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File metadata and controls

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Release Process


The release process consists of three phases: versioning, building and publishing

Versioning involves maintaining the following files:

  • Makefile - the Makefile contains a IMAGE_VERSION variable that defines the version of the project.
  • secrets-store-csi-driver.yaml - the Linux driver deployment yaml that contains the latest release tag image of the project.
  • secrets-store-csi-driver-windows.yaml - the Windows driver deployment yaml that contains the latest release tag image of the project.
  • deploy/ dir that contains all the secrets-store-csi-driver resources to be deployed to the cluster including the latest release tag image of the project.
  • .github/workflows/e2e.yaml file contains the default image tag released in staging and is used for e2e testing before releasing production images.

The steps below explain how to update these files. In addition, the repository should be tagged with the semantic version identifying the release.

Building involves obtaining a copy of the repository and triggering an automatic build as part of the prow job.

Publishing involves creating a release tag and creating a new Release on GitHub.

NOTE: These steps require your git remote to be configured so that origin is your fork and upstream is

NOTE: On OSX you must have the gnu version of sed in your path: brew install gnu-sed.


  1. Make sure that the docs include all necessary information included in the release (example tag compare).

  2. Create a new release branch release-X.X using the UI (to avoid git push'ing directly to the repo).

  3. Wait for the new branch to receive branch protection.

  4. Update the version to the semantic version of the new release (Makefile and docker/Makefile) similar to this

  5. Commit the changes and push to remote repository to create a pull request to the release-X.X branch

    git checkout -b bump-version-<NEW_VERSION>
    git commit -m "chore: bump version to <NEW_VERSION> in <RELEASE_BRANCH>"
    git push <YOUR FORK>
  6. Once the PR is merged to release-X.X, the prow job is triggered to build and push the new version to staging repo (

  7. After images are available in staging registry, head over to github actions and select e2e_mock_provider_tests workflow. Click Run workflow and provide required inputs. This will run e2e tests against the staging images. Make sure this job is successful before proceeding to the next step.

    gh workflow run e2e_mock_provider_tests -f imageVersion=<NEW_VERSION>
  8. Once the e2e tests on staging images completes, follow the instructions to promote the image to production repo

    • Within the Prow job "Artifacts" tab there is a file artifacts/build.log which will include the Cloud Build URL:
    Created [<number>].
    • Run generate script to append the new image to promoter manifest >
    • Preview the changes
    git diff
    • Commit the changes and push to remote repository to create a pull request
  9. Once the image promoter PR is merged, the image will be promoted to prod repo (

Building and releasing

  1. Modify the Makefiles to include the changes from the Version section above.

  2. Execute the promote-staging-manifest target to generate patch and promote staging manifest to release

    make promote-staging-manifest NEWVERSION=0.0.12 CURRENTVERSION=0.0.11
  3. Preview the changes

    git diff
  4. Commit the changes and push to remote repository to create a pull request

    git checkout -b release-<NEWVERSION> # i.e. release-0.3.0
    git commit -a -s -m "release: update manifests and helm chart for <NEWVERSION>"
    git push <YOUR FORK>
  5. Create a cherry pick of the commit to the release-X.X branch:

    export GITHUB_USER=<user name>
    hack/ upstream/<release branch> <pr number>
  6. Once the PR is merged to release-X.X we are ready to tag release-X.X with release version. This should be done by creating the release in the GitHub UI.


  1. Create a draft release in GitHub and associate it with the tag that was just created
  2. Collect release notes (example tag compare)
  3. Write the release notes similar to this and upload all the artifacts from the deploy/ dir
  4. Publish release