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This document describes all the basics and some behind the scenes about AWS’s Lambda service. The information presented here will probably come into play if you use Lambda sooner or later, so you are advised to read through the entire article and don’t skip to parts you are interested in right now.

We will mostly use Python as our example. Other languages work similarly.

Table of content

  1. Overview
  2. What can it do
  3. How to call
  4. Configuring
  5. Cold and warm start
  6. Pricing
  7. Parallelism
  8. Layers
  9. Versioning
  10. Using containers
  11. Limits
  12. Under the hood


Lambda is a piece of program code that runs “nowhere”. You don’t need to allocate a Virtual Machine, or a container. You just upload (or type in) your code, and it can be executed whenever it is needed.

The purpose might be a lot of things: backend for an API, reacting to certain events, doing something regularly, managing other cloud assets like VMs, doing ETL, and so on.

The name “lambda” (somewhat of a misnomer) suggests that it is “stateless”, i.e. it can’t have permanent data in files or global variables, as they will (probably) not be there the next time your code is executed. You still can have permanent data, but you have to store it somewhere else.

Lambda functions are really quick. If your code is simple, you can expect a maximum of a few hundred milliseconds delay before the execution starts. It of course slows down if your function is many megabytes in size, or uses a dozen of large libraries.

Lambda functions can also be quite fat, you can do relatively large computations with them. Think of 10G RAM, 5 CPU cores, 10G disk space, and a few minutes of execution time. It might not be the most economical of choices, but an option regardless.

What can it do

Since a Lambda Function can’t store data in files or local databases, how do you even use it? What can it do?


When invoked, Lambda can take a parameter. Thus you can give Lambda a piece of data to work on. The input is an arbitrary json / dict object of any depth, obeying some not so restrictive size limitations. It can also give back a similar output. This means you can use Lambda to calculate something. This can be as simple as basic text manipulation or input validation, or as complex as a machine learning model or image processing.

Access the internet

Lambda functions have access to the internet. You can access web pages or web APIs, for the purpose of health checks or scraping.

Access your cloud assets

AWS itself is a Web Service, everything you can do with it can be done via API calls. Typically you would not do these calls yourself, but use a Python module called boto3. With boto3, you can do anything you can with the Console: you can start or stop VMs, read files from S3, access DynamoDB, etc. In fact, DynamoDB is a particularly nice place to store permanent data.

How to call

This is by far not a complete list of ways a Lambda Function gets called, but the most typical ones.


Many AWS resources emit notifications when something happens. This includes an upload to an S3 bucket, commit to a CodeCommit repo, shutdown of an EC2 instance, and so on.

You can configure EventBridge to listen to such events, and call a Lambda function when they happen.

EventBridge can also call functions on schedules, akin to “cron”.

API Gateway

API Gateway is a definition layer for REST or REST-like APIs, which can do request parsing and authentication, but will not do actual implementation, only forward the processed request to some backend. The backend is typically one or more Lambda functions.

Function URL

Functions can be published over the internet, and directly invoked by any 3rd party via HTTPS. The URL will be some ugly AWS domain, you can’t use your own domain.


There are two ways Lambda can be used together with CloudFront. Lambda can be a CloudFront Origin, provided you create a Function URL first. This is a simple alternative to API Gateway for creating APIs, in case you don’t need the extra functionality of it.

CloudFront can use Lambda functions to pre- or postprocess requests. This is called “behavior” in CloudFront lingo. When you use Lambda for this reason, your function will be kidnapped and deployed to different AWS regions behind the scenes, a process known as Lambda@Edge. There are a number of restrictions that apply for this use case, so be warned. Check them out here and here.

CLI, boto3, console

You can manually or programmatically start your functions using the AWS Lambda Invoke endpoint (documentation), which you probably don’t want. Instead, you can use

  • the AWS Console if you prefer a UI,
  • boto3 from your Python program (documentation)
  • the CLI from the command line or shell scripts (documentation)

When invoking a function, you can wait for the response, or you can trust AWS to run the function eventually, and go on with your activities without waiting. The former is called synchronous, and latter is called asynchronous.


