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GPT-WritingPrompts: A Comparative Analysis of Character Portrayal in Short Stories

Data and code for the paper.

Getting Started


Set up python virtual environment using Python3.8 then install the following requirements.

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

  • Prerequisites
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm  # install SpaCy models for English


  1. COMeT2 for commensense attributes

    Install COMeT2 according to

  2. AllenNLP SpanBERT model for coreference resolution

    Install the AllenNLP library. (Can be replaced with a coreference resolution module of your choice.)


Download the GPT-WritingPrompts dataset from HuggingFace and store in the data/ subfolder of this repo.

Prompts and Stories

The files data/human_wp_stories.json and data/gpt_wp_stories.json are JSON-formatted files containing the human-written (from the WritingPrompts dataset) and gpt3.5-generated stories for the prompts from the training subset of the WritingPrompts dataset.

PoV information and processed stories

In the data/ folder, there are two gzipped CSV files, human_info.csv.gzip and gpt_info.csv.gzip, that contain PoV information and the protagonist-replaced (formatted for extracting protagonist attributes -- see Code subsection below) story for each human-written and machine-generated story.

Story scores

The outputs/ folder contains the computed story scores for each dimension, for each attribute extraction and attribute scoring method, for both the human-written and gpt-generated story subsets.


We primarily use lexicons to infer word-level scores along each dimension of interest. We look at the following six dimensions: valence, arousal, dominance (together VAD), power (quite similar to dominance, kept for posterity w.r.t prev work), appearance, intellect. Lexicons we use can be found in lexicon_data.

  • VAD are represented with a bipolar scale and real-valued scores between 0 and 1 (0 is lowest V/A/D, 1 is highest). We use the NRC-VAD lexicons. We only keep terms with scores >=0.67 (high scoring) and <=0.33 (low scoring), removing the neutral middle section.

  • Fast et al. (2016b) create a crowdsourced resource of terms representing various stereotypes associated with characters. This list can be found in the associated Empath library.

  • Power is a bipolar, boolean scale (0 for low power, 1 for high). High power terms are those associated with the term powerful in the Empath lexicon. Low power terms are those associated with weak in the Empath lexicon.

  • Appearance and Intellect are uni-polar indicators of association. Both intelligent and stupid are therefore scored 1 on the lexicon, because they indicate that intellect-associated terms are being used. Same for appearance.

  • Based on prior work, we take terms associated with the seed words ["intellectual", "knowledgeable","intelligent", "educated", "skillful", "strategic", "scientific"] in the Empath lexicon, and also add in close antonyms, to create the set of terms in lexicon_data/intellect.csv. (not manually validated, could be improved)

  • For appearance, we use the seed words ["beautiful","sexual"], and again add in close (measured with cosine similarity of word2vec embeddings) antonyms. Antonyms are found using wordnet.


There are several parts to the pipeline. We describe them sequentially below.

Prep work

  • Formatting the story data: We re-formatted the original training set of the WritingPrompts dataset into a json file for easier processing. This file is created using the code in data_parsing/

  • Generating GPT-3.5 stories: We prompt the GPT-3.5 model (can replace with the version of your choice) to generate 500-word stories given the initial prompt. Find our code to do this in generate_story/

  • Inferring point-of-view: We infer the point-of-view (first or second person, male/female/other third person) of each story using the SpanBERT coreference resolution model from AllenNLP. The most frequently-mentioned character entity is termed the protagonist. Code for this step is in data_parsing/

  • Replacing protagonist tokens: We next replace each protagonist-coreferent token in each story (i.e, all tokens that refer to the protagonist, inferred using the SpanBERT model) with the special protagonistA token. This makes it easy to then extract attributes associated with the protagonist. Code to do this is in data_parsing/ We provide these processed stories in the data/xx_info.csv.gzip files.

Main method

  • Extracting attributes: We now extract the protagonist-attributes that we want to score for each story. As described in the story, we use two main methods: dependency relations using SpaCy (sub), and commonsense inferece with COMeT (comet). In story_analysis/, you can find the class TextToAttrs that implements these methods.

  • Scoring attributes: We then score each attribute token along each of our dimensions of interest (quantified with the lexicons in lexicon_data) using three methods: directly look it up in the lexicon (avg), use word2vec-based cosine similarities with lexicon terms (sim), or axis projection using the lexicon terms (axis). The code for this is in the AttrsToScore class in story_analysis/ The resulting scores for our dataset are provided in outputs/story_scores.

    • We evaluate if sim or axis is better at score estimation using the VAD lexicon to create train-test splits. The code for this eval is in axis is overall better.


The outputs-results-analysis.ipynb notebook contains code to then go through these outputs and replicate the figures and tables in the paper.


Contact the authors with any questions:

  1. Kristin (Xi Yu) Huang,
  2. Krishnapriya Vishnubhotla,
  3. Frank Rudzicz,


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