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Online 3D Viewer with Next.js

This example and documentation was authored by callum-gander, big thanks for the participation.

This is a work in progress! If you want to add or correct these examples, please submit a pull request!

There was a lack of documentation for Online 3D Viewer and how to use it with React and Next.js, so I've made this guide to help others encountering the same issue. I'll show some examples of how you can use the Online 3D Viewer and while also explaining some errors and issues I encountered and how to resolve them. This is very much a work in progress and isn't perfect, if you have any feedback or additional advice, please submit a pull request

To setup this project, clone the repo, npm install the packages and run the server with npm run dev. I've only tested this with stl and 3dm files, other files may produce unique issues, if you encounter them, please let me know

Important note for Windows users: If you get errors running the above commands, try to run them from a powershell console.

Setting up Online 3D Viewer with your Next app:

First, install the npm package from Import the package into your project with import * as OV from "online-3d-viewer"

Secondly, on order for this package to work in your project, make sure you have the libs folder in your public folder, as shown in this repo. These are the external packages used by Online-3D-Viewer to load the different types of 3D file client side. THE PACKAGE WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT THESE PRESENT.

This is all the setup you'll need and we'll now look at the different ways you can use the viewer and load in files

Example 1: A basic 3D viewer

This is a very basic example of how you can have a file input, upload a file and have it display in the 3D viewer. This example will also clean up correctly, avoiding memory leaks that can happen while using this package with React . Using this example's component, you can easily spin up multiple different viewers at the same time and passing different files into each one, though I would be careful doing so for reasons mentioned at the bottom of this page.

See the "Basic3DViewer" component in the components folder to see how this was constructed. I've left annotated notes explaining how everything works but will add some additional comments here

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import * as OV from "online-3d-viewer";

const Basic3DViewer = ({ file }) => {
    // The viewer is attached to parentDiv.current
    const parentDiv = useRef(null);
    // However, this really attaches the canvas element to the parentDiv, we need to also keep a reference for the viewer object itself which we'll do with viewerRef
    const viewerRef = useRef(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        // If there is a file passed in that isn't null, instantiate the viewer object
        if (file) {
            // Set the location of the libraries needed to load different models to lib, which in nextjs will point to "/public/libs"
            // Initialise all the 3D viewer elements
            // Before initialising the viewer, check that there isn't already a viewer object attached to viewerRef
            if (viewerRef.current === null) {
                // This is fairly self explanatory, initialise the viewer object with reasonable defaults. See the documentation for this component to see what other options you have
                let viewer = new OV.EmbeddedViewer(parentDiv.current, {
                    camera: new OV.Camera(
                        new OV.Coord3D(-150.0, 200.0, 300.0),
                        new OV.Coord3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                        new OV.Coord3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
                    backgroundColor: new OV.RGBAColor(255, 255, 255, 255),
                    defaultColor: new OV.RGBColor(0, 100, 100),
                    edgeSettings: {
                        showEdges: false,
                        edgeThreshold: 1,
                    environmentMap: [
                    onModelLoaded: () => {
                // ! This feels stupid but unfortunately, this resizing event can persist after clean up and lead to an error, one way to avoid this happening is to just overwrite the method so that it doesn't call this.viewer
                // ! Ideally, you'd clean it up during cleanup but I just found it easier to replace and ignore this event instead
                viewer.Resize = () => {
                    console.log("I'm not resizing");

                // Here, we assign the viewer object viewerRef.current to keep hold of it for later use
                viewerRef.current = viewer;

                // I've found This method of loading the file into the viewer works most reliably
                // Create a new data transfer object, add a File interface to it's items, grab the files and assign them to file_list and then load the model into the viewer with them
                var dt = new DataTransfer();
                var file_list = dt.files;

        return () => {
            // ! We need to correctly clean up our viewer, it's listeners and related model data to ensure memory leaks don't occur
            // ! If you want to see what can happen if this isn't here, comment out this code and repeatedly spin up multiple viewers and then do a heap snapshot with chrome and you will see a massive amount of data that isn't being cleaned up by the garbage collector
            // We first check that both the viewerRef and parentDiv aren't null so we don't call a method on an object that doesn't exist
            if (viewerRef.current !== null && parentDiv.current !== null) {
                // ! I threw the kitchen sink at this to get rid of the memory leaks so some of this code is definitely redundant and there is likely a cleaner way of doing this
                // We delete the model, reset the state of the renderer and clear the viewer
                delete viewerRef.current.model;
                // Then we delete the whole viewer object
                delete viewerRef.current.viewer;
                // We grab canvas element before we delete it to ensure we lose the webgl context and it doesn't persist
                const gl = viewerRef.current.canvas.getContext("webgl2");
                // We replace the canvas element which will also replace all the event listeners which can cause the element and things associated with it to not be correctly cleaned up by the garbage collector
                const tempClone = viewerRef.current.canvas.cloneNode(true);
                // Finally, we delete the canvas element and set the viewerRef.current to null, meaning everything should be properly cleaned up
                viewerRef.current = null;
    }, [file]);

