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HNC: Concepts

Part of the HNC User Guide

This section aims to give you a full understanding of what hierarchical namespaces are, and why they behave the way they do.

Table of contents

Before delving too deep into hierarchical namespaces, it’s worth considering why Kubernetes has any concept of namespaces in the first place.

Firstly and most obviously, namespaces are a way to organize your Kubernetes objects, and prevent you from having to find unique names for every object in your cluster of a given Kind. While two objects of different Kinds (for example, a Service and an Endpoint) may share the same name, no two objects of the same Kind may share the same name within a namespace. This makes it easy for Kubernetes users to use short names, such as “frontend” or “database”, without colliding with other objects on the same cluster.

More subtly but just as importantly, namespaces are the principal unit of security isolation and identity in the Kubernetes control plane. They enforce exclusivity - that is, every namespaced object may belong to only one namespace. And they allow grouping, as described above. These exclusive groups make them a natural target for sets of related resources. For example, namespaces are the default target for various policies such as Role Bindings and Network Policies, as well as extensions to Kubernetes, such as Istio policies.

Of course, it is possible to apply policies within namespaces, but this is often poorly supported by Kubernetes itself, can be error-prone, and could be confusing both to human users as well as tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem. For example, RBAC policies can target objects with individual names, but such policies are hard to maintain.

As another example, a Pod in a namespace can run as any Service Account from the same namespace, even one with privileges that far exceed what the Pod requires; administrators cannot restrict this without resorting to advanced techniques such as validating admission controllers or OPA Gatekeeper. As a result, applying different policies to different Service Accounts is a weak policy, unless those Service Accounts are also from different namespaces.

In summary, namespaces are useful constructs for organization, security and workload identity.

Since namespaces are so useful, you may find yourself creating many namespaces per cluster. However, just as objects would have been hard to manage without namespaces, you’ll find that you’ll run into many problems managing all those namespaces:

  • You might want many namespaces to have similar policies applied to them, such as to allow access by members of the same team. However, since Role Bindings operate at the level of individual namespaces, you will be forced to create such Role Bindings in each namespace individually, which can be tedious and error-prone. The same applies to other policies such as Network Policies and Limit Ranges.
  • Similarly, you might want to allow some teams to create namespaces themselves as isolation units for their own services. However, namespace creation is a privileged cluster-level operation, and you typically want to control this privilege very closely.
  • Finally, you might want to avoid having to find unique names for every namespace in the cluster.

The Hierarchical Namespace Controller addresses the first two of these problems by allowing you to organize your namespaces into trees, and allowing you to apply policies to those trees (or their subtrees), including the ability to create new namespaces within those trees.

Unfortunately, HNC cannot solve the requirement that every namespace must be uniquely named, since this is imposed by Kubernetes itself. However, in practice this is typically not as stringent a requirement as you might fear. Google’s internal container management system (Borg) has a concept similar to namespaces, and tens of thousands of teams regularly use it without any serious conflict.

Hierarchies are ideal for expressing ownership and applying default policies but they are unidimensional - a namespace may only have one parent. However, the real world is multidimensional; you might want to apply one set of policies to a namespace based on its ownership, but other (orthogonal) policies based on its environment (for example, staging vs. prod) or criticality (for example, batch vs. realtime).

Unlike hierarchies, labels can be used to implement these kinds of flexible policies, but they have drawbacks of their own:

  • Labels in Kubernetes generally have no permissions; if you have the ability to edit an object, you can apply whichever labels you like. This makes them unsuitable for policy application unless you trust all the possible editors of the relevant objects.
  • While labels are more flexible than hierarchies, labels are also much easier to get wrong. HNC helps to ensure that most namespaces have a parent and hence a healthy set of defaults, while labels can be harder to audit and verify.

If hierarchies do not suit your needs, you can use tools such as the Namespace Configuration Operator (which is based on labels) or Anthos Config Management (which supports both labels and hierarchies). You can also use tools such as OPA Gatekeeper to help ensure that labels are applied properly, or to directly express and apply policies that cannot be expressed via hierarchies.

These concepts are useful for anyone using a cluster with hierarchical namespaces.

When using HNC, every namespace may have either zero or one parent. A namespace with no parents is known as a root namespace, while all namespaces with the same parent are known as the children of that namespace. Non-root namespaces may have children of their own; there is no hard limit to the number of levels of hierarchy. The meaning of the parent-child relationship is discussed further, but can basically be thought of as one of ownership - for example, a user with RBAC permissions in a parent will generally have them in the child as well, since the parent owns the child.

The terms ancestor and descendant apply pretty much as you'd expect (such as the parent of a parent, or the child of a child). All namespaces that are descendants of a root namespace, along with the root itself, are called a tree. The set of all namespaces that descend from any namespace, along with that namespace, is called a subtree. Namespaces without children are called leaves.

Note that a leaf namespace is technically also a subtree, while a namespace that is both a root and a leaf is technically also a tree. The set of all trees in the cluster is known as the forest of namespaces.