This section describes the configuration options that are essential to understand in order to develop working and safe Lambda Functions.


All Lambda functions have a maximum runtime, after which they will be forcefully aborted. You can set it to any value up to 15 minutes. The runtime is hard capped at 15 minutes, and there is no way around it. Be aware that the default is 3 seconds, which might be not enough in your use case. It is advisable to set it to a reasonable value, so in the rare case of your function going awry or freezing, you are not paying for 15 minutes of nothing.


If your code works with any AWS resources, you will have to grant access to them. The way to do this is to set up an IAM role, and attach that role to the function. Even if you don’t want your function to work with AWS resources, typically you would grant it write access to CloudWatch Logs, because Lambda always tries to record its invokations and any potential errors.

You can use a dedicated role for the function, or you can reuse the same role for multiple functions. Please never assign an administrator role just because you are lazy.

Memory and CPU share

Crucial to understand that there is a single setting for both the memory allocated and the CPU share you are getting. The CPU share is a hard limit, and the default setting (128MB) will give you around 7% of a single CPU. Don’t be surprised if otherwise fast programs run very slow.

The CPU share scales linearly with the memory. You will have one full CPU core at approximately 1800MB. Above that, you’ll get more than one CPU cores, which will not be of any advantage for a simple Python program, but can be an advantage if you use multi-threaded libraries, or you yourself use e.g. ThreadPoolExecutor.

The memory/cpu setting greatly influences the cost of Lambda. Please check the pricing section for more information.

Temporary disk space

If you are planning to download files, unpack archives, assemble files for uploading, you might need temporary disk space. By default AWS gives you 512MB accessible at /tmp. But keep in mind that you share this space with all modules and binaries you are running, and they might put files there too. If you want to work with large files, make sure you have some extra room.

Environment variables

You don’t want to include references to AWS or external resources in your Lambda code, because if they change, you’ll need to redeploy the function. If you use any IaC, you can’t conveniently include references in the code at all, since you don’t know their names in advance. Also, you might want to create test versions of the same code, or run locally, supplying test versions of the resources. Finally, if resource references are scattered around in the code, you or other developers might not even know about them, they are hard to find.

Thus all such references should go into parameters, which are what Environment Variables are for. They indeed become environment variables in the system at runtime, so you can access them via os.environ.

Cold and warm start

When Lambda executes your function, it will not immediately unload it, but keep it around for a little while, in anticipation it will be needed again. When the environment is not loaded, and needs to be loaded, we call that “cold start”. When it is loaded already, we call the environment “warm”. This has two major implications.

One is that you might (and encouraged to) save time by doing the initialization outside the function. That code will only be executed when the environment is created, and not for all invokations. Consider the following code.

    import boto3
    bucket = boto3.resource("s3").Bucket(os.environ["bucket"])
    bucket.download_file("mydata", "/tmp/mydata")

    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        # use the file /tmp/mydata

The code outside the handler will be executed only when the environment is cold.

The other is that you need to be careful not to “litter” your environment. If you leave data in the /tmp folder, it will pile up over time. If you use global variables, their values might be retained between calls. But also keep in mind that you can’t rely on it. It can happen at any time that AWS decides to launch a new cold environment, and execute your function in it. You have to be prepared for both cases.

If cold starts are particularly troublesome in your application, you can purchase Provisioned Concurrency. With it, you pay AWS for keeping pre-warmed environments at the ready at all times.


The price is region dependent, but roughly the same in the large regions. The price of a single invokation, in US dollars, is as follows:

0.0000002 + 0.0000166667 * m * t

Where m is the sum of your memory setting and the temporary disk setting above 512MB, in gigabytes, and t is the execution time in seconds.

As an example, if your function is set to 1800MB, and runs for a 100ms, the price is

0.0000002 + 0.0000166667 * 1800 / 1024 * 0.1 = $0.0000031297

This price only applies if you do a lot of invokations, because there is a sizable free tier. The first fix term will only be billed after a million invokations per month, and the second term will be only billed for m*t above 400,000 a month. But keep in mind that the free tier is for a whole account, not per function.

