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File metadata and controls

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C# Classes Documentation




Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
Admin Provide miscellaneous system admin. features. Requires an assembly reference to "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll" or the equivalent. Type VBScripting
IAdmin COM interface for VBScripting.Admin Type VBScripting
IsAdministrator Gets whether the current user is in the Administrator group (on the current machine). Slow. May take five seconds or longer. Does not necessarily mean that privileges are elevated. Adapted from a post. Method Admin VBScripting
Log Logs the specified message to the event log (source="VBScripting"). message Method Admin VBScripting
GetLogs Get an array of logs entries from the Application log. Returns an array of logs (strings) from the specified event source that contain the specified message string. Searches the Application log only. an array source, message Method Admin VBScripting
SourceExists Gets whether the specified EventLog source exists. a boolean source Method Admin VBScripting
CreateEventSource Creates the specified EventLog source. an EventLogSourceResult source Method Admin VBScripting
DeleteEventSource Deletes the specified EventLog source and all of its logs. an EventLogSourceResult source Method Admin VBScripting
MonitorOff Turn off the monitor(s) Method Admin VBScripting
PrivilegesAreElevated Gets whether the current process has elevated privileges. Property Admin VBScripting
EventSource Gets the name of the event log source for this namespace (VBScripting). a string Property Admin VBScripting
LogName Gets the name of the log to which events will be logged. a string Property Admin VBScripting
Result Gets an EventLogResultT object. VBScript example:
 Set returnValue = adm.CreateEventSource 
If returnValue.Result = adm.Result.SourceCreationException Then
MsgBox returnValue.Message
End If
an EventLogResultT Property Admin VBScripting
EventLogResultT Provides a set of terse behavior/result descriptions suitable for VBScript comparisons and MsgBox captions. Available to VBScript via Admin.Result. Type VBScripting
SourceAlreadyExists "Source already exists" Property EventLogResultT VBScripting
SourceCreated "Source created" Property EventLogResultT VBScripting
SourceCreationException "Source creation error" Property EventLogResultT VBScripting
SourceDoesNotExist "Source does not exist" Property EventLogResultT VBScripting
SourceDeleted "Source deleted" Property EventLogResultT VBScripting
SourceDeletionException "Source deletion error" Property EventLogResultT VBScripting
EventLogSourceResult Type returned by CreateEventSource and DeleteEventSource. Type VBScripting
SourceExists Returns True if the source exists after the attempted operation has completed. a boolean Property EventLogSourceResult VBScripting
Message Returns a message descriptive of the outcome of the operation. a string Property EventLogSourceResult VBScripting
Result Returns a string: one of the EventLogResultT strings. a string Property EventLogSourceResult VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
ComEvent Invokes VBS members from C#. This class is not accessible from VBScript.
Type VBScripting
InvokeComCallback Invokes a VBScript method. The parameter callbackRef is a reference to a VBScript member returned by the VBScript Function GetRef. callbackRef Method ComEvent VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
EventLogger Provides system logging for VBScript. Type VBScripting
IEventLogger A COM Interface for VBScripting.EventLogger Type VBScripting
log Writes the specified message to the Application event log (source=VBScripting). message Method EventLogger VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
FileChooser Provides a file chooser dialog for VBScript. Type VBScripting
IFileChooser The COM interface for VBScripting.FileChooser Type VBScripting
FileName Opens a dialog enabling the user to browse for and choose a file. Returns the filespec of the chosen file. Returns an empty string if the user cancels. Property FileChooser VBScripting
FileNames Opens a dialog enabling the user to browse for and choose multiple files. Gets a string array of filespecs. Returns an empty array if the user cancels. Property FileChooser VBScripting
FileNamesString Opens a dialog enabling the user to browse for and choose multiple files. Gets a string of filespecs delimited by a vertical bar ( | ). Returns an empty string if the user cancels. Property FileChooser VBScripting
InitialDirectory Gets or sets directory at which the dialog opens. Property FileChooser VBScripting