HNC includes validating admission controllers that will stop you from creating relationship cycles - for example, two namespaces may not be each others’ parents. HNC maintains an in-memory view of all namespaces in the cluster to make this feasible.

Note: There are some rare corner cases that could result in a cycle being formed, despite the presences of the validating admission controllers. For example, two different users might make namespaces A and B parents of each other at exactly the same time; the admission controller would allow this (since neither is yet the parent of the other), leading to a cycle. Alternatively, an admin might simply accidentally disable the admission controllers. In such cases, HNC will put a critical condition on the namespaces until the cycle is resolved.

In the command line, you may set a namespace’s parent using the kubectl-hns plugin as follows: kubectl hns set <child> --parent <parent>. You can also view the subtree rooted at a namespace via the command kubectl hns tree <ns>. More detailed hierarchical information for that namespace is also available via kubectl hns describe <ns>.

Any regular namespace in a cluster may have its parent set. That is, you may create a namespace via kubectl create namespace foo, and then set its parent via kubectl hns set foo --parent bar. However, this first step always requires cluster-level privileges, which may not be widely granted in your cluster.

To solve this, HNC introduces the concept of subnamespaces, which is a namespace that is created as a child of another namespace, and whose lifecycle is bound to that of its parent. Instead of having cluster-level permissions, you only need some narrow permissions in the parent namespace. Any namespace that isn’t a subnamespace is referred to as a full namespace.

Subnamespaces have two significant differences relative to full namespaces:

  • Full namespaces can either be root namespaces or children, and can have their parents set, changed, or unset at any time. By contrast, subnamespaces are created as a child of another namespace, and this parent can never be changed.
  • Full namespaces have independent lifecycles. If the parent of a full namespace is deleted, this does not delete the child. By contrast, subnamespaces have their lifetimes tied to that of their parent: if the parent is deleted, so is the subnamespace. HNC includes features to prevent you from accidentally delete subnamespaces, or trees of subnamespaces.

In all other respects, subnamespaces and full namespaces are identical. For example, subnamespaces must have unique names within the cluster. Subnamespaces can be parents of full namespaces (and vice versa, of course) although this is probably not a great idea.

You can create a subnamespace from the command line via kubectl hns create child -n parent.

Namespaces in HNC inherit policies from their ancestors. If you are familiar with object-oriented languages such as C++ or Java, this will seem quite natural. Similarly, in many companies, you might have policies that apply to an entire organization, some that apply to only one department and some that apply only to individual teams; each of these levels inherits all the policies from the level above it. This is the model that HNC follows.

The primary way that HNC implements this policy inheritance is simply to copy them. We refer to this process as propagation. For example, a Role Binding in parent namespace team-a with a name such as team-members will be propagated to all children of team-a; that is, all children of team-a will have its own copy of the team-members Role Binding. HNC ensures that these copies will always stay in sync with the original copy, which is known as the source object. The copies are known as propagated objects.

This implies that any child namespaces, such as service-1, are not allowed to have any independent Role Binding of the same name as that of any of its ancestors; if it does, HNC will overwrite it. We are considering adding the concept of exceptions to HNC to allow policies in child namespaces to override those from parents in limited circumstances; please let us know if this would be useful to you.

By default, HNC only propagates RBAC Roles and RoleBindings. However, you can configure HNC to propagate any other Kind of object, including custom resources. For example, you might want to propagate the following Kinds of builtin objects:

  • Network Policies: Allows all workloads within a subtree to be restricted to the same ingress/egress rules (but see below for other ways to use the hierarchy).
  • Limit Ranges: Prevents any one pod in a subtree from consuming too many resources.
  • Resource Quotas: Prevents any one namespace in a subtree from consuming too many resources. However, users with the ability to create subnamespaces can effectively work around this limitation by simply creating a new child namespace with the same quota, though efforts are underway to restrict this behaviour (see below).
  • Secrets: Allows Secrets, such as credentials, to be shared across multiple namespaces. This is useful if credentials owned by a team must be shared across different microservices, or different versions of the same microservice, each of which is in its own namespace.
  • Config Maps: Allows Config Maps to be shared across microservice namespaces.

When the original object is updated or deleted, all propagated copies are also updated or deleted as quickly as possible. Similarly, if you change the parent of a namespace, any objects that no longer exist in the namespace’s ancestry will be deleted, and any new objects from that ancestry will be added.

Every propagated object in HNC is given the label. The value of this label indicates the namespace that contains the original object. The HNC admission controller will prevent you from adding or removing this label, but if you manage to add it, HNC will likely promptly delete the object (believing that the source object has been deleted), while if you manage to delete it, HNC will simply overwrite the object anyway.

While the hierarchy is defined in the HierarchicalConfiguration object, it is reflected on the namespaces themselves via HNC-managed labels.

For example, let’s say that namespace service-1 has a parent team-a and a grandparent division-x. In this case, the namespace service-1 will have the following three labels applied to it:

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

Due to their suffixes, these are known as tree labels.

