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Gradient Descent

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The Gradient Descent (GD) algorithm is used solve to optimization problems of the form

\min_{x \in X} f(x)

where f is convex and (at least) once differentiable.

The updating rule for GD is described below. Let x^{(i)} denote the candidate solution vector at stage i of the algorithm.

  1. Compute the descent direction d^{(i)} using one of the methods described below.
  1. Update the candidate solution vector using:

    x^{(i+1)} = x^{(i)} - d^{(i)}

The algorithm stops when at least one of the following conditions are met:

  1. the norm of the gradient vector, \| \nabla f \|, is less than grad_err_tol;
  2. the relative change between x^{(i+1)} and x^{(i)} is less than rel_sol_change_tol;
  3. the total number of iterations exceeds iter_max.

  • gd_settings.method = 0 Vanilla GD:

    d^{(i)} = \alpha \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ]

    where \alpha, the step size (also known the learning rate), is set by par_step_size.

  • gd_settings.method = 1 GD with momentum:

    d^{(i)} = \mu \times d^{(i-1)} + \alpha \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ]

    where \mu, the momentum parameter, is set by par_momentum.

  • gd_settings.method = 2 Nesterov accelerated gradient descent (NAG)

    d^{(i)} = \mu \times d^{(i-1)} + \alpha \times \nabla f( x^{(i)} -  \mu \times d^{(i-1)})
  • gd_settings.method = 3 AdaGrad:

    d^{(i)} &= [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{v^{(i)}} + \epsilon} \\
    v^{(i)} &= v^{(i-1)} + [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ]
  • gd_settings.method = 4 RMSProp:

    d^{(i)} &= [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{v^{(i)}} + \epsilon} \\
    v^{(i)} &= \rho \times v^{(i-1)} + (1-\rho) \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ]
  • gd_settings.method = 5 AdaDelta:

    d^{(i)} &= [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot \dfrac{\sqrt{m^{(i)}} + \epsilon}{\sqrt{v^{(i)}} + \epsilon} \\
    m^{(i)} &= \rho \times m^{(i-1)} + (1-\rho) \times [ d^{(i-1)} ] \odot [ d^{(i-1)} ] \\
    v^{(i)} &= \rho \times v^{(i-1)} + (1-\rho) \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ]
  • gd_settings.method = 6 Adam (adaptive moment estimation) and AdaMax.

    m^{(i)} &= \beta_1 \times m^{(i-1)} + (1-\beta_1) \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i-1)} ) ] \\
    v^{(i)} &= \beta_2 \times v^{(i-1)} + (1-\beta_2) \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \\
    & \ \ \ \ \ \ \hat{m} = \dfrac{m^{(i)}}{1 - \beta_1^i}, \ \ \hat{v} = \dfrac{v^{(i)}}{1 - \beta_2^i}

    where m^{(0)} = \mathbf{0}, and \beta_1 and \beta_2 are set by par_adam_beta_1 and par_adam_beta_2, respectively.

    • If ada_max = false, then the descent direction is computed as

      d^{(i)} = \alpha \times \dfrac{\hat{m}}{\sqrt{\hat{v}} + \epsilon}
    • If ada_max = true, then the updating rule for v^{(i)} is no longer based on the L_2 norm; instead

      v^{(i)} = \max \left\{ \beta_2 \times v^{(i-1)}, | \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) | \right\}

      The descent direction is computed using

      d^{(i)} = \alpha \times \dfrac{\hat{m}}{ v^{(i)} + \epsilon}
  • gd_settings.method = 7 Nadam (adaptive moment estimation) and NadaMax

    m^{(i)} &= \beta_1 \times m^{(i-1)} + (1-\beta_1) \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i-1)} ) ] \\
    v^{(i)} &= \beta_2 \times v^{(i-1)} + (1-\beta_2) \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \\
    & \ \ \hat{m} = \dfrac{m^{(i)}}{1 - \beta_1^i}, \ \ \hat{v} = \dfrac{v^{(i)}}{1 - \beta_2^i}, \ \ \hat{g} = \dfrac{ \nabla_x f(x^{(i)}) }{1 - \beta_1^i}

    where m^{(0)} = \mathbf{0}, and \beta_1 and \beta_2 are set by par_adam_beta_1 and par_adam_beta_2, respectively.

    • If ada_max = false, then the descent direction is computed as

      d^{(i)} = \alpha \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot \dfrac{\beta_1 \hat{m} + (1 - \beta_1) \hat{g} }{\sqrt{\hat{v}} + \epsilon}
    • If ada_max = true, then the updating rule for v^{(i)} is no longer based on the L_2 norm; instead

      v^{(i)} = \max \left\{ \beta_2 \times v^{(i-1)}, | \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) | \right\}

      The descent direction is computed using

      d^{(i)} = \alpha \times [ \nabla_x f( x^{(i)} ) ] \odot \dfrac{\beta_1 \hat{m} + (1 - \beta_1) \hat{g} }{v^{(i)} + \epsilon}

.. doxygenfunction:: gd(ColVec_t& init_out_vals, std::function<fp_t (const ColVec_t& vals_inp, ColVec_t* grad_out, void* opt_data)> opt_objfn, void* opt_data)
   :project: optimlib

.. doxygenfunction:: gd(ColVec_t& init_out_vals, std::function<fp_t (const ColVec_t& vals_inp, ColVec_t* grad_out, void* opt_data)> opt_objfn, void* opt_data, algo_settings_t& settings)
   :project: optimlib

The basic control parameters are:

  • fp_t grad_err_tol: the error tolerance value controlling how small the L_2 norm of the gradient vector \| \nabla f \| should be before 'convergence' is declared.