ERInitialDirectory Gets the initial directory with relative path resolved and environment variables expanded. Improves testability. Property FileChooser VBScripting
Filter Gets or sets the selectable file types. Examples:
 fc.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*" // the default 
fc.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
fc.Filter = "Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*"
Property FileChooser VBScripting
FilterIndex Gets or sets the index controlling which filter item is initially selected. An integer. The index is 1-based. The default is 1. Property FileChooser VBScripting
Title Gets or sets the dialog titlebar text. The default text is "Browse for a file." Property FileChooser VBScripting
Multiselect Gets or sets whether multiple files can be selected. The default is False. Property FileChooser VBScripting
DereferenceLinks Indicates whether the returned file is the referenced file or the .lnk file itself. Gets or sets, if the selected file is a .lnk file, whether the filespec returned refers to the .lnk file itself (False) or to the file that the .lnk file points to (True). The default is False. Property FileChooser VBScripting
DefaultExt Gets or sets the file extension name that is automatically supplied when one is not specified. A string. The default is "txt". Property FileChooser VBScripting
ValidateNames Gets or sets whether to validate the file name(s). Property FileChooser VBScripting
CheckFileExists Gets or sets whether to check that the file exists. Property FileChooser VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
FolderChooser Present the Windows Vista-style open file dialog to select a folder. Fall back for older Windows Versions. Adapted from a stackoverflow post by EricE. Uses System.Reflection. Type VBScripting
IFolderChooser COM interface for VBScripting.FolderChooser Type VBScripting
InitialDirectory Gets or sets the initial directory that the folder select dialog opens to. Environment variables are allowed. Relative paths are allowed. Optional. The default value is the current directory. Property FolderChooser VBScripting
Title Gets or sets the title/caption of the folder select dialog. Optional. The default value is "Select a folder". Property FolderChooser VBScripting
FolderName Opens a dialog and returns the folder selected by the user. Returns an empty string if the user cancels. a path Property FolderChooser VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
FolderChooser2 Present the Windows Vista-style open file dialog to select a folder. Adapted from a stackoverflow post by Simon Mourier. Uses System.Runtime.InteropServices. Type VBScripting
IFolderChooser2 COM interface for VBScripting.FolderChooser2 Type VBScripting
InitialDirectory Gets or sets the initial directory that the folder select dialog opens to. Environment variables are allowed. Relative paths are allowed. Optional. The default value is the current directory. Property FolderChooser2 VBScripting
Title Sets the title/caption of the folder select dialog. Optional. The default value is "Select a folder". Property FolderChooser2 VBScripting
FolderName Opens a dialog and returns the folder selected by the user. Returns an empty string if the user cancels. a path Property FolderChooser2 VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
IconExtractor Extracts an icon from a .dll or .exe file. Not all members of this class are accessible to VBScript. Type VBScripting
IIconExtractor A COM Interface for VBScripting.IconExtractor Type VBScripting
(Constructor) Constructor. Method IconExtractor VBScripting
Save Extracts an icon from a .dll or .exe and saves it to a file. Parameters: resFile is the .dll or .exe file; index selects the icon within the resource file; icoFile is the output file; largeIcon is a boolean: True if a large icon is to be extracted, False for a small icon. Environment variables and relative paths are allowed. resFile, index, icoFile, largeIcon Method IconExtractor VBScripting
SetImageFormatBmp Change the image format to BMP. Default is BMP. Method IconExtractor VBScripting
SetImageFormatPng Change the image format to PNG. Default is BMP. Method IconExtractor VBScripting
Extract Extracts an icon from the specified .dll or .exe file. This method is not available to VBScript. In VBScript, use the Save method. Other parameters: index is an integer that specifies the icon's index within the resource. largeIcon is a boolean that specifies whether the icon should be a large icon; if False, a small icon is extracted, if available. The icon must be disposed in order to free memory. an icon file, index, largeIcon Method IconExtractor VBScripting
