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283 lines (193 loc) · 9.94 KB


An assertion object must conform to the following specification. Note: the "assert" module identifier is conventionally reserved for an assertion module.

  1. The assertion object must have an AssertionError constructor function.

    1. All instances of AssertionError must be instances of Error.

    2. An AssertionError must be instantiated with an options object describing the failure.

      1. Assertion options must have a message string.

      2. Assertion options must have an actual value.

      3. Assertion options must have an expected value, or string describing the expected value or range of values.

      4. Assertion options may have an operator string, that may represent any JavaScript operator or function name used to test whether the actual value met the expectation.

  2. In every assertion function, given its criterion for passing or failing,

    1. If this has a pass function property and the criterion is met, the assertion function must call pass with the given message.

    2. If this has a fail function property and the criterion is not met, the assertion function must call fail with an AssertionError object with the corresponding message, actual value, expected value description, and operator if applicable.

    3. If this does not have a fail function property and the criteron is not met, the assertion function must throw an AssertionError object with the corresponding message, actual value, expected value description, and operator if applicable.

  3. The assertion object must have a function ok(guard, message_opt).

    1. The criterion of ok is !!guard.

    2. The corresponding operator for an AssertionError is "==".

    3. The corresponding expected value for an AssertionError is true.

  4. The assertion object must have a function equal(actual, expected, message_opt)

    1. The criterion of equal is that actual == expected.

    2. The corresponding operator for an AssertionError is "==".

  5. The assertion object must have a function notEqual(actual, unexpected, message_opt)

    1. The criterion of notEqual is that actual != expected

    2. The corresponding operator for an AssertionError is "!=".

  6. The assertion object must have a function deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt)

    1. The corresponding operator for an AssertionError is "deepEqual".

    2. The criterion for deepEqual is that:

      1. If expected == actual, they are deeply equal.

      2. If the expected value is a Date, they are deeply equal only if the actual value is a Date representing the same time.

      3. If the typeof actual or expected is not "object", they are deeply equal if expected == actual.

      4. Otherwise, for all objects, including arrays, they are deeply equal only if they have the same number of owned, enumerable properties, the same property names (although not necessarily in the same order), and the respective values for each key are deeply equal.

  7. The assertion object must have a function notDeepEqual(actual, unexpected, message_opt)

    1. The corresponding operator for an AssertionError is "notDeepEqual".

    2. The criterion for notDeepEqual is that the actual and expected values do not meet the criterion of deepEqual.

  8. The assertion object must have a function strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt)

    1. The criterion of strictEqual is that expected === actual.

    2. The corresponding operator for an AssertionError is "===".

  9. The assertion object must have a function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt)

    1. The criterion of notStrictEqual is that expected !== actual.

    2. The corresponding operator for an AssertionError is "!==".

  10. The assertion object must have a function error(callback, Error_opt, message_opt) Note: in the CommonJS specification, this was named throws, however this name was not ergonomic before ECMAScript 5. Assertion objects may provide throws for backward compatibility with that specification provided that they note that it is deprecated.

    1. The criterion for error is

      1. If Error is provided, calling callback must throw an error that is an instance of the given Error.

      2. If Error is not provided, calling callback must throw an exception.

    2. The corresponding operator for an AssertionError is "throws".

    3. The corresponding actual value for an AssertionError is undefined if callback does not throw an error.

    4. The corresponding actual value for an AssertionError is the exception thrown if the callback does throw an error.

    5. The corresponding expected value for an AssertionError is the global Error if the Error argument is undefined.

    6. The corresponding expected value for an AssertionError is the given Error argument if defined.

  11. Custom assertion objects may provide additional assertion functions. Note: to use an alternate assertion object for logging, a test object must specify an Assert constructor property


  1. A test function,

    1. A test function may accept an assertion object as its first argument, indicating that the test may log results rather than fail at the first exception.

    2. A test function of length 2 must accept a completion function, indicating that the test will end when the test calls the completion function.

    3. If a test function does not have length 2, it may return a promise to complete.

      1. The completion value may be undefined.
  2. A test object,

    1. May have an Assert constructor function for providing custom assertions in the context of contained tests.

    2. All owned, enumerable properties of a test object that have names that start with "test" must be test objects or functions.


Note: by convention, the "test" module in a package is reserved for a test runner.

  1. A test runner object must have a function run(tests, log_opt)

    1. If log is undefined, run must construct a default logger object.

    2. If tests has an Assert constructor function property, run must use this function to create assertion objects.

    3. For each enumerable property of tests that starts with "test", run must execute the corresponding test, proceeding to the next test only when the previous ends.

      1. If the corresponding value is a function,

        1. Prepare: The test runner must create a logger object by calling log.section().

        2. The test runner must create an assertion object and connect its pass and fail function properties to the pass and fail properties of the constructed logger.

        3. Run: The test runner must call the test function with an assertion object and a completion function.

        4. End: If a test function does not return a promise, the test ends upon returning.

        5. If the test function returns a promise, the test ends when the promise is resolved. Note: resolution is either fulfillment or rejection.

        6. If the length of the test function is 2, the test must eventually call the completion function and must not return a promise.

          1. The test ends when the test calls the completion function.
        7. Fail: If the test function throws an exception, or if the promise returned by the test function is rejected,

          1. If that exception (or reason for rejection) is an instance of the AssertionError in the assertion object, the runner must call the fail function of log with the exception.

          2. Otherwise, the runner must call the error function of the log with the given exception or reason for rejection.

        8. Pass: If a test ends without throwing an exception or rejecting the returned promise, the runner must call the pass function of the log object with the key of the test function property.

      2. If the corresponding value is an object,

        1. run must create a new logger by calling log.section().

        2. run must call itself with the test and logger object.

    4. run must return a promise.

      1. The promise must be fulfilled when the last contained test ends.

      2. The last contained test of a test object with no properties is already ended.


  1. A logger object must have a pass function property.

  2. A logger object must have a fail function property.

  3. A logger object must have an error function property.

  4. A logger object must have a section function property that, when called, returns a new logger object.