Tree labels can be used in two ways. Firstly, any policy that uses namespace label selectors may use them directly - even if those policies are not themselves propagated. For example, not only can you put a Network Policy in team-a that will apply to any namespace in that subtree but you can also configure that policy to allow traffic from any namespace in that subtree by using the operator exists.

Secondly, other applications can use these namespaces to inspect the current state of the hierarchy. For example, the multitenancy working group heard a proposal for a hierarchical resource quota to limit resource usage within a subtree, not just a single namespace. Such applications could directly use the .spec.parent in the HierarchyConfiguration, but labels are typically easier to work with. For example, HNC will ensure that tree labels never express a cycle, so any labels that are present are guaranteed to be usable.

Note that in general, you cannot always trust the values of labels for policy purposes, because anyone who can edit a Kubernetes object can also apply whichever labels they like. However, HNC will overwrite any changes made to these labels, so other applications can trust these labels for policy application.

These concepts are useful for anyone who needs to administer hierarchical namespaces.

Until now, we’ve avoided mentioning how the hierarchy is actually represented in the cluster. The answer is that every namespace may contain a single object with the Kind HierarchicalConfiguration and the name hierarchy. This object is used to configure the subtree rooted at the namespace, and also to report any problems with the hierarchy. It is also the RBAC attachment point (see “Namespace administrators,” below).

The parent is defined by the .spec.parent field. The kubectl hns set --parent command simply edits this field, but you may also edit it directly in a yaml file and update it via kubectl apply -f (or via kubectl edit), if you have sufficient privileges.

The status of the config is more interesting, as it contains the following useful properties:

  • Children: A list of all children of this namespace.
  • Conditions: A list of all problems affecting this namespace (see more below).

The hierarchical configuration can easily be inspected via the kubectl hns describe <ns> command.

Any user (or service account) with the ability to create or update the hierarchical configuration of a namespace is known as an administrator of that namespace from HNC's perspective, even if they have no other permissions within that namespace. There are two ways you might typically become the administrator of a namespace:

  • You have a Cluster Role Binding that gives you the right to update configs across the cluster.
  • Someone with that permission has granted you the right to update configs in a particular namespace via a Role Binding. Since that Role Binding will be propagated to all descendants of that namespace, this typically means you will also be an administrator of all descendant namespaces.

Even if you create a root namespace (via kubectl create namespace foo), you are not an administrator of it (from HNC’s perspective) unless you also have update permissions on the hierarchical config. Conversely, being a namespace admin does not give you the right to, say, delete that namespace. However, as with all other Role Bindings, if you are an admin of a namespace, you can grant that privilege in that namespace or any of its descendants to others.

However, being the admin of a namespace does not give you free reign over that namespace’s config. For example, if you are the admin of a child namespace but not its parent, you may not change the parent of your namespace, as this would remove privileges from the admin of the parent (otherwise known as a superadmin, which in HNC's context means an admin of any ancestor namespace). Similarly, even if your namespace is a root, you may not set its parent to any namespace of which you are not currently an admin, since the namespace could then inherit sensitive information such as Secrets.

In general, to change the parent of your namespace N from A to B, you must have the following privileges:

  • You must be the admin of the highest namespace that will no longer be an ancestor of namespace N after this change, in order to confirm that you are happy to lose your privileges in namespace N.
  • You must be the admin of namespace B, in order to acknowledge that sensitive objects from B may be copied into namespace N.

A cluster administrator will typically have these privileges, and if A and B are in the same tree, the admin of their common ancestor will be able to make the change. However, if no single person exists with these privileges, you could ask the admin of the root of A to make N a root namespace, then manually grant the admin of B privileges to N, then ask that admin to make N a child of B.

As mentioned above, a condition is some kind of problem affecting a namespace or a propagated object. Conditions are reported as part of the status of the HierarchicalConfiguration object in each namespace, are summarized across the entire cluster in the status of the HNCConfiguration object, and are exposed via the hnc/namespace_conditions metric.

Every condition contains a machine-readable code, a human-readable message, and an optional list of objects that are affected by the condition. For example:

  • The CritCycle condition is used if you somehow bypass the validating webhook and create a cycle.
  • The CannotPropagate condition indicates that an object in this namespace cannot be propagated to other namespaces. This condition is displayed in the source namespace.

Any condition that begins with the Crit prefix is a critical condition, and indicates that there’s a serious problem with the namespace that prevents normal HNC operation. Namespaces with critical conditions have the following properties:

  • Object propagation is disabled. That is, new objects will not be copied in, and obsolete objects will not be removed.
  • The hierarchy within the subtree may not be modified, except to resolve the condition (eg break a cycle or replace a missing parent).

When the condition is resolved, object propagation resumes.

When the HNC restarts, there can be a short period during which spurious critical conditions may appear on namespaces as HNC restores its internal view of the cluster’s hierarchy. These are harmless and generally resolve themselves within 10-30 seconds for reasonably sized hierarchies.

In all other cases, conditions require human intervention to resolve.