IconCount Returns the number of icons in a .dll or .exe file. A relative path or environmental variable is allowed. an int filespec (.dll or .exe) Method IconExtractor VBScripting
GetPointer Gets a pointer to an icon. Must be disposed with DisposeIcon(pointer) or Icon.Dispose(), in order to release memory. A relative path or environmental variable is allowed. This method is not available to VBScript. integer file, index, largeIcon Method IconExtractor VBScripting
ExtractIcon Gets an icon. This method is not available to VBScript. Must be disposed with DisposeIcon(pointer) or Icon.Dispose(). Icon integer Method IconExtractor VBScripting
DisposeIcon Dispose an icon by pointer (an int). This method is not available to VBScript. Returns true for success. pointer Method IconExtractor VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
NotifyIcon Provides a notification area (system tray) icon for VBScript, for illustration purposes. Type VBScripting
INotifyIcon The COM interface for VBScripting.NotifyIcon Type VBScripting
(Constructor) Constructor Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
Dispose Disposes of the icon resources when it is no longer needed. If this method is not called, the icon may persist in the system tray until the mouse hovers over it, even after the object instance has lost scope. Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
SetIconByIcoFile Sets the system tray icon given an .ico file. The parameter fileName specifies the filespec of the .ico file. Environment variables and relative paths are allowed. fileName Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
SetIconByDllFile Sets the system tray icon from a .dll or .exe file. Parameters: fileName is the path and name of a .dll or .exe file that contains icons. index is an integer that specifies which icon to use. largeIcon is a boolean that specifies whether to use a large or small icon. fileName, index, largeIcon Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
SetBalloonTipIcon Sets the icon of the "balloon tip" or notification. The parameter type is an integer that specifies which icon to use: Return values of ToolTipIcon properties can be used: Error = 1, Info = 2, None = 3, Warning = 4. type Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
ShowBalloonTip Show the balloon tip. Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
AddMenuItem Add a menu item to the system tray icon's context menu. This method can be called only from VBScript. The parameter menuText is a string that specifies the text that appears in the menu. The parameter callbackRef is a VBScript object reference returned by the VBScript GetRef Function. menuText, callbackRef Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
InvokeCallbackByIndex Provide callback testability from VBScript. Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
ShowContextMenu Show the context menu. Public in order to provide testability from VBScript. Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
SetBalloonTipCallback Sets the VBScript callback Sub or Function reference invoked when the notification "balloon" is clicked. VBScript example:
    obj.SetBalloonTipCallback GetRef( "ProcedureName" ) 
Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
DisableMenuItem Disables a menu item. Parameter index values are integers assigned automatically as each item is added to the menu, beginning with 0. index Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
EnableMenuItem Enables a menu item. Parameter index values are integers assigned automatically as each item is added to the menu, beginning with 0. index Method NotifyIcon VBScripting
Text Gets or sets the text shown when the mouse hovers over the system tray icon. Property NotifyIcon VBScripting
Visible Gets or sets the icon's visibility. A boolean. Required. Set this property to True after initializing other settings. Property NotifyIcon VBScripting
BalloonTipTitle Gets or sets the title of the "balloon tip" or notification. Property NotifyIcon VBScripting
BalloonTipText Gets or sets the text of the "balloon tip" or notification. Property NotifyIcon VBScripting
BalloonTipLifetime Gets or sets the lifetime of the "balloon tip" or notification. An integer (milliseconds). Deprecated as of Windows Vista. The value is overridden by accessibility settings. Property NotifyIcon VBScripting
ToolTipIcon Gets an object useful in VBScript for selecting a ToolTipIcon type. The properties Error, Info, None, and Warning may be used with SetBalloonTipIcon. VBScript example:
 obj.SetBallonTipIcon obj.ToolTipIcon.Warning 
a ToolTipIconT Property NotifyIcon VBScripting