    return (
                aria-label="Canvas showing the model in the 3D Viewer"
                className="relative flex  flex-col items-center justify-center p-2 h-72 w-72 border-2 border-black rounded-sm"

export default Basic3DViewer;

You may notice that the method of loading files seems over complicated. As the viewer loads files in using a FileList, you don't need to extract the file, put it in state, then use a DataTransfer object to recreate a FileList. However, this method works better if you're holding File Interfaces in state, e.g. with Zustand, and passing them between components, as this way the original file input DOM element doesn't need to be on the page. This is useful using UI patterns like Wizards, where a user may upload a file on one step and then the app may need the file again on another step despite the fact that DOM input is gone

Example 2: Different methods to load files

There are two methods that I've used to load files into the viewer: LoadModelFromFileList and LoadModelFromInputFiles. If you need to load a file uploaded through a DOM input by the user, use LoadModelFromFileList and use the prior example. If you want to load the file from a URL, use the example below.

As with the prior example, please see the "ViewerWithUrls" component and see the annotated code.

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import * as OV from "online-3d-viewer";

const ViewerWithUrls = ({ url, loadModel }) => {
    const parentDiv = useRef(null);
    const viewerRef = useRef(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        if (url && loadModel) {
            if (viewerRef.current === null) {
                let viewer = new OV.EmbeddedViewer(parentDiv.current, {
                    camera: new OV.Camera(
                        new OV.Coord3D(-150.0, 200.0, 300.0),
                        new OV.Coord3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                        new OV.Coord3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
                    backgroundColor: new OV.RGBAColor(255, 255, 255, 255),
                    defaultColor: new OV.RGBColor(0, 100, 100),
                    edgeSettings: {
                        showEdges: false,
                        edgeThreshold: 1,
                    environmentMap: [
                    onModelLoaded: () => {
                viewer.Resize = () => {
                    console.log("I'm not resizing");

                // To load a file into the viewer using the url, we first pass a file name, OV.FileSource.Url and then the url of the model to the OV.InputFile constructor, put the newly created object in an array and save it as inputFiles
                let inputFiles = [
                    new OV.InputFile("test.stl", OV.FileSource.Url, url),

                viewerRef.current = viewer;

                // Then we just pass inputFiles into the below method and viola

        return () => {
            if (viewerRef.current !== null && parentDiv.current !== null) {
                delete viewerRef.current.model;
                delete viewerRef.current.viewer;
                const gl = viewerRef.current.canvas.getContext("webgl2");
                const tempClone = viewerRef.current.canvas.cloneNode(true);
                // viewerRef.current.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(viewerRef.current.canvas);
                // viewerRef.current.canvas.remove()
                viewerRef.current = null;
    }, [url, loadModel]);

    return (
                aria-label="Canvas showing the model in the 3D Viewer"
                className="relative flex  flex-col items-center justify-center p-2 h-72 w-72 border-2 border-black rounded-sm"

export default ViewerWithUrls;

Example 3: Using viewer methods with your own UI

Obviously, most users will likely want to use this package for more than just viewing 3D files. Unfortunately, there isn't any real documentation on how to do so and what can be done. I'll show some examples here but until there is more documentation, I'd advise you to read the code, particularly and to see what's possible

I haven't commented the code for this component, it's fairly self explanatory. To better understand why certain parameters are being passed into each function, see the source code linked above

