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Implement maxUnavailable for StatefulSets

Implement maxUnavailable in StatefulSet

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The purpose of this enhancement is to implement maxUnavailable for StatefulSet during RollingUpdate. When a StatefulSet’s .spec.updateStrategy.type is set to RollingUpdate, the StatefulSet controller will delete and recreate each Pod in the StatefulSet. The updating of each Pod currently happens one at a time. With support for maxUnavailable, the updating will proceed maxUnavailable number of pods at a time.


Consider the following scenarios:-

  1. My containers publish metrics to a time series system. If I am using a Deployment, each rolling update creates a new pod name and hence the metrics published by this new pod starts a new time series which makes tracking metrics for the application difficult. While this could be mitigated, it requires some tricks on the time series collection side. It would be so much better, If we could use a StatefulSet object so my object names doesnt change and hence all metrics goes to a single time series. This will be easier if StatefulSet is at feature parity with Deployments.
  2. My Container does some initial startup tasks like loading up cache or something that takes a lot of time. If we used StatefulSet, we can only go one pod at a time which would result in a slow rolling update. If StatefulSet supported maxUnavailable with value greater than 1, it would allow for a faster rollout since a total of maxUnavailable number of pods could be loading up the cache at the same time.
  3. My Stateful clustered application, has followers and leaders, with followers being many more than 1. My application can tolerate many followers going down at the same time. I want to be able to do faster rollouts by bringing down 2 or more followers at the same time. This is only possible if StatefulSet supports maxUnavailable in Rolling Updates.
  4. Sometimes I just want easier tracking of revisions of a rolling update. Deployment does it through ReplicaSets and has its own nuances. Understanding that requires diving into the complicacy of hashing and how ReplicaSets are named. Over and above that, there are some issues with hash collisions which further complicate the situation(I know they were solved). StatefulSet introduced ControllerRevisions in 1.7 which are much easier to think and reason about. They are used by DaemonSet and StatefulSet for tracking revisions. It would be so much nicer if all the use cases of Deployments can be met in StatefulSet's and additionally we could track the revisions by ControllerRevisions. Another way of saying this is, all my Deployment use cases are easily met by StatefulSet, and additionally I can enjoy easier revision tracking only if StatefulSet supported maxUnavailable.

With this feature in place, when using StatefulSet with maxUnavailable >1, the user is making a conscious choice that more than one pod going down at the same time during rolling update, would not cause issues with their Stateful Application which have per pod state and identity. Other Stateful Applications which cannot tolerate more than one pod going down, will resort to the current behavior of one pod at a time Rolling Updates.


StatefulSet RollingUpdate strategy will contain an additional parameter called maxUnavailable to control how many Pods will be brought down at a time, during Rolling Update.




User Stories

Story 1

As a User of Kubernetes, I should be able to update my StatefulSet, more than one Pod at a time, in a RollingUpdate manner, if my Stateful app can tolerate more than one pod being down, thus allowing my update to finish much faster.

Implementation Details

API Changes

Following changes will be made to the Rolling Update Strategy for StatefulSet.

// RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy is used to communicate parameter for RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType.
type RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy struct {
        // Partition indicates the ordinal at which the StatefulSet should be
        // partitioned.
        // Default value is 0.
        // +optional
        Partition *int32 `json:"partition,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=partition"`

	// The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update.
        // Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of desired pods (ex: 10%).
        // Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding down.
        // Defaults to 1.
        // +optional
        MaxUnavailable *intstr.IntOrString `json:"maxUnavailable,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=maxUnavailable"`
  • By Default, if maxUnavailable is not specified, its value will be assumed to be 1 and StatefulSets will follow their old behavior. This will also help while upgrading from a release which doesnt support maxUnavailable to a release which supports this field.

  • If maxUnavailable is specified, it cannot be greater than total number of replicas.

