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.. index::
   double: Shortest Path; Tutorial

Shortest Path in a Graph

We hope that Dyna offers the shortest ever shortest path program:

path(start) min= 0.
path(B) min= path(A) + edge(A,B).
goal min= path(end).

This program already highlights one of the features of Dyna: the first rule and last rules are dynamic: the value of the start item determines which vertex in the graph is used as the start, and similarly the value of end is used to select which vertex matters to goal.

This program is available in examples/dijkstra.dyna (or :dynasrc:`here <examples/dijkstra.dyna>`).

Encoding the Input

The following input graph is adapted from Goodrich & Tamassia's data structures textbook. It shows several available flights between U.S. airports, with their distances in miles. We would like to get from a friend's house, 10 miles from Boston (BOS), to our destination, 20 miles from Chicago (ORD).

.. graphviz::

  digraph foo {

    BOS   -> JFK [label=187]
    BOS   -> MIA [label=1258]
    JFK   -> DFW [label=1391]
    JFK   -> SFO [label=2582]
    JFK   -> MIA [label=1090]
    MIA   -> DFW [label=1121]
    MIA   -> LAX [label=2342]
    DFW   -> ORD [label=802]
    DFW   -> LAX [label=1235]
    ORD   -> DFW [label=802]
    LAX   -> ORD [label=1749]

    FriendHouse -> BOS [label=10]
    ORD     -> MyHouse [label=20]

Shortest Paths

If we work things out by hand (or just ask Dyna) we will discover that the shortest path to each node from "FriendHouse" is

.. rst-class:: center
Destination Total
FriendHouse 0
BOS 10
JFK 197
MIA 1268
DFW 1588
ORD 2390
MyHouse 2410
SFO 2779
LAX 2823

This is encoded into Dyna, using strings to identify vertices of the graph, thus:

edge("BOS","JFK") := 187.
edge("BOS","MIA") := 1258.
edge("JFK","DFW") := 1391.
edge("JFK","SFO") := 2582.
edge("JFK","MIA") := 1090.
edge("MIA","DFW") := 1121.
edge("MIA","LAX") := 2342.
edge("DFW","ORD") := 802.
edge("DFW","LAX") := 1235.
edge("ORD","DFW") := 802.
edge("LAX","ORD") := 1749.

edge("FriendHouse","BOS") := 10.
edge("ORD","MyHouse") := 20.

edge pairs that are not specified are said to be :term:`null`; that is, they have no value, and can be thought of as the identity of the aggregator min=, or +\infty, meaning "You can't get there directly from here."

And of course, we need to specify whence we come and where it is we would like to end up:

start := "FriendHouse".
end   := "MyHouse".

Run the program

We can run this program in the interpreter:

./dyna -i examples/dijkstra.dyna

We are met with the conclusions, which include all the data we fed in as well as a pile of path assertions. Of course, that's not so useful, necessarily, so let's just ask for the answer:

:- query goal
out(0) := [(2410, {})]

As we can see, the total weight of the shortest path is 2410. What happens, though, if we realize that we will be by the airport anyway?

:- start := "BOS".
goal := 2400
out(0) := [(2400, {})]
path('BOS') := 0
path('DFW') := 1578
path('FriendHouse') := None
path('JFK') := 187
path('LAX') := 2813
path('MIA') := 1258
path('MyHouse') := 2400
path('ORD') := 2380
path('SFO') := 2769
start := 'BOS'

And just like that, the total path weight from start to end is now 2400. The system also tells us a number of potentially interesting things:

  • The system has in fact computed the revised path costs to each other vertex.
  • There is no path from "BOS" to "FriendHouse" (thus None).
  • A query we had made earlier has changed its answer.

Explaining Answers


We do not yet have a good mechanism implemented, though it's just a matter of time. See :githubbug:`1`.

Understanding The Program

Simply stated, this program looks for all paths from the vertex indicated by start. Formally, the technique currently used is called agenda-driven semi-naive forward chaining [1] .

Inference Rules

The first inference rule states that there is no distance on the degenerate path that does not go anywhere.:

path(start) min= 0.

Alternatively, there is a path to vertex B if there is a path to some vertex A such that an edge connects A to B.:

path(B) min= path(A) + edge(A,B).

The final rule merely says that we are looking for the best path to the vertex indicated by end.:

goal min= path(end).

Inference Rules As Equations

But what are the min= and + doing? In fact, the inference rules are equations. They state how to find the values of all pathto and goal items.

Those items have values just like the hello, world and goal items in :doc:`the previous example <hello>`. But this program is more complicated. It involves lots of different pathto items for different airports, distinguished from one another by their arguments: pathto("JFK"), pathto("MyHouse"), etc. These items may all have different values.

Why These Particular Equations?

Assuming that each edge's value represents its length in the input graph, the rules are carefully written so that pathto(V)'s value will be the total length of the shortest path from the start vertex to vertex V.

In principle, there are several ways to get to V: one can get there by an edge from start or an edge from some other U. The min= operator finds the minimum over all these possibilities. Think of it as keeping a running minimum (just as += would keep a running total). In particular, pathto(V) is found as \mbox{min}(\mathtt{edge(start},V), \mbox{min}_U \mathtt{pathto}(U)+\mathtt{edge}(U,V)) which involves minimizing over all possible U.

If there are no paths to V, then pathto(V) is a minimum over no lengths at all. Dyna specifies that items receiving no inputs take on the special value :term:`null`, which is the identity of every aggregator and a zero of every expression. Since we aggregate answers with min=, :term:`null` approximates +\infty.

Deriving The Graph From Rules

There's nothing that mandates that edge weights be the base case; we could also derive edge facts from other facts, such as position and reachability. An example is available in examples/dijkstra-euclid.dyna (or :dynasrc:`here <examples/dijkstra-euclid.dyna>`).

.. todo:: This section is mostly a placeholder!


[1]There are a multitude of inference algorithms for logic programming. We would like to think that [filardo-eisner-2012]_ provides a good overview as well as explaining the basics of what will become Dyna 2's inference algorithm.