ToolTipIconT Supplies the type required by NotifyIcon.ToolTipIcon This class is accessible from VBScript via the NotifyIcon.ToolTipIcon property. Type VBScripting
Error 1 Property ToolTipIconT VBScripting
Info 2 Property ToolTipIconT VBScripting
None 3 Property ToolTipIconT VBScripting
Warning 4 Property ToolTipIconT VBScripting
CallbackEventSettings Settings for saving VBScript method references. This class is not accessible from VBScript. Type VBScripting
(Constructor) Constructor Method CallbackEventSettings VBScripting
AddRef Adds a CallbackReference instance reference to the list. callbackRef Method CallbackEventSettings VBScripting
Refs Gets or sets a list of callback references. Property CallbackEventSettings VBScripting
CallbackReference An orderly way to save the index and callback reference for a single menu item. This class is accessible to VBScript indirectly via the AddMenuItem and SetBalloonTipCallback methods. Type VBScripting
(Constructor) Constructor index, reference Method CallbackReference VBScripting
Index The Index property corresponds to the index of a menu item in the notification area (system tray) context menu. Property CallbackReference VBScripting
Reference COM object reference generated by VBScript's GetRef Function. Property CallbackReference VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
ProgressBar Supplies a progress bar to VBScript, for illustration purposes. Type VBScripting
IProgressBar Exposes the VBScripting.ProgressBar members to COM/VBScript. Type VBScripting
PerformStep Advances the progress bar one step. Method ProgressBar VBScripting
FormSize Sets the size of the window. width, height Method ProgressBar VBScripting
PBarSize Sets the size of the progress bar. width, height Method ProgressBar VBScripting
FormLocation Sets the position of the window, in pixels. x, y Method ProgressBar VBScripting
FormLocationByPercentage Sets the position of the window, as a percentage of screen width and height. x, y Method ProgressBar VBScripting
PBarLocation Sets the location of the progress bar within the window. x, y Method ProgressBar VBScripting
SuspendLayout Suspends drawing of the window temporarily. Method ProgressBar VBScripting
ResumeLayout Resumes drawing the window. Method ProgressBar VBScripting
SetIconByIcoFile Sets the icon given the filespec of an .ico file. Environment variables are allowed. fileName Method ProgressBar VBScripting
SetIconByDllFile Sets the icon given the filespec of a .dll or .exe file and an index. The index is an integer that identifies the icon. Environment variables are allowed. fileName, index Method ProgressBar VBScripting
Dispose Disposes of the object's resources. Method ProgressBar VBScripting
Visible Gets or sets the progress bar's visibility. A boolean. The default is False. Property ProgressBar VBScripting
Minimum Gets or sets the value at which there is no apparent progress. An integer. The default is 0. Property ProgressBar VBScripting
Maximum Gets or sets the value at which the progress appears to be complete. An integer. The default is 100. Property ProgressBar VBScripting
Value Gets or sets the apparent progress. An integer. Should be at or above the minimum and at or below the maximum. Property ProgressBar VBScripting
Step Integer. Gets or sets the increment between steps. Property ProgressBar VBScripting
Caption Gets or sets the window title-bar text. Property ProgressBar VBScripting
Debug Gets or sets whether the type is under development. Affects the behavior of two methods, SetIconByIcoFile and SetIconByDllFile, if exceptions are thrown: when debugging, a message box is shown. Default is False. Property ProgressBar VBScripting
BorderStyle Provides an object useful in VBScript for setting FormBorderStyle. a FormBorderStyleT Property ProgressBar VBScripting
Style Sets the style of the progress bar. Use 1 for continuous, and 2 for marquee. Property ProgressBar VBScripting
FormBorderStyle Sets the style of the window border. An integer. One of the BorderStyle property return values can be used: Fixed3D, FixedDialog, FixedSingle, FixedToolWindow, None, Sizable (default), or SizableToolWindow. VBScript example:
 pb.FormBorderStyle = pb.BorderStyle.Fixed3D 
Property ProgressBar VBScripting
FormBorderStyleT Enumeration of border styles. This class is available to VBScript via the ProgressBar.BorderStyle property. Type VBScripting
Fixed3D 1 Property FormBorderStyleT VBScripting
FixedDialog 2 Property FormBorderStyleT VBScripting
FixedSingle 3 Property FormBorderStyleT VBScripting
FixedToolWindow 4 Property FormBorderStyleT VBScripting
None 5 Property FormBorderStyleT VBScripting
Sizable 6 Property FormBorderStyleT VBScripting
SizableToolWindow 7 Property FormBorderStyleT VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