  • If maxUnavailable is specified and partition is also specified, MaxUnavailable cannot be greater than replicas-partition

  • If a partition is specified, maxUnavailable will only apply to all the pods which are staged by the partition. Which means all Pods with an ordinal that is greater than or equal to the partition will be updated when the StatefulSet’s .spec.template is updated. Lets say total replicas is 5 and partition is set to 2 and maxUnavailable is set to 2. If the image is changed in this scenario, following are the possible behavior choices we have:-

    1. Pods with ordinal 4 and 3 will start Terminating at the same time(because of maxUnavailable). Once they are both running and ready, pods with ordinal 2 will start Terminating. Pods with ordinal 0 and 1 will remain untouched due the partition. In this choice, the number of pods terminating is not always maxUnavailable, but sometimes less than that. For e.g. if pod with ordinal 3 is running and ready but 4 is not, we still wait for 4 to be running and ready before moving on to 2. This implementation avoids out of order Terminations of pods.

    2. Pods with ordinal 4 and 3 will start Terminating at the same time(because of maxUnavailable). When any of 4 or 3 are running and ready, pods with ordinal 2 will start Terminating. This could violate ordering guarantees, since if 3 is running and ready, then both 4 and 2 are terminating at the same time out of order. If 4 is running and ready, then both 3 and 2 are Terminating at the same time and no ordering guarantees are violated. This implementation, guarantees, that always there are maxUnavailable number of Pods Terminating except the last batch.

    3. Pod with ordinal 4 and 3 will start Terminating at the same time(because of maxUnavailable). When 4 is running and ready, 2 will start Terminating. At this time both 2 and 3 are terminating. If 3 is running and ready before 4, 2 wont start Terminating to preserve ordering semantics. So at this time, only 1 is unavailable although we requested 2.

    4. Introduce a field in Rolling Update, which decides whether we want maxUnavailable with ordering or without ordering guarantees. Depending on what the user wants, this Choice can either choose behavior 1 or 3 if ordering guarantees are needed or choose behavior 2 if they dont care. To simplify this further PodManagementPolicy today supports OrderedReady or Parallel. The Parallel mode only supports scale up and tear down of StatefulSets and currently doesnt apply to Rolling Updates. So instead of coming up with a new field, we could use the PodManagementPolicy to choose the behavior the User wants.

      1. PMP=Parallel will now apply to RollingUpdate. This will choose behavior described in 2 above. This means always maxUnavailable number of Pods are terminating at the same time except in the last case and no ordering guarantees are provided.
      2. PMP=OrderedReady with maxUnavailable can choose one of behavior 1 or 3.

NOTE: The goal is faster updates of an application. In some cases , people would need both ordering and faster updates. In other cases they just need faster updates and they dont care about ordering as long as they get identity.

Choice 1 is simpler to reason about. It does not always have maxUnavailable number of Pods in Terminating state. It does not guarantee ordering within the batch of maxUnavailable Pods. The maximum difference in the ordinals which are Terminating out of Order, cannot be more than maxUnavailable.

Choice 2 always offers maxUnavailable number of Pods in Terminating state. This can sometime lead to pods terminating out of order. This will always lead to the fastest rollouts. The maximum difference in the ordinals which are Terminating out of Order, can be more than maxUnavailable.

Choice 3 always guarantees than no two pods are ever Terminating out of order. It sometimes does that, at the cost of not being able to Terminate maxUnavailable pods. The implementationg for this might be complicated.

Choice 4 provides a choice to the users and hence takes the guessing out of the picture on what they will expect. Implementing Choice 4 using PMP would be the easiest.

Recommended Choice

I recommend Choice 4, using PMP=Parallel for the first Alpha Phase. This would give the users fast rollouts without having them to second guess what the behavior should be. This choice also allows for easily extending the behavior with PMP=OrderedReady in future to choose either behavior 1 or 3.


TBD: Will be updated after we have agreed on the semantics being discussed above.

