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File metadata and controls

228 lines (162 loc) · 5.81 KB

Tx structure

This document describes the data format of transactions, both signed and unsigned.

The (CBOR) serialized signed transaction can be submitted using cardano-cli transaction sumbit --tx-file ...

Transaction ::= [ // tuple
    body: TransactionBody,
    witness_set: TransactionWitnessSet,
    is_valid: bool, // assume this starts as false, and becomes true once all signatures have been collected
    auxiliary_data: AuxiliaryData | null

TransactionBody ::= { // object
    inputs: TransactionInputs, // 0
    outputs: TransactionOutputs, // 1
    fee: Coin, // 2
    ?ttl: Slot, // 3, time range end?
    ?certs: Certificates, // 4, not yet implemented
    ?withdrawals: Withdrawals, // 5, not yet implemented
    ?update: Update, // 6, probably not needed
    ?auxiliary_data_hash: AuxiliaryDataHash,
    ?validity_start_interval: Slot, // 8, time range start? neg inf if ommited?
    ?mint: Mint, // 9, same as Value map? appears yes
    ?script_data_hash: ScriptDataHash, // 11, ??
    ?collateral: TransactionInputs, // 13
    ?required_signers: RequiredSigners, // 14
    ?network_id: NetworkId, // 15
    ?collateral_return: TransactionOutput, // 16
    ?total_collateral: Coin, // 17
    ?reference_inputs: TransactionInputs // 18

TransactionWitnessSet ::= { // object
    ?vkeys: Vkeywitnesses, // 0, txinputs coming from regular payment addresses need these?
    ?native_scripts: NativeScripts, // 1, probably not needed
    ?bootstraps: BootstrapWitnesses, // 2, probably not needed
    ?plutus_v1_scripts: PlutusV1Scripts, // 3, probably not needed
    ?plutus_data: PlutusList, // 4, Datums?, so spending must come first?
    ?redeemers: Redeemers, // 5, same length as plutus_v2_scripts?
    ?plutus_v2_scripts: PlutusV2Scripts // 6

AuxiliaryData ::= 
    AuxiliaryData{ // 259
        ?metadata: GeneralTransactionMetadata, // 0
        ?native_scripts: NativeScripts, // 1
        ?plutus_v1_scripts: PlutusV1Scripts, // 2
        ?plutus_v2_scripts: PlutusV2Scripts // 3

ScriptDataHash ::= blake2b256([Redeemers | Datums | LanguageViewBytes ])

LanguageViewBytes ::= TODO

Coin ::= BigNum

Slot ::= BigNum

Epoch ::= uint32

BigNum ::= uint64 // could use bigint instead, serialization takes proper care of that

TransactionInputs ::= []TransactionInput // array

TransactionOutputs ::= []TransactionOutput // array

Certificates ::= []Certificate // array

Certificate ::= 
    StakeRegistration{stake_credential: StakeCredential} | // 0
    StakeDeregistration{stake_credential: StakeCredential} | // 1
    StakeDelegation{stake_credential: StakeCredential, pool_keyhash:  Ed25519KeyHash} | // 2
    PoolRegistration{pool_param: PoolParams} | // 3
    PoolRetirement{pool_keyhash: Ed25519KeyHash, epoch: Epoch} | // 4
    GenesisKeyDelegation{genesishash: GenesisHash, genesis_delegate_hash: GenesisDelegateHash, vrf_keyhash: VRFKeyHash} | // 5
    MoveInstantaneousRewardsCert{move_instantaneous_reward: MoveInstantaneousReward} // 6

StakeCredential ::=
    Key as Ed25519KeyHash |
    Script as ScriptHash

GenesisHash ::= TODO

GenesisDelegateHash ::= TODO

VRFKeyHash ::= Hash(32)

MoveInstantaneousReward ::= TODO

Withdrawals ::= [RewardAddress]Coin // map

RewardAddress ::= Address

Vkeywitnesses ::= []Vkeywitness

Vkeywitness ::= [
    vkey: Vkey,
    signature: Ed25519Signature

Vkey ::= PublicKey 

PublicKey ::= bytearray

Ed25519Signature ::= bytearray

NativeScripts ::= []NativeScript

NativeScript ::= // enum
    ScriptPubKey{addr_keyhash: Ed25519KeyHash} | // 0
    ScriptAll{native_scripts: NativeScripts} | // 1
    ScriptAny{native_scripts: NativeScripts} | // 2
    ScriptNOfK{n: uint32, native_scripts: NativeScripts} | // 3
    TimelockStart{slot: Slot} | // 4
    TimelockExpiry{slot: Slot} // 5

PlutusV1Scripts ::= []PlutusV1Script

PlutusV1Script ::= bytearray

PlutusV2Scripts ::= []PlutusV2Script

PlutusV2Script ::= bytearray

PlutusList ::= []PlutusData

Redeemers ::= []Redeemer

Redeemer ::= [
    tag: RedeemerTag, 
    index: BigNum,
    data: PlutusData,
    ex_units: ExUnits

RedeemerTag ::=
    Spend | // 0
    Mint | // 1
    Cert | // 2
    Reward // 3

// we already have PlutusCoreData
PlutusData ::= 
    ConstrPlutusData |
    PlutusMap |
    PlutusList |
    Integer |

ConstrPlutusData ::= 

PlutusMap ::= [PlutusData]PlutusData

Integer :: BigInt

Update ::= [ // tuple
    proposed_protocol_parameter_updates: ProposedProtocolParameterUpdates,
    epoch: Epoch

ProposedProtocolParameterUpdates ::= TODO

Mint ::= [PolicyID]MintAssets

PolicyID ::= ScriptHash

ScriptHash ::= Hash(28)

ScriptDataHash ::= Hash(32)

MintAssets :: [AssetName]Int // equivalent to multi-asset part of Value, Int is signed, so burning is allowed

Int ::= int128 // can use the integer encoding we already have

BigInt ::= bigint // can use the integer encoding we already have

NetworkId ::= uint64 (0 for testnet?, 1 for mainnet)

GeneralTransactionMetadata ::= *[TransactionMetadatumLabel]TransactionMetadatum // linked hash map

TransactionMetadatumLabel ::= TODO

TransactionMetadatum ::= TODO

TransactionInput ::= [ // tuple, equivalent to TxOutputId
    transaction_id: TransactionHash
    index: TransactionIndex

TransactionHash ::= Hash(32)

TransactionIndex ::= BigInt

// babbage-era
TransactionOutput ::= { // object
    address: Address, // 0
    amount: Value, // 1
    ?datum: DatumEnum, // 2
    ?script_ref: ScriptRef // 3

// pre-babbage-era (used by eternl wallet when possible (ie. no inline datum and no ref script)
TransactionOutput ::= [
	address: Address,
	amount: Value,
    datum: Option[Hash]

Address ::= bytearray

// ADA value and an optional multiasset
Value ::= [ // tuple or integer
    coin: Coin, 
    multiasset: MultiAsset
] | Coin

MultiAsset ::= [PolicyID]Assets

Assets ::= [AssetName]BigNum

RequiredSigners ::= Ed25519KeyHashes

Ed25519KeyHashes ::= []Ed25519KeyHash