A somewhat important note is that you are only billed for the invokation time, not for the startup time. This, until your startup time exceeds ten seconds, in which case you will be billed for that too. This is another good reason to move as much code to the initialization part as possible.

On top if this, you also pay for network traffic out from the AWS network to the internet. It is typically negligible, but keep in mind if you upload a large amount of data somewhere.

To calculate quickly in head, you should consider the second term, which typically dominates the cost. Estimate the average execution time, multiplied by the memory setting in gigabytes, and you get 60,000 of these for a dollar. E.g.:

Memory size: 1800MB ≈ 1.8 GB
Average execution time: 250 ms
Product: 0.45 GBs per call.

If you’ll have a million invokations a month, that will be 450,000 GBs, or 7.5 dollars, not counting the free tier. If this is your only function, almost all of it will be free, you pay only for 50,000 GBs which is under a dollar.

Note that some pages on the internet will show you in excruciating detail how to optimize the memory setting to minimize cost. This is not necessarily good advice though, because the savings are typically very small, while the user experience might matter more. Unless you are really cost constrained, or performance indifferent, you should consider responsiveness as a primary target. Going with 1800MB as the default will suffice in most circumstances, adjust only when this particular line on your bill matters.


Lambda is inherently parallel. If you invoke a function many times in rapid succession, AWS will create multiple instances of the function, and distribute invokations between them. Up to a 1000 instances can be created, although new accounts will only get 50, which will ramp up according to some automated limit increase. If you want an immediate limit increase, or even go beyond the default 1000, you should contact support.

You can restrict parallelism via Reserved Concurrency. Reserved Concurrency means you isolate a pool of your current limit (say 10 out of the 1000), and dedicate that to a function. This has two consequences: that function will never get more than the allocated number of instances, but also that number will be removed from the global pool. Using the above numbers as example, all your other functions now share 990 available slots. Reserved Concurrency is typically used to protect some backend infrastructure. For example if the function accesses some database, and the database can only handle so many connections at a time.

You should also understand that concurrency will not increase suddenly from zero to hundreds. There is a ramp up process if invokations start coming in. This might result in throttling or failures if the rise is very sharp.


Somewhat a misnomer, Layers actually are just a set of files that can be reused between different functions. You can attach these “layers” to a Lambda function, maximum of five, to combine their content with the function’s own.

You can use layers to hold Python modules, or 3rd party software, or data files. Layers can’t contain other layers.

The layers are purely an organizing tool. There is no significant difference between including all necessary files in the function itself, versus including in a layer. In particular, once a layer is added to a function, it will become part of the deployment package, and will not reflect any subsequent changes to the layer. If you change a layer’s content, you have to redeploy all functions using it. You can even delete the layer, and it won't affect the functions.

Layers will also not bypass deployment size limitations. The combined package size, layers plus lambda, must be below the limit.

Layers’ content will be placed in the /opt directory (note that Lambda runs on linux). If you include Python modules in a layer, place them in a subdirectory named python, because the Python in Lambda will look for modules in the /opt/python directory, but not in the /opt directory.


Lambda functions can be versioned, and whenever you can specify which Lambda to call, you can also specify which version to call. Versioning comes in two flavors: version numbers of aliases.

A Lambda version consists of the function code, and all the relevant configuration. These can’t be changed later, but can be deleted. You can turn the current code + configuration into a numbered version by publishing it. Publishing will automatically assign a new number, starting with 1. The code itself is not considered versioned, and doesn't have a number. Version 1 will be created when you publish a version the first time. Publishing a new version will not delete the old versions, all of them will be kept around, and will be callable.

If you want to call a version, you add a colon and the version number after your function. For example if your function is called MyFunction, MyFunction:2 would be its second published version. You can include this name in the arn as well.

Versions can be labeled. The label is a simple text, obeying some rules, but otherwise freely chosen. For example you can label a version “production” or “test”. Labeled versions can be called similarly to numbered versions, e.g. MyFunction:test. The major difference is that labels can be moved around. You can switch “test” from version 2 to 3, for example. This way, you can make a caller always call the latest tested version, whichever it is.

There is a special label, “$LATEST”, which doesn't point to any version, but the actual code. This is a pseudoversion, and can be used in situations where a version label is mandatory, but versioning is not wanted.