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import * as OV from "online-3d-viewer";

const ViewerWithUI = ({ file }) => {
    const parentDiv = useRef(null);
    const viewerRef = useRef(null);
    const [volume, setVolume] = useState(null);
    const [surfaceArea, setSurfaceArea] = useState(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        if (file) {
            // initialize the viewer with the parent element and some parameters
            if (viewerRef.current === null) {
                let viewer = new OV.EmbeddedViewer(parentDiv.current, {
                    camera: new OV.Camera(
                        new OV.Coord3D(-150.0, 200.0, 300.0),
                        new OV.Coord3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                        new OV.Coord3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
                    backgroundColor: new OV.RGBAColor(255, 255, 255, 255),
                    defaultColor: new OV.RGBColor(0, 100, 100),
                    edgeSettings: {
                        showEdges: false,
                        edgeThreshold: 1,
                    environmentMap: [
                    onModelLoaded: () => {
                // ! This feels stupid but unfortunately, this resizing event can persist after clean up and lead to an error, one way to avoid this happening is to just overwrite the method so that it doesn't call this.viewer
                viewer.Resize = () => {
                    console.log("I'm not resizing");
                viewerRef.current = viewer;
                var dt = new DataTransfer();
                var file_list = dt.files;

        return () => {
            if (viewerRef.current !== null && parentDiv.current !== null) {
                delete viewerRef.current.model;
                delete viewerRef.current.viewer;
                const gl = viewerRef.current.canvas.getContext("webgl2");
                const tempClone = viewerRef.current.canvas.cloneNode(true);
                // viewerRef.current.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(viewerRef.current.canvas);
                // viewerRef.current.canvas.remove()
                viewerRef.current = null;
    }, [file]);

    const Direction = { X: 1, Y: 2, Z: 3 };

    const setUpVectorZ = () => {
        if (viewerRef.current) {
    const setUpVectorY = () => {
        if (viewerRef.current) {

    const getSurfaceArea = () => {
        if (viewerRef.current) {
            let boundingBox = viewerRef.current
                    () => viewerRef.current.GetViewer().geometry.mainObject
            const objSurfaceArea = OV.CalculateSurfaceArea(

    const getVolume = () => {
        if (viewerRef.current) {
            let boundingBox = viewerRef.current
                    () => viewerRef.current.GetViewer().geometry.mainObject
            const objVolume = OV.CalculateVolume(viewerRef.current.GetModel());

    const turnOnEdge = () => {
            .SetEdgeSettings(true, { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, 0.3);

    return (
            <div className="flex flex-row h-10 gap-2">
                    className="bg-blue-400 border-2 border-black rounded-sm p-2 py-1 cursor-pointer"
                    onClick={() => getVolume()}
                    Calculate Volume
                    className="bg-blue-400 border-2 border-black rounded-sm p-2 py-1 cursor-pointer"
                    onClick={() => getSurfaceArea()}
                    Calculate Surface Area
                    className="bg-blue-400 border-2 border-black rounded-sm p-2 py-1 cursor-pointer"
                    onClick={() => setUpVectorY()}
                    Set Vector Y
                    className="bg-blue-400 border-2 border-black rounded-sm p-2 py-1 cursor-pointer"
                    onClick={() => setUpVectorZ()}
                    Set Vector Z
                    className="bg-blue-400 border-2 border-black rounded-sm p-2 py-1 cursor-pointer"
                    onClick={() => turnOnEdge()}
                    Turn on Edge
                aria-label="Canvas showing the model in the 3D Viewer"
                className="relative flex  flex-col items-center justify-center p-2 h-72 w-72 border-2 border-black rounded-sm"
            <div className="flex flex-row h-10 gap-2">
                {volume && (
                        Volume: {volume}mm<sup>3</sup>
                {surfaceArea && (
                        Surface Area: {surfaceArea}mm<sup>2</sup>

export default ViewerWithUI;

Tips and things to avoid

  • You must wait for the component to mount with useEffect before instantiating the viewer as the viewer calls window on initialisation which is only present in the browser, not node
  • The package isn't well documented so there are two ways to figure out what functions can be used: read the source code or log the Viewer object and examine in the browser
  • Instantiating the viewer object creates a canvas DOM element that we need to hold onto with React's useRef
  • Another important thing is that you need to correctly clean up the instantiated EmbeddedViewer. You can't do this by just using something like viewerRef = null in the useEffect cleanup function as the DOM element will be cleaned up but not all the references to the model and the arrays that hold the geometry data. As such, we need to explicitly remove these. The code I have at the moment was haphazardly slapped together and likely contains redundancy, if you come up with a better solution, please let me know but it does correctly reduce the memory usage
  • Even with the above code, the JS garbage collector is not the fastest so if you're running multiple instances of the viewer, be careful to stagger them if possible, as your user's browsers may run out of memory, particularly on lower end devices
  • Even if you somehow don't manage to run out of memory, you will likely run out of WebGL contexts (see kovacsv/Online3DViewer#320) which is capped at anywhere between 8-12 depending on the device and the browser
  • If you need to pass a file around between components where the initial input may be lost, consider storing the file in state using something like Zustand