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First of all, let’s consider the Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS). These consensus play two key roles : • Secure the blockchain • Participate to the emission and distribution of the coins / tokens.

Of course, we, the ErgOne team, don’t have the pretension to beat the perfection of Ergo and its Autolykosv2 in terms of security and efficiency. But we have thought of an innovative way to mint and distribute tokens far away from hashrate (energy power) or staking (financial power).

As a Community Fan Token, we believe that commitment in a project or ideals is a new kind of power mixing time, personal energy and creativity. It was therefore normal for us to try to create a protocol based on this power.

We have therefore designed the Proof-of-Commitment Protocol (PoCoP) to issue and distribute the ErgOne tokens in order to reward the most active and committed into the promotion and support of Ergo.

Because we are confident that Ergo will establish itself in the blockchain ecosystem, we think the mission of ErgOne is intended to be evolving. That’s why we plan a way, in the long run, to permit the community to vote for one or more other projects to support.

But it’s time now, to clarify what is the Proof-of-Commitment Protocol precisely.

Genesis of the Proof-of-Commitment

As we’ve just said, supporting a project involve time, creativity and energy. And unfortunately, this commitment is based on the passion of just a few mainly because there are no incentives to spend efforts on it.

In parallel, we can observe that a lot of passionate content creators commit on the long term on different niche markets. Of course, they are excited by their sharing but they can keep faith also because of advertising revenues and partnerships with companies. We can observe this trend on platforms like Youtube but also in all kinds of social media. And there’s sometimes a gap between what the content creator is preaching and the products he promotes.

In view of this observation, we have decided to incentive the commitment of the community in the promotion of a project that will change the entire world : Ergo.

The ErgOne token is dedicated to push the community members to highlight Ergo but, in a few years, other projects nominated in a total decentralized way.


After 1 year focus on Twitter content creation, we decided in September 2023 to reward all type of contents on the Internet.

We will allocate this rewards monthly and on the basis of a virality score of each content creator.

The first year, we share 5000 ErgOne every month and every year, this amount will be divided by 2. So, it's a yearly halving. December 2022: 5000 ErgOne shared per month. December 2023: 2500 ErgOne shared per month. December 2024: 1250 ErgOne shared per month… until there’s no more ErgOne to distribute.

The rewards will be directly linked to the virality score.

The PoCoP mechanism**.**


To use the PoCoP and to aspire to receive rewards, ergonauts have to register a valid Ergo Address here:

Then, a Voting Power is associated to this address

The Voting Power is directly linked to the daily ErgOne balance average of this address during the previous month. (details here:

To let users interact with the PoCoP during the first month ⇒ we set by default a Voting Power = 1

Your Voting Power define:

  • the number of content links you can submit to the PoCoP
  • the number of Voting Points you can attribute to one or several contents.

For e.g:

This month, Bob has a Voting Power = 3.

If he creates interesting content linked with Ergo (Blog Posts, Youtube Videos, Tweets, Reddit Posts, Instagram Posts, TikTok videos…), he can submit a maximum of 3 links of his content during the month.

He can also attributes 3 points to content submitted by other users.

Submitting a content to the community

It’s is possible to submit as much contents as user’s Voting Power.

In the PoCoP web page: Voting Page, a user is able to share his content links.

When he submits a link, the protocol verifies if a proof that the user is the creator of this content exists.

Practically, we analyse user’s content page / post / video description… and if his twitter handle or Ergo Address is found, the protocol considers the user is the creator.

Once a content (verified or not) is submitted, it appears in the voting page and all the PoCoP users can vote for it.

Voting for a content

From the Voting Page: Voting Page, it is possible to discover all the contents created by the community and published whatever the platform is.

Users are able to vote for their preferred contents. They can attributes as much points as their Voting Power on one or several contents.

For e.g:

With a Voting Power = 3, Bob can give:

  • 3 points to 1 content
  • 2 points to 1 content and 1 point to another
  • 1 point to 3 different contents.

