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Azure Subscription and Codespaces Setup

  • We use Azure Managed Identity and Codespaces Secrets for credentials

Work in Progress

Login to Azure

  • Login to Azure using az login --use-device-code
    • If you have more than one Azure subscription, select the correct subscription

      # verify your account
      az account show
      # list your Azure accounts
      az account list -o table
      # set your Azure subscription
      az account set -s mySubNameOrId
      # verify your account
      az account show


  • In order to use Azure Arc, HTTPS, or DNS, you must configure your Azure subscription and Codespaces Secrets

Shared Personal Access Token

Codespaces PATs expire after 8 hours

Create a long-lived PAT

  • Create a shared GitHub Personal Access Token
    • Grant Repos and Packages permission
    • Grant SSO permission as needed
    • You can use an existing PAT with proper permissions
  • Create a Codespaces Secret for the GitHub PAT
gh secret set PIB_PAT -u --body "YourSharedPAT"

# list secrets
gh secret list -u

Create Resource Group

  • We use tld for our resource group
    • The RG may contain
      • Managed Identity
      • Platform Key Vault
      • DNS Service
# change if desired
export rg=tld
az group create -g $rg -l westus3

# add RG secret
gh secret set PIB_DNS_RG -u --body $rg

# list secrets
gh secret list -u

Create Managed identity

  • Required for Azure access from the dev/test clusters
# Managed Identity name
export mi=pib_mi

# create MI
az identity create --name $mi --resource-group $rg --query id -o tsv

# add CS secret
gh secret set PIB_MI -u --body $(az identity list -g tld --query "[].id" -o tsv)

# list secrets
gh secret list -u

Create Shared SSH Key

  • This will allow multiple users to access the clusters from the same branch
    • The flt CLI uses SSH to connect to the dev/test clusters
  • .devcontainer/ will decrypt and save the SSH from Codespaces Secrets when a new Codespace is created
# create (or copy) SSH key
# do not overwrite existing key
# leave passphrase blank
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -f $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa

# add ssh key to Codespaces Secrets
gh secret set ID_RSA -u --body $(cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa | base64 | tr -d '\n')
gh secret set ID_RSA_PUB -u --body $(cat $HOME/.ssh/ | base64 | tr -d '\n')

# list GitHub Secrets
gh secret list -u

Create Azure Key Vault

  • Create Azure Key Vault from the Azure Portal
  • Grant Managed Identity permissions to the Key Vault
# change to your key vault name
export kv=pib_kv

# set Key Vault secret
gh secret set PIB_KEYVAULT -u --body $kv

# list secrets
gh secret list -u

Create DNS Zone

  • required for HTTPS
  • Purchase a domain from the Azure Portal (or bring your own)
  • Create a DNS Zone using PIB_DNS_RG from above
  • Grant the Managed Identity access to the DNS Zone
# change to your domain

# add SSL secret
gh secret set PIB_SSL -u --body $ssl

# list secrets
gh secret list -u

Create Service Principal

  • optional
  • allows login with flt az login using the SP credentials
  • Grant SP access to Key Vault if setup
# create SP
id=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac \
        --name pib_sp \
        --role owner \
        --scopes /subscriptions/$(az account show --output tsv --query id) \
        --output tsv \
        --query appId)

key=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac \
        --name pib_sp \
        --role owner \
        --scopes /subscriptions/$(az account show --output tsv --query id) \
        --output tsv \
        --query password)

# add Azure SP login secrets
gh secret set AZ_TENANT -u --body $(az account show  --output tsv --query tenantId)
gh secret set AZ_SP_ID -u --body $id
gh secret set AZ_SP_KEY -u --body $key

# list secrets
gh secret list -u