  • fp_t rel_sol_change_tol: the error tolerance value controlling how small the proportional change in the solution vector should be before 'convergence' is declared.

    The relative change is computed using:

    \left\| \dfrac{x^{(i)} - x^{(i-1)}}{ |x^{(i-1)}| + \epsilon } \right\|_1

    where \epsilon is a small number added for numerical stability.

  • size_t iter_max: the maximum number of iterations/updates before the algorithm exits.

  • bool vals_bound: whether the search space of the algorithm is bounded. If true, then

    • ColVec_t lower_bounds: defines the lower bounds of the search space.
    • ColVec_t upper_bounds: defines the upper bounds of the search space.

In addition to these:

  • int print_level: Set the level of detail for printing updates on optimization progress.
    • Level 0: Nothing (default).
    • Level 1: Print the current iteration count and error values.
    • Level 2: Level 1 plus the current candidate solution values, x^{(i+1)}.
    • Level 3: Level 2 plus the direction vector, d^{(i)}, and the gradient vector, \nabla_x f(x^{(i+1)}).
    • Level 4: Level 3 plus information about the chosen gradient descent rule.

Code to run this example is given below.

.. toggle-header::
    :header: **Armadillo (Click to show/hide)**

    .. code:: cpp

        #include "optim.hpp"

        sphere_fn(const arma::vec& vals_inp, arma::vec* grad_out, void* opt_data)
            double obj_val = arma::dot(vals_inp,vals_inp);

            if (grad_out) {
                *grad_out = 2.0*vals_inp;

            return obj_val;

        int main()
            const int test_dim = 5;

            arma::vec x = arma::ones(test_dim,1); // initial values (1,1,...,1)

            bool success = optim::gd(x, sphere_fn, nullptr);

            if (success) {
                std::cout << "gd: sphere test completed successfully." << "\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << "gd: sphere test completed unsuccessfully." << "\n";

            arma::cout << "gd: solution to sphere test:\n" << x << arma::endl;

            return 0;

.. toggle-header::
    :header: **Eigen (Click to show/hide)**

    .. code:: cpp

        #include "optim.hpp"

        sphere_fn(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals_inp, Eigen::VectorXd* grad_out, void* opt_data)
            double obj_val =;

            if (grad_out) {
                *grad_out = 2.0*vals_inp;

            return obj_val;

        int main()
            const int test_dim = 5;

            Eigen::VectorXd x = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(test_dim); // initial values (1,1,...,1)

            bool success = optim::gd(x, sphere_fn, nullptr);

            if (success) {
                std::cout << "gd: sphere test completed successfully." << "\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << "gd: sphere test completed unsuccessfully." << "\n";

            std::cout << "gd: solution to sphere test:\n" << x << std::endl;

            return 0;

Code to run this example is given below.

.. toggle-header::
    :header: **Armadillo Code (Click to show/hide)**

    .. code:: cpp

        #include "optim.hpp"

        booth_fn(const arma::vec& vals_inp, arma::vec* grad_out, void* opt_data)
            double x_1 = vals_inp(0);
            double x_2 = vals_inp(1);

            double obj_val = std::pow(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0,2) + std::pow(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0,2);

            if (grad_out) {
                (*grad_out)(0) = 10*x_1 + 8*x_2   2*(- 7.0) + 4*(x_2 - 5.0);
                (*grad_out)(1) = 2*(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0)*2 + 2*(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0);

            return obj_val;

        int main()
            arma::vec x_2 = arma::zeros(2,1); // initial values (0,0)

            bool success_2 = optim::gd(x, booth_fn, nullptr);

            if (success_2) {
                std::cout << "gd: Booth test completed successfully." << "\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << "gd: Booth test completed unsuccessfully." << "\n";

            arma::cout << "gd: solution to Booth test:\n" << x_2 << arma::endl;

            return 0;

.. toggle-header::
    :header: **Eigen Code (Click to show/hide)**

    .. code:: cpp

        #include "optim.hpp"

        booth_fn(const Eigen::VectorXd& vals_inp, Eigen::VectorXd* grad_out, void* opt_data)
            double x_1 = vals_inp(0);
            double x_2 = vals_inp(1);

            double obj_val = std::pow(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0,2) + std::pow(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0,2);

            if (grad_out) {
                (*grad_out)(0) = 2*(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0) + 2*(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0)*2;
                (*grad_out)(1) = 2*(x_1 + 2*x_2 - 7.0)*2 + 2*(2*x_1 + x_2 - 5.0);

            return obj_val;

        int main()
            Eigen::VectorXd x = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(test_dim); // initial values (0,0)

            bool success_2 = optim::gd(x, booth_fn, nullptr);

            if (success_2) {
                std::cout << "gd: Booth test completed successfully." << "\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << "gd: Booth test completed unsuccessfully." << "\n";

            std::cout << "gd: solution to Booth test:\n" << x_2 << std::endl;

            return 0;