

Diff since v0.9.0

Closed issues:

  • new release? (#68)
  • Add ability to set default kwargs. (#60)

Merged pull requests:

  • Add ability to set default keyword arguments. (#69) (korsbo)


11 Sep 08:30
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v0.9.0 (2019-09-10)

Diff since v0.8.2

Closed issues:

  • Fix broken tests for DiffEqBiological. (#61)
  • Fix table generation in documents. (#58)
  • Reorganise tests into relevant plugin folders. (#54)

Merged pull requests:

Fix broken DiffEqBiological.jl handling.

22 Mar 16:47
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The @reaction_network macro from DiffEqBiological.jl used to produce -1* rather than just using a -. This was previously remedied in Latexify but has now been fixed in DiffEqBiological. This minor update ensures that this does not cause any issues.

Remove stdlib Markdown from REQUIRE

18 Mar 16:17
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This was necessary for merging with METADATA.jl.

Add support for Tuples.

18 Mar 14:45
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Simple Tuples are now largely treated as vectors or matrices.

Add unicode to latex conversion and make some minor improvements.

01 Feb 12:35
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The main feature of this release is the addition of unicode to latex conversion, α is for example converted to \alpha. This is turned on by default, but can be toggled with the keyword argument convert_unicode = false.

Minor improvements:

  • Add escape_underscore = Bool keyword argument for markdown. This prevents underscores from being interpreted as formatters for italic text.
  • Fix line-numbering of reaction_networks.
  • Fix inconsistency of index formatting for chemical arrow notation.
  • Improve support for DataFrames.

Add support for number formatting.

10 Dec 16:29
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Add support for specifying number formatting via the standard package Printf.

Support broadcasted expressions and comparisons.

15 Oct 11:44
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  • Strip out the . in expressions with broadcasted calls/operations. latexify("A .+ B") will now work and yield the same result as latexify("A + B").
  • Improve support for comparison operators. Things like latexify( :( a < b <= c ) ) will now work.

Add support for Julia 0.7 and 1.0. Deprecate Julia 0.6.

13 Aug 18:48
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No new functionality is added, but the code has been refactored.

The refactoring was necessitated by a breaking change to Requires.jl. All the code which requires external packages is now placed in files under the src/plugin/ directory. This may also make it easier for others to see how one overloads Latexify functions in order to add support for something new.