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Using the static library interface in Corrfunc

This guide assumes that you already followed the :ref:`step_by_step_install` section of the documentation to get the package and its dependencies set up on your machine. This guide also assumes some familiarity with C coding.

This concepts in this guide are implemented in the files theory/examples/run_correlations.c and mocks/examples/run_correlations_mocks.c for simulations and mock catalogs respectively.

The basic principle of using the static libraries has the following steps:

  • Include the appropriate header to get the correct function signature (at compile time)
  • In your code, include call with clustering function with appropriate parameters
  • Compile your code with -I </path/to/Corrfunc/include> flags. If you have installed Corrfunc via pip, then use os.path.join(os.path.dirname(Corrfunc.__file__), ../include/) as the include header.
  • Link your code with the appropriate static library. Look in the examples/Makefile for the linker flags.
  • Run your code

Worked out example C code for clustering statistics in simulation boxes

Common setup code for the simulation C routines

In this code section, we will setup the arrays and the overall common inputs required by the C static libraries.

#include "io.h"

const char file[] = {"theory/tests/data/gals_Mr19.ff"};
const char fileformat[] = {"f"};
const char binfile[] = {"theory/tests/bins"};
const double boxsize=420.0;
const double pimax=40.0;
int autocorr=1;
const int nthreads=2;

double *x1=NULL, *y1=NULL, *z1=NULL, *x2=NULL, *y2=NULL, *z2=NULL;

const int64_t ND1 = read_positions(file,fileformat,sizeof(*x1),3, &x1, &y1, &z1);
x2 = x1;
y2 = y1;
z2 = z1;
const int64_t ND2 = ND1;

struct config_options options = get_config_options();
options.verbose = 1;
options.need_avg_sep = 1;
options.periodic = 1;
options.float_type = sizeof(*x1);

Calculating 2-D projected auto-correlation (theory/wp/libcountpairs_wp.a)

Corrfunc can directly compute the projected auto-correlation function, w_p(r_p). This calculation sets periodic boundary conditions. Randoms are calculated analytically based on the supplied boxsize. The projected separation, r_p is calculated in the X-Y plane while the line-of-sight separation, \pi is calculated in the Z plane. Only pairs with \pi separation less than \pi_{max} are counted.

 #include "countpairs_wp.h"

 results_countpairs_wp results;
 int status = countpairs_wp(ND1,x1,y1,z1,
                            &options, NULL);

 if(status != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
     fprintf(stderr,"Runtime error occurred while using wp static library\n");
     return status;

 double rlow=results.rupp[0];
 for(int i=1;i<results.nbin;++i) {
     fprintf(stdout,"%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%12"PRIu64" \n",

This is the generic pattern for using all of the correlation function. Look in theory/examples/run_correlations.c for details on how to use all of the available static libraries.

Worked out example C code for clustering statistics in mock catalogs

Corrfunc can calculate pair counts for mock catalogs. The input positions are expected to be Right Ascension, Declination and CZ (speed of light times redshift, in Mpc/h). Cosmology has to be specified since CZ needs to be converted into co-moving distance. If you want to calculate in arbitrary cosmology, then you have two options:

  • convert CZ into co-moving distance, and then pass the converted array while setting config_option.is_comoving_dist=1.
  • Add another cosmology in utils/cosmology_params.c in the function init_cosmology. Then, recompile the Corrfunc.mocks and pass cosmology=integer_for_newcosmology into the relevant functions.

Common setup code for the mocks C routines

In this code section, we will setup the arrays and the overall common inputs required by the C static libraries.

#include "io.h"   //for read_positions function

const char file[] = {"mocks/tests/data/Mr19_mock_northonly.rdcz.dat"};
const char fileformat[] = {"a"};     // ascii format
const char binfile[] = {"mocks/tests/bins"};
const double pimax=40.0;
int autocorr=1;
const int nthreads=2;
const int cosmology=1;  // 1->LasDamas cosmology, 2->Planck

// This computes in double-precision. Change to float for computing in float
double *ra1=NULL, *dec1=NULL, *cz1=NULL, *ra2=NULL, *dec2=NULL, *cz2=NULL;

//Read-in the data
const int64_t ND1 = read_positions(file,fileformat,sizeof(*ra1),3, &ra1, &dec1, &cz1);

ra2 = ra1;
dec2 = dec1;
cz2 = cz1;
const int64_t ND2 = ND1;

struct config_options options = get_config_options();
options.float_type = sizeof(*ra1);

Calculating 2-D pair counts (mocks/DDrppi_mocks/libcountpairs_rp_pi_mocks.a)

Here is a code snippet demonstrating how to calculate DD(r_p, \pi) for mock catalogs. The projected separation, r_p and line of sight separation, \pi are calculated using the following equations from Zehavi et al 2002:

\mathbf{s} &= \mathbf{v_1} - \mathbf{v_2}, \\
\mathbf{l} &= \frac{1}{2}\left(\mathbf{v_1} + \mathbf{v_2}\right), \\
\pi &= \left(\mathbf{s} \cdot \mathbf{l}\right)/\Vert\mathbf{l}\Vert, \\
r_p^2 &= \mathbf{s} \cdot \mathbf{s} - \pi^2

where, \mathbf{v_1} and \mathbf{v_2} are the vectors for the two points under consideration. Here is the C code for calling DDrppi_mocks:

#include "countpairs_rp_pi_mocks.h"

results_countpairs_mocks results;
int status = countpairs_mocks(ND1,ra1,dec1,cz1,
                              &options, NULL);

const double dpi = pimax/(double)results.npibin ;
const int npibin = results.npibin;
for(int i=1;i<results.nbin;i++) {
    const double logrp = LOG10(results.rupp[i]);
    for(int j=0;j<npibin;j++) {
        int index = i*(npibin+1) + j;
        fprintf(stdout,"%10"PRIu64" %20.8lf %20.8lf  %20.8lf \n",results.npairs[index],results.rpavg[index],logrp,(j+1)*dpi);

This is the generic pattern for using all of the correlation function. Look in mocks/examples/run_correlations_mocks.c for details on how to use all of the available static libraries.