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122 lines (94 loc) · 2.88 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (94 loc) · 2.88 KB


The test are written using async/await and:


See this post on using nock

  .reply(200, {
    _id: '123ABC',
    _rev: '946B7D1C',
    username: 'pgte',
    email: ''

Generating tests

To reduce maintenance and human error and reduce size of test files etc. we will instead generate tests baed on data:

import {
} from '../helpers'

  .generate('get', 'create')

  .generate() // generate for all templates available

You can customize the generator by passing options such as mock (either a mock function or false to disable mocking) and createApi (API factory function).

const generator = createTestsGenerator({
  name: 'repositories',
  mock: false,
  logging: true,
  async createApi(config) {
    await createAuthenticatedApi(config)

// Note: if createApi is async we have to use the async variant of generate!
await generator.asyncGenerate([
  // ... add more methods to generate tests for ;)

Test data templates

The test data templates are defined in test/templates. A typical template, such as _repositories.js returns an object like this:

const singleRepo = require('../mocks/repos/repo-single.json')

module.export = {
  apiName: 'repositories',
  methods: {
    get: {
      methodName: 'get',
      body: singleRepo,
      expected: singleRepo,
      // execute, // custom function - functionality to execute (and test)
      // createAssertion, // custom function - perform assertions on mocked response
      args: [
    create: {

    // ... more test data templates

Start with test/repos/repositories.test.js for an example using test/templates/_repositories.js test data template.

Test generator customization

Please see test/helpers folder for some initial Test gernerator infrastructure:

The functionality to be executed/tested (can be reused across most test specs)

async function execute(config = {}) {
  let {
  } = config
  return await api[methodName](...args)

The assertion(s) to apply on the result (reusable)

function createAssertion(t, config) {
  let { expect } = config
  return result => {, expect.x)

Test samples

Sample tests from bitbucket-server-nodejs can be found in test/sample and used for refeence and inspiration to set up the basic test infrastructure, for mocks etc.