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_# Huawei Cloud Controller Manager Configurations

There are 2 sets of configurations, as follows:

  • Huawei Cloud Configuration - the configuration information of Huawei Cloud.

  • Loadbalancer Configuration - global configuration of the ELB service.

Huawei Cloud Configuration

The configuration is stored in cloud-config(namespace: kube-system) secret. See create the cloud-config secret to creating secret in Kubernetes cluster.

The cloud-config structure is as follows:



After modification, CCM needs to be restarted to load the data.

The following arguments are supported:


This section provides Huawei Cloud IAM configuration and authentication information.

  • region Required. This is the Huawei Cloud region.

    Note: The region must be the same as the ECS of the Kubernetes cluster.

  • access-key Required. The access key of the Huawei Cloud.

  • secret-key Required. The secret key of the Huawei Cloud.

  • project-id Optional. The Project ID of the Huawei Cloud. See Obtaining a Project ID.

    Note: The project-id must be the same as the ECS of the Kubernetes cluster.

  • cloud Optional. The endpoint of the cloud provider. Defaults to'`.

  • auth-url Optional. The Identity authentication URL. Defaults to https://iam.{cloud}:443/v3/.


This section contains network configuration information.

  • id Optional. Specifies the VPC used by ECS of the Kubernetes cluster.

  • subnet-id Optional. Specifies the IPv4 subnet ID used by ECS of the Kubernetes cluster.

  • security-group-id Optional. A security group ID used for associating with nodes. When new nodes are added to the cluster, they will be automatically associated with the security group. Conversely, when nodes are removed, the association will be automatically removed as well.

Loadbalancer Configuration

These arguments will be applied when the annotation in the service is empty. It needs to be stored in the loadbalancer-config ConfigMap in kube-system namespace.

Since v0.26.4, the huawei-cloud-provider namespace is no longer used, and kube-system is used instead. If you created the loadbalancer-config in the huawei-cloud-provider namespace, it will still work, but we recommend that you migrate it to kube-system.

Here's an example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: kube-system
  name: loadbalancer-config
  loadBalancerOption: |-
       "lb-algorithm": "ROUND_ROBIN",
       "keep-eip": false,
       "session-affinity-flag": "on",
       "session-affinity-option": {
         "type": "SOURCE_IP",
         "persistence_timeout": 15
       "disable-create-security-group": false,
       "health-check-flag": "on",
       "health-check-option": {
         "delay": 5,
         "timeout": 15,
         "max_retries": 5

After modification, CCM needs to be restarted to load the data.

The following arguments are supported:

Load Balancer Options

  • lb-algorithm Specifies the load balancing algorithm of the backend server group.

    The value range varies depending on the protocol of the backend server group:

    ROUND_ROBIN: indicates the weighted round-robin algorithm.

    LEAST_CONNECTIONS: indicates the weighted least connections algorithm.

    SOURCE_IP: indicates the source IP hash algorithm.

    When the value is SOURCE_IP, the weights of backend servers in the server group are invalid.

  • session-affinity-flag Specifies whether to enable session affinity. Valid values are on and off, defaults to off.

  • session-affinity-option Specifies the sticky session timeout duration in minutes.

    This parameter is mandatory when the session-affinity-flag is on.

    This is a json string, such as {"type": "SOURCE_IP", "persistence_timeout": 15}.

    For details:

    • type Required. Specifies the sticky session type.

      The value range varies depending on the protocol of the backend server group:

      SOURCE_IP: Requests are distributed based on the client's IP address.

      Requests from the same IP address are sent to the same backend server.

      HTTP_COOKIE: When the client sends a request for the first time, the load balancer automatically generates a cookie and inserts the cookie into the response message.

      Subsequent requests are sent to the backend server that processes the first request.

      APP_COOKIE: When the client sends a request for the first time, the backend server that receives the request generates a cookie and inserts the cookie into the response message.

      Subsequent requests are sent to this backend server.

      When the protocol of the backend server group is TCP, only SOURCE_IP takes effect.

      When the protocol of the backend server group is HTTP, only HTTP_COOKIE or APP_COOKIE takes effect.

    • cookie_name Optional. Specifies the cookie name.

      This parameter is mandatory when the sticky session type is APP_COOKIE.

    • persistence_timeout Optional. Specifies the sticky session timeout duration in minutes.

      This parameter is invalid when type is set to APP_COOKIE.

      The value range varies depending on the protocol of the backend server group:

      When the protocol of the backend server group is TCP or UDP, the value ranges from 1 to 60.

      When the protocol of the backend server group is HTTP or HTTPS, the value ranges from 1 to 1440.

    See Adding a Backend Server Group for detailed usage.

  • keep-eip Specifies whether to retain the EIP when deleting a ELB service. Valid values are true and false, defaults to false.

  • health-check-flag Specifies whether to enable health check for a backend server group. Valid values are on and off, defaults to on.

    When health check is enabled, CCM will add a new inbound rule to one of the security groups of the backend service, allowing traffic from This rule will be removed when all LoadBalance services are removed. are internal IP addresses used by ELB to check the health of backend servers.

  • health-check-option Specifies the health check.

    This parameter is mandatory when the health-check is on.

    This is a json string, defaults to {"delay": 5, "timeout": 3, "max_retries": 3}.

    For details:

    • delay Required. Specifies the maximum time between health checks in the unit of second. The value ranges from 1 to 50. Defaults to 5.

    • max_retries Required. Specifies the maximum number of retries. The value ranges from 1 to 10. Defaults to 3.

    • timeout Required. Specifies the health check timeout duration in the unit of second. The value ranges from 1 to 50. Defaults to 3.

  • enable-transparent-client-ip Specifies whether to pass source IP addresses of the clients to backend servers. Valid values are 'true' and 'false'.

    TCP or UDP listeners of shared load balancers: The value can be true or false, and the default value is false if this annotation is not passed.

    HTTP or HTTPS listeners of shared load balancers: The value can only be true, and the default value is true if this annotation is not passed.

    All listeners of dedicated load balancers: The value can only be true, and the default value is true if this annotation is not passed.


    If this function is enabled, the load balancer communicates with backend servers using their real IP addresses. Ensure that security group rules and access control policies are correctly configured.

    If this function is enabled, a server cannot serve as both a backend server and a client.

    If this function is enabled, backend server specifications cannot be changed.

  • enable-cross-vpc Optional. Specifies whether to enable cross-VPC backend. The value can be true (enable cross-VPC backend) or false (disable cross-VPC backend). The value can only be updated to true. Only dedicated load balancer service will use this annotation.

  • l4-flavor-id Optional. Specifies the ID of a flavor at Layer 4. Only dedicated load balancer service will use this annotation.

  • l7-flavor-id Optional. Specifies the ID of a flavor at Layer 7. Only dedicated load balancer service will use this annotation.

  • disable-create-security-group Optional. Disable automatic creation of security groups for ELB health checks. Valid values are 'true' and 'false'. The default is 'false'.

  • business-name Optional. Business name or business identifier used to compose the name of the Huawei Cloud ELB instance. To prevent the creation of ELB instances with the same name in Huawei Cloud when using the same tenant account in multiple K8s clusters, which may ultimately cause CCM to malfunction. For example, business-name: order-pass, kubernetes loadbalancer service namespace/name: default/order-service, then the name of the ELB instance is: k8s_service_order-pass_default_order-service.

    Note: Changing this will create new ELB instances, the old ELB instances will not be deleted and no longer maintained.

  • primary-nic Optional. If you want to use the node's primary network card as the back-end service of ELB, please configure force, otherwise use HostIP of pod.