A user can’t vote for a contact he has submitted. He can modify his choices until the end of the Voting Epoch.

Voting Epoch

The PoCoP is designed on a monthly basis.

Users can submit content as long as they have some Voting Power.

The PoCoP Voting Page only displays the contents whose users can vote for.

To give contents published at the end of the month the same chance to win, users can vote until the 4th day of the following month.

for e.g:

  • users can vote for the September contents until the 4th of October at 23h59.
  • if today is the 4th of October: we can only vote for contents published in September.
  • From 5th of October to 4th of November, we can vote for contents published in October.

Voting Power calculation follows the same logical. The PoCoP consolidates the Voting Powers on the 5th of each month.

Virality Score and Rewards

The virality score of a user is the total of votes obtained by his different contents published during the month.

For e.g:

Bob published 3 contents in September.

  • Content 1: obtained 2 votes
  • Content 2: obtained 10 votes
  • Content 3: obtained 7 votes

His virality score for September = 19.

We decided to NOT reward the members proportionally to their virality score. Indeed, on most social media platforms, 0.5% of content creators grab 99% of the revenues. We have decided to create 4 groups ; each composed by 25% of the members. The first group with the highest virality score will share 57% of the rewards. The second group with the virality score just underneath will share 25% of the rewards. The third group will share 10% of the rewards. The last group will share 5% of the rewards.

Then 3% of the rewards will be splitted into all the voters.

Decreasing the rewards to the most famous influencers and sharing them by quarters, prevent everyone to think about earning ErgOne Tokens for a living. So, this kind of distribution permits to avoid cheaters, “industrial” content creators… ErgOne aims to become an incentive for the community members and create organic growth.

We don’t want content creators to shill Ergo (or other projects) for the rewards only but because they believe in it on the long run. ErgOne is owned by the community for the community.

In the same time, we want to express an eternal gratitude to the 1 members who will have obtained the best virality score on Twitter and YouTube during the month. That’s why, we plan to engrave their commitment on the blockchain. So, in addition to their rewards, each of these 2 members will receive one priceless NFT. Through this gift, they will have a place in the history of Ergo…

The Architects

The challenge will be tough to keep cheaters and spammers away from the community because incentives can also attract bad intentions.

Indeed, even with a fair distribution and a community spirit, some people will try to divert the project for their own profit.

This threat will be hampered by the algorithm design. But in reality, it can only be prevented by a group of passionate members involved in the community.

This group has to build and protect the pillars and the core values of the projects that the members have decided to support (Ergo during the first years).

Who will be the Architects ?

We won’t be able to rely on them at the beginning of ErgOne. So, during the first months, the founders will be the architects.

And month after month, the community members who will obtain the best virality score during a month and will receive an NFT will be part of the Architects.

We should also involve the most committed members in the ErgOne economy. So the most important hodlers and those who bought rare NFTs will be part of the Architect Team.

In this way, we will create an eclectic group culturally and economically staked. Such diversity will provide solid foundations for ErgOne in a long-term perspective.

Roles of the Architects

Being an Architect involves wide responsibilities. As just said before, they are in charge of protecting the core values of the community and tackling the cheaters and spammers.

So, each of them will have to inspect some content that the ErgOne algorithm suspects of being spam.

Indeed, the temptation could be important to cheat. And we have no doubt that some malicious members will try to insert #Ergo even if their content deals with angling.

The members tagged as spammers will be banned from the reward mechanism.

Incentives for the Architects

As a key role in the Proof-of-Commitment protocol, the Architects have to be also rewarded. When the decentralization of this kind of moderation will be effective, Architects will receive a part of the rewards.

This portion of the monthly rewards will be defined later by the community.

Long Term Governance

Because we are confident in the Ergo’s capacity to become a Top 10 cryptocurrency, we think that, one day, Ergo won’t need ErgOne anymore. And then, the ErgOne Community will be willing to face new challenges supporting projects chosen through a democratic path thanks to the Proof-ofCommitment Protocol (PoCoP)