	 // we compute the minimum ordinal of the target sequence for a destructive update based on the strategy.
        updateMin := 0
	maxUnavailable := 1
        if set.Spec.UpdateStrategy.RollingUpdate != nil {
                updateMin = int(*set.Spec.UpdateStrategy.RollingUpdate.Partition)

		maxUnavailable, err = intstrutil.GetValueFromIntOrPercent(intstrutil.ValueOrDefault(set.Spec.UpdateStrategy.RollingUpdate.MaxUnavailable, intstrutil.FromInt(1)), int(replicaCount), false)
		if err != nil {
			return &status, err

	var unavailablePods []string
	// we terminate the Pod with the largest ordinal that does not match the update revision.
	for target := len(replicas) - 1; target >= updateMin; target-- {

		// delete the Pod if it is not already terminating and does not match the update revision.
		if getPodRevision(replicas[target]) != updateRevision.Name && !isTerminating(replicas[target]) {
			klog.V(2).Infof("StatefulSet %s/%s terminating Pod %s for update",
			if err := ssc.podControl.DeleteStatefulPod(set, replicas[target]); err != nil {
				return &status, err

			// After deleting a Pod, dont Return From Here Yet.
			// We might have maxUnavailable greater than 1

		// wait for unhealthy Pods on update
		if !isHealthy(replicas[target]) {
			// If this Pod is unhealthy regardless of revision, count it in 
			// unavailable pods
			unavailablePods = append(unavailablePods, replicas[target].Name)
				"StatefulSet %s/%s is waiting for Pod %s to update",
		// If at anytime, total number of unavailable Pods exceeds maxUnavailable,
		// we stop deleting more Pods for Update
		if len(unavailablePods) >= maxUnavailable {
				"StatefulSet %s/%s is waiting for unavailable Pods %v to update, max Allowed to Update Simultaneously %v",
			return &status, nil


Risks and Mitigations

We are proposing a new field called maxUnavailable whose default value will be 1. In this mode, StatefulSet will behave exactly like its current behavior. Its possible we introduce a bug in the implementation. The mitigation currently is that is disabled by default in Alpha phase for people to try out and give feedback. In Beta phase when its enabled by default, people will only see issues or bugs when maxUnavailable is set to something greater than 1. Since people have tried this feature in Alpha, we would have time to fix issues.


  • Upgrades When upgrading from a release without this feature, to a release with maxUnavailable, we will set maxUnavailable to 1. This would give users the same default behavior they have to come to expect of in previous releases
  • Downgrades When downgrading from a release with this feature, to a release without maxUnavailable, there are two cases -- if maxUnavailable is greater than 1 -- in this case user can see unexpected behavior(Find out what is the recommendation here(Warning, disable upgrade, drop field, etc? ) -- if maxUnavailable is less than equal to 1 -- in this case user wont see any difference in behavior


  • maxUnavailable =1, Same behavior as today with PodManagementPolicy as OrderedReady or Parallel
  • Each of these Tests can be run in PodManagementPolicy = OrderedReady or Parallel and the Update should happen at most maxUnavailable Pods at a time in ordered or parallel fashion respectively.
  • maxUnavailable greater than 1 without partition
  • maxUnavailable greater than replicas without partition
  • maxUnavailable greater than 1 with partition and staged pods less then maxUnavailable
  • maxUnavailable greater than 1 with partition and staged pods same as maxUnavailable
  • maxUnavailable greater than 1 with partition and staged pods greater than maxUnavailable
  • maxUnavailable greater than 1 with partition and maxUnavailable greater than replicas

Graduation Criteria

  • Alpha: Initial support for maxUnavailable in StatefulSets added. Disabled by default.
  • Beta: Enabled by default with default value of 1.

Implementation History

  • KEP Started on 1/1/2019
  • Implementation PR and UT by 8/30




  • Users who need StatefulSets stable identity and are ok with getting a slow rolling update will continue to use StatefulSets. Users who are not ok with a slow rolling update, will continue to use Deployments with workarounds for the scenarios mentioned in the Motivations section.
  • Another alternative would be to use OnDelete and deploy your own Custom Controller on top of StatefulSet Pods. There you can implement your own logic for deleting more than one pods in a specific order. This requires more work on the user but give them ultimate flexibility.