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File metadata and controls

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Compile-on-the-fly and other development tools for use when building express applications.

Middleware compiler

The middleware compiler builds your dependencies as they are requested, allowing you to run your express application as-is and not have to set up a watch task.

General Usage

var app = require('express')(),
    construx = require('construx');

app.use(construx(/* src, dest [, config] */));


src - The directory of your source files
dest - The destination directory for the compiled files
config - Optional. An object of compilers to enable


To enable a plugin, add it to the config object as follows:

    "less": {
        "module": "construx-less",
        "files": "/css/**/*.css",
        "ext": "less"

Note: above you also would have the construx-less construx plugin installed in your project

KrakenJS Usage

KrakenJS uses confit and meddleware to configure and manage middleware registration. To use construx as a krakenjs development tool, add the following to your application's middleware section in development.json

"construx": {
    "enabled": true,
    "priority": 35,
    "module": {
        "name": "construx",
        "arguments": [
                "css": {
                    "module": "construx-less",
                    "files": "/css/**/*.css"
                "copier": {
                    "module": "construx-copier",
                    "files": "**/*"

This will engage the construx middleware only for the development environment. Note that the two configured plugins are as an example and your actual plugin set will depend upon your application.

Existing plugins

Please rely upon the individual plugins' README for configuration and other requirements information.

How plugins work

A plugin usually would wrap a build step for a particular technology. E.g. construx-dustjs wraps the dustjs template compilation build step. This allows on-the-fly dust template changes to be reflected immediately during development of your application. Other examples of plugins would be CSS compilers such as Less, Sass, or Stylus.

Plugin registration

    "<plugin key>": {
        "module": "<plugin module name>",
        "files": "<filter on request path>",
        "ext": "<file extension>",
        "precompile": <Function>,
        "postcompile": <Function>
  • <plugin key> just needs to be a unique string within the other registered plugins.
  • module is the npm package name of your plugin.
  • files is a glob string which will try and match the req.path. If there is a match, the plugin middleware will be engaged
  • ext (optional) is a replacement for the requested file's extension. E.g. if a GET request comes across for /css/foo.css, and ext is set to less, the construx middleware will attempt to find a file named <files source path>/foo.less
  • precompile (optional) is a function that can run prior to the construx middleware execution for this plugin. Its signature is (context, callback). Please see description of compile context below.
  • postcompile (optional) is a function that will run post construx middleware execution for this plugin. Its signature is (context, callback). A possible use case for postcompile would be if the plugin creates any temporary files/directories during compilation that should be deleted.

Middleware process a matched request

When a req.path is matched to a plugin, construx middleware will open the matched file (using fs.readFile) and call that plugin's compiler:

compiler(raw, config, function (err, result) {

The config argument is:

    paths: dirs,
    context: context,
  • paths is an array of lookup paths based on the difference between the filesystem root of the current plugin's files and the currently requested file. E.g. if the request is for /css/foo/bar/bang.css the paths array will be: ['<root css path>/', '<root css path>/foo/', '<root css path>/foo/bar/']. Use this array in your plugin according to need.
  • context is passed through all compile steps and its initial form is:
context = {
    srcRoot: <configured src root>,
    destRoot: <configured dest root>,
    filePath: <usually just req.path>,
    name: <filePath minus file extension>,
    ext: <options.ext, if set>

Note: There are a couple possible overrides to the context object which you might want to take advantage of. See below.

  • <options> is the JSON object used to register the plugin (see #Plugin-registration above).

The plugin's compiler will do whatever transformation to the raw buffer, and issue a callback to the construx middleware with the transformed file (or an error).

context overrides

srcPath: If you want to compute the source file differently than the construx middleware, you can add srcPath to the context object (in a precompile step usually) and the construx middleware will use your value instead of its own logic skipRead: If you don't want the construx middleware to open the source file (because for example, your compiler does that instead) then set the skipRead flag to be true

Author a plugin

We have created a template for construx plugins: construx-star. The template includes the basic pattern of a plugin, preferred unit test/coverage modules, preferred npm run aliases, and license (Apache 2.0). You can create a blank github repository and import construx-star as a starting point.

  • If you are developing a plugin as a 3rd party (i.e. not as a PayPal employee), please be sure to remove the PayPal specific license block at the top of each JavaScript file.
  • Please use the naming convention construx-<wrapped compiler>

If you author and publish a construx plugin, please let us know so we can add it to our existing plugins list.