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The Stylelint shareable config designed for my personal projects.

Use it as is or as a foundation for your own configuration file.


Install the package and stylelint in your project:

npm i -D stylelint @koshikishi/stylelint-config

Extends and plugins

This config:

These are direct dependencies that will be installed automatically.


Set your stylelint config to:

  "extends": "@koshikishi/stylelint-config"

Extending the config

Add a "rules" key to your config, then add your overrides and additions there.

For example, to add the color-function-notation rule and turn off the selector-class-pattern rule:

  "extends": "@koshikishi/stylelint-config",
  "rules": {
    "color-function-notation": "modern",
    "selector-class-pattern": null

You can also override the stylistic rules from @stylistic/stylelint-plugin and SCSS-specific rules:

  "extends": "@koshikishi/stylelint-config",
  "rules": {
    "@stylistic/indentation": 4,
    "scss/declaration-nested-properties": null

Integration with VS Code

  1. Install the Stylelint extension for VS Code.
  2. Install stylelint and this config in your project following the Installation section.
  3. Add a Stylelint configuration file (stylelint.config.js or .stylelintrc.*) and extend it with this shareable config following the Usage section.

Useful links