There is also support for “canary” deployment, which means calls will be directed toward the new release candidate in a slowly increasing rate, but in case of errors, the deployment is canceled, and the old version is fully restored.

Using containers

If you want to use 3rd party software, which requires installation, you can use Docker or OCI compatible containers. The image must be registered with ECS, and must be based on Linux. AWS provides base images which you can extend. This is an advanced topic, thus will not be covered here, but we just forward you to the documentation.


There are a number of limitations to your function size, etc, which we are not going to list here, just include the link to the documentation.

If you need larger files than you are allowed to upload, you can download them from s3 from within the function code. For example, you can download database files, machine learning models or binaries. S3 is pretty fast, you can easily download several hundred megabytes within a second or two. Of course, you would put the download code in the initialization part.

You can also pull files from the internet. Use the urllib3 Python module, as curl and wget are not available.

If you exceed the maximum runtime of 15 minutes, you'll need to look for a different solution. You can consider ECS, AWS Batch or Step Functions instead.

Under the hood

This is not a complete description, just the gist of it. More details are available in the documentation.

Lambda runs, as everything on AWS, in VMs. The VM is running Amazon Linux. The exact version depends on the chosen environment, for Python 3.9, it will be Amazon Linux 2. The actual environment is containerized, and only some essential linux tools are available. Of course, Python is also available, with some basic modules installed. All file systems are read only, except /tmp is mounted to a temporary file system, and is writable.

A Python module called awslambdaric is also installed, which implements the Lambda Runtime Interface Client (RIC). This module is set as the entry point of the container. The RIC will do a bunch of bootstrapping, and then eventually import your main file. At this point, your initialization code is executed.

After that, the RIC will poll for tasks to do. It is achieved via a locally accessible HTTP server, from which you can get the next invokation. When an invoke event happens, the RIC will read the given input, assemble some context information, and call your lambda handler.

Upon completion, the RIC will use the same HTTP interface to report success. If an exception is raised, the RIC will report failure similarly.

Then the RIC will query another invokation. This will continue in an infinite loop, until eventually AWS terminates the container.

There are some important implications of this setup.

First, you can execute basic Linux commands with for example os.system. However, not many commands are available. In particular, the yum package manager will not be available, nor git or systemd for example. The AWS CLI is also not installed, you have the boto3 module instead. Also keep in mind that Amazon Linux is in the RHEL family, so things might differ from the Debian lineage.

You can install programs from the internet, or include in the package as files, but you can only write in the /tmp directory, and you will not have other than the most common libraries. You will not be able to install libraries in /bin or other locations.

You can install Python modules with pip. You have to specify --target /tmp or a subdirectory of it. This is not the intended way of using Python modules, but it might be a nice way to install the exact right versions of modules in a real environment, and then upload them to S3 for later use in your actual Lambda Function or Layer.

The second implication is that once your code starts, Python has already done quite some setup. You are not running in a clean, fresh Python environment, you are a “plugin”. For example any operation that needs to be done early on in the application startup will be too late by the time you get a chance. Or an error reporting tool that catches unhandled exceptions will never catch anything, because the RIC will catch all exceptions.

Thirdly, you can actually do work between Lambda invokations. If you start some background process, for example using threads, or spawned processes, it will not be immediately interrupted upon returning. You can prefetch or precalculate some data, anticipating an upcoming execution. However, there are no guarantees. AWS can terminate the environment at any moment.

Feel free to experiment. The environment is yours to play with. It is well isolated, you can’t screw up anyone else’s work. You can also install the awslambdaric module in your Python to have a look, but it will not function properly outside of the AWS infrastructure, and will not even be complete on Windows, since most of its implementation is in a compiled library.

Note that you don’t have to use the AWS provided RIC. You can implement the event pumping yourself, as described here.

flowchart LR
api[Lambda Runtime API]
subgraph vm [VM]
  subgraph cont [Container]
    ep[EntryPoint] --> ric
    subgraph python [Python]
      subgraph fun []
      ric -->|import| fun
      ric -->|call| han
    subgraph linux [basic linux tools]
api <--> ric