SpeechSynthesis Provide a wrapper for the .NET speech synthesizer for VBScript, for demonstration purposes. Requires an assembly reference to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\WPF\System.Speech.dll or the equivalent. Type VBScripting
ISpeechSynthesis The COM interface for VBScripting.SpeechSynthesis
Type VBScripting
(Constructor) Constructor Method SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
Speak Convert text to speech. This method is synchronous. Method SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
SpeakAsync Convert text to speech. This method is asynchronous. Method SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
Pause Pause speech synthesis. Method SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
Resume Resume speech synthesis. Method SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
Voices Gets an array of the names of the installed, enabled voices. Each element of the array can be used to set Voice. Method SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
Dispose Disposes the SpeechSynthesis object's resources. Method SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
Voice Gets or sets the current voice by name. A string. One of the names from the Voices array. Property SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
SynthesizerState Gets the state of the SpeechSynthesizer. Read only. Returns an integer equal to one of the State method return values. Property SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
Volume Gets or sets the volume. An integer from 0 to 100. Property SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
State Gets an object whose properties (Ready, Paused, and Speaking) provide values useful for comparing to SynthesizerState. a SynthersizerStateT Property SpeechSynthesis VBScripting
SynthesizerStateT Enumerates the synthesizer states. Not intended for use in VBScript. See SpeechSynthesis.State. Type VBScripting
(Constructor) Constructor Method SynthesizerStateT VBScripting
Ready 1 Property SynthesizerStateT VBScripting
Paused 2 Property SynthesizerStateT VBScripting
Speaking 3 Property SynthesizerStateT VBScripting
Unexpected 4 Property SynthesizerStateT VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
Timer Wraps the System.Timers.Timer class for VBScript. Type VBScripting
ITimer COM interface for VBScripting.Timer Type VBScripting
(Constructor) Constructor Method Timer VBScripting
Start Starts or restarts the timer. Method Timer VBScripting
Stop Stops the timer. Method Timer VBScripting
Dispose Disposes of the timer's resources. Method Timer VBScripting
Interval Gets or sets the number of milliseconds between when the Start method is called and when the callback is invoked. Default is 60,000. Max is 2,147,483,647 milliseconds, or 24 days 20 hours 31 minutes 23.647 seconds. Property Timer VBScripting
Callback Gets or sets a reference to the VBScript Sub that is called when the interval has elapsed. Property Timer VBScripting
AutoReset Gets or sets a boolean determining whether to repeatedly invoke the callback. Default is False. If False, the callback is invoked only once, until the timer is restarted with the Start method. Property Timer VBScripting
IntervalInHours Gets or sets the interval in hours. Property Timer VBScripting


Member name Remarks Returns Parameters Kind Member of Namespace
Watcher Provides something like presentation mode for Windows 10 Home systems, which don't have a PresentationSettings.exe: A way to temporarily keep the computer from going to sleep. Uses SetThreadExecutionState. Adapted from and posts. Type VBScripting
IWatcher The COM interface for VBScripting.Watcher Type VBScripting
(Constructor) Constructor. Starts a private timer that periodically resets the system idle timer with the desired state. Method Watcher VBScripting
Dispose Disposes of the object's resources. Method Watcher VBScripting
MonitorOff Turns off the monitor(s). Method Watcher VBScripting
Watch Gets or sets whether the system and monitor(s) should be kept from going into a suspend (sleep) state. The computer may still be put to sleep by other applications or by user actions such as closing a laptop lid or pressing a sleep button or power button. The default is False. Property Watcher VBScripting
CurrentState Gets or sets an integer describing the current thread execution state. Intended for internal use and testing only. Property Watcher VBScripting
ResetPeriod Gets or sets the time in milliseconds between idle-timer resets. Optional. Default is 30000. Max 2147483647. Property Watcher VBScripting
Privileged Gets a boolean indicating whether privileges are elevated. Property Watcher VBScripting